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Who is lying?

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I’m relatively new to the trophy game.. something which has been bothering me and would like to know the answer to.. why are some trophies deemed ‘rare’ or ‘ultra rare’ on my PS app/PlayStation etc but they’re ‘common’ on this site? 

for instance I was playing ‘guns gore and cannoli 2’ and it was telling me the trophies were ultra rare, and I was wondering why no one had played such an awesome game..


but then on here they’re common? Why the discrepancy? I’m sure there’s a really obvious answer, but I’d like to know. Who’s lying to me?

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This is just simply due to the player base involved. 

On the Console or app itself it shows you the percentages of ALL the players who have ever played the game and trophy hunters are a small minority of gamers, so websites like this one which is populated with trophy hunters, the percentage/rarity between trophy hunters is obviously going to be much higher since its being filtered, if that makes any sense

Actually, if you hover your mouse over the percentage of a trophy on this site it will tell you the global percentage of that trophy. You can also sort on here by PSNProfiles' percentages or global PSN percentage

Edited by PlatinumTrophy
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Lol nobody's lying. It's just simply that PSNP tracks trophies earnt from members who are registered on this site only versus Sony who obviously tracks all playstation members. In other words, if members aren't tracked on this site, they're just simply not included in the calculation. 


Most of the time, trophy rarity here tend to be underestimated (i.e less rare) because you're taking a sample size that mainly includes trophy hunters or people who take gaming a bit more seriously than the average joe and therefore the results aren't generalizable to Sony's overall members. 



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I'd barely say someone is lying to you.

PSNProfiles tracks the site's registered users, thus it has its own rarity scale, mostly driven by its users (around 388.5k according to the site's stats).

PSN on the other hand tracks all registered user accounts around the world, be those trophy hunters or not (around 100 million accounts).


PSNProfiles is, in itself, an isolated island in the vast sea of trophy lists.

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No one is lying, the number of accounts taken into consideration is just different. PSN counts all accounts and tells how many accounts have a trophy. That's around 20 million accounts.


PSNP counts only roughly 4 million accounts which are connected to this site are taken into consideration but further divided by the number of accounts which have started a game.


So they both show something with great difference :)

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That makes so much sense! Thanks for explaining it to me. I knew it would be obvious when it was pointed out. ☺️

Thanks guys ☺️ 


Brit dry humour can go down like a lead balloon sometimes. Thanks for explaining as it’s been bugging me.

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