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Video Games Matter!


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Before I begin I would like to say this is not a controversial thread nor is it about gun control. If it becomes that way, then clearly the thread topic was ignored. We all know how most people here feel about the whole gun debate. This thread is not about that. I created this thread to simply marvel at how big the video game industry is becoming. Just this week the Vice President sent the ESA an invitation to come up to the White House and join the ongoing gun control debate. To me this just reflects how much influence the video game industry has and how far it has come over the years. The mere fact that violent video games are blamed for real world violence is a testimony to how much of an impact video games have in the average individual's life (This past sentence in not the subject of the thread) . In the following thread, it is my intention that we not only marvel at how much the industry has advanced as a whole, but the impact that video games have had on our lives. Let's keep this thread on track so it does not have to get shut! Thanks, I look forward to hearing how much video games mean to others. :) Carry on.......

Edited by DanielVT
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Well, I'm assuming you're optomistic, I'm pessimistic on this. Every goddamn soccer mom out there blames violent video games for people shooting up places and how it affects there kids. Well, no one said the game was for the fucking kid in the first place. When the Gamestop (or whoever the company's clerk is providing you assistance), they specifically tell the parent what product is rated M and for what reasons. I don't even know anymore... This pisses me off when I see people blaming video games for violence and assume "gamers" of being fat asses with no lives eating Doritos and drinking fucking Mountain Dew. Whatever...

I'm not trying to instigate an argument either, but I just hate seeing stuff like this.

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If someone can't tell the difference between reality and a video game, then they shouldn't be playing video games at all. Even it's a kid or an adult.

But something like this is along the lines of blaming guns for killing people. No shit the gun killed him but who do you think loaded the gun and pulled the trigger, Casper the Gangster Ghost? No..

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Well, I'm assuming you're optomistic, I'm pessimistic on this. Every goddamn soccer mom out there blames violent video games for people shooting up places and how it affects there kids. Well, no one said the game was for the fucking kid in the first place. When the Gamestop (or whoever the company's clerk is providing you assistance), they specifically tell the parent what product is rated M and for what reasons. I don't even know anymore... This pisses me off when I see people blaming video games for violence and assume "gamers" of being fat asses with no lives eating Doritos and drinking fucking Mountain Dew. Whatever...

I'm not trying to instigate an argument either, but I just hate seeing stuff like this.

If someone can't tell the difference between reality and a video game, then they shouldn't be playing video games at all. Even it's a kid or an adult.

But something like this is along the lines of blaming guns for killing people. No shit the gun killed him but who do you think loaded the gun and pulled the trigger, Casper the Gangster Ghost? No..

Guys, I tried to make it clear. This thread is not about the whole gun control thing. I gave that as a background as it was what spurned me to marvel at how influential games have become. This thread is about how video games have impacted your life and what they mean to you. I will give an example.

Video games matter to me alot. I love them because they let me do things I would not normally be able to do. In games like COD I get to fight battles and experience...well experiences I would not normally ever have the chance of doing. To make it better I don't die either! Sports games let me throw the final strike of the World Series or the Hail Mary pass that wins the Super Bowl. Video games allow me to live dreams and wishes I have.

I can attribute video games to many happy moments of my life. Video games challenge me, they give me something to strive at till I succeed. Indeed I would say they have prepared me in some ways for the real world. Finally video games let us live in realistic fantastical universes that don't exist. Becase I or we control these hero's and athletes we get a virtual and exciting world. Let's face it, every once in awhile it is nice to get away from the real world and be saviors of the world or ultimate badasses or MVP caliber athletes.

This gentlemen is what the thread should be like from here on out! :) Thanks.

Edited by DanielVT
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Just because all the crazy people that are the perpetrators of these shooting just so happen to play video games, they have to blame them? Uh...hello, lots of people played GTA and Goldeneye 007 when they were like, 10. It's beyond stupid that all of us are punished just cause of some idiots with screws loose anyway that can't tell between reality and fiction. Plenty of us watched rated R movies when we were 10-13 too, let's ban those too cause they're obviously responsible for shootings too!

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Just because all the crazy people that are the perpetrators of these shooting just so happen to play video games, they have to blame them? Uh...hello, lots of people played GTA and Goldeneye 007 when they were like, 10. It's beyond stupid that all of us are punished just cause of some idiots with screws loose anyway that can't tell between reality and fiction. Plenty of us watched rated R movies when we were 10-13 too, let's ban those too cause they're obviously responsible for shootings too!

Ahem....please look at me previous post to Scotty and Dragon Tamer. Thanks. I wish people would read everything said and not just skim briefly through the initial paragraph. I tried to make it clear that this WAS NOT about gun control. It was just recent events have made me realize how influential video games have become, and also the impact they have had in my life and what they mean to me.

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Whether we like it or not videogames influence the world. Think of all the gaming competitions for cash prices. Do you think some morons just get together last min. for these competitions? No. They play and play and play until they're the best. I remember reading about the Pokemon competitions and how the winner puts hours and hours preparing different pokemon and training them to Lvl 100 (which is a chore) just to see which pokemon worked for him. He trains pokemon to lvl 100 that he doesn't even use. And don't even get me started with some of the CoD, Street Fighter, Halo, Tekken, etc. tourneys every year.

The only game tourney I could ever compete in is the Rock-Paper-Scissors competition...and I'd probably still suck!

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Maybe to avoid people taking about gun control don't mention it in your original post. There are many other examples you could've used in fairness, and many other ways in which video games have become influential and relevant in society. For example, Journey becoming the first video game to earn a Grammy nomination, or how games may have influenced a person's interest, like the first Spiderman game making me become much more interested in comics and graphic novels when I was younger.

Think before you speak; there was no need to use such a negative example to start this thread, especially since it's a topic you brought up, only for you to instantly declare that no-one should mention it.

You make a good point, but I was abundantly clear that this what this thread was and was not. It just shows people really don't pay attention. I honestly could not have spelled it out any clearer. Also the example I gave was what caused me to reflect and was the best example I could think of at the moment.

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You make a good point, but I was abundantly clear that this what this thread was and was not. It just shows people really don't pay attention. I honestly could not have spelled it out any clearer. Also the example I gave was what caused me to reflect and was the best example I could think of at the moment.

Next time say something like this:

"How have video games influenced you in your life? How have they mattered? How are they important to you."

You could've said anything like that, and I can guarantee no-one would even consider bringing up gun control on a whim. As a matter of fact, you mentioning it is what will cause the problem and ultimately led to the tread being closed. How you can think anything otherwise is beyond me.

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