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Was starting Hard mode without Diamond a bad choice?


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Hello, I have finished Knack on normal yesterday but I didn't open all the treasure chests (I mistakenly thought I could do so via chapter selection ... silly me), so I have immediately restarted a new game (not +, just new game) and decided to do hard mode and those together. As you can guess, having only one playthrough on my shoulders, I don't have Diamond Knack yet. Now I've found Knack to be hard on some fights, but very rarely on normal. I didn't struggle much with the game if not for those few times.


Can you guys advice me on if I did something stupid or if it's doable without Diamond Knack? I guess it is necessary not go insane on very hard more, but I've played a few chapters and Hard seems challenging but not insane to me. Am I mistaken and should I work on more Normal runs first?

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Hard is fine without diamond Knack. I played through it on hard the 1st time.


That said, with how long it takes to get diamond Knack you're probably better off doing new game + on normal. It's probably gonna take 2-3 full playthroughs so you might as well do it on an easier difficulty.

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  • 5 months later...

Just finished it on hard mode as i must have deleted my normal save data a few years back. No diamond knack and needed all the items again - didn't find it that difficult really. Timing and using sun stones in key areas eliminates some more difficult areas.


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