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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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I'm assuming it is. Why wouldn't this be legal?

I misspoke I apologize, there is no such thing as giveaways legally. It falls under Sweepstakes, Contests, and Lotteries. 

This blog post makes it easy to understand without being a lawyer lol(at the cost of less information though :/   ). 




I suppose this falls somewhere between Lottery and Contest. It's the lottery part that needs to be taken seriously though.

That's why when I saw money would be being pooled in from each person, I got concerned. 

Though I am no lawyer lol

Edited by Dav9834
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I think the most criminal thing this month has been my appalling lack of progress in Alien Isolation

lol same here!

Ya these laws aren't exactly enforced much at all lol, so I wouldn't worry much, but I thought it should be known, especially sense PSNP is such a popular site now that even Bungie links to it from their destiny site

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I just noticed this, is this legal?

Sense it doesn't fall into the realm of giveaways, it gets a bit thorny. Only looking out for this and everyone involved! I think it's a great idea!

Shhh. For all people know we are playing with Monopoly money  ;)

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And besides....money isn't being pooled together. Everyone is just going to pay me for being the best :)

Everyone should start scrounging for some Monopoly money, cause that's what we are playing with.... Right guys??! :ninja:

Hoping to make a heap of progress in Alien Isolation tommorow, finishing the story then cleaning up on Thursday (last day of the month :facepalm:). Points will be up on the first and you will also be able to start next months game then as you all know. Well that's all from me, Stay classy psnprofiles ;)


Edited by EpicNogg4
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Killzone has DLC so how would you find out if im the top 50 fastest plats? Unless someone wants to buy the dlc for me  :P

This site tracks the Platinum separate. If you check out Shadow of Mordor on my account, it shows I have the plat in 1 week and 4 days or something but still have 2 stupid trophies left in that game from the DLC.

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This site tracks the Platinum separate. If you check out Shadow of Mordor on my account, it shows I have the plat in 1 week and 4 days or something but still have 2 stupid trophies left in that game from the DLC.

But it only has the 100% leaderboard so i wont know if i get in the top 50 fastest platinum

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Maybe the rule should change to top fastest 100% instead of top 50 fastest platinum


There is a tab called platinum club and on the left side is the top 50 fastest achievers.


There is only top 50 fastest achievers for the 100% and not the platinum.

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There are two tabs out of 6 you can choose. One is 100%club and the other is platinum club. Under platinum club on the left is top 50 fastest plat achievers. Under 100% on the right is top 50 fastest 100% achievers. The two lists are different and have different people on them.

Edited by Couch
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There are two tabs out of 6 you can choose. One is 100%club and the other is platinum club. Under platinum club on the left is top 50 fastest plat achievers. Under 100% on the right is top 50 fastest 100% achievers. The two lists are different and have different people on them.


The platinum Club only shows First and Last Platinum achievers

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Hmmmmm, I think it will have to be fastest 100 percent. I don't think we've encountered any DLC yet so it would still be fair.

Well didn't have any time for Alien Isolation this month, from what I played the game was quite interesting and kept me on the edge of my seat but I was distracted with other games (Rainbow Six Seige). Hopefully I'll do better next month with Prototype, picked up the bundle for both games for 20 bucks because of the Easter sale. Excited to get started on them :)

Points will be up tommorow, and new games up April 10. Also OP will be updated this weekend, hasn't been updated in a while.

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Back from holiday!

Got me some alone time with an old love .... my VITA  :wub:

Played a whole bunch of games on it, but the most time was spent on Pixeljunk Monsters and Space Hulk. 2 great games, but rather difficult. Each bronze trophy feels like a plat on its own  :D


Better get started on this month's game .... after I browse the posts here so that I can find out again what it actually was  :facepalm:

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Hey guys, just a quick post to wish everyone well this month. I have decided to sit this one out as with holidays cominng up + just got my copy of Dirt Rally not going to have the time to even scratch the surface on Killzone. Look forward to watching on and cheering Gibbo when he takes down the plat this month. Hope everyone else has fun with their games this month as well.

Salt / Anro - I still need the online trophies for WRC5 so if you want to knock them out last week in April let me know

No problem. Let me know if you wanna get the co-op bonus at least before the months over.  :)

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