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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Points for last month will be up tommorow (sorry for the delay been really busy). And it's already March 6!!! This year is flying!, so March 10 next months games will be up.

Hope everyone is enjoying the comp so far :)

Is it possible for you to post a breakdown of how all the points were accumulated? Like Couch:

# points for likes

# points for posts

# points for plat


yada yada yada



I started Hardware Rivals yesterday evening and not sure how I feel at this point. The trophies came flying at me however, the grind to 1000 kills will take some time. The controls is the hardest part for me to get used to. It's either use both analog sticks to drive which I'm not a fan of, or use the trigger buttons and then aiming with the two sticks which is a little awkward as well.  Other than that, its very similar to the twisted metal series without the ability to do specials

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I started Hardware Rivals yesterday evening and not sure how I feel at this point. The trophies came flying at me however, the grind to 1000 kills will take some time. The controls is the hardest part for me to get used to. It's either use both analog sticks to drive which I'm not a fan of, or use the trigger buttons and then aiming with the two sticks which is a little awkward as well.  Other than that, its very similar to the twisted metal series without the ability to do specials

1000 kills is a big grind, takes the game to a 20 hour + plat. Game is pretty average too, especially with 4 maps. 


Have yet to start ShovelKnight, haven't even been able to play much over the weekend due to assignment work, and what time I have for games has gone towards towo betas - Uncharted and Hitman.

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I also started the game. Im really enjoying it, really fun game especially when you play with a few friends. Currently at 400 kills (and a 3 KD :ninja:). Not really sure if im good or the other people are just really bad.. Anyway shouldn't take to much time i believe

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I also started the game. Im really enjoying it, really fun game especially when you play with a few friends. Currently at 400 kills (and a 3 KD :ninja:). Not really sure if im good or the other people are just really bad.. Anyway shouldn't take to much time i believe

I'm rocking a .97 so sounds like you're really good. I think some of these may need to be boosted because I suck something terrible at getting kills while the engine/guns are off. I think I have 1 each at the moment. Still having issues finding the specialist weapons on the maps as well. For them being random, it sure seems like people know exactly where they are every time.

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I'm rocking a .97 so sounds like you're really good. I think some of these may need to be boosted because I suck something terrible at getting kills while the engine/guns are off. I think I have 1 each at the moment. Still having issues finding the specialist weapons on the maps as well. For them being random, it sure seems like people know exactly where they are every time.

Most of them will come naturally while going for the 1000 kills. If there still are some things you need after you got the 1000 kills and 50 wins trophy i can help you. Although you can't boost in a private game anymore so best would probably be in Deathmatch.

As for the specialist weapons. Each maps has 3/4 spots where they will randomly go to ( except for the new map which will always be in the ship and you have to capture it). I pretty much know almost all the spots where they are coming to. You'll figure it out after playing for a while.

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YES I DID IT!! Finally on time for a chance :P Just got the plat for Hardware Rivals, had quite some fun playing this game. Even played against another PSNP user (akirathefox) through random matchmaking. But the matchmaking for this game is really bad though, its even worse than CoD matchmaking. Also made it to the top 50 fastest 100% on Rank 13 with a time of 1 day and 11 hours. (extra bonus points  :lol:)


Also ordered Farcry Primal and Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo and i also want to get the plat in Dark Cloud so i got enought stuff to do throughout the month.

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YES I DID IT!! Finally on time for a chance :P Just got the plat for Hardware Rivals, had quite some fun playing this game. Even played against another PSNP user (akirathefox) through random matchmaking. But the matchmaking for this game is really bad though, its even worse than CoD matchmaking. Also made it to the top 50 fastest 100% on Rank 13 with a time of 1 day and 11 hours. (extra bonus points  :lol:)


Also ordered Farcry Primal and Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo and i also want to get the plat in Dark Cloud so i got enought stuff to do throughout the month.

Holy crap dude. Congrats.....you freaking flew through that game.

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Thanks, yhea i was liking the game and also had the time to get it done this fast :D

So what game mode allowed you to pick up the kills so fast? I've only played TDM so far and up to 165 kills ( 50 a day keeps the doc..)


I've made a good amount of progress in the game last night. Picked up all the special weapons, got quite a few EMP kills, finally was offered challenges to beat during a match and picked up the three and got all the secondary weapon kills. I had about 6 different attempts on the rail gun and enemy in the air trophy and it missed every single time. I'm guessing it's easier to camp up high and shoot someone as their falling off instead of being on the ground and doing so but I am not a camper....hence my .97 K.D.R


Moving onto the tank tonight and hoping to get the level 20 trophy, 250 kills and 25 specialist weapon kills and continue trying to shoot an enemy in the air with that stinking rail gun.

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So what game mode allowed you to pick up the kills so fast? I've only played TDM so far and up to 165 kills ( 50 a day keeps the doc..)


I've made a good amount of progress in the game last night. Picked up all the special weapons, got quite a few EMP kills, finally was offered challenges to beat during a match and picked up the three and got all the secondary weapon kills. I had about 6 different attempts on the rail gun and enemy in the air trophy and it missed every single time. I'm guessing it's easier to camp up high and shoot someone as their falling off instead of being on the ground and doing so but I am not a camper....hence my .97 K.D.R


Moving onto the tank tonight and hoping to get the level 20 trophy, 250 kills and 25 specialist weapon kills and continue trying to shoot an enemy in the air with that stinking rail gun.


I made most of my kills in Deathmatch where i end with an average of 15/20 kills each match, but after a while i switched to TDM because at this rate i would get my 1000 kills trophy before my 50 wins. Luckily the 2 came pretty close to each other.


Honestly i got the railgun airborne kill without even trying. It was on the temple map and some guy jumped on one of those stairs near the temple and i killed him with the railgun. Pretty lucky lol :D


Another tip. Always make sure you got armour. This saved my life quite a lot and you can easily 1v1 someone with your primary gun this way. And it will also feel a bit safer when you have armour. (for me at least)

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I made most of my kills in Deathmatch where i end with an average of 15/20 kills each match, but after a while i switched to TDM because at this rate i would get my 1000 kills trophy before my 50 wins. Luckily the 2 came pretty close to each other.


Honestly i got the railgun airborne kill without even trying. It was on the temple map and some guy jumped on one of those stairs near the temple and i killed him with the railgun. Pretty lucky lol :D


Another tip. Always make sure you got armour. This saved my life quite a lot and you can easily 1v1 someone with your primary gun this way. And it will also feel a bit safer when you have armour. (for me at least)

Good tip. I do find myself some armor all the time and used the powerups and increase it. Definitely helps with the 1v1 situations. It sounds like I need to play some regular deathmatch to increase my kills because I'm only averaging 3 to 4 kills unless I get the specialist weapon in TDM. I think I have something like 25 wins so far bc I always join into games near the end and then sit in an empty lobby bc everyone is gone when it goes to start the next game.

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I FINALLY DID IT....Picked up that stupid trophy I've been trying for so long to get. I'm down to 3 trophies left and then a platinum however the last 3 are getting 500/1000 kills and 50 wins so it will take a little time. Hoping to have this done by the weekend to get some more time in Diablo 3 for FDG's lottery.


It's amazing how many more kills you can get in deathmatch vs TDM and also when you're not trying to get a trophy but just rack up kills. Avg about 13 kills a match now which I'm very happy about.

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Is it todat we learn the games for april?


Going to pass up on buying and playing Surgeon Simulator, no offense for the one who entered it. It just doesn't appeal to me, tried it at a friend and it made me nervous .... already have my wife and work to accomplish that :D

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Supposed to be today. We haven't got the points update yet either. Maybe epic is super busy or something...

Played some more HR last night. I'm up to the games count of 431 kills but my count is 60 higher. For some reason on certain games when I use the special weapons, the kills from it don't count. To many glitchy things in this game. Hoping for the 50 wins and 500 kills to pop tonight and then the long grind of 500 more kills by the end of this weekend.

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Looks good Epic, I secretly had my money on X pulling through for the victory so devasted he got banned for inactivity. Looks like I have done my dough there.

I would also like to take a moment to emphasis my current victory over Salt. I know many players are intimidated by him but as we are starting to see it is all smoke and mirrors. Often players can ride the high of cheap bronze telltale trophies, Japanese visual novels or other such drivel but eventually the well runs dry. While I feel for Salt it is inevitable he will now fall to last place, ( perhaps saved this indignity as X received a rather harsh ban ). Perhaps in the coming months we can all like his posts as a sort of fond send off to a once great player who now doesn't even strike fear into a Lego Dimension players heart

Edited by cjshaitan
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Eh i was expecting to come last anyway. I only play games i want to. Congrats Couch.


Oh i did actually have 7 posts this month. The first was at 1 AM so you must have seen it as January. Oh well  :P

Edited by Gibbo_0113
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I thought salt played knack....or am I mistaken? Doesn't that mean gibbo gets co-op points lol. I remember a post like that. Also, does the other person need to get a trophy for the co-op bonus bc I tried helping anro in 2 games or armello but we didn't succeed in the cry me a river attempts.

Any who...thanks for the points update nogg. :)

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Not that Cooch needs the points, but he's entitled to 7 more for the CO-OP bonus, he helped me in Armello.


Now Cooch, the fait thing to do is split those 7 points between us ... jumps me to 4th place  B)  :D

I'm sure you would like me to split those points with you haha.


Picked up the Platinum in Hardware Rivals. Looking forward to see what next month's game is now. Hopefully something with a little more content lol

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