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Mid-Chapter 5.3.0: New Survivor, Boon Totems and TON of Changes


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This mid-chapter brings a new stand-alone original survivor and a new gameplay mechanic - Boon totems - alongside a TON of changes and balances! This list is currently on the Steam PTB right now, and things may be subject to change.


Prepare yourself, the list is very long…


New Survivor: Mikaela Reid


Unique Perks:

  • Clairvoyance - Cleanse a totem to activate the perk. When empty-ended, hold the Ability button to unlock your aura reading ability. For up to 8/9/10 seconds, you can see the auras of exit gates switches, generators hooks and chests within a 64 meter range.
  • Boon: Circle of Healing - Any survivor within a 28 meter range of the linked Boon totem gains a 90/95/100 % healing speed bonus and can heal themselves without the need of a med-kit.
  • Boon: Shadow StepAny survivor within a 28 meter range of the linked Boon totem will have their scratch marks and aura hidden to the killer. The effect persists for 2/3/4 seconds after leaving the Boon totem’s range.


Boon Totems

Boon Totems are like Hex totems but for survivors and grant them buffs. Like the Hex totems, Boon totems are only activated by the new Boon perks. During trials, survivors must interact with a dull or Hex totem - here called ‘blessing’ - to activate the perks and their effects. Once a Boon totem is at play, the killer gets to seek it and deactivate it to strip away its effects, which will turn back to a dull totem. Each survivor can only bless a totem at a time, and if survivors equip more than one Boon perk, all of them will be activated on this single Boon totem. If the killer would deactivate the totem, survivors can bless another totem to activate the perk again.


Changes in Mid-Chapter 5.3.0:


Hatch & Keys

  • Hatch will now only spawn when one survivor remains on the map.
  • If the hatch has been closed and you have a key, it will now take 2.5 seconds to open it and escape through it. The unlocking progress won’t reset if you stop unlocking.
  • Since these changes will render “Where Did They Go?!” trophy unobtainable, it will be changed to “The Key to Escaping” and will require the following criteria: Escape through the hatch by using a key.


Survivor Perks

Nancy and Steve’s perks become general perks to all survivors, they are renamed and their icon is changed, prior to Stranger Things DLC’s delisting:

  • Babysitter is now Guardian
  • Camaraderie is now Kinship
  • Second Wind is now Renewal
  • Better Together is now Situational Awareness
  • Fixated is now Self-Aware
  • Inner Strength is now Inner Healing


Perk Balances:

  • Vigil - Recovery rate of status effects increases from 10/15/20 % to 20/25/30 %. Vigil also now increases the recovery speed of Broken, Exposed and Oblivious status effects.
  • Guardian (formerly Babysitter) - Unhooked survivor will now gain a speed boost for 4/6/8 seconds, in addition of not leaving scratch marks. The aura reading duration is also doubled.
  • For the People - Decreases Broken status effect duration from 110/100/90 to 80/70/60 seconds.
  • Windows of Opportunity - Removes cooldown and increases the aura reading range of vaults to 24/28/32 meters.
  • Repressed Alliance - Reduces the time of repairs needed to activate the perk to 55/50/45 seconds.
  • Built to Last - Reworked perk, now hiding in a locker for 14/13/12 seconds will refill the item charges by 99%.
  • Any Means Necessary - Now sees the aura of dropped pallets.
  • No Mither - Grunts of pain reduced to 25/50/75 %. Recovery speed increased to 15/20/25 % during dying state.


Killer Perks

The Demogorgon’s perks become general perks to all killers, they are renamed and their icon is changed, prior to Stranger Things DLC’s delisting:

  • Surge is now Jolt
  • Mindbreaker is now Fearmonger
  • Cruel Limits is now Claustrophobia


Perk Balances:

  • Fearmonger (formerly Mindbreaker): Now survivors suffer from Blindness in addition of Exhaustion.
  • Hex: Retribution: Now interacting with any totem will give Oblivious. Increases the aura reading duration to 15 seconds when a Hex totem is cleansed.
  • Hex: Blood Favor: Has no more cooldown upon being activated, and will now activate from special attacks along with basic attacks.
  • Hex: The Third Seal: Will also give Blindness from special attacks.
  • Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: Increases the speed penalty when survivors cleansing totems, or when blessing them to turn them into Boon totems.


Items and Add-Ons Description Change

Killer add-ons, survivor items and their add-ons will get more clear descriptions of their effects by numeral values instead of using the vague “slightly”, “moderately”, “considerably” or “tremendously” terms we were used to since the game’s 5 years of existence. These descriptions will also be changed with perks in the future. Plus, killer add-ons that apply status effects will be given a short description of what each status effect does.

Killer Balances


The Trapper:

  • Now has 6 bear traps spawn on the map at all time in each match, instead of a random of 4 to 6 traps.
  • Bear traps auras are changed to white.
  • Now starts with and carry a max of two bear traps by default. The extra traps add-ons are adjusted.



  • Trapper Gloves: Setting speed bonus increased to 30% (was 20%)
  • Wax Brick: Trap escape modifier removed. Added effect: 33% increase to rescue and escape time. Rarity decreased to Uncommon (was Rare)
  • Trapper Bag: Reduced number of additional traps to 1 (was 2). Rarity increased to Rare (was Uncommon)
  • Secondary Coil: Increased time for survivors to disarm traps to 50% (was 43%)
  • Fastening Tools: Trap escape modifier removed. Added effect: 25% increase to rescue and escape time. Rarity decreased to Rare (was Very Rare)
  • Oily Coil: When resetting a Bear Trap, reveal the aura of the most recent Survivor to disarm it for 5 seconds
  • Trapper Sack (Reworked): All Bear traps are carried at the start of the trial instead of spawning on the map, and they can’t be picked up once placed
  • Bear Oil (New): Setting a Bear Trap is silent
  • Makeshift Wrap (New): The Trapper cannot be caught by his Bear Traps. The Bear Trap will be disarmed if The Trapper steps on it
  • Coffee Grinds (New): Gain a 5% Haste status effect for 5 seconds after setting a Bear Trap
  • Lengthened Jaws (New): Bear Traps inflict Deep Wound on Survivors
  • Tension Spring (New): A bear trap resets 2 seconds after a survivor escapes from it
  • The following add-ons have been removed: Strong Coil Spring, Trap Setters, Logwood Dye, Setting Tools, Stitched Bag


The Wraith:

  • Uncloaking speed boost duration reduced to 1 seconds (was 1.25 seconds)
  • Add-on - All Seeing: Blood: Aura reveal range decreased to 8 meters (was 12 meters)


The Hillbilly (only Add-Ons):

  • Death Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging chainsaw by 14%
  • Doom Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging chainsaw by 14%
  • Mother’s Helpers: Charge speed bonus after being stunned increased to 18% (was 12%)
  • Tuned Carburetor: Charge speed bonus increased to 25% (was 20%)
  • Black Grease (Rework): Increases Chainsaw charge speed by 18% for 30 seconds after being blinded
  • Pighouse Gloves (Rework): Increases action speed by 20% when breaking pallets or walls, or damaging generators while overheated. Decreases duration of pallet stuns by 50%


The Nurse:

  • Add-on - Torn Bookmark: Removed the inability of blinking through solid objects. Now increases the time for blinks to recharge by 50%


The Hag:

  • Add-On - Waterlogged Shoe: Increased speed bonus to 4.5% (was 2%)


The Shape: (Only Add-Ons)

  • Memorial Flower: Rarity decreased to Common (was Uncommon)
  • Vanity Mirror: Now removes the movement speed penalty. The rest stays unchanged
  • Judith’s Tombstone: Movement speed penalty now only applies to Evil Within III


The Pig (only add-ons):

  • Bag of Gears: Increased Reverse Bear Trap setting speed bonus to 50% (was 20%)
  • Crate of Gears: Decreased Jigsaw Box search penalty to 33% (was 43%)
  • Tampered Timer: Decreased Reverse Bear Trap death timer modification to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds)
  • Rule Set N.2: Decreased rarity to Rare (was Ultra Rare)
  • John’s Medical File (Rework): Increases crouched move speed by 6%
  • Razor Wires (Rework): Failing a Jigsaw Box skill check while uninjured will injure the survivor
  • Interlocking Razor (Rework): Failing a Jigsaw Box skill-check while injured will apply the Deep Wound status effect on survivor
  • Workshop Grease (Rework): Increased the Ambush attack speed by 50%. Decreases the cooldown of missed Ambush attacks by 25%. Increased rarity to Uncommon (was Common)
  • Last Will: Increases Ambush attack movement speed by 6%. Increases time to charge Ambush attack by 66%.
  • Jigsaw’s Annotated Plan (Rework): Increases available Reverse Bear Traps by 1. Increases Reverse Bear Trap death timer by 10 seconds. Whenever a generator is completed, 10 seconds is removed from the death timer of all active Reverse Bear Traps
  • Jigsaw’s Sketch (Rework): Adds an additional reversed bear trap. Whenever a survivor with a reversed bear trap repairs a generator, the generator’s aura is revealed to the Pig
  • Amanda’s Letter: Removed the effect of removing a Jigsaw Box. Aura reveal range increased to 16 meters (was 12 meters)
  • Video Tape (Rework): All survivors start the trial with a reversed bear trap on their head


The Spirit:

  • Any Survivor within 24m of The Spirit while she’s phasing will now hear the phase sound in the direction she’s phasing. This lets you know whether or not she is phasing and also gives you a rough idea of which direction she’s coming from.
  • The Spirit’s footsteps will now kick up dust while she is phasing, indicating her location for the keen survivors. (This has been postponed to another update)


  • Juniper Bonsai: Added effect: Increases Passive Phasing duration by 50%

  • Dried Cherry Blossom (Rework): Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 4 meters of The Spirit while she is phasing. Scratch marks are no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting

  • Wakizashi Saya (Rework): During Yamaoka’s Haunting, use the Active Ability button to return to the husk and end the haunting

  • Mother’s Glasses (New): Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 2 meters of the husk. Scratch marks are no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting

  • Uchiwa (New): Instantly recharges Yamoka’s Haunting when stunned by a pallet

  • Senko Hanabi (New): When Yamaoka’s Haunting ends, The Spirit’s husk explodes and any vaults within 4 meters are blocked for 5 seconds

  • Furin (New): The phasing sound is heard by all Survivors

  • Kintsugi Teacup (New): Instantly recharges Yamaoka’s Haunting after breaking a pallet or wall

  • The following add-ons have been removed: Bloody Hair Brooch, Dirty Uwabaki, Katsumori Talisman, Prayer Beads Bracelet, Father’s Glasses

  • New Terror Radius music


The Plague:

  • Increases survivors’ infection rate when they interact with infected objects.
  • Extends the duration of infected objects from 35 to 40 seconds.
  • If the power button is released early, Vile Purge will continue charging to the minimum threshold instead of cancelling and entering cooldown
  • Increases movement speed from 2.3m/s to 3.6m/s while on cooldown after using Vile Purge or canceling it.
  • Increases the time for survivors to cleanse themselves at a fountain from 6 to 8 seconds.


  • Limestone Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 20 seconds (was 5 seconds)
  • Emetic Potion: Increased Vile Purge effectiveness bonus to 30% (was 25%)
  • Hematite Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 30 seconds (was 10 seconds)
  • Infected Emetic: Decreased Vile Purge effectiveness bonus to 40% (was 50%)
  • Ashen Apple: Removed object infection duration modifier. Added effect: Increases the number of Pools of Devotion in the trial by 1.
  • Rubbing Oil: Reduced Vile Purge charge speed bonus to 50% (was 100%)
  • Exorcism Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds)
  • Devotees Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 20 seconds (was 8 seconds)
  • Black Incense: Decreased survivor aura reveal duration to 3 seconds (was 5 seconds)
  • Iridescent Seal: Removed speed penalty while holding Corrupt Purge
  • Prayer Tablet Fragment (Rework): Vile Purge no longer affects Survivors. Increases object infection duration by 40 seconds. Increases infection from infected objects by 100%. Increases Devious Bloodpoints by 100%.
  • Olibanum Incense (Rework): Survivors who cleanse at fountains have their auras revealed for 4 seconds
  • Prophylactic Amulet (Rework): Decreases the number of Pools of Devotion in the trial by 2
  • Incensed Ointment (Rework):Ingesting the corruption at a Pool of Devotion causes all Survivors within The Plague’s Terror Radius to scream and reveal their locations
  • Vile Emetic (Rework): Increases velocity of vomit projectiles by 10%


The Deathslinger:

  • Can no longer shoot until he fully aimed down sights.
  • Increases the delay after cancelling his shot before he can start a Basic Attack.
  • Increases movement speed while aiming down sights.
  • Increases terror radius to 32 meters.


  • Gold Creek Whiskey: Removed movement speed penalty
  • Marshal’s Badge: Removed movement speed penalty
  • Iridescent Coin: Decreased range requirement to 12 meters to apply Exposed to speared survivors (was 15 meters)
  • Hellshire Iron (Rework): When a Survivor is speared, gain Undetectable. The effect persists for 10 seconds after the Survivor is no longer speared


The Ghost Face:

  • Night Shroud recovery time decreased to 24 seconds (was 30 seconds)


  • Walleye’s Matchbook: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds)
  • Olson’s Address Book: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds)
  • Chewed Pen: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 4 seconds (was 8 seconds)


The Blight (only add-ons)

  • Adrenaline Vial: Increased rush token recharge bonus to 1 second (was 0.75 seconds). Added effect: Increases Rushing speed by 10%.
  • Summoning Stone: Increased pallet blocking range to 16 meters (was 12 meters). Increased pallet blocking duration to 15 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Edited by MaxieM0us3
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I really like to think McLean was like ‘Alright, you goofy goobers, I’m not leaving on a bad note, so this better be the best damned patch we’ve ever released!’


I’m hoping on a technical level this patch is good, I mean, it is Behaviour. Really hope that their spaghetti code will eventually get despaghettified and we can all enjoy a wel made game.


Reslly disappointed with the new Survivor, wasn’t expecting a Hot Topic employee. But I’ll pick them up as I have the shards and their perks will undoubtedly help with at least one of the new trophies like usual.


Edited by OmegaRejectz
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5 hours ago, HuntingFever said:

Now the "Where Did They Go?!" trophy has had its requirements changed, how does one go about getting it 1f914.png?


The new description is "Escape through the hatch by using a key", so I believe you'd essentially have to wait for the killer to close the hatch and start the endgame collapse, then re-open it. Shouldn't be too hard, as they'll usually go patrol the doors after closing the hatch, although they might be more cautious if they see you bring a key in. If you bring Plunderer's and/or Appraisal in though, you can often procure one in the match.


Overall, probably a change for the easier, particularly if you're solo queuing- though since you can no longer get it with an AFK killer, which was how I ended up getting the old one, it's definitely more skill based now, so an improvement all round IMO.

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Best part is that we now get % instead of the slightly, moderately, considerably etc.


Boon perks seem ultra dog shit since it's not map wide like killer hex perks are. No one will use them unless they actually make them worth getting. Kinda patethic if you ask me. You can now heal 90% faster and without selfcare, but having to potentially run across the map to do so makes the boon just about as good as Urban Evasion <---- worst perk in the game. You are better of bringing a medkit or if you need it selfcare,  that will save time = more gens done.


Will be so much fun going against 3 blink nurse again.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some changes will come from the PTB to the live update.

Boon Totems

- Boon effects no longer stack, meaning if it happens that two totems’ area of effect collide to each other, survivors being between both totem’s range won’t get their effects at the same time. Survivors get only the effects from the totem’s range they enter.

- Decreased Boon totem’s range from 28 to 24 meters.

- Takes now 24 seconds to bless a Hex totem.


Hex: Blood Favor now activates on survivors losing a health state, and it’s now based on the Survivor’s position rather than the killer’s.

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On 9/29/2021 at 0:18 AM, Quink666 said:

Best part is that we now get % instead of the slightly, moderately, considerably etc.


Boon perks seem ultra dog shit since it's not map wide like killer hex perks are. No one will use them unless they actually make them worth getting. Kinda patethic if you ask me. You can now heal 90% faster and without selfcare, but having to potentially run across the map to do so makes the boon just about as good as Urban Evasion <---- worst perk in the game. You are better of bringing a medkit or if you need it selfcare,  that will save time = more gens done.


Will be so much fun going against 3 blink nurse again.......

I definitely think slippery meat is the worst perk in the game. It's utterly useless and as we have deliverance. Urban Evasion has actually saved me a lot when I first started the game. Urban Evasion is not the best perk by any means, but its definitely not the worst.

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28 minutes ago, Savagehulk03 said:

 Urban Evasion is not the best perk by any means, but its definitely not the worst.

Not really a problem with the perk but with the players using it. The only urban evade around the map self caring and not helping their team. There is kind of a meme about Urban Evaders and it comes from people playing this like it's a stealth game. Slippery meat is only good if you are SWfing and run luck perks and offering. You will almost always get off the hook with 4 salty lips and the Ace luck perk. But yeah there are a ton of useless perks in the game unfortunately.


That said UE is not the worst but definitely in the bottom 5%. If you want to be stealthy and not leave scratch marks just use Fixated instead. That perk actually makes you move faster. Crouching is something you should only do on certain occasions. Noy like some who crouch 75% of the trial.

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52 minutes ago, Savagehulk03 said:

I definitely think slippery meat is the worst perk in the game. It's utterly useless and as we have deliverance. Urban Evasion has actually saved me a lot when I first started the game. Urban Evasion is not the best perk by any means, but its definitely not the worst.


The worst perks in the game are Camaraderie and Sole Survivor. I've never seen either of these perks be used correctly and I've been playing for 3 years. Least with Slippery Meat it had some use before Adam was added into the game and it still grants you more chances to escape.


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29 minutes ago, Quink666 said:

Not really a problem with the perk but with the players using it. The only urban evade around the map self caring and not helping their team. There is kind of a meme about Urban Evaders and it comes from people playing this like it's a stealth game. Slippery meat is only good if you are SWfing and run luck perks and offering. You will almost always get off the hook with 4 salty lips and the Ace luck perk. But yeah there are a ton of useless perks in the game unfortunately.


That said UE is not the worst but definitely in the bottom 5%. If you want to be stealthy and not leave scratch marks just use Fixated instead. That perk actually makes you move faster. Crouching is something you should only do on certain occasions. Noy like some who crouch 75% of the trial.

Lmao I definitely agree especially on the stereotypes about the people who use the perk. I used to be one of them so I know lol. 

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Why change the hatch mechanic? The ‘where did they go’ trophy was easily obtainable as it was. Now they’ve made it even easier for someone to get? Ruining the rarity of the trophy for us all. 

But generally excited for the changes to most of the killers. Although the poor deathslinger not being able to quick scope anymore, and increasing his terror radius?
Gonna make it harder for the poor old guy. It’s good to see they’ve increased his movement speed while looking down the sights, but with his already slow movement speed, his slower ability to aim and fire, and his terror radius giving him away from further away, DAMN he’s gonna be fighting an uphill battle (with his bad leg and all)…

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43 minutes ago, Savagehulk03 said:

Lmao I definitely agree especially on the stereotypes about the people who use the perk. I used to be one of them so I know lol. 

Most people i play with who run with UE instead of Fixated are usually at the bottom of the score board by alot. Meaning they did nothing except beeing mortified of the terror radius crouching on the edges of the map. Fixated does the same thing UE does but far better, you move faster and don't leave scratch marks. Maybe 1 in 50 UE users are useful teammates. It's good that you are the exception and not the rule.

3 minutes ago, Batman_Karnage said:

Why change the hatch mechanic? The ‘where did they go’ trophy was easily obtainable as it was. Now they’ve made it even easier for someone to get? Ruining the rarity of the trophy for us all. 

But generally excited for the changes to most of the killers. Although the poor deathslinger not being able to quick scope anymore, and increasing his terror radius?
Gonna make it harder for the poor old guy. It’s good to see they’ve increased his movement speed while looking down the sights, but with his already slow movement speed, his slower ability to aim and fire, and his terror radius giving him away from further away, DAMN he’s gonna be fighting an uphill battle (with his bad leg and all)…

Game balancing. No more 4 man escapes will be possible, only 1 man. Huge key nerf cause killer complained to much =)

Edited by Quink666
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