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Halloween 2016 Thread


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Oh boy, it's that time of the year again!




Where the kids get their Halloween costumes ready, Nightmare Before Christmas and other Halloween related movies marathon, the leaves start falling, and Dentists get richer. I for one think the atmosphere is perfect and wish it could be like it most of the year. It's downright nostalgic to me.


But the point of this thread is not just to celebrate how awesome Halloween is, but to also set the mood with none other than scary stories. Not the fake creepypastas where a Werewolf Man jumped some hikers or someone found a lost episode of their childhood cartoons with realistic blood. I mean stories that actually did happen, and that you can attest to happening. Or at the very least know/knew someone that it happened to. This can range from unexplained things happening in your house or somewhere else, to meeting some creepy weirdo at a bus stop, to even something dangerous. Now of course, you're not required to write one if you don't want to, so long as you are comfortable with sharing it. We can also talk about favorite Halloween moments and what you are going to do this year if anything. I'll go ahead and start with a couple stories of my own. I feel it should also be said that unless stated otherwise by whoever writes their story, I don't exactly encourage skepticism.


Now onto the topic at hand, and I would hope I could make this a yearly thing but we'll see how popular this gets (probably not at all).


Now the first couple of stories didn't exactly happen to me, but they were from my grandmother and my mother so the story will be kind of broken into a few parts. I'm also not a good storyteller myself. Years ago when my grandmother lived with me and my mother, she told my mom about how one night she woke up in the middle of the night and she saw smoke on the floor, but nothing was on fire. Me or my mom never saw smoke at night from that point on. Then a couple years after my grandmother died, my mom said she was in her room watching TV late at night while I was asleep. She said she looked in the doorway and expect my grandmother to stick her head out and wave like she would when she was alive, but instead she saw a foggy figure walk close to her bed and then slowly get up in her face. My mom tried to reach out and touch it but nothing happened. My mom got freaked out and tried looking around the house and I guess didn't wake me up despite it. She told me about it the night after which then prompted me to try and sleep in the living room with the lights on.


Flash forward a year later and she didn't experience anything like that for a year while I didn't at all. At least none that I can recall. But I want to say maybe it was a week or so before my mother went into the ICU for her illness, she tried to get some sleep but first went to use the bathroom. Next thing I know I hear her screaming and when I went to her I asked what was wrong, and she asked me if I saw a man in a fishing outfit standing at the bathroom door. I told her no and she insisted there was some old guy in a fishing outfit standing near the bathroom door. A bit after that she kept pointing to what used to be my grandmothers room with the door open at the time and asked me if I could see what she said was a five or so year old girl in a dress and a nurse in the room. Again I told her no but she insisted she saw a girl and a nurse in my grandmothers room. I figured at this point maybe it was her sleeping pills making her kind of weird, but she's never described detailed things like that with me before when she's taken them before. Now it was either the same day or the next day but my mother went up to me and she told me "I saw daddy in the kitchen." which was really bizarre since her dad/my grandfather had been dead since 2000. She told me he was just sitting in one of the chairs wearing a blue striped shirt, and at that point I was really doubting it was the pills she was taking since like I said (and without going too much into the history of it) she had never described anything so detailed apart from those moments.


Nothing else after that as far as I know. Since a bit after that her voice started going hoarse from her chemo sessions, and even if I did ask she would have had a really hard time explaining it to me if something did. But I like to think her dad was trying to visit her again, and maybe she saw him visiting her when she was in the hospital. But ever since she died I haven't seen any smoke on the floor or a fog figure going to my bedside. But the only thing I have noticed is sometimes I hear sounds in the kitchen, kind of like a single footstep on the wooden floor, and then almost every night I hear something make like a soft bang noise on my front door, and I know it's from the inside of the house.


Anyway, that's my story. It was easier to share than I thought it would have. But as far as my favorite Halloween moments, not a lot come to mind, but I think the most funny one is when one year I went as Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z (the costume even came with prop hair) and nobody knew who I was supposed to be. The last time I actually went out in some kind of costume was when I had a Fireman's gas mask and just walked around the neighborhood with my cousin. I actually wanted a Psycho Mantis style gas mask but I couldn't find one that wasn't too pricey. I would love to go around some year in ruined post-apocalyptic style clothes with that gas mask with a big backpack on my back that has candy in it and act like some post-apocalyptic merchant with a fake Russian accent. Maybe I can get some kind of outfit this year somewhere.


Well there goes my contribution for now. I hope this thread gets somewhere, and at the very least it felt nice to type out that story.


If you also watch scary story narrations you can post those as well, or if you just want to get into the mood yourself you can watch them. Here are some of my favorite scary story narrators.


-Mr Nightmare

-Corpse Husband

-Be. Busta

-Lazy Masquerade

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Not really on a haunting level of scary, but still a terrifying experience for me.  


Whenever I go through periods of stress in my life, I get what is referred to as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations which for me are visual disturbances on the transition from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa.  Usually they manifest in the forms of bugs - so to give you an example I've sat in the middle of the bed swatting around my head and when asked what I am swatting I answered "wasps";  more recently I got hysterical because I thought a spider had fallen from the ceiling into the bed, poor husband got such a fright!


I only tend to have very vague recollections of these events and in most part, other people have described the happenings to me.  I have been told that on a few occasions I've freaked out inconsolably over a horrible presence in the room to an extent that my ex thought our neighbors would call the police because I screamed the house down.  Those ones I have zero recollection of (only the sore throat in the morning and puffy face from where I'd been crying)


So...those are kind of frightening.  I've also had a couple of experiences of sleep paralysis which are terrifying.

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After my dad died I went through a period of my life that I would probably say I was slipping into insanity. I lost a lot of sleep, and often could not sleep at all. I started to lose my grip on reality and would see things that were not there. Horrible, gruesome things. When I could sleep it was filled with nightmarish images of death. You know how parents tell kids that if they don't go to sleep they would be taken by the boogeyman? I had my own personal boogeyman.


I called him the Black Man, because that's all I ever saw of him; just a vague, 7 foot tall black figure that would stand in my closet for hours. The first time I saw him I screamed loud enough to wake the neighbors, who came running to our doorstep. My stepmother had to reassure the neighbors that everything was okay while my older brother tried to comfort me. Every night afterward I would see him, sometimes in a different place but most often in my closet. The Black Man never moved, except for one time. This one time he sort of... glided over to my bed and pointed a finger at me. Not a word was spoken, and he vanished. Immediately after he vanished an incessant growling reverberated through my room and I looked outside my window. A large Doberman Pinscer was outside my window, growling and drooling with bloodshot eyes. At this point I was unable to tell reality from dreams. Once again I screamed just as the dog shattered the glass. I woke up screaming and my brother shaking me, trying to bring me back to the real world.


Not long after that I was checked into a mental institution for troubled children. I stayed there for several months. I still see the Black Man to this day, always standing, sometimes pointing. But he no longer frightens me.

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I'll never forget the day February 6, 2016. I was working in the hospital that day, working alongside a physical therapist doing consults. Before heading into the room, the PT told me the patient had a rare case of Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, or "Tree Man Illness." I've heard of the disease before (and if anyone has the stomach to look up pictures of it) I only had a minuscule idea of what I was about to see. The patient was a man in his 30s and his body was covered in macules and warts, even the face. I don't mean to sound insensitive or making light of the man's condition, but he reminded me of the Clickers from The Last of Us. And even his voice was just so hoarse and dry, it sounded like people with tracheostomies who have smoked for too lung.


Basically the reason for his physical therapy was because he was bedridden for quite some time and we needed to help him getting up and moving. Even though I wore gloves, grabbing a hold of his arms to help lift him up was uncomfortable due to his skin condition. Well I squeezed his arm a little too hard and one of the warts on him... burst. And the fluid dripped and spilled onto my scrubs but thankfully it didn't get anywhere on my skin. And the poor man didn't even notice because his nerves were probably so heavily damaged. I apologize to anyone who just ate. Thankfully two nurses and a doctor were also in the room so they were able to clean up everything.


I consider myself fairly tolerant to some of the things I've seen in the hospital but that whole experience made my stomach turn. I still remember exactly what the man looked like and can still remember that voice.

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Not really on a haunting level of scary, but still a terrifying experience for me.  


Whenever I go through periods of stress in my life, I get what is referred to as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations which for me are visual disturbances on the transition from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa.  Usually they manifest in the forms of bugs - so to give you an example I've sat in the middle of the bed swatting around my head and when asked what I am swatting I answered "wasps";  more recently I got hysterical because I thought a spider had fallen from the ceiling into the bed, poor husband got such a fright!


I only tend to have very vague recollections of these events and in most part, other people have described the happenings to me.  I have been told that on a few occasions I've freaked out inconsolably over a horrible presence in the room to an extent that my ex thought our neighbors would call the police because I screamed the house down.  Those ones I have zero recollection of (only the sore throat in the morning and puffy face from where I'd been crying)


So...those are kind of frightening.  I've also had a couple of experiences of sleep paralysis which are terrifying.


Like I said, any story works :) But yeah, those must have been pretty scary to go through. I'm kind of surprised I never had those issues since for a while I had problems trying to sleep to the point where I started taking Zquil every night for a while. Although apparently I would mumble in my sleep loud enough to where my mom could hear me from the other room. I wouldn't be surprised if I still do and have been tempted to record myself sleeping just to see but I don't want to have to skim through hours of me sleeping.


If you don't mind me asking, but what have you experienced during sleep paralysis? Was it something similar to Rin's?


After my dad died I went through a period of my life that I would probably say I was slipping into insanity. I lost a lot of sleep, and often could not sleep at all. I started to lose my grip on reality and would see things that were not there. Horrible, gruesome things. When I could sleep it was filled with nightmarish images of death. You know how parents tell kids that if they don't go to sleep they would be taken by the boogeyman? I had my own personal boogeyman.


I called him the Black Man, because that's all I ever saw of him; just a vague, 7 foot tall black figure that would stand in my closet for hours. The first time I saw him I screamed loud enough to wake the neighbors, who came running to our doorstep. My stepmother had to reassure the neighbors that everything was okay while my older brother tried to comfort me. Every night afterward I would see him, sometimes in a different place but most often in my closet. The Black Man never moved, except for one time. This one time he sort of... glided over to my bed and pointed a finger at me. Not a word was spoken, and he vanished. Immediately after he vanished an incessant growling reverberated through my room and I looked outside my window. A large Doberman Pinscer was outside my window, growling and drooling with bloodshot eyes. At this point I was unable to tell reality from dreams. Once again I screamed just as the dog shattered the glass. I woke up screaming and my brother shaking me, trying to bring me back to the real world.


Not long after that I was checked into a mental institution for troubled children. I stayed there for several months. I still see the Black Man to this day, always standing, sometimes pointing. But he no longer frightens me.


Sorry to hear you went through all that. I've read all sorts of sleep paralysis stories and it sounds like one of the worst things that can happen mentally because of how real it seems. A lot of them have what you've experienced with a shadow person that slowly hovers over to their bed. Sometimes though they also feel the person put weight on their chest or they start talking but can't be understood. I think the only closest thing I had to it was a long time ago when I was about six or seven years old. I remember laying down in my bed, and then suddenly I felt anxious and tried to call for my mother but when she came in my room she had snake hair and fangs. I don't remember if I woke up screaming or if I did in the dream, but either way it was pretty scary and I have no idea why I experienced it.


I'll never forget the day February 6, 2016. I was working in the hospital that day, working alongside a physical therapist doing consults. Before heading into the room, the PT told me the patient had a rare case of Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, or "Tree Man Illness." I've heard of the disease before (and if anyone has the stomach to look up pictures of it) I only had a minuscule idea of what I was about to see. The patient was a man in his 30s and his body was covered in macules and warts, even the face. I don't mean to sound insensitive or making light of the man's condition, but he reminded me of the Clickers from The Last of Us. And even his voice was just so hoarse and dry, it sounded like people with tracheostomies who have smoked for too lung.


Basically the reason for his physical therapy was because he was bedridden for quite some time and we needed to help him getting up and moving. Even though I wore gloves, grabbing a hold of his arms to help lift him up was uncomfortable due to his skin condition. Well I squeezed his arm a little too hard and one of the warts on him... burst. And the fluid dripped and spilled onto my scrubs but thankfully it didn't get anywhere on my skin. And the poor man didn't even notice because his nerves were probably so heavily damaged. I apologize to anyone who just ate. Thankfully two nurses and a doctor were also in the room so they were able to clean up everything.


I consider myself fairly tolerant to some of the things I've seen in the hospital but that whole experience made my stomach turn. I still remember exactly what the man looked like and can still remember that voice.


Seeing stories like this really make me appreciate people that work in hospitals as I know I wouldn't last a week if I saw stuff like that. My mom worked at a burn ward when she started out as a nurse and I remember her telling me all sorts of patients she had, and seeing burned children was the hardest. I'm also pretty sure she went in during the 1995 Murrah Building bombing. I would have to ask her friend that though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just carved up our pumpkins today. That was fun. 


A little worried about the fact that we have no candy to pass out. I would feel really bad if a group kids came to our door and I have no candy to give. But that's because it seems no one does door to door trick or treating anymore. Before we moved here, we lived in a bigger city, and even there it seems like door to door trick or treating has been replaced by taking your kids to the mall and trick or treating there instead. Oi. Things just aren't the way they used to be.   

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Just carved up our pumpkins today. That was fun. 


A little worried about the fact that we have no candy to pass out. I would feel really bad if a group kids came to our door and I have no candy to give. But that's because it seems no one does door to door trick or treating anymore. Before we moved here, we lived in a bigger city, and even there it seems like door to door trick or treating has been replaced by taking your kids to the mall and trick or treating there instead. Oi. Things just aren't the way they used to be.   


I didn't decorate anything. Mainly because I would have to do everything myself and I'm too lazy :P My neighbors go all out though. I would post a picture if I could, but they have a big ghost on their house which flows in the wind and an inflatable cat thing that turns it's head. I think they have tombstones too but I'm not sure if they put them out this year.


Door-to-door trick or treating is still a thing where I am. Maybe that's because the mall near me sucks now. But yeah, there's still a large amount of trick or treaters.

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Honestly sleep paralysis has to be one of the scariest things I experience. My life has been in danger many times before and I know that fear, but sleep paralysis is a different kind of fear. Just waking up and not being able to move, see, or breathe with a heavy feeling getting heavier by the second. I know how to break out of it now but it's still a scary feeling every time. Especially the times when I feel like I waste my energy trying to break out of it and I can't anymore. It feels like I'll suffocate if I don't break out of it.

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