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Hai guys (:

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I'm Ryan.. as you may have noticed  :facepalm: but anyway I'm kinda new here so I thought I'd introduce (: 


I game pretty much everyday and trophy hunting is my thing  :lol: Hard platinums are also my thing *cough* Super meat boy *cough* I have a HUGE addiction for Ratchet & Clank and can admittedly say I'm a big Insomniac fanboy :b. 



I'll probably be sticking around so I just thought I'd come and say hi to you guys :D

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Hey there!  Welcome to the PSNprofiles forum! I hope you enjoy your time here! We're a nice bunch of folk so stick around and make new friends!  :D


Hello and thank you c: And yeah I plan on it :D


Holy shit... you got SMB?!  :blink:


Congrats on that!


Anyway... welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun here.


Yeah  :) took away a few years from my life. Thanks c:


Welcome to PSNP :)


Why thank you  :)


Welcome to the forums ^^ enjoy your stay Ryan :)


Thank you very much  :)


Welcome! Tough plats suck while you're trying to earn them, but are awesome once you've got them!

I hope you like it here!


I agree parlty ;0 I like to challenge myself now and again. And i already do :b


Welcome, hope you enjoy it here ^_^


Thank you  :wave:

I feel like i'm quoting wrong ;-; everyone else looks so tidy  :lol:

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SMB platinum... You have my respect lol. That is crazy! Welcome to PSNP! I'll see you around on the forums! :D


It isn't the easiest of games to platinum xD I still found ninja gaiden 3 harder in a different sense. Thanks and see you around :D

Hello, enjoy your time here. (: Glad you decided to be a part of this community. The people here are great, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Nice to meet you and will do (: they are great indeed from what I've seen :b

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