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Just want to say 'Hi!'


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I've only been back into console gaming for a few months.  Boy is everything different from the old days of the PS2.


Anyways nice to be here.


Last game before I gave up on gaming was Final Fantasy 12, a game I didn't even play. Just got the game and--nothing.


Game that got me back in -- DuckTales. Yeah DuckTales. I loved the original NES game and had to have the Remastered
version so......bought a PS3.


And then I bought a ton of games.


And then a PS4 cause I wanted Arkham Knight and Until Dawn. Well it's addicting. xD

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Welcome back to the console party James! 


DuckTales got you back into gaming...  :huh:  It takes all sorts I suppose...  :P


Anyway, you should find that there are a huge variety of genres and experiences available now, on both the PS4 and PS3. If you need any recommendations for what you might have missed, just hit up the forums.


Straight out of the gate though, it looks like you have a tidy collection of some very good games. I'm going to recommend you also pick up the Nathan Drake Collection on PS4 though. There's a reason Uncharted is one of PlayStation's flagship properties - the games are fucking great. Play through those and you'll be super hyped for Uncharted 4 in a few months. 


Welcome to PSNP too. Get involved in the community and I'm positive you'll enjoy your time here. 

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Wow! DuckTales on the NES?! That is old school! I respect that! 


Welcome to the PSNP. This forum is the shit! Best place on the internet to talk about all aspects of gaming. And everyone here is mad chill. 


I can't imagine how it feels to jump from the PS2 and see the PS3 and PS4 now. A lot has certainly changed.


Catch you on the forums, dude! :D

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Thanks everyone! B)

Straight out of the gate though, it looks like you have a tidy collection of some very good games. I'm going to recommend you also pick up the Nathan Drake Collection on PS4 though. There's a reason Uncharted is one of PlayStation's flagship properties - the games are fucking great. Play through those and you'll be super hyped for Uncharted 4 in a few months. 


Yeah that came with my PS4. :D   I've a large stack of games and that's in the top 5 or 6 to do after Mortal Kombat X 'Storymode' and Until Dawn.

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