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CediFonei's Hive of Platinums


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Thanks to both of you! Although... I should have maybe clarified more clearly that SW4 is on my list of "games I don't have platinum'd yet but WANT to plat more than others". Woops! I just took a little time to clarify that, and add every other incomplete game to that list as well. I'll probably make further adjustments, such as specifying more games I'd especially like to plat, or maybe list the very few games I've more or less given up on forever and why.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everytime I see someone listing Digimon All-Stars Rumble I wonder if they really have the patience to play dice with that goddamn RNG that affects the card drops. :hmm:

Hey, at least you didn't put it on your abandoned list so I wish you all the best. Go for it.  :lol:


Dust: An Elysian Tail:

I recommend to play it on tough difficulty at least. When I first played it on Steam I chose normal as difficulty and after the fight against Fuse it felt too easy. On tough it felt right most of the time and it wasn't too bad. You might even try hardcore. And I know how it feels. At the end the game really loses some of it's qualities.


inFAMOUS: Second Son:

I also had my struggle with the evil path as I didn't feel like it would fit to Delsin. Especially after seeing the "good ending" and getting to know his relationship with Reggie and Betty it felt somehow wrong to do some bad things. The only good aspect was that you are allowed to go on a rampage. 

Edited by crimsonidol
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Everytime I see someone listing Digimon All-Stars Rumble I wonder if they really have the patience to play dice with that goddamn RNG that affects the card drops. :hmm:

Hey, at least you didn't put it on your abandoned list so I wish you all the best. Go for it.  :lol:


Dust: An Elysian Tail:

I recommend to play it on tough difficulty at least. When I first played it on Steam I chose normal as difficulty and after the fight against Fuse it felt too easy. On tough it felt right most of the time and it wasn't too bad. You might even try hardcore. And I know how it feels. At the end the game really loses some of it's qualities.


inFAMOUS: Second Son:

I also had my struggle with the evil path as I didn't feel like it would fit to Delsin. Especially after seeing the "good ending" and getting to know his relationship with Reggie and Betty it felt somehow wrong to do some bad things. The only good aspect was that you are allowed to go on a rampage. 

Heh... to be honest, the big reason I picked up Digimon All Star Rumble is because I assumed that I would be able to play versus mode online. Since then I've noticed otherwise and it served as a big reminder to do my research. Still, I enjoyed my (slightly stressful at the endgame) romp through Story Mode as Shoutmon, and I like the basic battle system. While this is a game I'd ideally play with local friends (which I can't do much of, sadly, as most of my local buddies are either infrequent guests or just don't care about games), I can see myself thinking that one day I'll go back to it for some fun, so even if I strongly don't expect to finish it, I'm still plenty interested in returning to it someday. And maybe- JUST maybe, someday in the distant future, when we have flying cars and AI butlers- I'll go out of my way and grind for every last Platinum requirement :P


As for Dust... sorry, but I already played through on Normal under the assumption that the game would be harder. I had fun, but it certainly wasn't as intense as I was expecting it to be. I think I'll put the game on the hardest setting for my second playthrough- if nothing else, to make it easier to get that 1000-hit combo. Like I said, I consider this a good game, and I liked the ending too, it just felt like it was promising more than it delivered.


Second Son... well, let's be honest, feeling wrong is probably the POINT of most evil paths in video games. But I can accept the idea of playing as a protagonist who doesn't necessarily seek to cause harm around him, but simply places his selfish goals above selfless ideals. That would seem like a fairly reasonable way for a "neutral" character to gradually descend into villainy over a story, having certain hesitations but gradually compromising on them until they eventually have no remorse for their actions. The Good Karma ending was touching and I really liked it, but technically, I could believe this character taking a different route in his character if he happened to act on different impulses, like killing You-Know-Who in order to avenge You-Also-Know-Who near the end of the game. For once, I seriously considered taking the Evil Karma option there, not that I actually took it. What mainly concerns me about trying an Evil Karma playthrough, though, is that I've heard criticisms that the overall writing in the Evil Karma route takes a bit of a nosedive compared to the Good Karma route. I can't remember any specifics, so I can't say anything about it with absolute certainty, but I think I've generally heard it's less entertaining (I EAT CHILDREN FOR BREAKFAST! AND KITTENS!) and that it seems like his descent into evil is more forced than natural. And like I said, playing as a character who mostly looks like they're evil for the sake of "I HATE ALL OF YOU" isn't something I can get into. But I won't really know for sure until I play it...


Thanks for the comments! I really need to go back to some of this backlog and some point, at least for a few trophies, and you've given me a handful of reasons to think about doing that all the sooner...

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8. 1Sc82313.png inFAMOUS Second Son

One of the very first PS4 games I picked up, and I'm happy it was! I can't compare this to the original inFAMOUS games, but I've enjoyed my powers plenty in this one! The narrative was mostly straightforward, but the characters and writing consistently entertained me, perhaps like watching a teenager oriented saturday morning cartoon unfold. The gameplay itself was a technically impressive spectacle of what the PS4 could pull off, on top of being a fun, over-the-top twist of a typical third person shooter. I suppose my overarcing praise of this game boils down to "it's really simple, but a lot of consistent fun". And sometimes, that's the most I can ask for out of a game.


Also, in regards to my playthrough on the Evil Karma route; I'll admit, it was actually written much better than I thought it would be. That'll show me to count my narrative chickens before they hatch. It also felt a lot more similar to the Good Karma route than I expected, which is kinda a bummer in its own right, but still, Delsin's descent into tyranny was more believable than I thought it would be. Still, I'm happy I got the very last trophy on a Good Karma save, as I didn't want to exit this game on the depressing note of being a villain :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

9. 1S4aaccb.png Ratchet & Clank: The Rebootmake


As my first foray into the Ratchet & Clank series, it's easy to see what there is to love about it! Though I feel like this reimagining of the original R&C has some glaring flaws compared to what I've seen/heard of the original, primarily the writing and music, there's still a load to enjoy in its presentation and, most importantly, its gameplay! Highly satisfying cartoony gunplay with a healthy dose of platforming, and very rewarding secrets to uncover. It's offered me an excellent glimpse into a series I've unfortunately overlooked up until now, and after I clear up some of the older games in my backlog I should seriously consider grabbing the HD trilogy on PS3...

Edited by CediFonei
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  • 1 month later...

Just 100%'d another little game! Now Re:Coded won't be so lonely~


Grow Home


A wonderfully fun little experiment from Ubisoft, this game hooked me a lot more often than I expected it to! There's some sort of zen to be had in just derping around with this game's physics, jumping and gliding and jetpacking around to your heart's content. Even when searching for needles in a haystack for the last few collectibles, there's something about this game's kinetic movement that makes it constantly satisfying and pacifying... plus it felt good to have my collectathon itch scratched in some sense or another :P


By the way, if you find all but 1 of the crystals; don't be afraid to look up a guide or use uPlay's Crystal Finder. It's probably the same one I was stuck on finding, which honestly felt a little unfair in how it was hid. Just a tiny bit of sour in what was otherwise a sweet experience <_<

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10. 1S67184a.png Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

A delightful little masterpiece! It's not completely flawless, but it comes much closer than I expected! The story is somehow predictable and pleasantly surprising at the same time (which is fitting for such a prophecy-heavy plot? :P), and everyone in the cast is a delight both to watch their stories and to play as. The gameplay wasn't especially challenging, but still an enjoyable romp with tons of style. As a longtime fan of action RPGs and storybook-esque styles, I'm proud to use this as my 10th platinum milestone, as this game makes excellent use of both its narrative premise and gameplay foundations.

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Just thought to drop by PSNP's official bug. Nice checklist Cedi :yay:. That backlog is huge though :o.

Thanks a lot, Mr. Lord of Dragons! But yeah, it is indeed a big backlog... I've never been that much of a completionist, something I hope I might eventually change with trophy hunting. I've had a lot of fun going back to old games for trophy cleanup, but... the lure of new shiny games is strong... *w*

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Thanks a lot, Mr. Lord of Dragons! But yeah, it is indeed a big backlog... I've never been that much of a completionist, something I hope I might eventually change with trophy hunting. I've had a lot of fun going back to old games for trophy cleanup, but... the lure of new shiny games is strong... *w*

I also brought a little offering for the hive mind: a golden statue of the Zerg Overmind, forged from some golden statues from the treasure pile :awesome:.


I know that feeling, there was a time I also jumped from game to game. Afterwards I went back and (eventually) platted them :lol:. Pro tip: saving all kinds of grinds from multiple games for last isn't such a good idea. Who knew?

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Nice checklist, good luck on SW4, Persona 4 Arena or Rogue Legacy plats. Also that Odin Sphere, Sonic Generations and Guacamelee are looking good in your collection.


Thanks! I'm doubtful I'll actually succeed in completing P4 Arena's challenges, but I wouldn't mind going back to it and giving it another go at some point, maybe get one or a few more trophies. But I believe I'm missing at least one trophy depending on online battles, so given how long the sequel has been out...? I'm not confident in the feasibility of that plat at this point. Still, the wishes are appreciated, as are the compliments :P I'll do my best to earn even more plats, and bring even more glory to my arthropod brethren!


I also brought a little offering for the hive mind: a golden statue of the Zerg Overmind, forged from some golden statues from the treasure pile :awesome:.


I know that feeling, there was a time I also jumped from game to game. Afterwards I went back and (eventually) platted them :lol:. Pro tip: saving all kinds of grinds from multiple games for last isn't such a good idea. Who knew?

Awwww, you shouldn't have! If I had known, I wouldn't have sold off that statue of Bahamut... >______>


Yeah... grindy trophies can be a passion killer. It might not be a plat, but like I say in my checklist, I would have 100%'d Tembo already if it weren't for that 99 lives grind. Shame, as I enjoyed the game enough I'd be happy to display it as completed.

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Awwww, you shouldn't have! If I had known, I wouldn't have sold off that statue of Bahamut... >______>


Yeah... grindy trophies can be a passion killer. It might not be a plat, but like I say in my checklist, I would have 100%'d Tembo already if it weren't for that 99 lives grind. Shame, as I enjoyed the game enough I'd be happy to display it as completed.

Noooooooooooo, why? noooo-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862514


I like the sentence in your sig :lol:. Wear it proudly PSNP's official bug :highfive:.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Noooooooooooo, why? noooo-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862514


I like the sentence in your sig :lol:. Wear it proudly PSNP's official bug :highfive:.

Hey, I'll make it up to ya! We just need to get the craftsbugs to forge an even SHINIER and BIGGER statue! Never underestimate the resourcefulness and power of a kaiju craftsman...! Just, uh, leave the finer detailing to the smaller guys, please >_>


And will do, Dragon! With your aid, I shall inspire my fellow arthropods to rise up through PSNP's rankings alongside me!

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Hey, I'll make it up to ya! We just need to get the craftsbugs to forge an even SHINIER and BIGGER statue! Never underestimate the resourcefulness and power of a kaiju craftsman...! Just, uh, leave the finer detailing to the smaller guys, please >_>


And will do, Dragon! With your aid, I shall inspire my fellow arthropods to rise up through PSNP's rankings alongside me!

Awesome, looking forward to it :D.


Godspeed Cedi :highfive:.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a couple to catch up on in here!


11. 1S570d0b.pngBastion


Well... it's Bastion. How much praise can I give this game that hasn't already been said? I first played this game some years ago on Steam, before I even had a PS3. When I finally picked it back up and played past the first few stages, I was too hooked to NOT binge through the rest of it. And I'm very thankful it got ported to PS4, so that I could pay for it again AND play it with a control scheme I'm infinitely more comfortable with :P It's a simple but well-crafted game in most departments of the gameplay, and exemplary in pretty much everywhere else, especially sound design. It's a wonderful first landmark for putting Supergiant Games on the map, and for that, I look forward to their future works... and I should maybe get back to a NG+ for Transistor at some point <_<


12. 1Sd85f83.png Unravel


A very pleasant surprise to see out of Electronic Arts' publishing some time ago! For such a simple puzzle platformer, it's constantly beautiful, engaging, and manages to throw many curveballs that you may or may not see coming, It manages to be calm, and thrilling, and disheartening, and cheerful. in many regards. It's easy to see how Yarny has quickly become an endearing character, and though we don't need a sequel per se, I sure wouldn't mind if we got one.

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Looking good so far dude, hope to see you keep it up!  :D

Thanks! I might slow down on trophies for a little while, as I plan to focus on playing Monster Hunter and Destiny for a few weeks, but I think there's at least one big new release I've been waiting for this month! So expect the trophy backlog to bloat a little more :P

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Thanks! I might slow down on trophies for a little while, as I plan to focus on playing Monster Hunter and Destiny for a few weeks, but I think there's at least one big new release I've been waiting for this month! So expect the trophy backlog to bloat a little more :P


You're welcome! Ahh, well, have fun with those  :P

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