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I dont't think you should buy varus with RP, he is fun i guess but he isnt good at all in the current meta. He has a good laning phase and thats basically it. He has 0 mobility so you will get destroyed b4 you can even get off a spell rotation or some auto attacks if you arent positioning extremely well in a teamfight. Caitlyn is pretty much the safest adc and she is really good for learning how to position. If you wanna buy assasins I'd recommend Zed. He is pretty hard to play, but once you get good at it you'll wreck everyone. I dont think he has too many losing matchups atm, he is a monster at dueling and splitpushing, and you can make really flashy and satisfying plays with him. Thats just my 2 cents from a soloQ perspective :).


It's why I said not to buy Varus with RP, however Varus is a really strong pick if the right meta comes around. Then again I main ADC so I've got a better understanding of the positioning you do than one who only plays it casualy/new to the game.


Only real counters for Zed I can think of are other assassins who just do more burst or can avoid his dmg like Fizz or Talon or champions who are fairly safe like Lulu or Orianna or Lissandra. After all those are all really skilled matchups in the end, so not really counters.

Amumu's had a price drop to 450 IP :o


Every 3rd champions release a certain old champ will get a price drop, like Xin Zhao did (3150 to 1350) when Braum came out. Also a 6300 champion goes down to 4800 with every new champ release (Viktor did this time round)

Edited by Jinx
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My mum gave me some points and I got 5 mystery gifts (not as glorious as pulsefire tho):


Guiqin Sona



Celestine Soraka



Pool Party Renekton



Unmasked Kayle



High Noon TF



Be careful, you can seriously get addicted to mystery gifting. I'm afraid of even looking at how much money i spent on them. But those are pretty good skins especially the first 3 and ofc @Jinx you're pretty damn lucky lol.

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My mum gave me some points and I got 5 mystery gifts (not as glorious as pulsefire tho):


Guiqin Sona



Celestine Soraka



Pool Party Renekton



Unmasked Kayle



High Noon TF




The Twisted Fate skin is so badass, probably the first champion I really felt I became good with.

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