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Most Overhated game/anime (SPOILERS ALLOWED)


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With all of the most overrated/underrated topics, I've come to notice that there have been things that I like that I think that people just hated TOO much on. That is why I decided to open this topic up: so people can give out what they like that people hate and for them to give their reasoning. You can be as long as you want.


And just to make things clear if anyone didn't read the last part of the title: spoilers are in fact, allowed.


I'll go first to start things up:


Most overhated anime: Sword Art Online.

While I liked the first half than the second, I think people have too much anger on the second half and how the first half ended. It had to end with the time restraints and there still is another season covering the other two arcs on the way.


Most overhated game: The Call of Duty Franchise (READ BEFORE YOU TRY TO KILL ME PLEASE)

1) A lot of people skip or skim over the campaign and go straight for the multiplayer (look at the trophy stats for BO2 if you want proof). As someone who is single player over multiplayer, I find it crazy for someone to not even try the single player experience and just play online. All of the campaigns that I have played for CoD (4,BO,BO2,MW3) were great, specifically 4 and BO2.

2)This one is about the multiplayer. Many people say that each Call of Duty is the same game every year just because of the multiplayer. Give me a break! Each games setting, weaponry, story, stages, modes (slight), and experiences are different each time. The multiplayer IS in fact fun, especially when you play it with friends! (It's ONLINE MULTIPLAYER for a reason)


Just extra, but I have heard some people say that the characteristics of the CoD series make it not a game at all. These characteristics are basic characteristics for FPS games. So are you saying that all FPS games are not actual games?


Sorry for the long reasoning.



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Personally, I never been a fan of an overhated anime.. at least I don't think so.. I did look at Amnesia reviews and seen they were pretty bad, but it was okay anime.


I'll say Final Fantasy XIII for overhated game.  It wasn't bad at all to me and ended up being one of the best in the series for the combat system and so on, people just looked at the maps and complained pretty much, a lot didn't even make it out of Cocoon before declaring it was a terrible game.

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From what I've seen from SAO, I think it's pretty badass, but then again, I haven't seen any of the second season...


ANIME: Anyways, everyone always hates on Naruto Shippuden. It doesn't have nearly as much filler as the original Naruto, and the Pain arc has some of the best action I've seen in any anime. People say that the story is getting too complex, and there are way too many flashbacks, but I think your missing the point. The flashbacks are to help you understand why somebody is the way they are and it's for character development; It's not just lazy writing. Also, No one ever really hates on One Piece even though it too has a lot of filler, so I think the whole "too much filler" is a lame excuse. If you don't like it, read the manga or skip the episodes with the filler; it's not that hard.


GAME: Pokémon Series


Everyone always complains that the pokemon formula should be changed and it's getting boring. When I was a kid, I was told, "If it's not broke, don't fix it" or "Use duct tape." I think you can apply at least one of these two childhood sayings to my favorite childhood game series.

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Sword Art is great, but the second arc simply couldn't live up to the first. Don't get me wrong, I loved it and all...but the first arc was simply too good.


Call of Duty definitely receives some overhate, though. Personally I don't find them very fun but people bash the series for being the same thing, but what do you expect? Granted they could easily keep selling the same game and making insane profit but when you've got something that works you stick with it. Most of the rage brought about for Call of Duty comes from experience online, which is just silly as they can't control how people play their game.


Naruto gets flamed simply because it's been drawn out at times and has quite possibly the most filler out of any series in the history of television. When the story is moving there are some great battles to be seen, though i can often understand why people bash it.


Lastly, I'm going to back Takahashi and say that Final Fantasy XIII is an overhated game. While XII had changed the formula, people hadn't given it nearly as much thought for some reason as XIII and it's new battle system. While it was rather linear, the game played nicely and after you beat the game there was plenty to do. Personally, I enjoyed myself and look forward to playing the game on the PS3.

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Most overhated anime:

Dragon Ball Z.

I know some people hate it for what it is,but I like it (sometimes I just want to watch some mindless action anime show)


Most overhated game:

Call of Duty.

I never played CoD,but I don't understand why it gets a lot of hate from gamers.

I've heard that CoD players are immature,6 year old kids,hate noobs,racist,rage quitters,and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So,I don't know if this is true or it's just coming from haters (which is why I never played the series)

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resident evil 6, definitely an overhated game, don't see why some reviews gave it as low as 1/10 and some people saying it's the worst game ever, if you ask me, the game is great and doesn't deserve all the hate it gets

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