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A Monthly PSNP Gaming Tournament

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Starting January 2019 I will be hosting gaming tournaments (with prizes) exclusive to PSNP. This post is just to inform you guys, so if it is in the wrong section, I apologize. Here is some more information:


So... What?

What I intend to do is host a gaming tournament every single month for the year of 2019. The Tournament will take place the last weekend of every month, and will be a different game each and every time. The games will consist of different genres each month to give every member a chance at not only participating but winning. The game of the month will be announced the first of every month, giving you time to prep if need be. I feel this is plenty of time, as I wanted to try to avoid hosting a tournament in which "professionals" can just come onto the game and win no problem. There will be requirements to join of which I am currently unsure of, to avoid once again, people joining the site just to participate, or having multiple profiles as an attempt to get multiple attempts of winning. 



Each and every event will be streamed by myself. Doing so will provide not only legitimacy, but provide a platform for users who have entered, and others, to join in on the fun, watch, and support your favorite trophy hunters. 



Yes my friends, there will be a prize/s in each of my tournaments which will vary on the game, and amount of participants. I am still determining if I want one winner, or 2-3, but I can assure you, there will be a minimum prize (to the first place winner) of $50. The $50 will be coming from me directly, in the form of ONLY a PSN card for the region of your choice. I will not be sending you money, and I will not be doing PayPal. You will be competing for a PSN card, unless stated otherwise for a minimum of $50 with the possibility of prizes to 2nd and 3rd place in a smaller amount. (again this will be determined mostly by the number of participants)


Picking the Game:

This is where it might get tricky. Lets be honest. Not everyone will have the game each month, and not everyone will like the game that is picked. I have yet to determine if I just want to select the game myself, have a poll of a few games (this is likely), or let the majority vote kick in with suggestions. This again, is a process that is to be determined in the next 1-2 days.



We may all have many differences, but we can all say we at least have one thing in common with gaming. This event is to bring us closer together, interact with people we dont normally do so with, meet new people, and have fun doing it. This is all for fun, and I do not want poor sports. 



I know we are not all on the same time zone/schedule. This may be the trickiest factor of them all. I will figure out the best way to get everyone wanting to participate involved.


As I have stated, this event kicks off next month, with the game being announced in just a couple of days. I want this to be perfect, and once down, will be the same format each and every month. Please, below make some suggestions on not only games, but ideas/advice on how to make this the best it can be, and maybe where you see this can be flawed so I can try to prevent them from happening!


Lets have a great year everybody!

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You could stick with PS plus games for a while. Onrush, Call of Duty BO3, Killing Floor 2, and Dead by Daylight (not sure how a competition would work for that), etc. have all recently been free for plus. You could also go to popular games that people found under their Christmas tree as well or announce a multiplayer game when it's on sale. Of course a simple poll will suffice as well.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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