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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Haha feel free to shoot me a msg anrodr if you'd still like some assistance. More than happy to help and then you can hear those cuss words live


As soon as I get some guaranteed game-time that's longer than an hour I'll send you a message. No point in starting MP for 45min .... the life of a gaming dad is hard -_- 



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As soon as I get some guaranteed game-time that's longer than an hour I'll send you a message. No point in starting MP for 45min .... the life of a gaming dad is hard -_-



No worries. Just let me know whenever I'm online. As long as I'm not currently boosting something like we were last weekend, I'm more than happy to help.


So how is everyone else doing this month? I know Salt has Knack and started but haven't much. CJ thinks he's going to finish dark cloud. Anrodr is working hard at Armello. How about Epic and HCG?

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Working hard ..... at a max of 1hr a day ... if that  :blink:


Very curious about Dark Cloud, played that game way back when and remember it to be very good!

Yes it is quite good, I am about 4 hours ( so around 25 % or so I'm guessing ) in and almost finished clearing the dungeons. Each dungeon level is randomly generated so if you leave midway through to get supplies then it's completely different when you return. Combat system is fun, if a little repetitive. There is also a rather unexpected village builder element. I have no idea how the graphics were in the original game but they looked surprisingly good in this version. Would recommend having a go if you never tried it.

Also some fantastic dance scenes so be prepared to get up and boogie

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Managed to get some more trophies yesterday in Armello, but the trophy for getting 13 or more rot still eludes me  :(


It's a great game and the plat will be mine ... eventually ... 


Not looking forward to next month though. Looked at some reviews, but surgeon simulator just doesn't float my boat. Still in doubt if I will purchase it, may forfait that month and just play the games I like  :D

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How's Knack going Salty, some easy points if you finish.


Do i get bonus points for helping salty (assuming that he picked one of my collectibles using the friend function in knack)

lol That's hilarious. I want them too then...

Almost had the "Cry me a river" trophy in a MP with Cooch, but I blew it last minute by wanting to be too fast aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhh  :facepalm:

Almost had it. Always next time lol

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So finally returned to Dark Cloud last night after suffering some frustration from it for awhile.


There are so many things this game doesn't really explain which makes it way more time consuming than it needs to be. The levelling weapon system is confusing, the " limited level dungeons " while a good idea seem poorly placed in relation to character level etc. The difficulty is also all over the place with major ramp ups on certain dungeons which basically require you to keep replaying it till you get the lucky drop.

Perhaps the most bizarre thing so far is the boss fight at the end of the first section ( Basement lvl 14). He is incredibly strong (apparently one of the toughest in the whole game ) and you can't actually see him most of the time because he is flying above you out of camera angle. Perhaps I just haven't played enough off screen boss fight games yet.


That being said I am actually enjoying it somewhat now I have figured a few things out. Will really have to put in some time over this week to get the platinum but I'm still hopeful.

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So finally returned to Dark Cloud last night after suffering some frustration from it for awhile.


There are so many things this game doesn't really explain which makes it way more time consuming than it needs to be. The levelling weapon system is confusing, the " limited level dungeons " while a good idea seem poorly placed in relation to character level etc. The difficulty is also all over the place with major ramp ups on certain dungeons which basically require you to keep replaying it till you get the lucky drop.

Perhaps the most bizarre thing so far is the boss fight at the end of the first section ( Basement lvl 14). He is incredibly strong (apparently one of the toughest in the whole game ) and you can't actually see him most of the time because he is flying above you out of camera angle. Perhaps I just haven't played enough off screen boss fight games yet.


That being said I am actually enjoying it somewhat now I have figured a few things out. Will really have to put in some time over this week to get the platinum but I'm still hopeful.


Yhe i should get to starting this game as well now. Only got 4 more days to play it. I'll just start it tomorrow :D

Edited by HcG Clawz
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We have till end of month right ? :)

My advice would be to build the village as soon as you get the pieces. I didn't bother till the last basement floor and it made it way harder farming the stuff instead of just buying it at the shop. Definitely wasted couple hours there

Yhe most people do but I'm going on a snowboarding vacation for a week so I only have till the 26th :P Edited by HcG Clawz
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Just checking out the trophy guide, top 50 time and my opponent for next month. Looks like it takes 30 hours to plat Hardware rivals which isn't to bad. Top 50 time is 2 days 3 hours so that's just out of the question unless I'm some sort of wrecking machine....which if I go by twisted metal...I'm not. Opponent is HCG...well atleast I know I'll get the 6 points for beating it first :P lol Very rare plat


Alien Isolation is 25 hours according to trophy guide with top 50 time of 3 days and 4 hours. Very Rare plat


Shovel knight is 20 hours according to trophy guide with a top 50 time of 2 weeks and 6 days. Very Rare plat


Surgeon Simulator is 25 hours according to the trophy guide with a top 50 time of 2 weeks 3 days. Ultra Rare Plat


Looks like a month where everyone can easily finish their game.

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Just checking out the trophy guide, top 50 time and my opponent for next month. Looks like it takes 30 hours to plat Hardware rivals which isn't to bad. Top 50 time is 2 days 3 hours so that's just out of the question unless I'm some sort of wrecking machine....which if I go by twisted metal...I'm not. Opponent is HCG...well atleast I know I'll get the 6 points for beating it first :P lol Very rare plat


Alien Isolation is 25 hours according to trophy guide with top 50 time of 3 days and 4 hours. Very Rare plat


Shovel knight is 20 hours according to trophy guide with a top 50 time of 2 weeks and 6 days. Very Rare plat


Surgeon Simulator is 25 hours according to the trophy guide with a top 50 time of 2 weeks 3 days. Ultra Rare Plat


Looks like a month where everyone can easily finish their game.


Lol yhea being the first to plat is probably going to be inpossible for me especially if you start in the beginning of the month :P

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