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Why do people care about trophies?


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I think for me it was coming from Warcraft and all that time collecting damn achievements has led me to becoming a trophy hunter, 


I find it has pro's and cons. Sometimes I find myself playing games I don't really like to get more trophies. Looking at you Mercenary Kings! But in fairness I quite enjoyed my time spent playing it today. 

On the other hand, like many have said, trophies add replay value to games. If it wasn't for trophies, Knack would have been over in 7 hours but I spent about 50 hours on that sod getting shot in the face by the ogre's with the bows! 

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  • 9 years later...

Because it shows you completed everything the game has to offer and because most of the games feature the fabulous platinum trophy, which is the hardest trophy type to obtain as it only unlocks once you get 100% in the base game. It also makes you play the game a lot longer, unlike other people who finish the game once and never touch it ever again.

Edited by Kimura Takahashi
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I like watching my stats go up is the short of it, plus that sound of FINALLY hearing that :platinum: pop is euphoric in a way for me. I used to fall into the camp of just beating games and moving on, but since I've plummeted head first into the trophy hunting rabbit hole I feel much more accomplished when completing everything a game has to offer. Plus most of the people I know that play games more casually never get around to even finishing the games they buy, let alone worrying about trophies. 

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Wow!  Old thread here.  I don't know if I ever replied before, but to put it simply I just look at the platinum trophy as having beaten the game, as having done everything with the game that the developers intended for their audience to do with the game.  I'm not saying my definition is correct.  Plenty of people view "beating the game" as simply playing through and finishing the entire campaign/story mode.  If there happens to be difficulty levels, I would hazard to guess most people are satisfied with "beating the game" on easy or normal and can't be assed with hard or insane difficulties.  I've just always viewed the platinum trophy that way.  You beat the game; you completed everything. 

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