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Can this be plat'd completely offline?

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Sorry for the misleading title, what I'm really asking is if this game can be platinum'd entirely in the post Infinity shutdown world? Obviously watching a UGC thing in the theater would require internet (unless you can watch your own stuff...?), but supposedly all previously approved user generated stuff would still be available after the shut down.  As there's no online 4 player stuff in DI 3, there's really nothing that demands any online stuff, which might explain the higher completion rate than in previous games. 


Because the girlfriend found a copy of it for a decent price FINALLY in K-Mart yesterday and she's throwing it my way as a b'day prezzie in a few weeks because I didn't want her wasting more money on me. So I'll be starting it from scratch in a month or so in all likelihood.


So to put it basically, when the online portions of the Infinity games shuts down, can this game still be platinum'd from scratch? 


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There's the play arcade matches which are online multiplayer where four people face off. So I would say no it won't be able to be platinumed solo


Yep.. That's the big one. The arcade is hosted on Disney's servers. The other is downloading a level from the theater, which is hosted on their servers.

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Oh shit, really? So the arcade matches HAVE to be played online? Well, let's hope that's still up and people are still using it by the end of August. Glad I asked for deets, cheers guys!

Alright, I read the email they sent me the other day, as of March the 3rd,


  • All Disney Infinity online services and community features for all versions will be discontinued

So I think I'll have time to plow through 10 online matches by then. 

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Well, I tested the PS3 version - got the download fine, and I'm running into other people... just never enough at once to actually start an arcade game. Got the one-arcade trophy just fine.


I assume they're attached to the same server.  :dunno:

Edited by SyIaris
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