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jonesey46's Trophy Travels


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1 hour ago, Grotz99 said:

This right here is why i didn't get the platinum for AC:B. The multiplayer wasn't interesting enough to grind out to level 50. AEOTM is the worst one, actually saw a game session recently to boost that and was tempted, but really don't want to put the time in for the rest.


Just finished Syndicate (I think, there was no credits...) and it had some entertaining moments, but overall was just OK. People kept saying that is the most underrated and best one, but I'm not seeing it. Maybe I just grew tired of them or people are anglophiles, especially since beating Yakuza 0 recently was such a great experience. At least they made the characters in the game interesting again and added some personality. Hoping the DLC is interesting as I do like Jack the Ripper stories.


The multiplayer isn't all too terrible in any of the other Assassins Creed games. But I finally got Game Lab in Black Flag, stupid trophy because it's mostly dead at this point.


Syndicate is nothing too great. I will admit I had something on Evie Frye, but Ubisoft basically put her on some stupid fetch quest to find the Piece of Eden. The story felt a bit slapped together. Jacob is suddenly the leader of a gang looking to take down the Templars in London, Evie is trying to find the Piece of Eden with a high ranking Templar who was second only to the mustached villain who is supposedly a gentleman on the outside. Still thought it was better than Unity's story. Arno was some whiny kid whose character doesn't really develop, and Elise was huge wasted potential.


I get that Origins was trying to reinvent the wheel because the Assassins Creed formula was getting pretty stale at that point, but I can't say I really like Bayek a whole lot. Ubisoft is trying to make their cast more diverse rather than just have a bunch of White Causasian males as the Assassins like it was in all the other games. I love the history of Ancient Egypt... but I really can't place Origins as more than a open world with a checklist. I'd probably place it a bit higher than Mad Max, which I enjoyed overall but was simply a fetch quest that wasn't anything too awesome.


1 hour ago, Grotz99 said:

I really enjoy Rockstar's games, but they make half the tophy list multiplayer, then tack on even more through DLC. As I started really trying to collect trophies and complete games this past year, I hit the realization that there are some trophies I won't go back for, such as ps3 multiplayer ones and have to live with that as I don't want to make a new account. I like having my total history of gaming on PS3 and PS4, figured I'll just try to improve that. Just got to 50%, started at about 38% a year and half ago. Also, it's kind of funny seeing how long it took to complete some games as I went back to them.


Congratz on Crysis 3, those games were ahead of their time when I played them on PC. Glad to hear that it sounds like it still holds up.


There's a possibility I will go back and get some easy multiplayer trophies in Red Dead Redemption, but I strongly doubt I'll 100 percent it. I got too much shit on my backlog to be concerned with getting every single trophy in games I played years ago. For me it's really not worth it, and I got a good enough completion rate already.


It's funny how games I played in high school and college back in the mid - late 2000s are now 'old titles' that people today are saying are ahead of their time, or have aged terribly. Even stuff like LA Noire, Dantes Inferno, Prototype and the such are being applied as such. Some of you guys sometimes make me feel old.

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:platinum: Platinum #149 - Far Cry Classic :platinum:




Jack Carver is vacationing with his girlfriend when suddenly their yacht gets blown to pieces and they get thrown into the sea. Jack washes up on the shore of a mysterious island and shortly after arriving, is contacted by a man named Doyle who has claimed to help jack so long as he helps him in return. It seems that there are some crazy experiments going on on the island and it's now Jacks job to shut it all down. The story is pretty cliche if I'm honest, but it was 2004 and games were simpler back then. One thing that is definitely noticeable though is the voice acting, primarily the protagonist Jack. Jack is an insufferable dick head, all he ever does is complain and answer back with rude and cringe remarks. It's such a product of its time and I bet teenage boys in 2004 though Jack was the coolest character going. It kind of reminds me of Prince of Persia: Edgelord Within, erm I mean... Warrior Within. Anyway, the voice actor probably did the best with the material he was given but it's genuinely awful and really hard to ignore. Everyone else though, does a great job. Doyle's voice actor, who I initially mistook for Lawrence Fishburne until I checked the IMDB, is particularly well done. Doyle is a cool and collected character who never really gives in to Jacks awful jokes and insults. And Valerie is great as well, played by the same person that voiced Anna Grimsdottr in Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (I never understood why they changed the voice actors for that one game). 



Much like the other Far Cry games, this is a first-person shooter set in a hostile environment, and while the game isn't open world like all the others, the missions are open-ended enough that you can wander around and approach your objective however you want. If you're not up for that though you can just follow the path laid out for you and complete all the missions in the most linear way possible. As every FPS should, Far Cry has a tonne of weapons that you can use to wreak havoc upon the enemies of the island. These weapons tend to get more advanced and more explosive as the game goes on which mirrors the enemies, who get tougher and more armored. I liked this as it gives the feeling of progression by offering more of a challenge as you gain more experience in the game. I don't know if there's a term for this, but it seems a lot of older games did this and it's something you don't see anymore. Half-Life is a perfect example, you gain better and more powerful weaponry as the game progress but the enemies get tougher to match that. Anyway, gun play is fine but you never really feel the weight of the weapon you're carrying, aside from the rocket launchers and other explosive weapons, most guns are just a point, click and down goes the enemy, with no real feeling to it all.


I actually loved the setting of this game. The jungle environment really suits the Far Cry model well, keeping in mind that Far Cry 3, arguably the best and easily the most popular of the franchise, was set in a jungle too. For an older game, Far Cry's setting is quite visually striking, and it's one the developers would go on to perfect in Crysis. Sadly though, the setting is all I can compliment when it comes to visuals in Far Cry, everything else is pretty dated and hasn't aged well at all, most particularly the character models. I never played it on PC and I know the PS3 port is notoriously quite bad (as are a lot of the PS3 ports tbh) so I don't want to go bashing the visuals too much when I played an inferior version, but it seems no matter what you play it on, those character models are bad.


The game has 20 missions which are pretty varied, ranging from assaulting a abandoned ship, racing a boat down a river and there's even a few close encounter missions set inside labs or tombs which resemble levels from a horror game. Despite that though, the missions are all pretty much the same; go here, hit a switch, kill all the enemies on the way and repeat. The game is pretty short though and can be beat in around 6-8 hours.


Platinum Thoughts

This game was an absolute doddle. I knew what I was going to get with this game and didn't fancy playing it any more than once, so I used the wonderful guide on this website to help me along the way. There's no collectibles of any sort, not even cumulative kill trophies. They all boil down to doing specific tasks during a mission and the guide perfectly explains when and where to do these actions. Other than keeping track of these things, you can play the game at your own leisure and if you happen to fail any of the tasks you can easily load a previous save. I had a great time playing this game as I was able to play it at my own pace and then at certain points, I'd make sure to do a specific thing to pop a trophy, and continue on. I got every trophy in the game in the exact order and didn't have to go back for anything. The only trophy that requires a little messing around is the one for completing the game on hard. Luckily, there's an exploit for it. Essentially, you start a new game on hard after you've finished the game, this then triggers the deletion of all your saves so you can start fresh, but if you reset your PS3 during this process, none of your saves are deleted and the game thinks its set to hard. Load up the last checkpoint, and 10 seconds later, you've completed the game on hard. Easy peasy.


I was warned about constant crashes and glitches before starting this game but throughout my entire play through of this game, it crashed once. And not one trophy glitched. Maybe I just got lucky? In any case, keep an eye out and back up your saves if you're the unlucky type.



A fun little game and considering I only paid £3 for it I was pretty happy with the experience. It hasn't aged overly well and the main character is a tosser but if you can see past that it's a good time.


After completing this, the only Far Cry game I don't have the platinum/100% for is Far Cry 2. It's been a long time coming as I did all the single player trophies for it back in 2009. The infamous multiplayer is holding me back because of how long and boring it is. I've planned to do it so many times and ultimately never bothered, but I plan to get a second and maybe a third PS3 to just self boost the whole thing myself. So, providing I do that and then refrain from dying of boredom, I should have the platinum in the bag along with the whole series.


Best Bit

The lush jungle setting and the chaotic combat which has become a staple of the series.


Worst Bit

The protagonist. Seriously, the guy is a wanker.


Arbitrary Rating





In the time it took me to write this I also completed Lords of the Fallen, so that's up next.


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Congrats for Far Cry! It is quite dated now but back in the day it really was a technological masterpiece (at least on PC where I played it). Still those mutants kinda sucked if I remember correctly.


Can't wait to see your input about Lords of the Fallen xD 

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:platinum: Platinum #150 - Lords of the Fallen :platinum:




You play as Harkyn, a prisoner who has just been freed by some bloke named Kaslo. Why were you freed? Because you're the only one who can stop the Rhogar invasion by killing the Rhogar gods, apparently. Do you care? No, of course not because the story and its characters are so inconsequential that you could play the whole game without even knowing a single thing about the lore. Characters are just there because they need to be, bosses are just there because the game wants them to be, the final boss is evil for some reason and for a game with three endings I'm still not entirely sure what the point of them were, or their differences for that matter. Basically it boils down to 'hard bloke kills all the things until there are no things left' - the end.



So, a disclaimer before we start; I've never played a soulsborne game. I've never felt overly compelled to either. The only reason I played this game to completion is because 'past me' who didn't care about his completion percentage started this game when he was bored as it was free on PS Plus. And now present me is on a clean-up mission. Fortunately though, I'm glad I played this game and completed it because it has encouraged me to play a real soulsborne game. Probably Bloodborne as I already own it (again, free on PS Plus).


So, as someone who has never played any of those games, this was a very new experience to me. I knew going in that this was a souls rip off and a budget one at that, and I'll admit when coming back to this game with the intention of getting 100%, I was a little scared. This game whooped my ass at the start but by the end of my first playthrough I could safely navigate the game with relative ease. I've been told this game is a doddle compared to any of the soulsborne game so I guess I'll have to prepare to get my ass whooped ten fold when I get around to them.


Anyway, on to the game. When you start, you have the choice of three classes; Rogue, Warrior or Cleric. I didn't understand the differences so I just chose Cleric. Turns out, there's not much difference between them, just a few attribute changes and different spells, the game pretty much plays the same way no matter what. One particular spell, Prayer, is available across all 3 classes, and it's almost the only spell I used through out the game. It comes in handy against the last boss, which I'll get to in a bit.


So, once you pick your class, the game starts and you face your first boss in about 5 minutes. After that, you can explore, find audio scrolls (explain that one to me) loot chests, kill enemies for XP etc. It was at this stage that I started to feel overwhelmed (reminding you that this is my first experience with the genre), it felt like there was too much going on, too many branching paths and how would I know if was going the right way? Well, after an hour or two it becomes very clear that the game is very shallow and very, very linear. If you explore you'll quickly realise that every door is locked aside from the one you need to go through, and any doors that can be unlocked, lead to one room. Any branching paths quickly bring you back round to where you started, funneling you to the next area. I will admit, though this illusion started to wear thin after a couple of hours, it stayed up until I started my second playthrough, most likely due to my fear of this new genre. See, the game has a trophy for completing the game with each class, requiring a minimum of 3 playthroughs. My first playthrough took around 22-25 hours, I was finding my feet and I also got all the collectibles out of the way during this run. My second and third playthrough took anywhere between 3 and 5 hours each, which is an absolute joke. Once I knew what I was doing and where I was going I just ran past every enemy to the next boss. Call me old fashioned but I don't think you should be able to do that.


The final boss is laughable too, there's a really simple exploit that was never patched. Essentially you put down a decoy before going in and another once you're in the boss arena, this confuses the boss and causes him to stand still allowing you to hack away without getting hit. Hilarious. I'm not going to pretend that I'm above using exploits, I'm not at all. But sometimes I feel bad for using them, especially if the game is good. This game deserves no respect so I had no shame using it every time.


I've been a little harsh on the game and while it is incredibly mediocre, I did actually enjoy my time with it. I liked the combat, I liked making my way through the world (on my first run anyway) and although I'd get super frustrated when I died and all the enemies I just killed respawned, I felt myself compelled to push on and do better each time. I can only imagine that I'll have a wonderful time once I start a real souls game.


Platinum thoughts

As a newbie to the genre, the trophy list was intimidating when I first looked at it as I was unsure how to tackle it. I used the guide on this website and once you get stuck in you'll find the trophy list very simple. Most trophies can be knocked out during your first playthrough, leaving your second and third free to just focus on completing the game. Also any missable trophies are not an issue as they can be picked up on your subsequent playthroughs. The guide recommends you play NG+ for your second run but starting a whole new NG run for your third, rather than doing NG++ as there is a difficulty spike. I didn't do this, as I couldn't be bothered looting chests to get my gear back on the third run and just wanted it over and done with. Thankfully I backed up my save right before the final boss on my first playthrough. So, after completing the game a second time on NG+, I just loaded up that backed up save and did my third run in NG+. 


The platinum is an ultra-rare, but don't be fooled. That's just because it was a PS Plus game and most people wouldn't give this game the time of day. I am a complete noob when it comes to these games and I was dreading doing it, but once I got going I found the platinum super easy, it just takes perseverance. 



A mediocre game with horrible characters, horrible voice acting and an uninteresting plot but through that the souls-like game play can be fun, providing you aren't a series veteran.


Best Bit

The challenging, almost puzzle like combat which took me a while to get used to and has genuinely motivated me to finally play a soulsborne game.


Worst Bit

The characters are just awful and so badly written. Especially Yetka, I have no idea where she came from, what she brought to the story or why she was there at all. The protagonist, Harkyn, isn't any better either. He's boringly macho and "needs" to kill everything. Yawn.


Arbitrary Rating





DLC - The Ancient Labyrinth



DLC Thoughts

Oh yeah, we're not done yet.


This was the biggest waste of £7.39 I've ever had to purchase.


At the time of purchase, the game itself was on sale for around £3.50 and the deluxe edition, which comes with the DLC, was on sale for £4.99. But the stand alone DLC? Full price at £7.39. Now, because I already own the game, I am unable to purchase the deluxe edition. So I had to pay £2.40 over the odds. I am livid about this. Mostly becuase the DLC isn't worth that at all. On top of that, there wasn't even a download when I purchased it, meaning the DLC was already baked into MY game, so all I purchased was the privilege of access.


Anyway, The Ancient Labyrinth is a whole new area of the game, accessible by speaking to the blacksmith in the main game who can teleport you there. When you arrive you find a wounded soldier who tells you he's been there for centuries trying to free himself by killing the lord in the middle of the labyrinth. I call bullshit, cause it took me about an hour to beat the entire DLC. Granted, I used a guide, as by this point I just wanted to be done with the damn game. But without the guide I could've still done beaten the thing in at most 2 hours. The Ancient Labyrinth is essentially a big circle, you hit switches which turns the circle and opens up new paths for you to navigate through. In total there are 3 rings to get through and the boss is in the middle. Pathetic. If they didn't ramp up the difficulty of the enemies for the DLC you could easily run through the labyrinth and reach the boss in less than a minute, providing you know what switches to hit. At least the boss was a little different to the ones in the main game, as a lot of those were the exact same. The boss in this has a shield of books protecting him, you need to wear down his shield and then stop him from recharging the shield, if he can't recharge his shield he explodes which takes off a chunk of his life. When he explodes though, you have to take cover cause if you get caught in the radius, its a one hit kill. I actually found this boss interesting as it required a little thought rather than just the usual hack and slash until its dead routine from the main game.

I might be annoyed by the price and the whole sale fiasco but to be honest I was glad to have the DLC done so quickly as I was rapidly becoming tired of the game and wanted it finished. After finishing the DLC I then had to beat the final boss of the main game (I accessed the DLC using my save right before the last boss) with a weapon dropped by the boss of the DLC for a trophy, but it was fine as I just used the exploit again and was done with it in a few minutes.




I'm glad that's behind me. Another game that I regret starting because it was free with Plus is Styx: Master of Shadows. Once I get the NG+ trophies done in Journey to the Savage Planet I'm going to start that and see how I get on, once that's done I've vowed to never regret starting a Plus game ever again... Over on the PS3 I've finally gone back to the incredible Bioshock, I just finished the challenge room DLC stuff last night so all I have left to do is complete the game on Survivor with no vita chambers. Wish me luck! 

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Congrats for :platinum: Lords of the Fallen (did mention I was waiting for your input hahah). Indeed, if you start Bloodborne(or any other Souls game really), you will have a way, way better experience. 

I had the unfortunate situation of playing this game after finishing all the Soulsborne games. It still stays at 6% completion...which can tell how much I actually loved it ? I will borrow some of your tips and exploits for when I go complete this game myself eventually.


P.S. Even in a Soulsborne game, at some point you just give up and run past the enemies to the boss gate. There's only so many times you can kill the same grunts before it gets old xD 

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2 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Congrats for :platinum: Lords of the Fallen (did mention I was waiting for your input hahah). Indeed, if you start Bloodborne(or any other Souls game really), you will have a way, way better experience. 

I had the unfortunate situation of playing this game after finishing all the Soulsborne games. It still stays at 6% completion...which can tell how much I actually loved it 1f611.png I will borrow some of your tips and exploits for when I go complete this game myself eventually.


P.S. Even in a Soulsborne game, at some point you just give up and run past the enemies to the boss gate. There's only so many times you can kill the same grunts before it gets old xD 

Thanks. Yeah, it's not terrible but it ain't great either. Honestly though if you just stick on some podcasts you could clear the game pretty easily. I heard that a lot of Souls veterans had a hard time adjusting to Sekiro so this could be like that for you but just not as exciting haha.


Well it's good to know that you can run past the enemies in Souls games in the case of frustration. In this though it's like the developers didn't even expect it cause you really can just sprint the entire game and be done with it in a couple of hours.

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1 minute ago, jonesey46 said:

Thanks. Yeah, it's not terrible but it ain't great either. Honestly though if you just stick on some podcasts you could clear the game pretty easily. I heard that a lot of Souls veterans had a hard time adjusting to Sekiro so this could be like that for you but just not as exciting haha.

Will take the podcasts into consideration lol, best strats in a videogame. Nah, Sekiro is pretty chill and manageable as long as you don't play it as a Souls game. It's a different beast altogether.

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4 hours ago, jonesey46 said:

Thanks. Yeah, it's not terrible but it ain't great either. Honestly though if you just stick on some podcasts you could clear the game pretty easily. I heard that a lot of Souls veterans had a hard time adjusting to Sekiro so this could be like that for you but just not as exciting haha.

Sekiro is great, just need to learn the parrying techniques rather than rolling around dodging. Wonder what playing any of the Dark Souls games would be like after playing Sekiro...


I highly recommend Bloodborne, it is still my favorite and has the best setting. Looking forward to reading what you think of it later on.

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💯 100% (re)Achieved - Journey to the Savage Planet 💯





Old Game Minus


DLC Thoughts

NG+ trophies are fine, I've taken issue with them in the past but ultimately they're okay. Providing that they actually add some form of meaningful content i.e a new weapon or a whole new mode then I'm all for it. If you're just adding a new difficulty mode and slapping NG+ on it then it's not fine, like Spider-Man or Far Cry 5. NG+ trophies can be the topic of a heated debate here on PSNProfiles and while I think a lot of people just love to complain, there is some genuine points to be made against them. I often think that these modes should be in the game when they release, and releasing them a few months after launch is just a shallow way of keeping the game relevant. I also think that a lot of the games that add a NG+ shouldn't have a trophy tied to it, much like God of War. But then I also think that we should stop complaining about them because they've been a thing for a little while now and when you buy a new AAA game you should almost expect it. And, at the end of the day, the developers can do what ever the fuck they like with their game. Now, onto the topic at hand.


Journey to the Savage Planet didn't even add New Game Plus, they added Old Game Minus which is like a challenge mode. You don't get to keep any of your upgrades, you start entirely from scratch. There's a timer although that's just for speed-running purposes and at various intervals you'll get a robot voice with a snarky comment about your progress, and you are limited to 3 lives! Run out of lives and the game ends, it deletes your save and you have to start again. Harsh. Once you start the game, your mission is to refuel your ship and beat the final boss. While it is possible to "finish" the game without beating the final boss in the main game mode, for the purposes of this one, you HAVE to take him down. Again, harsh. There are extra lives that can be found around the world (one in each biome, of which there are 3) which can make you feel a little safer and BELIEVE me, they come in handy. More on that later.


This is a fun challenge and I really enjoyed this game so I was keen to give it a try BUT one thing that annoyed me (back to complaining) is that there is a trophy for beating the new mode SOLO and one for beating it in CO-OP. So at the very minimum you are in for 2 playthroughs.


I tackled the SOLO trophy first and it was a breeze, took me 3 and a bit hours to complete and I lost 1 life without collecting any extras. I died at the jumping trial in the tower you need to turn on near the end. Right, on to CO-OP. Now, here's where it gets a little tricky, because those 3 lives you get? They're shared. That's right, one of you dies, you both lose that life. Even more harsh. Relying on a CO-OP partner can be a pain at the best of times but when there's permadeath involved, then it gets stressful. I have two PS4's, one being my girlfriends, and since she didn't have any interest in playing this mode, I did it solo with her idle on the ship. All was well up until the last biome, where some of the jumps and platforming gets a little tricky. Lives were lost and I'd rather not get into it to be honest ? Anyway, The CO-OP trophy took me 3 attempts and by the third attempt I couldn't bare the thought of going through this game again in such a short time so things started to get a little tense. I got to the final boss with 5 lives. I'd picked up the 3 extras and lost one due to a stupid mistake which was entirely my fault so no issues there. I called my girlfriend in as the last boss won't trigger until both players are on the platform, and having her idle in that room is just kissing lives goodbye, so I needed her help. The platform is at the bottom of this huge chamber with the teleporter at the top so in order to get down safely we had to jump down and activate our booster right before we landed so as not to die from fall damage. Simple enough. Then ensues the most ridiculous chain of events; My girlfriend had forgotten how to play the game and so fails the jump by getting snagged on a ledge about half way down, losing most of her life, she then jumps again whilst I'm falling down the chamber and I land directly on her head as we're both falling which causes me to instantly die. 4 lives left. She lands at the bottom but because she only had a little bit of health left there wasn't much room for error so she dies too. I'd respawned by this point so I have time to revive her but she's floating slowly upwards which makes her impossible to reach and so she dies. 3 lives left. We get to the boss arena and my girlfriend glitches through the platform and is stuck inside an acid pit, and she dies. 2 lives left. At this point I need to take a breather, too much is happening too fast. I collect myself and we both go head to head with the boss, just near the end my girlfriend dies, this time it was her fault. 1 LIFE LEFT. I clutched it right at the end and got the trophy. Breathe.


Here's my main issue with this mode; DON'T PUT IN A PERMADEATH MODE IF YOUR GAME DOESN'T FUCKING WORK. I'm being dramatic because the game is mostly fine but when you're dealing with a life system and permadeath, there's no room for error. And if any of those errors are the games fault then we have a big problem. I hate to say it but this DLC soured the entire game for me. Having to play a permadeath mode entirely in co-op isn't fun, it's stressful. The two trophies could have easily been combined into one so that you only had to complete one or the other but no, they decided to split them up and I genuinely can't think why...


Ultimately I think this is a fun challenge but the game could have used a patch or two first to iron out the bugs. The game only just released a month ago, a new mode isn't necessary this soon, and considering the time frame, I reckon they just rushed the thing out. This is still a great game and well worth your time, but this mode sours the experience a little with the need for two playthroughs, when it could have easily been one.




That's it from me for now. I'm currently working on Styx: Master of Shadows on the PS4 and still working on Bioshock on the PS3. I'm struggling to think what PS4 game I can tackle after Styx as all my remaining PS4 titles require either a lot of time, or a lot of skill. I'll probably do a post about that later though and hopefully get some advice from you guys. See you next time!




Edited by jonesey46
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:platinum: Platinum #151 - Styx: Master of Shadows :platinum:




I'm gonna struggle a bit here because if I'm honest the story in this game is pretty poor and I didn't pay attention to it at all. The game play is the main attraction here but I'll do my best; Styx is a goblin fella and after waking up somewhere with no memory of what he was doing he must sneak his way through the city and escape, I think? An adventure ensues as Styx starts to realise he may not be who he thinks he is. Blah blah blah.



Styx is a stealth game with large open levels and an emphasis on getting to your next objective whatever way you please, very much inspired by Dishonored. Like Dishonored, there's many ways you can approach your objective, you can sneak through without being seen or heard by anyone, or you can murder everyone in your path, the choice is yours. The game consists of 8 levels, each with 3-4 zones. However, the second half of the game consists of revisiting areas so really there's only around 4 unique levels. This is a AA game and it shows, terrible voice acting, long ass loading screens and so-so animations but let's be fair, the developers obviously did all they could. There's a very good game here, you just need to stick with it. Block out the story and the voice acting and you can have a lot of fun. Styx has various powers and equipment that can help you reach your goal like temporary invisibility and throwing knives. Each level has 4 insignia's (which you need to earn for the platinum), these are; Shadow, for completing the level without raising an alarm, Mercy for completing the level without killing anyone, Swiftness

 for completing the level under a certain time limit and Thief for collecting all tokens in the level. The tokens are a bit unnecessary I thought, there's 10 in each area so the total can be 40 for some levels, 30 for others. And they don't actually do anything, so the only reason to collect them is for the Thief insignia. You can unlock a vision ability which shows where the coins are in the world which can be helpful but the loading screens are so long for this game you really want to knock out as many of the insignia's as possible in as few goes as possible, so video guides are a must. Thankfully, there's a fantastic guy on YouTube who has a series of videos that covers all the insignia's to make life easy for you. He explains everything really well and I found his videos very helpful, here's a link to his guides if you happen to play the game LINK


It can be a very fun challenge going for shadow and mercy in each level but as I said, the loading screens in this game are unbearable. You will mess up a lot which means you will be loading a lot. If the loading screens were quicker I'd have happily played this game several times as I ended up really liking it but the amount of time spent waiting is unacceptable, which is what eventually lead me to those guide videos I've linked above. If not for those videos, my platinum time would have been MUCH longer. 


Platinum Thoughts

This game was free on PS Plus in 2015 which is when I got it, with this in mind and the loading screens I mentioned above it's no wonder why this Platinum sits at 2.43%. The game really isn't that much of a challenge (especially if you use video guides) and I reckon anyone could get it but most people probably get turned away by the loading times. As stated before I ended up using video guides to cut down my playtime as I was looking at a loading screen way too many times and getting frustrated. Because of this I got the insignia's for Shadow, Mercy and Thief for each level on my first play through and then cleaned up Swiftness after, using mission select. I feel this is the most efficient way to do it. Collecting the coins makes it next to impossible to get the Swiftness insignia as you're exploring the whole map rather than rushing to the next zone, so getting all 4 in one go is unlikely. Whilst playing through the game and focusing on the insignia's all other trophies should pop up naturally. All I had left after completing the insignia's and buying all the skills was to kill 200 enemies, so I just loaded up one of the first levels and killed everything that moved until it popped, which was quite a lot of fun ?. I can't stress this enough, the platinum is really straight forward but the loading screens are your worst enemy, so watch out! 



When I started this game in 2015 I got to the second mission and wrote it off as a crap game. Now, 5 years later I realise I was too harsh on it. After coming back to clean it up out of the back log I ended up having a really good time with it. So much so that I think I might buy the sequel.


Best Bit

Engaging stealth game play with wide open levels and the ability to approach your objective any way you please


Worst Bit



Arbitrary Rating





With Doom Eternal coming out this Friday I'm hesitant to start anything on the PS4, so I'm just focusing on Bioshock on the PS3. I've reached the fourth area of Rapture now and Survivor Mode is kicking my ass, although now I've got more weapons and plasmids, taking on enemies is becoming a lot easier. Those first few big daddies were freaking tough though. Hopefully it gets better from here and I should be done with it pretty soon.


I'm going to follow up this post shortly with a look at my remaining PS4 games in the back log. I'm struggling to figure out my next move as all my remaining games are either very challenging or very grindy. I'd love some feedback on that post so I'll be asking you lot what you think my next move should be.





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PS4 Backlog Review

After completing Lords of the Fallen and Styx: Master of Shadows, two games I thought I'd never complete, it's become clear that my backlog of PS4 games is getting rather small and increasingly difficult to choose from. Since I started to clear my back log in mid-2018 I have completed 50 PS4 games to 100%, 23 of which were games I'd started after this so that means that over half of those were from my backlog. As someone with a full time job I am pretty proud of that number. Most of those games were simple enough to finish with only a few posing any sort of challenge but now, we're in rough terrain. All my remaining PS4 games either require a huge time commitment, co-ordination with multiple people or an insane amount of skill and practice. I thought it would be a good idea to look at those remaining 16 games I have and identify their 'problem' trophies, hoping this might give me clarity on what my next move should be.


Note: I have plenty of PS3 games to get through, and I'll probably never run out ?, so it's just PS4 games I'm concerned about at the moment.


For anyone reading who has experience with any of these games, I would love to hear your thoughts so please leave a comment.




1. Borderlands 3

S4050d6.png Current Completion: 83%


Problem Trophies:



Okay, so this doesn't actually count but for the sake of the list I'm including all my uncompleted PS4 games, so here we are. As far as I know there's nothing tricky about the DLC for Borderlands 3, the only reason I haven't done it yet is because I refuse to pay £40 for a season pass. It actually went on sale a couple of weeks ago but only to around £32. I will pay no more than £20 for the season pass so I might be waiting a while to get this game to 100%.




2. Batman: Arkham Knight

S6b0e64.png Current Completion: 95%


Problem Trophies:

108S079c68.png The Chill in the Air - Complete the Crime Alley AR Challenge unharmed as Batman, Robin and Nightwing. (6.31%)

109Sc8ed6b.png The Curtain Falls - Flawless Freeflow in every round of the Monarch Theatre as Batman, Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman. (5.72%)

110S5ae940.png Requiem for a Killer - Defeat an old adversary in the Iceberg Lounge AR Challenge, playing as Batman. (6.09%)


I wish I was good at the Batman games but I get so flustered when doing the combat challenges. I've read the horror stories of the Community Challenge maps and I just don't think I have it in me to do them. If I were to commit myself to them it would take a lot of practice and possibly a few broken controllers.




3. Limbo

Sdbc4fa.png Current Completion: 90%


Problem Trophy:

12S3f7fcb.png No Point in Dying - Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths (2.09%)


Admittedly this one isn't overly difficult as the game can be completed in around an hour if you know what you're doing, and at least you get 5 deaths. But perma-death modes (with or without life systems) always give me such anxiety. If I committed myself to this game I could probably do it in a decent time but the thought of having to do the same thing over and over again until I get it right just makes me want to avoid it.




4. Stardew Valley

S4cfd2f.png Current Completion: 37%


Problem Trophy:

37S951c8a.png Fector's Challenge - Beat 'Journey Of The Prairie King' without dying (1.06%)


What the fuck were they thinking with this trophy? The rest of Stardew Valley is a lovely and relaxing experience, but this trophy takes all that away and replaces it with stress. Journey of the Prairie King is a twin stick shooter style mini-game within the world of Stardew Valley. Beating it gets you the 'Prairie King' trophy which is difficult in of itself but beating it without dying is what this trophy is for and I just don't want to do it. If I go back to this game I will concentrate on getting every other trophy first and then see how I feel about doing this.




5Need for Speed

S24143b.png Current Completion: 86%


Problem Trophy:

45S98b662.png Gold Plated - Win Gold on all Prestige events (1.04%)


I don't know too much about this trophy, just that it's a pain in the arse. Trophies for getting gold on events in racing games are as old as trophies themselves but apparently the biggest issue with this trophy is the AI, which downright cheats. If you're going to put a trophy in your game, make it challenging by actually making it challenging, instead of just ramping up your AI to supernatural level. Fuck EA.




6. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Saad481.png Current Completion: 69%


Problem Trophy:

27Sa73b12.png Mein leben - Beat the game on "Mein leben" difficulty (0.78%)


Probably the most infamous trophy on this list. If you're not familiar with this trophy, it's for beating the game without dying, in one sitting. This would normally be fine but it's filled with un-skippable cut scenes, brutal AI that can kill you in a few hits and half the game is played with half health due to plot reasons. I have made many attempts at this trophy already and once I even got as far as the second last level, I know I can do it, but stress and anxiety get the best of me every time. Dying in this mode is such a soul destroying experience, but I imagine it's all worth it in the end. 




7. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

S1887e7.png Current Completion: 35%


Problem Trophies:

42Sa516ef.png Sooooul Key - In Spaceland, recover the piece of the Soul Key (3.34%)

48S505f14.png I Love the 80's - In Spaceland, find the MW1 and MW2 songs (2.28%)

...And all other zombie mode trophies.


Ahh Call of Duty Zombies, fun in World at War and Black Ops but then it just got old. In Infinite Warfare they went really wacky with it and I'll admit it entertained me a little when I first played it but it got boring fast. I could take the time to learn all the maps, and practice to the point where I get really good at it but these trophies still require co-ordination with at least one other player. It would be a big time commitment, not just for the platinum, but all the DLC too.




8. Guitar Hero Live

S387884.png Current Completion: 42%


Problem Trophy:

1S4e806f.png Platinum Trophy - Collect all Guitar Hero Live trophies. (1.05%)


They shut it down, it's impossible. Best I can do is another 4 trophies which are still attainable in the single player mode, but that won't even raise the percentage by that much. I could have forced myself to do the trophies before the servers went offline but no way was I setting up an electric mixer to strum my guitar a million times.




9. Grand Theft Auto V

S686730.png Current Completion: 68%


Problem Trophy:

78Sb1961f.png Masterminds - GTA Online: Complete all 3 Criminal Mastermind challenges in The Doomsday Heist. (0.45%)


I've platinum'd GTAV so I don't need to be told how bullshit the online part is. Don't get me wrong it's a tonne of fun but the enemy AI can be infuriating with their dead shot accuracy. I know how much coordination this trophy can take so I know it'll probably entail a pretty big time sink. Unfortunately I don't know anyone that plays this anymore so I'll be forced to go out and headhunt partners.




10. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

S45fc98.png Current Completion: 84%


Problem Trophy:

68S4d43a4.png ...It - Earn three stars on all Survival stages on the Crushing setting (2.24%)


This trophy technically shouldn't be as hard as it is, I've read the main issue with this mode is the emphasis on micro transactions as the loot you get from regular playing is very poor, requiring a lot of grinding to get good enough gear to even attempt the trophy. I've never even looked at this mode so I don't understand it at all, all I've got to go on is what I've read on this website.




11. Dying Light

Sa00314.png Current Completion: 74%


Problem Trophies:

53Sc0f72b.png GD Parkour Instructor - Complete all Parkour Fever Challenges at night (1.88%)

58Sdf2c91.png Things That Go Ka-Boom - Learn how to craft Exploding Arrows (4.92%)


These trophies are from different DLC's. The first one being from the free Parkour Fever DLC and the other being from the £7.99 Bozak's Horde DLC. I haven't played either. From what I've read, both can be tricky. The Parkour Fever stuff is like free running challenges, with the added difficulty of doing them at night, but I've done Mirror's Edge so how hard can it be? Bozak's Horde is another challenge type DLC and as I've read it can be a lot easier if done with a co-op partner, so co-ordination is required.




12. The Elder Scrolls Online

S2147bf.png Current Completion: 1%


Problem Trophy:

35Sa2ed6b.png Emperor! - Dominate the Alliance War battlefield and become Emperor of Tamriel. Long may you reign! (0.43%)


I mean fucking hell all the trophies are problem trophies. But the Emperor one is obviously the biggest issue as getting it requires treating this game like a full time job. I'd love to get back into this and just explore the world, pick up a few trophies along the way so it isn't stuck at 1% but I don't even know where I'd start.




13. The Crew

S0d76fb.png Current Completion: 8%


Problem Trophy:

51Sfe58e5.png The Extra Mile - Earn Platinum medals from all Story Missions (2.32%)


There's a few problem trophies in this game but this one gets the crown because it is currently glitched. After grinding hours and hours on this trophy, it might decide to just not unlock. And once it's glitched, the platinum becomes unobtainable. That's because this game is always online and all your progress is tied to your PSN Account, meaning there's no way to start a new game. Ubisoft can reset progress on their end but since the release of The Crew 2, their staff seem reluctant to do anything about it. I'll happily grind away on this game to get everything else, but if this trophy glitches, I really don't want to have to deal with the headache of contacting Ubisoft customer support everyday until they do something about it.




14. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

S561bb4.png Current Completion: 38%


Problem Trophy:

51Sa996b9.png Flip Flop - "Flip" a map twice (10.73%)

...And all 10,000,000 of its DLC trophies.


Judging by rarity, this trophy doesn't seem that hard. Earlier when I said zombie mode got boring, well survival mode is even more boring. Add to that the fact this trophy requires some co-ordination and skill, I just haven't even attempted it. Would love to know if this is doable for me and what I'd need to do.




15. Destiny

S23ca1f.png Current Completion: 21%


Problem Trophy:

29S01fa11.png Flawless Raider - Complete a raid without anyone on your fireteam dying (8.38%)


Here's a game that disappointed me immensely in 2014. I just didn't understand the game. Now though, I'd quite like to go back to it. All I know is that getting the platinum in this game requires a lot of grinding and some co-ordination for raids, like the trophy above. I genuinely think I'll tackle this one sooner rather than later, so I'd love some pointers on where to start.




16. Trials Fusion

S148dc0.png Current Completion: 8%


Problem Trophy:

16Se90e2d.png Is There Anything You Can't Do? - Complete every track challenge in the first 8 events (0.14%)


This is the rarest trophy on this list. I could sit and practice for weeks on this game and I still wouldn't be guaranteed to unlock this trophy. Thankfully the game doesn't require hours upon of hours of attention, it can be played in quick sessions when I've got a spare 10 minutes, which I like. If I commit myself to this trophy it could be months before you see me again. 




And there we have it. All my remaining 16 PS4 games and the trophies that could cause me some trouble. I'd love to hear some feedback from anyone reading this on what they think my next move should be. Doom Eternal comes out this Friday, which I am getting, so I won't be starting one of these games until after I'm done with that. That gives me some time to think about things and plot out what game I'm going to tackle next. Thanks for reading this if you did. Hopefully I should be back soon with a post on Bioshock as I'm making good progress for now.

Edited by jonesey46
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At least with a backlog you are free to choose what games you want to play, so there's that freedom in mind.




1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

PS4 Backlog Review



2. Batman: Arkham Knight

S6b0e64.png Current Completion: 95%


Problem Trophies:

108S079c68.png The Chill in the Air - Complete the Crime Alley AR Challenge unharmed as Batman, Robin and Nightwing. (6.31%)

109Sc8ed6b.png The Curtain Falls - Flawless Freeflow in every round of the Monarch Theatre as Batman, Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman. (5.72%)

110S5ae940.png Requiem for a Killer - Defeat an old adversary in the Iceberg Lounge AR Challenge, playing as Batman. (6.09%)


I wish I was good at the Batman games but I get so flustered when doing the combat challenges. I've read the horror stories of the Community Challenge maps and I just don't think I have it in me to do them. If I were to commit myself to them it would take a lot of practice and possibly a few broken controllers.


I prefer combat to stealth. One reason why I still haven't fully done Batman: Arkham City. Far too many challenges and I hear the DLC stealth challenges are a serious pain.


Back to Arkham Knight, these three trophies are definitely the hardest. If you see my completion time for this game it took me close to two full years to get 100 percent. I did the stealth challenges in the Community Challenge maps back in late 2016, it wasn't until the summer of 2017 that I finally had the balls to go after the combat challenges. Still took me a long time, with The Curtain Falls easily being the hardest.


My tip for you, don't use the Counter button all that much. Most of the time I ended up failing because Batman or whomever doesn't properly counter when an enemy from behind is attacking him. Use Evade, you can avoid getting hit even when enemies are about to attack as indicated by the icon above their head.


Most importantly, practice A LOT. Watch some YouTube videos if you need to. You definitely need skill and perseverance for these trophies. Arkham Knight is probably my proudest 100 percent aside from Super Meat Boy.


1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

3. Limbo

Sdbc4fa.png Current Completion: 90%


Problem Trophy:

12S3f7fcb.png No Point in Dying - Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths (2.09%)


Admittedly this one isn't overly difficult as the game can be completed in around an hour if you know what you're doing, and at least you get 5 deaths. But perma-death modes (with or without life systems) always give me such anxiety. If I committed myself to this game I could probably do it in a decent time but the thought of having to do the same thing over and over again until I get it right just makes me want to avoid it.


This one is tough if you're not good at side scrolling platformers. I actually have a fear of spiders in real life which made it more challenging.


I got it done within a couple days. Stacked all three versions. Limbo stands out for it's unique style, but the black and white horror theme makes it overly depressing. Quite haunting if you're by yourself in a dark room at midnight.


1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

4. Stardew Valley


S4cfd2f.png Current Completion: 37%


Problem Trophy:

37S951c8a.png Fector's Challenge - Beat 'Journey Of The Prairie King' without dying (1.06%)


What the fuck were they thinking with this trophy? The rest of Stardew Valley is a lovely and relaxing experience, but this trophy takes all that away and replaces it with stress. Journey of the Prairie King is a twin stick shooter style mini-game within the world of Stardew Valley. Beating it gets you the 'Prairie King' trophy which is difficult in of itself but beating it without dying is what this trophy is for and I just don't want to do it. If I go back to this game I will concentrate on getting every other trophy first and then see how I feel about doing this.


Pretty solid indie game I must admit. I would get it if it wasn't so time consuming. If it was a short game, Fector's Challenge probably wouldn't be that hard for me.


1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

6. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Saad481.png Current Completion: 69%




Problem Trophy:

27Sa73b12.png Mein leben - Beat the game on "Mein leben" difficulty (0.78%)


Probably the most infamous trophy on this list. If you're not familiar with this trophy, it's for beating the game without dying, in one sitting. This would normally be fine but it's filled with un-skippable cut scenes, brutal AI that can kill you in a few hits and half the game is played with half health due to plot reasons. I have made many attempts at this trophy already and once I even got as far as the second last level, I know I can do it, but stress and anxiety get the best of me every time. Dying in this mode is such a soul destroying experience, but I imagine it's all worth it in the end.


This is where my love and appreciation for Wolfenstein goes downhill.


I absolutely love The New Order and The Old Blood. Definitely games I wouldn't mind playing again, if I had more time I would stack the PS3 version of The New Order. I did a test run on my alt account and I honestly don't like The New Colossus all that much.


There's far too much focus on politics. From BJ's abusive father with those flashback cut scenes to that female Nazi cutting off someone's head to a tough talking pregnant African American woman, they went too far with the agendas. Also that cutscene with the head getting cut off you have to watch every time you attempt Mein Leben. Just ridiculous.


If that wasn't enough, people who want to go for the 100 percent have more Mein Leben trophies in the DLC packs. I like a good challenge every once in a while, but this wasn't the right way to do it.


Best of luck to you, because you will definitely earn your platinum when you finally get it.


1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

9. Grand Theft Auto V


S686730.png Current Completion: 68%


Problem Trophy:

78Sb1961f.png Masterminds - GTA Online: Complete all 3 Criminal Mastermind challenges in The Doomsday Heist. (0.45%)


I've platinum'd GTAV so I don't need to be told how bullshit the online part is. Don't get me wrong it's a tonne of fun but the enemy AI can be infuriating with their dead shot accuracy. I know how much coordination this trophy can take so I know it'll probably entail a pretty big time sink. Unfortunately I don't know anyone that plays this anymore so I'll be forced to go out and headhunt partners.


This is probably the trophy that will forever lock me out of getting 100 percent in GTA V.


I generally don't like boosting, but putting together a team of players who are all skilled and experienced for a trophy that you can very well fail on, not good.


1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

10. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


S45fc98.png Current Completion: 84%


Problem Trophy:

68S4d43a4.png ...It - Earn three stars on all Survival stages on the Crushing setting (2.24%)


This trophy technically shouldn't be as hard as it is, I've read the main issue with this mode is the emphasis on micro transactions as the loot you get from regular playing is very poor, requiring a lot of grinding to get good enough gear to even attempt the trophy. I've never even looked at this mode so I don't understand it at all, all I've got to go on is what I've read on this website.


This trophy is complete bullshit.


I was pissed off when they released this DLC right after I got the platinum for Uncharted 4. I've heard of people going for this solo but that is absolute insanity, unless they paid a lot of money in micro transactions.


Probably won't get this anytime soon. Shame on Naughty Dog for having me be stuck at 96 percent, considering I can't do Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 3 on the PS3 anymore because of the bullshit multiplayer.


1 hour ago, jonesey46 said:

16. Trials Fusion


S148dc0.png Current Completion: 8%


Problem Trophy:

16Se90e2d.png Is There Anything You Can't Do? - Complete every track challenge in the first 8 events (0.14%)


This is the rarest trophy on this list. I could sit and practice for weeks on this game and I still wouldn't be guaranteed to unlock this trophy. Thankfully the game doesn't require hours upon of hours of attention, it can be played in quick sessions when I've got a spare 10 minutes, which I like. If I commit myself to this trophy it could be months before you see me again.


I would say this is the hardest trophy to get out of everything you've listed out.


This is pretty much pure skill. The fact that some people got this game done in under a week never ceases to amaze me. Crazy talented.


Don't worry if you don't get this one. Most people never will, but if you do get it, you deserve respect.

Edited by Spaz
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:platinum: Platinum #152 - BioShock :platinum:




I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question.

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'
'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'
'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture.
A city where the artist would not fear the censor.
Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality.
Where the great would not be constrained by the small!

And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.



What a fucking game. I have no idea why it took me so long to platinum this game but I'm so happy to have finally done it, because it's reminded me just how much I love this game.


BioShock is an FPS as I'm sure you all know. It is the spiritual successor to the System Shock games, which sadly, I have never played. There's a large array of guns to play with and an even larger array of plasmids, which are like super powers you shoot out of your hand. Rapture is one of the most interesting and well designed cities in any video game. Each level is unique and brings something new to the gameplay. The characters are all interesting and very well written. The enemies all offer their own unique challenges requiring you to constantly mix and match your plasmids and guns to bring them down, especially the Big Daddies. The Big Daddies guard the Little Sisters, which have ADAM, the single most important currency on Rapture and to get it, you need to take care of their huge guardians. Aw man I've just completed the game twice to get this platinum and I want to play it again, that should say everything you need to know.


Platinum Thoughts

The platinum is fairly straight forward; there's a few story related trophies, quite a few collectible trophies and ADAM management to make sure you get all the right plasmids and tonics. And then there's the difficulty trophies. Thankfully, all difficulties are unlocked from the start but I still opted to do an easy run through for all the collectibles first. Survivor is the highest difficulty level and you must complete the game on this difficulty without using Vita-Chambers, which are like respawn points. This is fine though cause the game allows you to save at any point, allowing you to save scum your way through the game. All difficulty trophies stack as I unlocked 4 all together for the platinum.


The thing about Survivor is, and I can't believe I'm saying this cause I usually hate when people say this but, it's the difficulty the game SHOULD be played on. This was my first time playing on this difficulty and while I've always loved this game, since it came out, I found a new appreciation for it after finishing it on Survivor. This difficulty is a real challenge and it forces you to play the game almost like a puzzle game, each enemy needs to be dealt with in specific ways cause certain plasmids and weapons just won't do enough damage to them, where as on easier difficulties, pretty much everything does a decent amount of damage. The Big Daddies are the biggest challenge, especially early on when you have barely any weapons/plasmids. But you absolutely HAVE to kill the Big Daddies cause you need the Little Sisters ADAM, if you don't then you've got no chance of finishing the game. I absolutely loved every minute of this game on Survivor, it was like playing the game for the first time all over again. There's an exploit on the US copy of the game and the PS4 remaster that allows you to skip this difficulty and still get the trophy but honestly, anyone who does that is just doing themselves out of a great experience. 


I have the remasters now, thanks to PS Plus, so I think I may stack the game in the near future cause I just love it so much.



Just play this game if you haven't, it's fucking great. I've been as vague as possible on this post because if you've played the game before you know what I'm on about and if you haven't then I didn't want to give away too much. I especially didn't want to give any of the plot away as it's just incredible so instead I just put in Andrew Ryan's opening monologue which gives me chills every time.


Best Bit

Amazing atmosphere, ground breaking gameplay, incredible plot and everything else.


Worst Bit

There's not a lot wrong with this game, of course it has faults but they're so minute that it isn't worth mentioning. One thing I can say is that on the PS3 the game looks and feels a little dated but it's still utterly gorgeous. I know the PS3 got the short end of the stick when this game was ported so I'll let it slide.


Arbitrary Rating





DLC - Challenge Rooms



DLC Thoughts

The Challenge Rooms DLC adds 3 new interesting combat challenges to BioShock which forces you to use the main games arsenal of plasmids and weapons to solve the puzzle of each room. The first two rooms are genuine puzzles which require some clever thinking and the third is more of a traditional combat arena with various rooms filled with enemies to deal with.


Trophy wise it's pretty straight forward with only the third room posing any difficulty. In the third room, there's a trophy for completing the challenge in under 15 minutes. I'm not gonna lie this trophy is difficult as even with a good run, you'll still be cutting it close. I will say the guide for this trophy on this website is a little dramatic though. That guide makes it sound like it'll take hours of practice and possibly weeks to get but it really isn't that bad. I watched some runs on YouTube and did the thing in a night. The other challenging trophy is to complete the third room using only the wrench and plasmids. This can be a pain but since you're not worrying about the timer, it's a little easier I thought. Just like the main game you can save at any point so there's no real jeopardy as long as you save often.


The DLC's quality matches that of the main game I thought. The combat is so satisfying it's just great to be playing more of the game.




Right I'm going to stop sucking this games dick for a bit and move on to other stuff. On the PS4 I managed to get my copy of Doom Eternal 2 days early so I've already started that, it's great so far and a real step up from Doom 2016. Backlog wise I'm thinking of going back to Dying Light and attempting to 100% that, although that might change depending on any feedback I get from my last post. On the PS3, I'm still not quite ready to do another run of Grounded on The Last of Us so I reckon I'm going to go back to complete L.A. Noire first and then I think I'll go back to do Grounded+. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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Congratz on the Bioshock platinum! Apparently I played that on PS3 a decade ago, still have a physical copy of the game at least. Reading you talk about the survivor difficulty really makes me want to go back and finish that game. Looking at my completion, i'm guessing I was a noob back then or didn't want to spend the time to platinum it. I played Bioshock Infinite on PC, but never played 2, so i'm thinking I should complete Bioshock 1 on my PS3 then play Bioshock 2 on PS4 since i got it on PS Plus.

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7 minutes ago, Grotz99 said:

Congratz on the Bioshock platinum! Apparently I played that on PS3 a decade ago, still have a physical copy of the game at least. Reading you talk about the survivor difficulty really makes me want to go back and finish that game. Looking at my completion, i'm guessing I was a noob back then or didn't want to spend the time to platinum it. I played Bioshock Infinite on PC, but never played 2, so i'm thinking I should complete Bioshock 1 on my PS3 then play Bioshock 2 on PS4 since i got it on PS Plus.

Yeah and that allows you to avoid those god awful MP trophies in 2.

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I went to start L.A. Noire yesterday on the PS3 but it keeps crashing at a certain point in the Red Lipstick Murder case ??


I tried deleting the game data, restarting the case from scratch, cleaning the disc etc. but nothing works, it always crashes at the exact same spot. I've ordered another copy but I can't see that arriving any time soon with the Corona Virus outbreak. I was really looking forward to getting back into it too ?


I'll have to start something else on the PS3 for now until the new copy arrives, I'm thinking Spec Ops: The Line. I've heard FUBAR difficulty can be a bitch so I guess I'll have to go and see for myself.

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2 hours ago, jonesey46 said:

I went to start L.A. Noire yesterday on the PS3 but it keeps crashing at a certain point in the Red Lipstick Murder case 1f62d.png1f62d.png


I tried deleting the game data, restarting the case from scratch, cleaning the disc etc. but nothing works, it always crashes at the exact same spot. I've ordered another copy but I can't see that arriving any time soon with the Corona Virus outbreak. I was really looking forward to getting back into it too 1f625.png


I'll have to start something else on the PS3 for now until the new copy arrives, I'm thinking Spec Ops: The Line. I've heard FUBAR difficulty can be a bitch so I guess I'll have to go and see for myself.


LA Noire was the game that got me watching Mad Men for a couple of years.


I thought about stacking the PS4 version. Absolutely love the setting and the style of clothing since it was basically Post War era for America. But they basically just threw some pointless collectibles for extra trophies and didn't bother to give a trophy list for The Consul's Car case, since that was technically DLC exclusive to the PS3.


I won't even comment on the virus outbreak. Such a tragedy.


Spec Ops: The Line on FUBAR is definitely a step above Uncharted on Crushing. In some sections I had to repeat them a dozen times, enemies are pretty relentless but thankfully for most of the game you got your two teammates to help you out. Very underrated game, definitely deserved more credit than it did.

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So that's me officially off work and in self isolation! I'm going to do what the government has told me to do, and that's sit inside and work on my completion %. The NHS can thank me later ?. Since I usually do my platinum/100% review posts whilst I'm at work I'll probably fall behind on those as I'd much rather be playing games than writing about them. I think I'll just do update posts like these from time to time and do the full game completion posts when I can be bothered.


So as for progress I've made quite a bit although nothing too impressive. The Foundation DLC was released for Control which I've already completed. I had a great time with it so I'm really looking forward to the next one. I also started working on Dying Light, a game which I platinum'd years ago but never got round to the DLC. I've now completed The Following and the Parkour Fever DLC so I've only got The Bozak's Horde one left to do, which I'm dreading as it's essentially one long combat challenge you need to complete in a certain time limit, and you need a co-op partner. I had a great time with the Parkour Fever DLC though, one that is considered very difficult on this website, and the rarity of the trophies shows that. I myself found it really easy and managed to do all 10 challenges in about an hour and a half. But as I said before, I 100%'ed Mirror's Edge, so how hard could it be?


Over on Doom Eternal I have now boosted all the multiplayer trophies so I only have the Extra Life PermaDeath mode trophy left to do. I really wanted to do the MP trophies legit when the game came out because I had such a blast doing all of Doom 2016's multiplayer stuff legit, but the MP on Eternal is so boring and would take ages to do legit. I hopefully should have that platinum some time this week.


On the PS3, I've went back to Spec Ops: The Line which I haven't played in 6 years! Hopefully I can finish off the platinum before my replacement copy of L.A. Noire comes in the post. I'm running through the game on Suicide Mission difficulty to clean up all the miscellaneous trophies and to unlock FUBAR difficulty. Once I've unlocked that the road to the platinum will be straight forward, but FUBAR has a reputation so it might not be an easy road to travel.


I'm going to have so much time to play games over the next several weeks that I might end up burning myself out but we'll see as time goes on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been 2 and a half weeks since my last post, the days are starting to blend together and I have made a huge amount of progress trophy wise. 


Firstly, I got the platinum on Doom Eternal! On my last post I had just done all the MP stuff so only had the extra life mode trophy left to do. I may have been a bit too cautious as I gathered almost every single extra life, just in case. I died once and finished the game with 50 surplus lives. I had a hard time getting to grips with this game at the start but I ended up really enjoying it. Battlemode is trash though.


Then I tackled the Bozak Horde DLC on Dying Light, a DLC I initially thought I was going to hate. Well, I did hate it at the start but after a few tries, I ended up absolutely loving it. Man I really love Dying Light and going back to it reminded me of that. Honestly, if Metal Gear Solid V hadn't come out in 2015 it would have easily been my GOTY. Anyway, Bozak Horde is like one long challenge with a bunch of sub challenges each with a different objective. There's a trophy relating to finishing the mode in a certain time limit and it's sort of encouraged to do it in co-op to make it easier but I managed to do it solo and I was pretty proud of myself. 


My replacement copy of L.A. Noire also arrived in the post and I cleaned up the platinum and did all the DLC to 100%. I left the collecting cars trophy til' the end cause I thought it was going to be torture but it honestly wasn't that bad. It's a great game but can get a little boring when you play it for too long, I blame the infinite shades of brown.


Also whilst I've been off work, I thought I should probably clear out one of those pesky platinum's that involves hours upon hours of monotonous multiplayer grinding, and having just completed BioShock recently I thought I'd go for the whole set and do BioShock 2. The last time I earned a trophy in this game was 2010! And I've pretty much avoided it since then because of it's awful Multiplayer and also because it just isn't as good as the first game. Anyway, 4-5 days of boring grinding and I managed to get every MP trophy done. I've also completed almost everything in the single player (including the DLC) so now all I have to do is complete the game on hard and the platinum and 100% will be mine, only took a decade!


There's still more! I finished up FUBAR difficulty on Spec Ops: The Line and I now have the platinum :D The game is fantastic and I think it still holds up but FUBAR difficulty is just straight up annoying. It isn't fun or challenging, it's trial and error and it's cheap. I still think Veteran on World at War was tougher.


I celebrated my 27th birthday the other week and as a treat I thought I'd buy myself a new game. Since Resident Evil 3 just released I thought it was high time I got around to playing the Resident Evil 2 remake and I am so glad I did! It was on sale for £15.99 so it was a bargain too! For the record, I never played the original (I was too young and it was too scary) and in fact, the only Resident Evil I've actually played is 5, one that I really enjoyed but isn't considered very good by series veterans. I had an absolute blast playing the remake and I ended up running through it more times than I had to just because I enjoyed it so much. The last trophy I needed for 100% was the No Way Out one and it was tough but so satisfying when I finally pulled it off.


Lastly, and just a little one this time. I got Doom 64 for free because I pre-ordered Doom Eternal, after seeing it only took an hour to 100% it I thought there was no harm in trying it out. It was a nice little game and I enjoyed the retro style but the fun quickly wore off so I used the quick guide and finished it in less than 2 hours. It was a nice little experience.


Next up I plan to finally finish off Grounded+ on The Last of Us and after that I want to do hard mode on BioShock 2 so I can finally have 100% in all 3 PS3 BioShock games. Since the remastered collection went free on Plus I may even stack the PS4 versions, but I haven't fully decided if I should or not.

After that I'm not sure what I'm going to work on. I have Doom 3 and Saints Row The Third for the PS3 on the shelf so I could start working on them. And on the PS4 I'm too scared to start anything from the backlog because they're all too hard :( I have a few PS Plus games that I have downloaded but haven't started yet like Rime or Shadow of the Colossus so I may just play those instead.


This post was way too long, I'm going to have to update this more often. Bye!

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  • 1 month later...

Okay it's been a minute since my last update. I'm still at home in quarantine and it doesn't look like I'll be back at work until at least July. I've been pretty much gaming every day cause what the fuck else am I going to do? Thankfully working on the back log and starting a few new games has kept me occupied and sane.


In this post I'm going to briefly go over what I've been playing since my last update and once I've done that I'm going to start doing my regular platinum review posts for each specific game. It'll take a while to catch up as I have completed a lot of games since the start of lock down but again, what else am I going to do?


Games Completed


Journey to the Savage Planet - This game had a little DLC release in April and I was pleasantly surprised by it. It was dirt cheap (something like £5 or something) and it was well worth the money. A whole new area with a new quest line and a few new gadgets to play with. It was short but sweet and I'd be very pleased if there were a few more of those on the way as I really like this game


The Last of Us - After 7 years or so I finally 100%'ed my favourite game. Kind of ashamed it took me so long to be honest. I went through what held me back in an earlier post so I won't go over it again here. Grounded is definitely a good experience and one that suits the game well. It can be a little cheap in some parts but it's mostly manageable providing you're familiar with the game, which I really am.


What Remains of Edith Finch - Picked this up when it was free on PS+ but left it untouched until I read @Spaghetti_Grabsy 's post on their Trophy Checklist. I really enjoyed the experience and got really into the story of the Finch family. The part involving the kid at the fish factory with the wild imagination has kind of stuck with me and I think about it now and then.


BioShock 2 - Here's a game I never thought I'd 100%. It really isn't as good as the first one unfortunately but it's still a fun game, despite the horrendously grindy multiplayer.


Saints Row The Third - I played this game almost to completion back in 2013/14 but got bored of all the repetitive side stuff. Well a 7 year break definitely did me some good cause I really enjoyed jumping back into this game and cleaning up all the trophies I'd missed. It's great fun to just wreak havoc all over the place and since I was already like 75% done I was already leveled up and had everything at my disposal. Great fun.


Human Fall Flat - Picked this up on sale for the sole purpose of playing co-op with the girlfriend. It served it's purpose well as we had a great laugh playing through it. Once we completed it though I started pulling my hair out trying to do some of the ridiculous trophies that I missed. I was ready to bin this game near the end.


Resident Evil 4 - After completing the RE2 remake and absolutely loving it I thought I'd give Leon's other adventure a go. It was a great time and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at some of the cheesy dialogue. Rumour has it they're re-making this one too and I absolutely cannot wait to see what they do with it. That'll be a day one purchase.


Magic Orbz - Oh fuck me this game is terrible. I used to game share with an American guy back in the early days of PSN and he would buy some of the most awful games you have ever seen, and I would download them because I was a fucking idiot when I was 15. Anyway, this was one of those games and in the spirit of cleaning up my profile I thought I'd buy it and finish it off once and for all. It's like a block breaker game and let me tell you it was not an easy ride. Luckily I had my girlfriends help who was an absolute god send with the RNG and always got the best power ups.


Inside - I had wanted to play this game since it came out as I adored Limbo but it was always too pricey. I managed to pick it up for a few quid in a recent sale and whoo boy I was not prepared for what I was getting myself into. Finished it in two sessions (which would have been one but it was late) and I was practically glued to the screen. As soon as I finished it I went on YouTube to watch a whole load of analysis videos on it. Mind blowing stuff.


Resident Evil 5 - I'm in a Resi mood these days after playing the RE2 remake so I thought it was high time I finally finished off the only Resi game I had played before. I really enjoyed Resident Evil 5 back in 2009 but after playing 4 I can see that it is definitely a weaker game, but still fun none the less. Trophy wise I detested doing the survivors multi-player stuff as it was just SO boring. As for the story DLC, because I had bought the Gold Edition of the game I was required to play through the main campaign in order to unlock the DLC chapters. A bit strange but I was fine with it as I wanted to revisit the story anyway as it had been over a decade since I last played it.


Mass Effect - This has ended up being my game of the lock down. I can't believe I didn't stick with this when I started it back in 2014. I jumped back in without a clue of what I was doing but once I got the hang of it I was kicking myself for waiting so long. Great story and I can't wait to continue it in the sequel. I had to do almost 3 full play throughs for all the trophies and some save scum grinding for the powers trophies but I loved every minute of it. 


Minecaft Dungeons - The girlfriend and I needed a new game to play co-op and once we saw this was releasing we were totally on board. We love Minecraft and despite never playing a dungeon crawler we had faith that it would be accessible and enjoyable. We were right, it's great fun and for the low price it's definitely worth it. I picked up the Hero edition too, so we'll be ready when the DLC drops. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game goes in the future.


Games I've been playing/working on


Wolfenstein II The New Colossus - I booted this back up to finish off all the DLC so that Mein Leben would be the only trophy I had left. Once I'd done the DLC I played through the main game on I Am Death Incarnate mode to relearn everything and practice a bit for ML. Once I felt confident enough I started ML to die straight away on the first level. I love this game but I can't bring myself to do ML. I'm perfectly capable cause I can pretty much get through IADI without a scratch but once the pressure of ML sets in, I seize up and my brain gives up. It's just not for me. 


Doom 3 BFG Edition - When I loaded up this game for the first time in 6 years I told myself that it wouldn't be a quick platinum. That is why I have taken my time with this game and will continue to do so, that's because it's essentially 5 games in 1. There's the main Doom 3 campaign, then the two side campaigns, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission, which are almost as long as the main one and THEN the original Doom and Doom 2. I have made considerable progress as all that's left is to complete the Doom 2 campaign on Ultra-Violence and then do the 3 Doom 3 campaigns on Nightmare mode. This won't be an easy task so I'm happy to continue taking my time with it. Playing all this has put me in a Doom mood so once I've platinum'd this game I think I'll go back to Doom 64 to properly play through it and then I'd like to replay Doom 2016 as I absolutely adore that game.


Rag Doll Kung Fu Fists of Plastic - This game is frustrating as fuck. It's a 2D party fighting game but it's from the early PS3 days so it utilizes Six-axis controls and they are MANDATORY! The only trophy I have left is to get gold on all challenges and since I like all the things in my living room not being broken, I think I'll leave it for now.


The Crew - Following my previous post where I went into my remaining incomplete PS4 games, I have been at a loss as to what to start working on. The Crew just happened to be the one I picked next and fortunately, I have been having a great time with it. It's a massive grind and it has a couple of glitched trophies which I have managed to successfully bypass but it's genuinely a really good driving game. I'm looking forward to having this platinum but for now I'm going to enjoy my time with it.


Upcoming Games


Mass Effect 2 - After finishing the first one there was no way I wasn't going to play the sequel. Looking forward to importing my Shepherd and continuing the story. I have ordered a physical copy and I will be starting it as soon as it arrives.


The Outer Worlds - I have been holding off playing this game because my girlfriend wanted to play it first and instead of buying it for PS4 she insisted that she would wait for the Switch release (which looks awful btw). Now that it's finally released for Switch and she is several hours in, I have ordered myself a copy so I can finally dive into this wonderful looking world. I'm a huge fan of Fallout 3 and New Vegas so I'm definitely looking forward to it.


The Last of Us Part II - I mean what is there to say? It's finally coming out and I have my copy pre-ordered. I can't wait.




And that's what I've been up to, thanks for reading this if you did. I hope to update this more often so I don't end up having to do these massive posts. See you next time. 






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💯 100% (re)Achieved - Control 💯





The Foundation


DLC Thoughts

Control is a game I absolutely adored recently and I was super excited for the first DLC release. The Foundation is the first of two expansions releasing for Control this year and it sees Jesse exploring a forgotten section of the oldest house.


The first thing I loved about this DLC, and this is probably really trivial for most people, is that you access it from the main game. So, instead of just clicking on a 'Extra Content' tab on the main menu, you have to actually load up your save of the main game and then make your way to this new area. I fucking love that shit and I can't even explain why. Skyrim is a great example of this as you could load up the game to play the DLC but then get carried away in the main world before you even make it to the new stuff. Anyway, I'm rambling


So The Foundation area of The Oldest House has this thing in it, 'The Nail' and it threatens the FBC, so Jesse heads down there to shut it down. The Foundation is sort of an origins story as it's literally the foundation of The Oldest House. There's loads of readable collectibles that go into how the FBC started and how The Oldest House was first established. There's even notes from the very first director of the FBC. I thought all this was really cool but I'm a total sucker for Control's lore as I find it so interesting.


Gameplay wise there's a few new powers to play with that are pretty cool. There's Shape and Fracture which you have to choose between at the start of the DLC, although you get access to both later on. These powers are more for traversal as one summons platforms out of rock and the other allows you to break down certain barriers.


In addition to the main quest line there's a few side quests, including probably my favourite quest in all of Control; Jesse Faden starring in 'Swift Platofrm'. This side quest is hilarious and it really goes to show that they can do anything in this game and just explain it with an 'object of power'. Essentially, you jump on a platform that starts moving and your objective is to chase and cleanse this camera. 80's synth music starts to play and it becomes this high-octane chase sequence with lots of shooting and moving. It was great fun although took a few tries due to how inherently hard Control's combat is.


Overall, The Foundation was a very positive experience however I will go into two negatives; Firstly, for plot reasons I don't understand, they killed off one of the main characters from the main game off screen, you just kind of stumble upon this information whilst playing and at first it seems like it's going to be a bigger reveal but it kind of goes nowhere. Not really sure what the decision was there. And secondly, they've added an AI help system which doesn't work at all. At various points throughout the foundation you can come across these communication desks, and you can use these desks to summon an AI ally to help you in combat. Problem is, the allies they send are made out of tissue paper. They die super fast and do next to no damage what so ever. There's a trophy tied to having them kill 5 enemies and no joke, this was a big struggle. You have to take down enemies health almost to nothing so that the AI can get a kill. I have no idea why the developers introduced this mechanic as it's utterly useless. It may have been patched by now as I was playing it at release but I don't know how that got through QA.


Aside from those two issues, I really enjoyed my time with The Foundation and I'm really looking forward to what the next DLC brings. Hopefully, they start working on a sequel too as I just love the world they've created and would love to spend more time in it.




It felt good to write this out knowing I'm getting my checklist back on track and up to date. Next up will be my review of Doom Eternal.

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:platinum: Platinum #153 - Doom Eternal :platinum:




The doom slayer is pissed. Sometime after the events of Doom 2016, the demons of hell have invaded Earth and the doom slayer doesn't like it. So, he loads his shotgun and gets to work. There's also a load of other stuff about ancient civilizations and prophecies or some shit but nobody gives a fuck about that and to be honest it isn't very well done. We're here to kill demons and that's what were gonna do.



Doom Eternal plays a lot like Doom 2016 but there's been a load of game play features added in. Each individual feature is a good addition to the game however when you stack them all up it can get very overwhelming. First off, the main event, the guns; A lot of the guns have returned from the 2016 game like the shotgun, the heavy cannon, the rocket launcher etc however in this game it's encouraged to use each one equally as each one can have a specific use against specific demons. The upgrades return but they are even more necessary now, some of the upgrades are downright crucial to the combat, such as the heavy scope for the rifle or the lock on for the rocket launcher. Ammo is not as plentiful as it was in 2016, you always seem to be running out of ammo and that's where the chainsaw comes in. The chainsaw is used to hack demons in half and make them spill out ammo like a pinata. In any given combat encounter you'll find yourself constantly cutting demons apart for ammo that you so desperately need. This is an intended feature as the developers want you to constantly move and constantly switch between your arsenal. In my opinion, this mechanic seems dumb and quite unfair at first, but once you get the hang of the combat flow (which could take a while), it can really work. Glory kills return and just like in 2016, you'll get sick of seeing the same damn animation about 10 minutes in. Other additions to the fray include the flame belcher, which grants you armor, the ice grenade which can freeze enemies where they stand and the blood punch which is like a charged up super melee attack. Look, the game plays great and is a blast to play, but it is not a game you play when you want to unwind after a hard days work. On my first play through my heart rate was through the roof when I was in the middle of combat. There's so much micro management going on that it's hard to even make sense of what is going on. But, like I said, once you get the hang of it, you kind of just do everything without even thinking and it makes you feel unstoppable.


I posted a thread on here shortly after the game came out discussing the huge difficulty spike this game has over its predecessor. My claims on that thread are still definitely valid but after playing it more, I got more and more experienced with the combat and was able to handle it much better. However, I still wouldn't subject myself to an ultra-nightmare play through as that would just be suicide. At the start of the game though, it's very easy to die a lot of times and not be totally sure what to do about it. I honestly thought this game was pure trash on my first play through as I just kept dying and it was always due to me being so overwhelmed by all the enemies and not using all the systems properly. Fair play to ID (and Bethesda) cause it takes balls to release a AAA game with such a steep learning curve to it. 


It's been 3 months since I platinum'd this game and as time has gone on, I grow more fond of the game. I haven't even played it since then but every time I think about it, I feel more positive towards it.


Having said all that though, the Marauder enemies are pure trash and should have never been put in the game. Fuck those guys.


Platinum Thoughts

Platinum wise this game is a breeze. There is a permadeath mode, but you can collect extra lives (I had 50 by the end) and you can play it on easy so it's fine. Other than that there's a lot of story related trophies and there's also a lot of collectibles. However, the game tracks collectibles really well so they're actually quite fun rather than tedious. Outside of single player there's some trophies for multiplayer too. I really didn't enjoy my time with the multiplayer to be honest. Instead of 2016's traditional deathmatch modes, Eternals MP is entirely based around one doom slayer vs. two demons. This gets boring fast, and I mean, I was bored after one match. That is why I boosted all MP trophies as doing them legit actually would have been torture. I had a great time last year playing Doom 2016's MP to get all the trophies so I was super disappointed with what Eternal brought to the table. It honestly seems like they put all their effort into the single player (which is a great thing) and then just smashed a multi player mode together for the sake of it (and for the sake of keeping the game relevant, cause lest we forget, they're selling a 'Year One Pass' for this game and seeing it honestly makes me nervous for the future of this game).



Doom Eternal is a great sequel but there's still a lot of kinks to be ironed out for the hopeful threequel. I honeslty prefer 2016 over Eternal as I just felt the game was a lot more approachable and enjoyable. Also the story in this is absolute nonsense, I mean, Doom's lore has always been nonsense, but Eternal turns that dial up to 11. The MP leaves a lot to be desired but I'd be surprised if it doesn't grow into some other beast entirely over time as Bethesda never know when to leave well enough alone.


Best Bit

Blasting demons to bits obviously.


 Worst Bit

The Marauders.


Arbitrary Rating





This review would have been a lot more relevant if I'd written it right after I'd completed it but oh well, hopefully my memory hasn't failed me and made me write a load of nonsense, oh wait, I always do that anyway ?. Next up will be my DLC review of Dying Light.


2024 update:

My opinion on this game has changed drastically over the years, I strongly believe that this is one of, if not the best FPS ever made and I would easily give it a 10/10. When I review the PS5 version, I will be placing it where it rightfully belongs in the arbitrary ratings section; right at the top.

Edited by jonesey46
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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, jonesey46 said:

Finished The Last of Us Part II earlier today and I genuinely think I might hide the game as I can't bare to even think about playing it again. 


I am disappointed and frustrated beyond measure. 

I'm really sorry to hear that you feel this way. You've had a night's rest now, feel any different about it? I'm not going to defend or bash the game either way, but it'd be a shame to have your first hidden Trophies.


If you're really fed up, might be best to (if you have a physical copy) get rid of the game ASAP via CEX or Facebook marketplace or wherever as I imagine the price for a used copy is about to take a nose dive.

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On 22/06/2020 at 9:38 AM, Golem25 said:

I'm really sorry to hear that you feel this way. You've had a night's rest now, feel any different about it? I'm not going to defend or bash the game either way, but it'd be a shame to have your first hidden Trophies.


If you're really fed up, might be best to (if you have a physical copy) get rid of the game ASAP via CEX or Facebook marketplace or wherever as I imagine the price for a used copy is about to take a nose dive.

Thanks for asking. I slept on it and I'm not going to hide it. I'm going to finish off the trophies and any DLC that comes but after that I doubt I'll ever play the game again unlike the first game, which I replay at least once a year.


The game plays beautifully and it truly is a masterpiece but I'm really disappointed with the direction they took the story. I went in with an open mind but I ultimately couldn't get behind the decisions that were made. It's a real shame.

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