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Politician has reasonable thought out discussion, shocker!


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I cant claim to know that much about Vice President Biden, but I do like his views on the below.


VP Biden was trying to emphasize that even if they are not part of the problem they could be part of the solution. - How can anyone argue with that? The man (or his representatives) have obviously thought this through and want to discuss the actual issues rather than play the blame game.

Either way, it certainly helps dispel some of the stereotypes that surround American politicians.

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... If they are not a part of the problem, which I strongly believe is the case, how can them being less violent be part of the solution? That makes no sense to me at all.

I agree with you, video games are not the cause. That's like saying movies or TV shows are at fault. I can't remember where I heard this, but one person said that they make a big deal about video games when ultra violent TV shows like Spartacus and Game of Thrones are watched by millions.

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What you're seeing here is a classic case of politics.

First, politicians will identify "a problem" or "a crisis" and make it Public Issue Number One. Then they'll make a massive hue-and-cry about some great solution that will solve the situation.... when in fact it doesn't really do much to address it. While everyone is distracted, they'll get back to the business of feathering their own nests and otherwise doing nothing to address the real issues of the day.

To borrow and butcher a quote from Shakespeare, all of this is sound and fury signifying nothing.

VP Biden was trying to emphasize that even if they are not part of the problem they could be part of the solution. - How can anyone argue with that? The man (or his representatives) have obviously thought this through and want to discuss the actual issues rather than play the blame game.

Either way, it certainly helps dispel some of the stereotypes that surround American politicians.

Really? He's not playing the blame game? Why else would you bring up the video game industry and "suggest that they improve their image" unless you're trying to paint them with some of the blame?

We've seen nothing but "politics as usual" -- and from both sides to boot. We've seen some groups attempt to wrap their agenda around this tragedy and use it as an engine to push through the changes they want. We've seen other groups pointing fingers everywhere but at their own sacred cows. We've seen both sides drag out all sorts of biased statistics that are sketchy at best and outright lies a fair chunk of the time.

Meanwhile, there are lots of other problems the politicians could be attending to that are actually part of their job. There are things the government could and should be doing that's part of their core job responsibilities that are going completely ignored. All because we're caught up in the latest train wreck, with gun control being the "red capote" of the day being waved about to draw attention.

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To be honest, It's not the gun control I'm concerned about, that argument has been done to death over the years, and although I find it ridiculous that Games / Movies / Music get blamed for these sorts of things, It isn't the point I was making.

As I stated in the OP, I don't know much about VP Biden, for all I know he could be an enormous knob end. In Britain, I'm very used to the media and politicians blaming video games for our countries ills rather than actually looking at the real issues behind it, and wouldn't even consider actually talking to the gaming industry to get their view on it.

In terms of the worlds view of America, the stereotype is that you are a bunch of uneducated obese burger lovers, that have trouble thinking about anything slightly outside the box of what you are told to think about. However, I like to credit you (most of you at least) with a bit more than that, and you know your VP better than I, as well as the issues that affect the country. I think most of the world watching this story from outside were expecting him to say "Video games, this is your fault, now that we've pointed the blame, lets forget the real issue, put on our shit eating grins and pretend everything is OK."

The fact is, he hasn't said that at all. What it appears he is saying is, let me try to understand the issue, and help me solve this issue, which is far more intelligent than saying, this is your fault. I may be wrong, but apart from one UK politician, I've not seen any other that has actually wants to understand the real issues.

Of course the latest debate is far from over and after he's spoken to the other groups (Which appear to be the actual ones doing the pointing) I may change my mind completely and take back everything I've said. (or just delete the whole topic and deny it ever happened.)

And IMO, just because we aren't responsible for something happening, it doesn't mean we shouldn't help fix it.

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I agree with you, video games are not the cause. That's like saying movies or TV shows are at fault. I can't remember where I heard this, but one person said that they make a big deal about video games when ultra violent TV shows like Spartacus and Game of Thrones are watched by millions.

I actually understand why Video games are blamed more then Movies and TV. It is the simple fact that video games are interactive. With movies and tv you just watch, with video games, you actually control the characters while the shoot, stab, brutally kill each other. That being said, I strongly disagree that this is real violence. Real violence looks and sounds nothing like what you see in video games. To me, the argument that video games make people violent, is akin to saying Mario makes people abuse turtles.

For anyone who wants an interesting video on this topic, watch this link:


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I actually understand why Video games are blamed more then Movies and TV. It is the simple fact that video games are interactive. With movies and tv you just watch, with video games, you actually control the characters while the shoot, stab, brutally kill each other. That being said, I strongly disagree that this is real violence. Real violence looks and sounds nothing like what you see in video games. To me, the argument that video games make people violent, is akin to saying Mario makes people abuse turtles.

For anyone who wants an interesting video on this topic, watch this link:


Thanks for the interesting link. I also agree completely with what you said above.

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Video games are more often blamed because they don't have an effective lobby of any sort. Movies and television don't really have a lobby.... but a large number of prominent Hollywood figures donate a TON of money to the political process. Most politicians are loathe to bite the hand that feeds them, so they rarely speak ill of their major campaign contributors (and their industries) and they rarely offer up legislation that would significantly hurt the same.

It's a corrupt bargain and a corrupt process, but that's the system we've got.

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