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Heartless Hunters: Let's Finish Kingdom Hearts (The Series)

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Thanks! I'm actually enjoying COM now that I have enough practice with the system! Using Sleights, especially Blitz, helps loads, and I'm crushing the bosses! Just finished Halloween Town and now just have Wonderland left for the first set of world cards!


Great to know. I too have started work on r:COM right now and finally get two more trophies. (I got three trophies for a previous attempt.) At Floor 2(chose Monstro) now and collecting enemy cards. I got all of the enemy cards in Traverse Town. Also watched a video and found that Lethal Frame (Stop + 2 Attacks) literally wrecks bosses. Might try using that for my Proud Mode Playthrough.

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Great to know. I too have started work on r:COM right now and finally get two more trophies. (I got three trophies for a previous attempt.) At Floor 2(chose Monstro) now and collecting enemy cards. I got all of the enemy cards in Traverse Town. Also watched a video and found that Lethal Frame (Stop + 2 Attacks) literally wrecks bosses. Might try using that for my Proud Mode Playthrough.

For the enemy cards, i found doing a Teeming Darkness room, killing all the Heartless, if I don't get a Heartless card, I go back, save, and soft reset the game (R1+R2+L1+L2+Start+Select) and reload the game. The cards seem to drop a bit more easily this way. Also, do Agrabah as soon as you can, because the boss card you get for that world is one of the most OP cards in the game! 

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For the enemy cards, i found doing a Teeming Darkness room, killing all the Heartless, if I don't get a Heartless card, I go back, save, and soft reset the game (R1+R2+L1+L2+Start+Select) and reload the game. The cards seem to drop a bit more easily this way. Also, do Agrabah as soon as you can, because the boss card you get for that world is one of the most OP cards in the game! 


Thanks for the tip, but I am going to put Agrabah down at Floor 5 as the higher it goes up, the more Moogle Points I can get with Aladdin's Friend Card. Right now I put Wonderland as Floor 3 and Halloween Town as Floor 4. I've already gotten close to 40% card completion and gotten two more trophies, Premium Card Maker(used Fire Raid build on the enemies in Monstro for quick kills) and Card Breaker(got it on the first battle in Halloween Town).


Wonderland was Floor 3 because I got Stop which is the first card in the Lethal Frame sleight, which is OP against any boss which doesn't have a hit box over Sora's head and doesn't teleport, usually humanoid bosses like Hook and most of the Org members.


Thanks for the info on soft-resetting, never figured it out because they didn't have soft reset in the other KH games.

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I got all the Sleights and all the Heartless cards today! If anyone is missing a Sleight, it might be the one in 100 Acre Wood, in the area where you first enter (Pooh's house), there are bushes to the left of his house. Piglet is there and he will start running in between the bushes, stopping outside one for a second, then running between the bushes again. You need to catch him while he is standing outside one of the bushes, and when you do, there will be a scene, after which you learn the Sleight: Confuse.

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Didn't realize you could miss that Sleight as I thought the idea of 100 Acre Wood was to help Pooh find all his friends. :)


Anyways, switched gears to KH2FM. For some reason the site thought I updated already so I have to wait until 1:15 to update with the new trophies.


Finally got Level Master after much much Exp Boost grinding and actually defeated Data Zexion(who was a JERK and a half), Data Larxene(stunlocked me with her lightning), Data Vexen(stunlocked me with his Anti-Sora and ice pillars, got frozen a few times), Data Lexaeus (who stunlocked me with his Dragonball Z moves - sense a theme here? :angry:  :facepalm: ) and Data Axel(who was a JERK to defeat since you can't use Final Form there). I also finally defeated the last Absent Silhouette(Marluxia, using Final Form Reflecga to counter his attacks) but his Data Form defeated me easily by, you guessed it, stunlocking the heck out of me.  :shakefist: I tried to fight Data Demyx but my Wisdom Form was not at max level and I ran out of MP way too fast to get enough Firaga to destroy the water clones in time. Data Xaldin is not going to be touched until I'm ready to defeat Final Xemnas... and then we have the rest of the Data Org to deal with.  :holy: 


The Mushroom XIII wasn't as hard and I actually got Mushs III(finally synthed a Draw Ring so I could grab all the orbs and stuck to it like glue), VII(Final Form Reflecga right when it attacks one-shots it), and VIII(yeah, actually got the one fungus everyone hates and says is impossible - I just used Master Form Sora and did a lot of correction to keep it nearby while whacking it to bits).


Mushrooms I need to work on are:

  • I: Haven't made him appear yet (need to beat the game)
  • VI: Need to do that, shouldn't be too hard.
  • IX (still need to work on the Horizontal Slash timing to keep it spinning like a top)
  • X (And I farmed Black freaking Ballade!!! The Shell Game shouldn't be this hard, but I keep missing!)
  • XII (I get so close! Highest score is 36.)

Finally, I completed all the cups but Hades Paradox; forgot that I had neglected my Summon level and I was way too strong to spam Firaga on Mushroom V so I had to go back to Timeless River and use Mushroom XI to get the hits in to get Summon Level to Max. But I'll wait until I have seventeen real hours to dedicate to that cup since it's so stupidly long. :ninja:


I also did manage to get Pro Skater on the Halloween Town SB Rave, you just slam yourself against the machines and mash Square to do jump kicks and you should get the required 5000 points in no time.


Trophies earned: 5S09fe90.png16Sb7b19d.png17Sc7d7ea.png45Sd0565c.png


My next projects for this game:

  • Get the Synth Moogle to one more level to max its level and try to farm more synth items to get all of the collections. 43S281838.png
  • Defeat the rest of the Data Orgs I can. 9S1895ce.png
  • Defeat Sephy? Yeah, I hate my life! 8S417a2e.png
  • Get all of the remaining Mushroom XII except I(which I need to beat the game to spawn) 10Sd2f310.png
  • Get to work on the Gummi missions... :(50Se71b77.png

Once I do all of those things, then I'll fight Final Xemnas. Sorry if this post was icon heavy.

To all ambitious Heartless Hunters: Anyone want to help me plan out a Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Jiminy's Journal 100% speed run? I'll give the details after someone posts an update.

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Finally time for an update. I'm in the same boat as CJ and am currently trying to beat the data organization as well, Only on critical :facepalm: . (At least I don't think your on critical.) So far I have beat Data Roxas(after about 30 tries I was finally able to defeat him thanks to Limit form), Data Larxene( Her clones almost gave me an anxiety attack), Data Marluxia( I surprisingly was able to beat him on my first try), Data Luxord( Who I had to fight an unnecessary amount of times, not because his fight was difficult but because of his stupid ending quick time event that is needed in order to beat him, Data Demyx ( He wasn't that challenging after I got him and his clones in a loop with Wisdom form and Firaga) and I just beat Data Xigbar thanks to Final form. I could use some tips on how to beat Axel and Lexaeus because I still can't beat them.

I also got Sora to level 99 and got the Level Master trophy as well as finally beat Sephiroth. I finished all Paradox cups except the Hades Cup and will probably beat it after I do the Data Org. Then I'll have to fight he who shall not be named *cough cough* Terra. Definitely no looking forward that. And then I'll 100% Jiminy's Journal and do the Gummi Mission as well as the Mushroom XII.

Trophies earned:


Edit: I beat data Saix, Lexaeus, Axel, Xaldin, Vexen in the past 2 hours. 11 down 2 to go. (Zexion and Xemnas)

Edit: I just beat Zexion. Now if I could only beat Xemnas.

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Finally time for an update. I'm in the same boat as CJ and am currently trying to beat the data organization as well, Only on critical :facepalm: . (At least I don't think your on critical.) So far I have beat Data Roxas(after about 30 tries I was finally able to defeat him thanks to Limit form), Data Larxene( Her clones almost gave me an anxiety attack), Data Marluxia( I surprisingly was able to beat him on my first try), Data Luxord( Who I had to fight an unnecessary amount of times, not because his fight was difficult but because of his stupid ending quick time event that is needed in order to beat him, Data Demyx ( He wasn't that challenging after I got him and his clones in a loop with Wisdom form and Firaga) and I just beat Data Xigbar thanks to Final form. I could use some tips on how to beat Axel and Lexaeus because I still can't beat them.

I also got Sora to level 99 and got the Level Master trophy as well as finally beat Sephiroth. I finished all Paradox cups except the Hades Cup and will probably beat it after I do the Data Org. Then I'll have to fight he who shall not be named *cough cough* Terra. Definitely no looking forward that. And then I'll 100% Jiminy's Journal and do the Gummi Mission as well as the Mushroom XII.

Trophies earned:


Edit: I beat data Saix, Lexaeus, Axel, Xaldin, Vexen in the past 2 hours. 11 down 2 to go. (Zexion and Xemnas)

Edit: I just beat Zexion. Now if I could only beat Xemnas.


Great job, Kent10201! Keep at it! I am going to be trying to get close to 100% in the Jiminy Journal for my Critical Run, if only because you get some very useful weapons and gear that makes Critical Mode so much easier. Also, kudos on getting Data Org and beating Sephy - I'm dreading having to fight him on my Beginner 100% run, he's really nasty. And don't forget that you gotta defeat the Lingering Will, who won't let you stop to breathe... :jaymon:


I am planning to plat all four.I got yesterday the 2.5 remix edition.Right now I'm struggling to reach 99 level with Riku in CoM


That's probably the hardest trophy to get in re:CoM because Riku's deck is unchangeable and you'll usually get a bad set of cards regardless of where you train. May I suggest this video?

Trophy Guide - Level Counter Limit: Riku - Tips for leveling up faster with Riku - KH HD 1.5 ReMIX

I only need to platinum BBS, but ice cream beat is proving to be too difficult for me.


I feel your pain, T1M1D_HER0 - getting the Maestro trophy was very difficult for me too. I can't help you much there - I just sat down one night and said "I'm going to get the Maestro trophy on Ven even if I have to stay up all night!" and after many many failures my muscle memory clicked and I got it. I think the hardest songs are Blast Off Master Mode and Desert Paradise Master Mode(which you have to get Fantastic on for all characters as it rewards you with the Frozen Fantasy command style which you need for 100% Journal completion). Just keep at it! B)


Progress Update: I finally updated my profile page after doing the following in KH2:

  • Getting Ace Pilot after finally suffering through the Gummi routes and unlocked Falcon Peak model and collecting enough Neon Bars and Graviga modules to make a Donut Ship that easily earned S-rank in every route. Now I'm suffering through the EX routes. Luckily you don't have to S-rank every mission to get all of the Blueprints this time. (Still hemming and hawing about doing the Traverse Town gummi missions in KHFM.)
  • Unlocking Hades Paradox Cup(had to max out Summon and my remaining Drive Forms, Limit and Wisdom) and beating it in one go. Now I just have to get the point scores for the journal... uuuugh... -_-

My next project for KH2FM... the dreaded Critical Mode run! I need to get that mode cleared for the difficulty trophies. I might get most of the Journal filled out there as well as I've been watching Bl00dyBizkit's 100% Jiminy Journal speed run and was inspired by it and it would make the grinding for Once More and Second Chance a lot less painful. ^_^


Also, I'll probably work more on re:Chain of Memories(on Floor 4 in Sora's story on Standard Mode) and the original Final Mix(still need to fight the two special matches in the Coliseum and get Sora to Level 99). Birth by Sleep Final Mix is still on the back burner for now because I need to grind everyone up to Level 99 to stand a chance against the special bosses(Aqua still hasn't gotten all of the abilities yet, I'm a bit neglectful of her) and Rumble Racing with Aqua and Ven to get those arena missions unlocked for them. Terra's my highest character, he's already unlocked Villain's Vendetta.


See you next time, fellow Hunters! :wave:

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Guess I'm gonna join the hunt (at September) since I have plat in all the core games (KH 1 & 2) and am already done with Proud COM playthrough for Sora.


Im not sure if the 100% on BBS will annoy me more than the grindy card collection on COM. We shall see!


And to everyone here.... Happy hunting!  :holy:  :platinum:

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The hardest thing in Birth By Sleep is finishing the reports with Terra and fighting the Unknown as Terra. Ice Cream Beat is doable even if you are not that great at rhythm games, but will take some time as it is very difficult. If I remember correctly, the hardest song on the list is the master version of Destiny Islands. Besides that, the rest are really simple in comparison. My advice is to keep at it and not to give up.


As for Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, that game is actually very simple if you have the proper deck setups. You can basically cheese your way through the story with 150 HP.


Here is what I am getting at:

  • Once you reach 150 HP do not put any more points into it. In my opinion, you are only wasting level up points after you reach the 150 mark. If you feel you need more HP, then 175 or 200 will suffice. Just know that your CP will not be maxed out before beating the game if you plan on doing so. This applies to both Sora and Riku.

    Here is how you should view the leveling system as you play: Sleights > CP > HP. Remember that and you will do just fine.
  • When given the choice to choose either CP or a new sleight - always pick the sleight first. You will need only a few to completely destroy Re: Chain of Memories, but you need to unlock them anyway as you progress to unlock the trophy for obtaining all the sleights.

Deck Setups should always include Jafar as his boss card allows you 20 free stocks that enemies cannot block. Being said, start each boss battle with Jafar, Lethal Frame (x5 - or however many you want to use), and "BAM!" it is over. If memory serves, Lethal Frame takes off at least 1.5 bars per attack and is stupidly overpowered. You can basically use this combo throughout the entire game. You may have to improvise during the Destiny Islands fight, however.


If anyone else is struggling with Re: Chain of Memories feel free to ask me. For some odd reason I remember a lot about that game.

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Guess I'm gonna join the hunt (at September) since I have plat in all the core games (KH 1 & 2) and am already done with Proud COM playthrough for Sora.


Im not sure if the 100% on BBS will annoy me more than the grindy card collection on COM. We shall see!


And to everyone here.... Happy hunting!  :holy:  :platinum:


Thanks for the support, I've added you to the team, Axel_KG5! Happy hunting to you as well. ;)


BBSFM isn't as grindy as re:COM because the only difficult collectible is the command collection which is connected to many other parts of the game. And you only need to grind in re:COM if you want to get a deck that can get you to Level 99 and through the game. There are no secret bosses in re:COM but a lot of difficult ones in BBSFM.

Deck Setups should always include Jafar as his boss card allows you 20 free stocks that enemies cannot block. Being said, start each boss battle with Jafar, Lethal Frame (x5 - or however many you want to use), and "BAM!" it is over. If memory serves, Lethal Frame takes off at least 1.5 bars per attack and is stupidly overpowered. You can basically use this combo throughout the entire game. You may have to improvise during the Destiny Islands fight, however.


If anyone else is struggling with Re: Chain of Memories feel free to ask me. For some odd reason I remember a lot about that game.


Thanks for the advice - everyone who is having trouble in re:COM should read this post. Also, I've seen a Let's Play of re:CoM where the player just spammed Lethal Frame on bosses and they couldn't survive. The only one who managed to survive one round was the first form of Marluxia because his hit box is in the air and Lethal Frame only works best on ground enemies which are around human-sized like Larxene and Vexen. For other enemies, Judgement (Aero + Attack + Attack) works better.

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Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix-77%

I did it! :yay::yay: I beat the Data Organization and the Lingering Will. The only data fight that gave me any trouble was Zexion :emo:​ because of the stupid book world. After running around in circles because of my victory, I did the Hades Cup and Mushroom XII as well as some miscellaneous trophies. Now all that's left to do is do 100% Jiminy's Journal and do the dreaded Gummi Ship missions. :( Hopefully I should be looking at my first Kingdom Hearts plat and another game on the summer backlog challenge done by Wedsenday or Thursday.

Trophies earned:


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Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix-77%

I did it! :yay: :yay: I beat the Data Organization and the Lingering Will. The only data fight that gave me any trouble was Zexion :emo:​ because of the stupid book world. After running around in circles because of my victory, I did the Hades Cup and Mushroom XII as well as some miscellaneous trophies. Now all that's left to do is do 100% Jiminy's Journal and do the dreaded Gummi Ship missions. :( Hopefully I should be looking at my first Kingdom Hearts plat and another game on the summer backlog challenge done by Wedsenday or Thursday.

Trophies earned:



Data Zexion was my first victory and he was as bad as you made him out to be. It took a while to beat him but once you have Final Form up, he crumples easily to Firaga. Also, kudos on getting Lingering Will defeated! That's the hardest fight in the game.


I've started my Critical Mode run and OMG is it painful. I died no less than five times in Beast's World, three times to normal Heartless - the Large Bodies and Gargoyle Knights ate Sora for breakfast and Mickey got summoned in two boss fights. :devil::(:devil: But I did Beast's Castle first to get Cure magic so Land of Dragons would be much easier. Now onto the dreaded Olympus Coliseum and the escape from Hades. I equipped two Abas Chains to Sora to boost his fire resistance though I doubt that'll help.against the fireballs.


In my other run, I plan to farm a bit more to get the Synthesis notes to 100%, then work on the rest of the Data Fights and then clear the game once to get the remaining stuff. I might try fighting Sephiroth, though. Still need to do that.



Thanks for the Gummi ship tips. Data Demyx isn't to hard if you equip the Bond of Flame key blade with Firaga as a shortcut. Then go into wisdom form with as many ethers as you can carry and spam Firaga. Good luck!


Tried that and ran out of time anyways. I think I didn't have Bond of Flame equipped to Wisdom, so I'll try that.

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And it is done...


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix




I have finally gotten a Kingdom Hearts platinum :yay:! With a playtime of 79:38, this has become the longest and hardest platinum trophy in my ever so slowly growing collection. The fact that I did everything on critical makes this a pretty big accomplishment for me. I will be working on the three games I have left for the summer backlog challenge in the month of August and then I will be back to get the remaining three platinum trophies by December. Until then, good luck to everyone going for the harder Kingdom Hearts plats such as BBS. (I will still be checking the thread to see everyone's progress.)


P.S.- Do I get my Heartless Hunter certificate now or when I platinum the other games?(hopefully)

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Just to reiterate a post:



Once you reach 150 HP do not put any more points into it. In my opinion, you are only wasting level up points after you reach the 150 mark. If you feel you need more HP, then 175 or 200 will suffice. Just know that your CP will not be maxed out before beating the game if you plan on doing so. This applies to both Sora and Riku.


I actually switched to points in HP for Sora after he got to 1600 CP - you really don't need to have more than six sleights in your deck at that point as everything is deleted by Mega Flare(I suggest getting your remaining levels in Destiny Islands as Castle Oblivion has spellcaster enemies that absorb fire) and your Lethal Frame boss deck. With 575 HP, Sora was able to take a few hits from the final boss. ;)


I will try to avoid HP boosts for Riku once he hits 200 HP so the rest can go into Attack Power(for Hard Hitter) and Dark Points. Just started Riku's first run.


And it is done...


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix




I have finally gotten a Kingdom Hearts platinum :yay:! With a playtime of 79:38, this has become the longest and hardest platinum trophy in my ever so slowly growing collection. The fact that I did everything on critical makes this a pretty big accomplishment for me. I will be working on the three games I have left for the summer backlog challenge in the month of August and then I will be back to get the remaining three platinum trophies by December. Until then, good luck to everyone going for the harder Kingdom Hearts plats such as BBS. (I will still be checking the thread to see everyone's progress.)


P.S.- Do I get my Heartless Hunter certificate now or when I platinum the other games?(hopefully)


If you can platinum the other games, do so first! I'd like to give you a full credit for all four games. The final certificate tally won't until my birthday(December 6) because KH2.8 won't be out until December. I did update your status, however. Great job getting your first KH platinum! I really need to step up and get one myself. xD


NOTICE: This video from TheGamersJoint channel reveals that Tetsuya Nomura related that 2.8 will be released in the beginning of December. That means this event will probably be ending at the right time.

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If you can platinum the other games, do so first! I'd like to give you a full credit for all four games. The final certificate tally won't until my birthday(December 6) because KH2.8 won't be out until December. I did update your status, however. Great job getting your first KH platinum! I really need to step up and get one myself. xD


NOTICE: This video from TheGamersJoint channel reveals that Tetsuya Nomura related that 2.8 will be released in the beginning of December. That means this event will probably be ending at the right time.

Sounds good to me. However, I've been thinking of joining the platinum rain day round 3. If I do, the three Kingdom Hearts games I have left will probably be on my list. Would I still be able to be put in the hall of fame if I was one trophy away so that I could include them in the event?

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Sounds good to me. However, I've been thinking of joining the platinum rain day round 3. If I do, the three Kingdom Hearts games I have left will probably be on my list. Would I still be able to be put in the hall of fame if I was one trophy away so that I could include them in the event?


I've already put up a disclaimer for that; you are free to count your almost-platinum list for any Kingdom Hearts game you have on the Platinum Rain Day event as long as you have it ready to plat by December 6. B)


I have all the 4 platinum for the Kingdom Hearts series. Can't wait for the next one.


Don't worry, a video has confirmed that Tetsuya said that 2.8 will be coming out early December. You have four months. :awesome: If you are still interested in participating in the thread, you can give general advice for people struggling in the games.

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Since people are getting hyped for KH2.8, which is coming out in four months, I decided to focus a little more on the Kingdom Hearts games so I can get them platinums. So, for each month, I will be focusing all of my attention on one of the games so I can get a platinum by the end of each month. I can do this as the range of my trophies on these games is 48% - 69% so I am sure I can get the remaining trophies if I sit down and grind the heck out of them. I'll be focusing on each game until I earn the platinum and then move onto the next game even if I have days left over in each month. The order I'll do them in is as follows:


plat1.pngAug: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

plat2.pngSept: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

plat3.pngOct: Kingdom Hearts re: Chain of Memories

plat4.pngNov: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix


If anyone wants to support me in my quest or talk about it, feel free to post. Wish me luck! ^_^


(I will be working on other games but I'll try to get in Kingdom Hearts time whenever I came. Tomorrow I have a dentist's appointment - and probably surgery which will put me out for half a day - so I might now have any time tomorrow but definitely this weekend!)

I completely missed that. I probably should've checked before I asked lol.


I just put it up, don't worry about it!

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Would love to join, but alas I already have every trophy available so far, can't wait to add the ones from II.8 to my list though. That being said I'll gladly help anyone with the games if they need, be it tips or questions about the series lore, the later being my strongest point (although I've seen the masters at play so I can still provide some directions on the gameplay itself).

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I got the trophy for levelling Sora to 99. Next is Riku's story. Going to do it on Beginner cause I'm unfamiliar with his playstyle, plus the Random Joker will be most likely to drop on this difficulty. Only need another 3 or 4 cards with Sora for Card Master too, but I need to beat Riku's story before I can unlock them.

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