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Roast The Person Above You.


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On 3/31/2016 at 2:47 AM, Suicide_Tortuga said:

This thread you created won't last a week.

It will die with no one replying or get locked from people taking it too personal.

Well, Alright then I guess I'll end it here sounds like it may get me Warning Points. Thanks for the Warning, Defiantly Dodge a Bullet cause of you.



On 3/31/2016 at 2:46 AM, SarDarniTron said:

why dont you slip into something more comfortable like a COMA !!!  :lol:

Geez!!! would of love to hear more but, I rather be safe then sorry, Thanks for adding to the Roast it would of been a great one.



On 3/31/2016 at 1:45 AM, GIONAScm2 said:

Holy shit, what a terrible way to type. I thought that daze-inducing capitalization style was exclusive to teenage girls.

Ah, you got me good I tried to come back to change it once I took notice but you jumped on it right away I'll remember it, lesson learned that's for sure but Thank you for igniting the roast.



I appreciate all of you for adding to the roast, just sucks that.....I guess it doesn't fit the rules, but it did put smile on my face when I saw those post I was ready to Roast and get Roasted.... so to close this and end this whole thing quickly so that I don't ramble on, Thank You it truly meant a lot, Till Next Time, Take Care.



On 3/31/2016 at 3:11 AM, GIONAScm2 said:

I like the thread idea, but it can be difficult to roast someone without having any real dirt on them.


That said, give it your best shot.

that's what it was all about you could of also use Information on my Profile, My PSN or just Say anything about whomever it was above you......Ahhhh, would of been beautiful.

Edited by Shaowsintzu
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Very true, I'm sorry. Though, as a Canadian I am immune to roasts, afterall, I can go to the hospital and get my feelings checked for free.

Also, Skyes profile pic is very apropos; that's all there is to do in New Zealand, sit bored. After All, New Zealand is just a giant rock that people live on.

Edited by TigressLion
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As an Australian, I approve.


The thread I mean, not you.

You like dark chocolate in your mouth how very progressive of you, what's the other 30%?



Don't worry AuzzieWingman, he'll apologise soon enough. He is Canadian after all. Heck, he'll probably send you a post card as well

I see your studying for bachelors congratulations, truly great but you seem so bored in your picture that you seem to be the kind of guy to put his finger in his own booty hole to determine whether your day is gonna be shitty or squeaky clean, and I'm guessing from the looks of the picture it must of been one of those shitty days.

Edited by Shaowsintzu
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Gonna reply to someone else just to piss off skyes

Very true, I'm sorry. Though, as a Canadian I am immune to roasts, afterall, I can go to the hospital and get my feelings checked for free.

Also, Skyes profile pic is very apropos; that's all there is to do in New Zealand, sit bored. After All, New Zealand is just a giant rock that people live on.

Well i'd hate to break it to you but every fucking country is just a giant rock that people live on.

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Gonna reply to someone else just to piss off skyes

Well i'd hate to break it to you but every fucking country is just a giant rock that people live on.

What I meant was, most countries are adorned with something, whereas New Zealand is just an un-aesthetic rock. A plain old rock.


It's also funny how the man who takes my roast literally, doesn't know what a comb is, nor does he know kool-aid is for drinking not dying hair. But who am I to judge? You worship David Beckham, and piss yourself silly every-time Arsenal is on the telly.

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On 3/31/2016 at 1:45 AM, GIONAScm2 said:

Holy shit, what a terrible way to type. I thought that daze-inducing capitalization style was exclusive to teenage girls.

Coming from a guy who likes guys that dances like daze teenage girls. Interesting.



Edited by Shaowsintzu
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God damn it, I was hoping this thread would be full of insults worthy of stealing, but all I got was half a chuckle from the coma line.


Who let this thread pass it's birth certificate? 


Oh it's You! what happened to your pink hair, when did you stop cosplaying as Lightning from Final Fantasy 13.


as for the blow up doll I don't think I wanna know.

Edited by Shaowsintzu
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