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Is this game based on anything?


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8 hours ago, MilanYildirim said:

Yes, game is based on overly lameass teenage drama and sjws. You are practically a god damn annoying skinny teenage girl who's obsessed with making the world a better place by taking photos and live in a dorm. OH MY GOD WHY I CANT BE ONE OF COOL GIRLS BUUUU HUU. Rich and beautiful girl is picking on me but now l have super powers buu huuu.
Story is pretty retarded too

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just tell that your stupid friend's stupid father that if he picks up his wife he'll die, and if he doesn't die just tell him not to buy his daughter a god damn car. It's not rocket science damn it.

That game sucks donkey balls.


Clearly, you missed the point. If Max tells Chloe's father, the butterly effect will cause other consequences. If you tell the father not to buy a car, the butterfly effect will fuck something else up. Take, for instance, Chloe and Arcadia Bay. You kept trying to save Chloe but she was destined to die, and the more you fucked with time trying to save her, the more fucked up the world became. The message was that fucking with time comes back to bite you, no matter what you do. 

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After reading last comments I find very interesting how some gamers "need" to relate to characters to then enjoy the journey.

I was a teacher, maybe that's why I was very tolerant and understand mean people, bullies, hipsters, etc but even trying to just know them without taking them as students I didn't found them annoying. 

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I really enjoyed this game and it's story. It got me hooked till the ending.


The story felt fresh and original enough, but influences from The Butterfly Effect, Groundhog Day and Twin Peaks are obvious. Devs actually did not shy from dumping a tremendous amount of references and easter eggs from popular movies and shows.


Everyone enjoying this game should check out the references page from the game's wiki upon completing a full playthrough.

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You would hope the game is not based on true events given what happens in the last couple of chapters (not talking about time travel here...). I was really happy with this game for a ps plus title, almost beat it in one sitting. The next day my gf asked me 'what we watched yesterday' though haha. I'm a bloke getting on in age but I don't see why we should need to 'relate' to any characters in any game. It's their story not ours. I don't ever go into a game thinking the story will be anything other than garbage though so it's always a pleasant surprise when it's interesting enough to bother with or even to be able to remember anything about.

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After completing the game you can tell that the game is like a huge homage to many great movies and TV Shows.


It is clear that these guys love Donnie Darko. The game starts just as the movie, with music while the main character walks around the school. The wormhole thing with multiple universes colliding into one also very similar. The movie itself happens during Halloween, party included...


Then you have all The Butterfly Effect thing, with Max surfing through universes by focusing on pictures. Changing things most of the times for the worse, wheelchair incident included just like the movie. The nose bleeding as she keeps straining herself...


Then many references all around the game to Twin Peaks. The fire walk with me written on the mirror. Also that part of the last chapter in which everybody speaks backwards.


Also the Redrum thing from The Shining, and many more that I don't remember right now... as I said a beautiful homage, taking things from here and there to make it their own very special product.

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