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AFK methods for farming (GT 1.09 update)


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18 hours ago, Smeelss said:

Has anyone gotten this to work? After the 1st race it just stays at the leaderboard...

I have the same issue. i get to the Retry on the first part, open RP, it runs race (50/50 on clean race or not haha, dumb AI) then it gets stuck on leader board, i tried pixel and timing (220000 and 230000). not sure what really to check on this, running the 0.9.exe file (not sure how to get other file versions of the script to try)

sorry i guess i missed that is what the Color P1 and p2 are for.  i can make it all the way through, however when it gets to second races and quits, goes to menu, it goes down the the Pan is the second to last, not last race on the bottom, how do i get it to 'go left' once? sorry i have no idea how to do this code stuff

Edited by kendog987585
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Also, i tried on my PS4, i can use the onsreen option for option/PS button, but keyboard (left/right/enter) do nothing in game, not sure what is causing that, i tried to search but no luck. i can go to the options, and navigate through the Quick menu ok

ignore, i was logged into ps4 with secondary account, not primary, trying to help my son, apparently the RP doesn't work like that, i have to be logged in with primary account

Edited by kendog987585
more details
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On 4/1/2022 at 1:13 AM, Axeblokie said:

So it looks like I broke it for myself :(

I progressed to the next championship, and now it tries to launch that instead :(

Anybody else done this and got it working again?


Edit: fixed it, added this a to line 280 just before the sleep 500 and got rid of the down loop that immediately followed.

    Sleep, 200

    ControlSend,, {%turnLeft% down}, ahk_id %id% 
    Sleep, 200
    ControlSend,, {%turnLeft% up}, ahk_id %id%


I can't seem to do it right. Can you copy the whole thing or send me the file please?

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I've been having real issues lately with this. I had it working great for a while and after the last few updates something has changed. It gets stuck right after the race at the first race results or it gets stuck in the replay. I've used both v0.8 and v0.9 and neither are working now. I would like to try to get the newer versions but don't have access to the discord and it won't let me download the "stable" v0.5 from dropbox.

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Okay so I've done some testing and as of now 0.9 still works for me. If it doesn't work for you, do the following:

- Make sure your computer screen resolution is 1080p and scaling is set to 100% otherwise pixel detection doesn't work correctly.

- Not sure if it matters but I also set the console resolution to 1080p and HDR off. At least it makes it run cooler when you leave it grinding all night.

- You almost definitely will get stuck on the leaderboard screen after the first race, just hit the ColorP1 button and watch it progress to the next screen.

- If you're stuck on a replay loop where it keeps hitting replay instead of progressing to the next race, hit the ColorP2 button when the next race button with a green flag is shown on screen. After that, it will progress by itself, start the first race all over again and repeat it automatically from now on.

- When you hit the ColorP1 and ColorP2 buttons, it gives you a color code. Take a note of both codes, open the AHK file with Notepad or something and replace both color codes on there so that next time you won't have to click those buttons after the first race again.

- If the car won't stop spinning after hitting another car right at the start, turn on some assist settings and restart. I have ASM on and Countersteering on Strong.

Edited by LDSD
Typo and more info.
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Due to some minor problems found in the original author's script, I optimized and modified it.

The judgment of entering and ending the game is made to ensure the stability of the cycle.

There will be no need to click the color button in the first circle.

In addition to some settings required by the original author, the following settings need to be changed:

Set gamer 1's handle to turn left and right with the direction key, throttle in the direction and overtake in the direction. The game is set with vehicle traction 5, automatic gear, ABS on, ASM stable on, reverse auxiliary off, and the angle of view in the game is set as the hood.

(please do not touch the computer in the whole process and ensure that it does not sleep or pop-up, because it is necessary to identify pictures. Although the search software mode is used, it is afraid of problems)

Tip: it is recommended that the vehicle be black. Pay attention to running the daily mileage first. PS4 can adjust the internal parameters by itself with notes. If there is a problem with the computer running window (AHK didn't understand that some computer windows are disorderly). Change the corresponding position of the image search in the screenshot and script by yourself. The following contents (four paragraphs, three of which are useful) are the three digit part of four paragraphs,

ImageSearch, OutputVarX0, OutputVarY0, 420, 320, 636, 536, *20 %A_ ScriptDir%\stime. png

    stime. PNG file is used for judging the start and end of the game. It is the traction icon in the instrument area.

    otime. PNG file is used to judge the end of the game. It is the red area after you rank when you are first and circle.

See the shared picture.

20.6 kilometers per game, you can calculate your number of cycles by judging the increased mileage.

Introduction to some adjustment parameters

; --------- Constants adjustment parameters

; Time at turn in seconds and Stablizing control。 Set adjusted parameters

rounds := 535 ; This parameter is the number of main cycles. If the car is correct (the best lap speed is about 37.5 seconds), there is basically no need to adjust it

statime := 13000 ; The pre waiting time after loading will be determined later. Calculate the time from clicking to the countdown of 3 seconds after entering the game without card (a little less) according to ps5. Now it starts to judge in the countdown of about 2 seconds.

sintensity := 100 ; The opening avoidance AI right button pressing time is modified for individuals. If you want to move to the right, it will be increased by 10,

sdelay := 200 ; Start avoiding AI right click pop-up time is modified for individuals

keeptime := 3400 ; The straight travel time of avoiding AI at the beginning is modified for individuals. If you turn right in the middle of the penultimate car and the fourth car, it will be less than 50 (it is recommended to be in the middle)

intensity := 220 ; The global right-click pressing time is not recommended to be modified

delay := 160 ; The global right-click pop-up time is not recommended to be modified

ps_ load_ time1 := 14000 ; Loading the second station time PS4 can be changed automatically

ps_ load_ time2 := 7000 ; The time of returning to the main venue}ps4 can be changed by yourself

ps_ load_ time3 := 10000 ; Loading Pan am first stop time PS4 changes



#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000
#HotkeyInterval 99000000
#KeyHistory 0
ListLines Off
Process, Priority, , A
SetBatchLines, -1
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. 设置工作文件夹地址。
DetectHiddenWindows, On

; --------- Controls,控制按钮

accel := "Up"
turnLeft := "Left"
turnRight := "Right"
brake := "Enter"
nitros := "Down"

; --------- Constants 调整参数
; Time at turn in seconds and Stablizing control。设置调整的参数
rounds := 535 ; Round=(all Time - keeptime - stime)/(sintensity + sdelay)*4 全局时间-开始时间 除以 右键按下时间+右键弹起时间*4
statime := 13000 ;加载后预等待时间,后面会判断开始。不卡情况下计算点击进入游戏后到倒数3秒的时间(稍少算点)。

sintensity := 100 ; 开局躲避AI右键按下时间 针对个人修改
sdelay := 200 ; 开局躲避AI右键弹起时间 针对个人修改
keeptime := 3400 ; 开局躲避AI直行时间 针对个人修改

intensity := 220 ; 全局右键按下时间 不建议修改
delay := 160 ; 全局右键弹起时间 不建议修改

ps_load_time1 := 14000 ; 加载第二站时间
ps_load_time2 := 7000 ; 返回主赛场时间
ps_load_time3 := 10000 ; 加载泛美第一站时间

; ---------- Gui Setup -------------
Gui, -MaximizeBox
Gui, Color, cFFFFFF, c6272a4
Gui, Add, Button, x15 y10 w70 default, Start
GUI, Add, Text,, T7 Pan American AFK 
GUI, Add, Text,, Up By 156300
Gui, Font, ce8dfe3 s9 w550 Bold
Gui, Show,w220 h150, GT7 Pan American AFK 156300

    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    id := ""
    SetKeyDelay, 10
    Process, priority, , High
    gosub, GrabRemotePlay
    if  (id = "")
    gosub, PauseLoop
    CoordMode, Mouse, Client
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
	 sleep 500
    gosub, AFKLoop
; ---------- Gui Setup End-------------

    loop {
		gosub, PressX ;进入比赛
		 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", statime) ; This is dependent on load time, probably different for ps4 version;预等待游戏进入时间
		gosub, Race

; Just for menuing, does not hold X down 只是相当于点手柄的X键=确认键
    ControlSend,, {%brake% down}, ahk_id %id% 
	 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 200)
    ControlSend,, {%brake% up}, ahk_id %id% 
; For turning 只是在菜单中按右选择使用
    ControlSend,, {%turnRight% down}, ahk_id %id% 
	 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 200)
    ControlSend,, {%turnRight% up}, ahk_id %id% 

; 开赛前判断倒数读秒
	ControlSend,, {%accel% down}, ahk_id %id% 
	 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 100)
	ControlSend,, {%nitros% down}, ahk_id %id% 	
	 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 1500)
	loop {
		ImageSearch, OutputVarX0, OutputVarY0, 420, 320, 636, 536, *20 %A_ScriptDir%\stime.png
			If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
				DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 100)
	loop, 3 {
		ControlSend,, {%turnRight% down}, ahk_id %id% 
		 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", sintensity) ;按下时间
		ControlSend,, {%turnRight% up}, ahk_id %id% 	
		 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", sdelay) ;弹起时间
	 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", keeptime) ;直行时间
 	loop, %rounds% {
		ControlSend,, {%turnRight% down}, ahk_id %id% 
		 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", intensity)
		ControlSend,, {%turnRight% up}, ahk_id %id% 	
		 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", delay)
;	PixelSearch, x, y, pix1x-1, pix1y-1, pix1x+1, pix1y+1, %color_check1%, 40, Fast RGB
/*	ImageSearch, OutputVarX1, OutputVarY1, 727, 251, 749, 266, *30 %A_ScriptDir%\loop6.png
		If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
				ControlSend,, {%accel% up}, ahk_id %id% 
				ControlSend,, {%nitros% up}, ahk_id %id% 
				 Sleep, 100
				MouseMove, 529, 433
				 Sleep, 1000
				MouseClick, left, 529, 432
				 Sleep, 500
				MouseMove, 529, 550
				gosub, AFKLoop
			MouseMove, 900, 10
;	PixelSearch, x, y, pix2x-1, pix2y-1, pix2x+1, pix2y+1, %color_check2%, 20, Fast RGB
MouseMove, 529, 550
     loop {
		ImageSearch, OutputVarX2, OutputVarY2, 420, 320, 636, 536, *50 *Trans0xFF0000 %A_ScriptDir%\stime.png
            If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
				Sleep, 200
				ControlSend,, {%turnRight% down}, ahk_id %id% 
				 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", intensity)
				ControlSend,, {%turnRight% up}, ahk_id %id% 	
				 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", delay)
     loop {
		ImageSearch, OutputVarX3, OutputVarY3, 100, 70, 220, 160, *50 %A_ScriptDir%\otime.png
            If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
				Sleep, 200
				ControlSend,, {%turnRight% down}, ahk_id %id% 
				 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", intensity)
				ControlSend,, {%turnRight% up}, ahk_id %id% 	
				 DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", delay)
; 弹起油门和追逐按键
	 Sleep, 200
	ControlSend,, {%accel% up}, ahk_id %id% 
	 Sleep, 200
	ControlSend,, {%nitros% up}, ahk_id %id% 
	 Sleep, 7000
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 1500 ;等待进入结算
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 1500 ;等待庆祝
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 1500 ;等待排名
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 1000 ;等待排名第二页
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 1500 ;等待结算
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 500 
	gosub, PressX ;收公里数
	 Sleep, 1700 ;等待结算按钮
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 1000 ;等待回放
	gosub, PressX 
	 Sleep, 500 ;
	gosub, PressX ;退出回放
	 Sleep, 1500 ;等待第二局
	gosub, PressRight ;跳右
     Sleep, 700
    gosub, PressX
     Sleep, %ps_load_time1% ;进入第二场时间
	gosub, PressX
	 Sleep, 500
	ControlSend,, {Esc down}, ahk_id %id% 
     Sleep, 200
    ControlSend,, {Esc up}, ahk_id %id% 
	 Sleep, 500
    	loop, 2 {
			gosub, PressX
			Sleep, 500
	 Sleep,  %ps_load_time2% ;退出到主赛场时间
	ControlSend,, {Down down}, ahk_id %id% 
     Sleep, 200
    ControlSend,, {Down up}, ahk_id %id% 
	 Sleep, 500
	loop, 6 {
		ControlSend,, {Right down}, ahk_id %id% 
		 Sleep, 200
		ControlSend,, {Right up}, ahk_id %id% 
		 Sleep, 300
	loop, 2 {
        gosub, PressX
         Sleep, 500
	 Sleep,  %ps_load_time3% ;进出到泛美600时间
    gosub, PressX
     Sleep, 500

;; General Functions for AHK

	WinGet, remotePlay_id, List, ahk_exe RemotePlay.exe
		if (remotePlay_id = 0)
			MsgBox, PS Remote Play not found
	Loop, %remotePlay_id%
		id := remotePlay_id%A_Index%
		WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
		If InStr(title, "PS Remote Play")
	WinGetClass, remotePlay_class, ahk_id %id%
	WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,  0, 0, 800, 450
	ControlFocus,, ahk_class %remotePlay_class%
	WinActivate, ahk_id %id%

    ControlSend,, {%accel% up}, ahk_id %id% 
	ControlSend,, {%nitros% up}, ahk_id %id% 
    ControlSend,, {%turnLeft% up}, ahk_id %id% 
    ControlSend,, {%turnRight% up}, ahk_id %id% 

    gosub, PauseLoop


You must download two PNG picture files and put the script files in the same folder.


download link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EXdWaykyXdn6B9DrtgEd2A?pwd=fb5i


Because my mother tongue is Chinese. The above content is machine translation, please forgive me.

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2 hours ago, wuyanhaowyh2000 said:


您需要下载包含2个图片内的三个文件到同一个文件夹运行脚本,并保证asm开启。然后检查修改游戏显示窗口是否为 800*450,如果不是您还需要自行截取对应的图片保存。

2 hours ago, wuyanhaowyh2000 said:


You need to download three files containing two pictures to the same folder to run the script and ensure that ASM is turned on. Then check whether the modified game display window is 800 * 450. If not, you need to intercept the corresponding picture and save it yourself.

Your problem now is that the image is not recognized successfully. If there are files, it may be the wrong resolution.

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1 hour ago, absolom91 said:


the script works well

But the game sometimes stuck at the race 2 loading screen, it's spin for ever. I need to restart the game, quit the championship and launch the script again.


I have a PS4 Pro


do you have this problem too?

Not on PS5.

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On 2022/4/15 at 4:27 PM, iceking156300 said:

您需要下载包含2个图片内的三个文件到同一个文件夹运行脚本,并保证asm开启。然后检查修改游戏显示窗口是否为 800*450,如果不是您还需要自行截取对应的图片保存。

You need to download three files containing two pictures to the same folder to run the script and ensure that ASM is turned on. Then check whether the modified game display window is 800 * 450. If not, you need to intercept the corresponding picture and save it yourself.

Your problem now is that the image is not recognized successfully. If there are files, it may be the wrong resolution.

I have try your settings, there is only one success in 1080p, I try the script in 4k monitor but it failed to detect the picture, and when I turn back to 1080p, it is always failed again.


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1 hour ago, wuyanhaowyh2000 said:

I have try your settings, there is only one success in 1080p, I try the script in 4k monitor but it failed to detect the picture, and when I turn back to 1080p, it is always failed again.



1 hour ago, wuyanhaowyh2000 said:

I have try your settings, there is only one success in 1080p, I try the script in 4k monitor but it failed to detect the picture, and when I turn back to 1080p, it is always failed again.



It may be the color of the car body, because the recognized picture is translucent, and the recognition error setting is too small, which makes it impossible to recognize. You can change to the perspective of the cab to see if it can succeed, and then copy the screenshot to PS to measure the actual resolution.

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EDIT: The real root of the problem for people for the 0.9 script can come in if you have the PS4 Screen Area settings set to anything but the biggest. 

"To set the display area of the game screen to match the TV screen, select (Settings) > [Sound and Screen] > [Display Area Settings]"

You have to set this setting to the biggest so that it fills the whole screen, otherwise ColorP2 detection won't work reliably. If you do that the defaults then work fine. 

I have my

color_check1 := 0x301318

color_check2 := 0x15C15B


I was having a lot of problems with 0.9 also, here are the settings that I figured out to fix it.

Using PS4 pixel mode on 0.9

Under Constants , I changed 

t := 220000


t := 240000

This adds 20 seconds before it starts looking for the end of race menu. 

Then to get detection reliable for menuing, I changed these two variables to these values - EDIT, not necessary, the defaults work if you set Display Area to biggest on your PS4

pix2x := 341

pix2y := 354

This alinged the detection with the green Next Race arrow.

I have set PlayStation Remote Play to use 720p but in high framerate mode. 1080p monitor res. Note that 0.9 shrinks the window to a smaller size 640 by 360 that is fine.

I have traction control set to 2 and Active Stability Management on which let's the car recover in case of most crashes, as well as Return Car on. 



As a reminder, you press the P1 color button when the end of race standings with the black checkerboard pattern show up. You press the P2 button once it gets to the screen that has the button with the green arrows to get to the next race, that screen shows the total point standings (has a background of the racetrack, not a black background).

Also I use Hood view, make sure at least the hood of the car is painted black. Rest of tuning settings are as described in original post.

Hopes this helps someone as confused as me trying to get this to work without any access to the discord.


Edited by Bendito999
updated details on the root of the problem and updated values
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On 15/04/2022 at 10:41 PM, absolom91 said:


the script works well

But the game sometimes stuck at the race 2 loading screen, it's spin for ever. I need to restart the game, quit the championship and launch the script again.


I have a PS4 Pro


do you have this problem too?

Are you running SSD?  I had the same problem with my PS4 Pro as well.  I backed up my system and reinstalled everything with the standard HDD and the script works perfectly hours and hours on end.


The problem is with the PS4 Pro and how it handles the SSD

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On 4/14/2022 at 0:05 PM, LDSD said:

Okay so I've done some testing and as of now 0.9 still works for me. If it doesn't work for you, do the following:

- Make sure your computer screen resolution is 1080p and scaling is set to 100% otherwise pixel detection doesn't work correctly.

- Not sure if it matters but I also set the console resolution to 1080p and HDR off. At least it makes it run cooler when you leave it grinding all night



Than you very much for this write up. It helped a ton, I have some data to back up your 1080p claim based on power usage.


4k power usage



1080p power usage




Edited by Jcmproductionz
added more quote context
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On 18/04/2022 at 6:14 AM, SiDeeFung said:

Are you running SSD?  I had the same problem with my PS4 Pro as well.  I backed up my system and reinstalled everything with the standard HDD and the script works perfectly hours and hours on end.


The problem is with the PS4 Pro and how it handles the SSD

You are right

I replaced the stock HDD by a SSHD when I bought my ps4 pro

Now with the stock HDD, no freeze at the loading screen



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Hi everyone, I am using 0.9 from OP. Tried both exe and using script. 


It was working fine for a little. Now it constantly hits the replay loop where after the race, it starts the replay video and then cancels it. Can someone guide me on your to fix this?


Also, can I please get a fresh invite to the discord? Thanks!

Edited by xomikronx
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3 hours ago, xomikronx said:

Hi everyone, I am using 0.9 from OP. Tried both exe and using script. 


It was working fine for a little. Now it constantly hits the replay loop where after the race, it starts the replay video and then cancels it. Can someone guide me on your to fix this?


Also, can I please get a fresh invite to the discord? Thanks!

Read here.

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Regarding this:

When you hit the ColorP1 and ColorP2 buttons, it gives you a color code. Take a note of both codes, open the AHK file with Notepad or something and replace both color codes on there so that next time you won't have to click those buttons after the first race again.

The codes changes every time you restart the script.  I'm not sure I understand how this prevents the need for these buttons.  Sorry if I am being dense.


On a separate topic, is anyone getting kicked offline?  I wonder if use of the script is causing their systems to kick us off.


Started happening to me for the past hour.  Finish the first race and then it disconnects from GT7 servers and puts you in offline mode.  Prevents you from collecting credits.  


To reconnect, I had to go to network settings and it automatically tests settings and signs you back in to PSN. 


My PS5 is on ethernet and internet is not an issue.  This I have confirmed.

Edited by xomikronx
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Hi, started using the script last night, worked well to begin with but came back to it this morning and it had stalled at the result screen, I think because it finished last. Watching it it looks like the car stops about 20 seconds before the end of the race, no input from the script at all and so the other cars finish and we get timed out. Is there an easy DIY fix? lengthening the run time of the script by maybe 20 seconds? lapping at 40sec average but getting the issue described above. TIA

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18 hours ago, xomikronx said:

Regarding this:

When you hit the ColorP1 and ColorP2 buttons, it gives you a color code. Take a note of both codes, open the AHK file with Notepad or something and replace both color codes on there so that next time you won't have to click those buttons after the first race again.

The codes changes every time you restart the script.  I'm not sure I understand how this prevents the need for these buttons.  Sorry if I am being dense.


On a separate topic, is anyone getting kicked offline?  I wonder if use of the script is causing their systems to kick us off.


Started happening to me for the past hour.  Finish the first race and then it disconnects from GT7 servers and puts you in offline mode.  Prevents you from collecting credits.  


To reconnect, I had to go to network settings and it automatically tests settings and signs you back in to PSN. 


My PS5 is on ethernet and internet is not an issue.  This I have confirmed.

Yeah. I didn't notice that at first when I wrote it. You are right.

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