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Suggestion for profiles

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Hello, I noted that my Doom Eternal platinum appears as 2022 when entering the website without logging. However, I earned it in my timezone on december the 31th, yes, I know that I can adjust my timezone but I would like if all profiles had their timezone activated by default like other trophy hunting sites do, that's my suggestion, maybe it could sound stupid for some but for example in my case,I wanted other game to be my 1st platinum of 2022 and now anyone without a profile here that enters my profile will see doom eternal as the first 2022 plaqt I had.


Have a nice year and a good day :)

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24 minutes ago, DaivRules said:

How would that work for countries that span multiple time zones?


A US profile could be over about 7 time zones for example. 



I'm no programmer but I believe there is a way to detect the browser's set timezone using javascript. Seems like a lot of effort just to allow non-logged in users to see localized timestamps lol


If OP means having profiles show the trophy earner's timezone for non-logged in users, that does sound like a nightmare

Edited by TheRedMaverick
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1 minute ago, TheRedMaverick said:


I'm no programmer but I believe there is a way to detect the browser's set timezone using javascript. Seems like a lot of effort just to allow non-logged in users to see localized timestamps lol

That assumes that every profile has logged in to the site, and done so on a device that sent their appropriate browser time zone and ignores all the situations where people have accounts in countries/regions outside of where they current live/connect to the internet, etc. Also VPNs…


I’m not familiar with other trophy sites, but I’m question if they actually went to that amount of effort and if they did, why they thought something like that would be worthwhile since it’ll never actually be accurate. 

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7 hours ago, PayneKillerTears said:

No offense but no one is as interested in your trophy log as u are 

It is not a matter if you care or people care or not, that is useless. What I mean IS what I want to show up, not other to care, which is totally different. Probably some people will see my 100th plat being FF VII and will say : nice, he wanted it to be hus number 100. And in 2 months they will forget my profile completely. I know there arr many of us that care of trophy milestones and that.

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6 hours ago, Pottercito_ said:

It is not a matter if you care or people care or not, that is useless. What I mean IS what I want to show up, not other to care, which is totally different. 


14 hours ago, Pottercito_ said:

I wanted other game to be my 1st platinum of 2022 and now anyone without a profile here that enters my profile will see doom eternal as the first 2022 plaqt I had.



your OP states differently tho 

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19 hours ago, DaivRules said:

That assumes that every profile has logged in to the site, and done so on a device that sent their appropriate browser time zone and ignores all the situations where people have accounts in countries/regions outside of where they current live/connect to the internet, etc. Also VPNs…


I’m not familiar with other trophy sites, but I’m question if they actually went to that amount of effort and if they did, why they thought something like that would be worthwhile since it’ll never actually be accurate. 


It would reflect the non-registered user's current time based on what the browser reports the timezone is set to. You're right that something like VPN may interfere with accuracy, but it would be at the detriment of the non-registered user and would technically be more accurate than the current system (which I believe is just set to display the times in UTC and the person has to do the time conversion manually).


That being said...again it seems like more trouble than it's worth. Does this site even have a lot of non-registered visitors? Even if so, the likelihood of an unregistered user randomly stumbling upon your account and taking note of your trophy milestones is slim to none. Maybe your friends might check up on you but they'll probably have an account themselves.


It'd be a nice to have feature but definitely doesn't seem like it'd be at the top of the priority list for most. Maybe Husky could include it in his browser extension one day.

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