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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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I Picked up Borderland's the handsome collection today :). Let me know what console you'll be playing on Gibbo (hopefully Ps4 so we can get some bonus points!) Might start in about a week or so, don't want to start too late this time :lol:. In the meantime will be finishing of Prototype and playing some more L.A noire. Also points will be up tommorow (trust me, they will be.) So Whats everyone else's plans for this month :popcorn:

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I Picked up Borderland's the handsome collection today :). Let me know what console you'll be playing on Gibbo (hopefully Ps4 so we can get some bonus points!) Might start in about a week or so, don't want to start too late this time :lol:. In the meantime will be finishing of Prototype and playing some more L.A noire. Also points will be up tommorow (trust me, they will be.) So Whats everyone else's plans for this month :popcorn:

I bought it ages ago. PS3 though so no bonus  :P. Didn't want the collection because i already got 2 and having 2 physical copies looks good in my collection.

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I bought it ages ago. PS3 though so no bonus :P. Didn't want the collection because i already got 2 and having 2 physical copies looks good in my collection.

Noooooooooooooo!! :shakefist: I guess I'll just have to get a better time than you, shouldn't be too hard right *checks profile, sees 130 plats :blink:*

Edited by EpicNogg4
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3 events left to get a Platinum medal on, either way I won't be able to get the platinum today which sucks. If I started one day earlier I would of made it in time :shakefist: hopefully I'll have better luck with Borderland's, will probably get the prototype plat in a few days now as I can take my time.

Didn't this happen to you with Tekken as well? You get so close and lose by just a few hours. Hurts everytime lol


Little over 2 hrs left before I pop in the disc for the first time! Got tonight and next weekend for some gaming so I'm hoping to make some good progress in the game  :)

Did you start it up Anro?


I played for maybe 2 hours on Saturday. Didn't get to far into the game. Cleared the castle area and Isle joined the group. So far I don't think it's anything to fancy. Gameplay is very easy so far and very very repetitious. Music and sound FX are nice and the scenary/color schemes look great but it's going to get boring and it's going to do so very quickly. Only thing that kept me playing saturday was the banter between luceus and Aurora. That's funny stuff. What's even more annoying is that stupid heliex character that doesn't shut up with replacing words like go, use and others for things like goooo or ooze. Way worse than the cat from puppeteer saying meowgic haha

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Did you start it up Anro?


I played for maybe 2 hours on Saturday. Didn't get to far into the game. Cleared the castle area and Isle joined the group. So far I don't think it's anything to fancy. Gameplay is very easy so far and very very repetitious. Music and sound FX are nice and the scenary/color schemes look great but it's going to get boring and it's going to do so very quickly. Only thing that kept me playing saturday was the banter between luceus and Aurora. That's funny stuff. What's even more annoying is that stupid heliex character that doesn't shut up with replacing words like go, use and others for things like goooo or ooze. Way worse than the cat from puppeteer saying meowgic haha


Yup, got 3 trophies in about an hour and a half of gameplay. Really like the visuals and some of the dialogue is quite funny. The camera is annoying sometimes, but the double audio (tv and gamepad) is driving me nuts! How do you turn that off? 



If I'm not mistaken my preordered Uncharted 4 will release next week or so .... Might influence the gametime allocated on Dragon Quest  B)

Edited by AnRoDr
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Yup, got 3 trophies in about an hour and a half of gameplay. Really like the visuals and some of the dialogue is quite funny. The camera is annoying sometimes, but the double audio (tv and gamepad) is driving me nuts! How do you turn that off? 



If I'm not mistaken my preordered Uncharted 4 will release next week or so .... Might influence the gametime allocated on Dragon Quest  B)


Yeah I tinkered with the camera but no setting is good. I put it up to 4 speed and to stay  locked behind and that seems to be the best option. There is a setting on the PS4 to take the audio off the controller and output it through the tv. Not sure where that is off the top of my head.

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I'll be starting Pier as soon as I get 1 more plat (I'm only letting myself start a game after 100%ing 3), which should be the Division later tonight. Any Game of Thrones fans here? Last nights episode was massive  B) .

Nope. I'm borrowing season 2-4 from a friend but still need to watch season 1. Can't stay in the lead if I do anything but play the video games during my free time.

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Nope. I'm borrowing season 2-4 from a friend but still need to watch season 1. Can't stay in the lead if I do anything but play the video games during my free time.


Go on ... watch it ... you know you want to ...  :devil:

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Points update:

1st: Couch - 148p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

2nd: Clawz - 93p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

3rd: Gibbo - 83p

- Ultra rare plat (25p)

- Active in thread (10p)

- Likes given (3p)

- Started bonus (1p)

- Fastest achiever in group (6p)

4th: Nogg - 61p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

5th: Cj - 56p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

6th: AnRo - 54p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus??? Forgot which game you got AnRo, let me know if you started it.

7th - Salt (28p)

- No points gained

Didn't bother with the total amount of posts and likes this month, stopped counting once there was enough. Only real big change this month was Gibbo for platting Killzone Shadow Fall giving him 42 points! Congrats Gibbo :yay:

OP has been updated.

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OOh shiieet. Gibbo is closing in on me. Gotta work hard this month.

Also just a suggestion but you could you post the games that have to be played for the month in the OP? So we don't have to search in the pages for the games.

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I still want to get into Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Prison Brake. The only serie i've seen so far is Chuck which not really many people know :P

I thought Walking dead was good up to season 4. I thought 5 was just terrible and stopped watching it. Prison Break was fantastic and excited for the miniseries that should be rolling out soon. I've seen Chuck. Lost interest after the 2nd season though.


Prison Break is life, loved that show so much. Same with LOST.

OMG Lost is by far the greatest television show I've ever watched.


Points update:

1st: Couch - 148p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

2nd: Clawz - 93p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

3rd: Gibbo - 83p

- Ultra rare plat (25p)

- Active in thread (10p)

- Likes given (3p)

- Started bonus (1p)

- Fastest achiever in group (6p)

4th: Nogg - 61p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

5th: Cj - 56p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus (1pt)

6th: AnRo - 54p

- Active in thread (10pts)

- Likes given (3pts)

- Started bonus??? Forgot which game you got AnRo, let me know if you started it.

7th - Salt (28p)

- No points gained

Didn't bother with the total amount of posts and likes this month, stopped counting once there was enough. Only real big change this month was Gibbo for platting Killzone Shadow Fall giving him 42 points! Congrats Gibbo :yay:

OP has been updated.

Ahead by 55 points. Not to shabby.

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I'm trying to finish up GTA San Andreas before going back to Dragon quest. Should hopefully pop the plat today or Tuesday and then the rest of the month to finish up dragon if I can stomach it lol

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Well I am yet to start Hand of Fate. Hoping to jump in this afternoon. It seems majorly luck based with the guide quoting 15 - 100 hrs to complete. So unless I run hotter than Trump at a preselection conference in West Virginia I can't see no platinum (or Mexicans) this month

Not sure if I'll have time for Borderland's this month with Uncharted coming out and all :P. New games should be up within the next few days :)

Well sounds like I don't need to worry about you two guys this month catching up any. Salt platted like 80 games this week so he should be starting his game. I saw Anro playing some DQ over the weekend. What about Clawz? He seems to be busy with the TWL stuff. And Gibbo..? Is this a safe month for Couch to coast?

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Well sounds like I don't need to worry about you two guys this month catching up any. Salt platted like 80 games this week so he should be starting his game. I saw Anro playing some DQ over the weekend. What about Clawz? He seems to be busy with the TWL stuff. And Gibbo..? Is this a safe month for Couch to coast?


What does TWL stuff mean? :P


Anyway i've been enjoying the nice weather the last couple days and playing a game some now and then but i even still need to buy hand of fate. But i also just bought 10 import games which was also quite expensive ^^ 

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