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2016 UR Plat Marathon: Hemiak vs zajac vs Wdjat guest starring Dr_Mayus- Closed

2016 UR Plat Marathon  

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So after approximately two months I've finally earned another Ultra Rare plat... Got the plat for Enter the Gungeon last night and honestly the game was fantastic in my opinion. I recommend people give it a go for sure. Also don't bother to finish it until next year of course. :P 


Rarity at time of achieving the plat: 2.03%

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So after approximately two months I've finally earned another Ultra Rare plat... Got the plat for Enter the Gungeon last night and honestly the game was fantastic in my opinion. I recommend people give it a go for sure. Also don't bother to finish it until next year of course. :P


Rarity at time of achieving the plat: 2.03%



Uuugh you couldn't have gone one more month in a row without a UR plat dood? :P Congrats man, was hoping to pass you in total UR plats this month but I've been in a slump since finishing Titan Souls. Getting into Xenoverse now which isn't good since it is a lengthy plat that is only worth 1 point , I need to get my priorities straight xD

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Uuugh you couldn't have gone one more month in a row without a UR plat dood? :P Congrats man, was hoping to pass you in total UR plats this month but I've been in a slump since finishing Titan Souls. Getting into Xenoverse now which isn't good since it is a lengthy plat that is only worth 1 point , I need to get my priorities straight xD


Actually I am thinking of starting Xenoverse as well sometime soon man. Maybe I should sort my priorities out too. :P I am hoping to get a couple more UR soon though, no idea which games though yet...

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So with my PLUS expiring soon I thought I should probably finish Puppeteer  ASAP so I platted GTA San Andreas to make room on my HDD and downloaded Puppeteer today :) Beat the first mini boss today (had to go out for a BBQ for Father's Day so not much time to play) but really digging it so far :).


Once I plat this I will go back to Symphonia

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Got the plat for The Bit.Trip last night. That's another 2 points on the board for me. :P


Plat percentage at time of completion: 1.61%


To have any hope of making a comeback I had to go Super Saiyan with the Dragon Ball Xenoverse plat doods


Late congrats dood! How long did this plat take you hourswise? It's one I've been thinking of doing myself. :)

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OP updated and since I had time this morning I went ahead and included the total points we have so far beside our names. I also calculated the rarity percentage for the games with multiple list which are the percentages in bold and parentheses doods






Got the plat for The Bit.Trip last night. That's another 2 points on the board for me. :P


Plat percentage at time of completion: 1.61%



Late congrats dood! How long did this plat take you hourswise? It's one I've been thinking of doing myself. :)



Thanks and congrats! Not sure how many total hours I had but the number of hours varies between players due to the amount of luck needed for the plat. I've been told by many that my plat time of 1 week 1 day is considered pretty lucky by Xenoverse standards so whatever my total hours was would probably be below the average plat time anyway dood


What did you think of The Bit.Trip?

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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Grats to the both of you, since I don't think I've said it. Is been playing a couple hours of Doom 3 every night and finished the collectible + speed run. Just need the nightmare run, and to finish the RoE expansion and I'll finally have the Plat. Too bad I just started my event and I most likely won't earn a Plat this month.

I am starting about half a dozen URs, so hopefully one or two catch my interest and I finish them when it's over. Helldivers is a lot of fun BTW. Been playing with MStalker58 and randoms.

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OH man :( I am hoping to have better news mid-July on my Ultra Rare games :D. Just with work being so busy, trying to find a house AND I just found out that I will be heading to the states twice this summer for work...my gaming is way down


Congrats Zajac on your plat though :)

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OP updated and since I had time this morning I went ahead and included the total points we have so far beside our names. I also calculated the rarity percentage for the games with multiple list which are the percentages in bold and parentheses doods




What did you think of The Bit.Trip?


Nice update Prinny, I like it. :)


Just noticed this question now. I quite enjoyed The Bit.Trip in the end actually. Initially the games were longer than I expected which made them feel like they dragged a bit but by the end I enjoyed all of them. It was an easier plat than I expected as well, even 'so meta', which I thought would take forever considering how crap I was on that game, didn't take long at all really. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back from a week long Sales Meeting/80th Anniversary party for my company :D. I did a bit of Disgaea 3 grinding while out there but there was so much going on that I had barely any time to myself (but it was a freaking awesome week).


Just checking what everyone is working on? I decided to take a bit of a break from Disgaea (don't want to tackle the item world yet) and am back playing Puppeteer. I want to plat this game in the next couple of days to make some room on my HDD.

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Platinumed Castles this morning which is currently UR but it has only been out for a little over a week so I won't add it here yet until later to see if it stays UR which I seriously doubt it will. I plan on getting back to Raiden IV for the 1cc stuff I have remaining, want to try to make that plat my 7,000th trophy. Also going to be attempting Kromaia Omega on the side, no one has platted that yet so would be cool to be able to plat that first dood 

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Got the plat for Furi last night, my 56th Ultra Rare platinum. :D


Plat rarity at the moment is 1.38% and rising slowly, but I doubt it will go over 3% Should be 2 points for me. :)


Great game by the way, give it a try!


Good stuff man *cough* not really *cough* Seems like a really fun game from the little I've played, want to finish off some other stuff before I get back to it though dood

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Yeah, yeah, yeah...I am still in this thing :P


I have been moving so I have not had a lot of time to play. Actually I am literally sitting in an almost empty apartment and decided "I need to plat this game before moving my TV because I won't have a chance to play for awhile" (as I am going to be so busy with unpacking, and I have a work trip in a week etc.)


So anyways I got an UR again :) This was a fantastic game. Playing it I could have sworn it was a Media Molecule game by the humour/art style/controls etc. I will always welcome a great 3D platformer with quirky humour so this was a huge Win :D. The collectibles weren't too bad either (thanks to the great guide we had on this site) and the levels were fun enough that playing through them twice wasn't a big deal.


So anyways Prinny...put me on the big board :D

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Oh Mayus you are still around dood!?! Thought something had happened to you too and was beginning to think that the guest stars on this were cursed :P Congrats on the plat though, I really liked that game as well

You can't get rid of me that easily :shakefist: Look at my trophy list and all those new trophies I got in Disgaea 3...I just stopped because I  got bored with leveling up my characters :P


I have the feeling I will surprise you all by the end ^_^


Also with Puppeteer I am now at 20 Ultra Rare platinums (would have been 21 if it wasn't for stupid PES2014 going back to Rare)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just wanted a clarification on a rule. If I platted Angry Birds on Vita does it still count? The Vita version isn't Ultra Rare BUT if you take the average of the PS3/PS4/Vita versions it becomes Ultra Rare.


Just wanted to check :)


Yep that should count. :)

Also in other news I got the downwell plat today. Has a rarity of 3.76% at the moment so that's another 1 point. :)

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Yep that should count. :)

Also in other news I got the downwell plat today. Has a rarity of 3.76% at the moment so that's another 1 point. :)

Sweet :) I have been meaning to finish that game off as well and I have another trip coming up soon (a good airplane game)


Also congrats on the plat :D

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So I just wanted a clarification on a rule. If I platted Angry Birds on Vita does it still count? The Vita version isn't Ultra Rare BUT if you take the average of the PS3/PS4/Vita versions it becomes Ultra Rare.


Just wanted to check :)

Yeah it will count dood 



Yep that should count. :)

Also in other news I got the downwell plat today. Has a rarity of 3.76% at the moment so that's another 1 point. :)


Good stuff dood, or I guess bad stuff since you really need to stop getting points and increasing your lead :P, thinking about getting that game myself

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  • 3 weeks later...

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