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Hi, I'm Aldree, and while I probably won't be the most active user ever encountered, the forums seem friendly enough for me to be lurking around from time to time; so I've decided to be a polite lurker and introduce myself first ; )

Currently I'm studying graphic design, my distant future goal is to be working in a game industry. English is not my native language but I hope I'm doing well enough?

My adventure with PS3 has barely started, hitting first anniversary just now, so I have a lot to catch up, which I'm passionately doing every time i have a free moment. Before that I used to be inseparable with my PSP, good old times.


I have hopes that I'll manage to find some gaming companions here, especially before Destiny is out, because I have this kind of feeling that forced to singleplayer the thing, I'll be missing out a lot. There are also other games I own that have a multiplayer option which I can't use because my friends are an useless, not gaming bunch- if you find anything we share, feel free to add me! If we don't share anything, feel free to add me anyway, maybe someday we will ; )

Edited by aldrimer
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Hello, welcome to PSNP! I'm looking forward to Destiny as well. 


A lot of expectations for this one, aren't there? :D Too bad they had to move the release date, I can't wait to try it out : )


Hi, welcome!!! You can always check the gaming sessions section if you are looking people to play with. Have fun!!!


Ah right, indeed I can! Thanks for pointing out, sure gonna be checking it out from time to time :)

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Welcome! I see you have borderlands 2, if you want to play co-op hit me up and we'll run through it sometime. I'm also going to be getting destiny and will need people to play with :D


awesome! I'll add you and let's play together someday :) Sure will remember you when I get my copy of Destiny ; )

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