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RPG Mania 2023 - The Octo-Path to Redemption - Congrats to SWWDevereux! (Completed)

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33 minutes ago, Sendai-Horatio said:

Your last RPG platinum was a DBZ game back in April and your last platinum was 3 months ago. You have games like Legend of Dragoon on there which is not a long game and you're not even to the point where you have a full party. You have Final Fantasy 7 and you're not even past Midgar and that's a game where you can activate invincibility by hitting R3. Play what you have because all you're going to wind up doing is just starting those games you asked about and not make any progress.

thanks yeah that is what i am going to do now not starting anymore games i play back digimon world next order i am enjoying the game 

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On 11/8/2023 at 9:43 PM, Leon Castle said:

Skill/Moveset too?




Of course!


@SWWDevereux I have watched some gameplay for Super Bullet Beat and agree that it would count for this event, reminds me of Earthbound a little bit. Points have been updated.


For everyone else, I have updated everything that has been posted until yesterday (16/11/23).


@Leon Castle the Seasonal Stacker is added after the multiplier, so the points aren't as high as you posted, but still over 200pts! 


I see that we have Monsieur Devereux and @YokA_sun vieing for victory in this years event. @Laburnski is a lonely third at the moment as is @AlterArchuria an equally lonely fourth. However, we now have 17 people who have scored over 1000pts this year, which I am sure is the most so far (I will have to check). I'm glad so many people are enjoying their RPG's this year and with all this wealth of knowledge, could anyone direct me into something I would enjoy this year?

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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Platinum #8: Armed Emeth


100 + 64 (trophies / 4B + 18S + 4G) - 53.85 (completion) = 110.15


Another Kemco RPG meant as a palate cleanser to fill the week between my previous title and waiting for my copy of Persona 5 Tactica to arrive in the mail.  (Today or tomorrow, if the tracking is accurate.)


Now this is where I usually write something flattering and semi-obsequious about whatever game I just played, but not today.  Because this title is AWFUL.  The plot is trite and insipid, the characters are shallow and unlikable, the gameplay is basic and unimaginative, game balance must have been discarded somewhere in development, plus the encounter rates must have been designed to try and encourage people to spend (real) money on accessories to neuter it.


I feel ripped off for having purchased this title, and I'd have felt that way even if I purchased this title during the times it was on sale on PSN as opposed to paying premium prices for a physical copy from LRG.  Just about the only redeeming thing from the past several days of play is that this is a little unusual for a KemcoRPG in that one doesn't actually have to do any postgame to earn the platinum; other than a quick re-load to see two additional scenes and taking the airship to find the last golem, everything else can be knocked out during the main game.

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7 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:






Well, looks like someone didn't like the Persona 3 and 4 remakes. 😛

4 hours ago, acasser said:

Now this is where I usually write something flattering and semi-obsequious about whatever game I just played, but not today.  Because this title is AWFUL.  The plot is trite and insipid, the characters are shallow and unlikable, the gameplay is basic and unimaginative, game balance must have been discarded somewhere in development, plus the encounter rates must have been designed to try and encourage people to spend (real) money on accessories to neuter it.

That's how it is with all Kemco gaves my Create-EXE. Those games are just pay-to-win. I spent $200 on twelve titles (on my last account) just to get the EXP boost DLC, when the Final Fantasy pxel remasters give you 4x EXP IN GAME. Don't waste your money on Kemco.

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12 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:

I'm glad so many people are enjoying their RPG's this year and with all this wealth of knowledge, could anyone direct me into something I would enjoy this year?

I can recommend you Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights, Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars and Sword and Fairy 7: Together Forever. All games I played earlier this year (or in the case of SaF 7 late last year) before the start of this event.

Ender Lilies: a metroidvania with RPG and Souls elements ( but by far not as hard as these games) with a beautiful artstyle and soundtrack.

Voice of Cards: the game simulates a TTRPG (down to the dieces and a narrator/game master) where everything consists of cards (the world, the monsters, characters and so on). The Isle Dragon Roars is part of a trilogy of games, but the second (The Forsaken Maiden) wasn`t as good in my opinion and I have not played the third game as of now.

Sword and Fairy 7: a chinese action rpg with a really good story. Had a bit of jank but was fun to play.

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8 hours ago, ProfSeajay7 said:



That's how it is with all Kemco gaves my Create-EXE. Those games are just pay-to-win. I spent $200 on twelve titles (on my last account) just to get the EXP boost DLC, when the Final Fantasy pxel remasters give you 4x EXP IN GAME. Don't waste your money on Kemco.


I've played several other Kemco RPGs and I still have one more sitting in my backlog pile, likely to serve as a (third) palate cleanser later on in this competition.  I've purchased several Kemco RPGs through LRG, partially to support one of the few companies that does create content in this niche/category and partially because I'm a substantial advocate of physical games.


While the previous Kemco RPGs I've played are hardly groundbreaking masterpieces, they've all been leaps and bounds better than this most recent foray.  Probably not worth the full physical media pricetag I paid, but not something I'd massively downvote on websites to try and actively warn people away from them.  The proverbial "empty calories" of RPGs and gaming in general, but still a suitable distraction for a day or six.


Armed Emeth didn't even rise to that relatively low standard.  Nor did it "just miss" -- this would be the equivalent of taking a test in school and needing a 60% to pass the course and scoring like 6% instead.  It's at/near the head of the pack for "worst game I've ever played" among console titles.  Speaking of which....


1 hour ago, reaperveteran86 said:

Sword and Fairy 7: a chinese action rpg with a really good story. Had a bit of jank but was fun to play.

I played Sword and Fairy 6; I forget who was the US distributor for physical copies (NIS America, maybe?), but I purchased a copy through there.


And my advice to anybody else considering doing the same would be don't.  D.  O.  N.  Apostrophe.  T.  Don't.


S&F6 is the buggiest, crappiest piece of programming garbage I've ever played.  The graphics are excellent.  The music is fantastic.  The characters are deep and engaging and the plot is much the same -- the storytelling actually excels and surprises.  But the gameplay itself is complete crap even before one gets to the substantial bugs that have not been (and probably never will be) patched out because they'd probably have to re-program the entire game to do it properly.  Not to mention excessive amounts of padding that distract from the main game but do absolutely nothing other than waste your time -- e.g., all the trophies for jumping/climbing to particular high points in the various towns.


It's a shame because the potential is obvious to anybody who plays it for even a little while.  But it may as well be like buying tickets to a rock concert for your favorite artist/band and having to sit through sixteen straight hours of discordant cacphony before said artist/band performs one piece and calls it a night.

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7 hours ago, acasser said:

S&F6 is the buggiest, crappiest piece of programming garbage I've ever played.  The graphics are excellent.  The music is fantastic.  The characters are deep and engaging and the plot is much the same -- the storytelling actually excels and surprises.  But the gameplay itself is complete crap even before one gets to the substantial bugs that have not been (and probably never will be) patched out because they'd probably have to re-program the entire game to do it properly.

I agree with you (I played it after part 7). The game is so much wasted potential, but the comparison between S&F6 and 7 is night and day. Part 7 is a really good action rpg and they got rid of the bugs/glitches. The jank I mentioned is mostly in 2 stealth sections, that felt a bit strange to play and a bit of floatines in the controls (espeacilly in the few jumping sections the game has). If you haven`t played part 7 because of part 6, at least look up some gameplay or try it out, it`s a really great game.

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On 11/17/2023 at 9:00 PM, acasser said:

S&F6 is the buggiest, crappiest piece of programming garbage I've ever played.  The graphics are excellent.  The music is fantastic.  The characters are deep and engaging and the plot is much the same -- the storytelling actually excels and surprises.  But the gameplay itself is complete crap even before one gets to the substantial bugs that have not been (and probably never will be) patched out because they'd probably have to re-program the entire game to do it properly.  Not to mention excessive amounts of padding that distract from the main game but do absolutely nothing other than waste your time -- e.g., all the trophies for jumping/climbing to particular high points in the various towns.


It's a shame because the potential is obvious to anybody who plays it for even a little while.  But it may as well be like buying tickets to a rock concert for your favorite artist/band and having to sit through sixteen straight hours of discordant cacphony before said artist/band performs one piece and calls it a night.

I remember two things about this game from when I played it. One was a cutscene where the developers forgot to animate a guy's legs as he leaves the field of view, so he just slides away out of the cutscene. The second was the game freezing after finding one of those high points in a town. I dropped the game after that freeze, and never went back to it except to get a few miscellaneous trophies for a trophy event later on.

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Finished Odin Sphere!





Unfortunately, there are no fireworks in the game unless romance counts as fireworks, so I'm assuming it's a no and my score will be as following:


100+ (24+6+40) - 21.77 = 148.23


I explained the gameplay in a couple of other threads, but essentially this a side-scroller beat'em up with heavy RPG elements. You play as 5 different characters all with their own individual stories where they are trying to prevent the prophesy of the end of the world from coming true. At the end, all the characters come together for a satisfying ending (or a horrible one, depending on how you decide to tackle the last part of the game) which was really cool to see. It definitely had that Vanillaware feel to it (after playing 13 Sentinels earlier this year) so I would say if you enjoyed the story-telling and graphics in that one, you'll probably enjoy this one too. This one is definitely more focused on battling than story, but it definitely gives off those same vibes. It's also relatively short and on PS+ Extra so if you are trying to squeeze another RPG in, this may fit the bill.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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Completions #45-#47


Dragon Fantasy Book I




I've been away on holiday and wanted a couple of quick rpgs to play on Vita during down time. I remember Dragon Fantasy being advertised for a physical release with Limited Run Games a few years ago. I passed at the time as it looked too on-the-nose with its seemingly distasteful FF/DQ inspirations but after seeing it still listed on the PSN store I thought I'd give it a chance to surpass my low expectations.


...it was subpar. Anticlimactic. Very very basic, but at least it was self aware of its flaws and didn't try to be anything more than a love letter to old 8-bit rpgs. I did enjoy the protagonist being a middle aged, chubby, balding ginger haired man which is unique for the genre. Good humour and a very surprising cross over with Minecraft of all things?? A dungeon complete with Creepers, Endermen and a trip to the Netherworld. Wild.


75 + (1xG, 4xS, 7xB) = 96 - 24.66 = 71.34


Dragon Fantasy Book II




Wow! If the first game was the equivalent to a subpar budget Final Fantasy I, this game is equivalent to a pretty decent budget version of Final Fantasy VI! It may be because my expectations were rock bottom again but this sequel really impressed me. It's an actual video game with its own identity and great game feel. It's fun! It's fast! It has amazing music! The 16-bit graphics are super good! The characters and story are engaging. There's tons of optional side quests, optional dungeons and a totally optional monster recruiting mechanic for any enemy in the game. (And an actual Plat this time). Jeez! I'm totally on board for a part 3 (which is supposed to be in the style of N64, if it isn't cancelled/forgotten). Great game.


100 + (6xG, 8xS, 16xB) = 168 - 30.63 + 50 speed run (30th/1,124) = 187.37


Muramasa Rebirth




Finally finished this juggernaut of an action rpg after playing it part time throughout the year. Probably the best Vanillaware game I've played, really incredible art style and gameplay. It's criminal that this gem is still stranded on the Vita/Wii, an HD port on a big screen would be very welcome. Was dreading the 'Fury' difficulty but it wasn't too bad after getting the more broken accessories. The biggest grind was all the DLCs which add up to very little points despite how much of a time sink they are~


100 + (3xG, 12xS, 26xB) = 168 - 2.80 x 3 (triple point game) + 75 seasonal stacker (#2) = 570.60


DLC - Fishy Tales of the Nekomata
1xG, 2xS, 3xB = 13

DLC - A Cause to Daikon For
1xG, 2xS, 3xB = 13

DLC - A Spirited Seven Nights' Haunting
1xG, 2xS, 3xB = 13

DLC - Hell's Where the Heart Is
1xG, 2xS, 3xB = 13


Seasonal Stacker:




One of ths bosses on Kisuke's route uses fireworks for attacks.


Edited by SWWDevereux
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when i signed me up for this event i tought finally i can clear my backlog from rpg games since i got loads of them then i played other genre games like lego completed 3 lego games and some other games aswell but after looking trough this event it made me realise that i also can complete games i gonna look trough my rpg library and just take a game for to complete it is going in the right direction anyway i never tought that i could have 21 platinum trophies tough i am happy that i am in this event 

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about the rpg competition i gonna play what i got now from  rpg games i saw some gamecompletions and dlc completions i was wondering about the points mine is stil verylow wich is my fault anyway by platinum other genre instead of rpg games  how many times may series stacker being used i got alot of final fantasy and yakuza i would like to know that cause some gamers here have used series stacker a couple of times 

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Completions #48-#50


Persona 3 Portable




100 + (5xG, 5xS, 25xB) = 165 - 15.74 = 149.26


Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers


100 + (3xG, 6xS, 34xB) = 164 - 25.67 + 50 speed run (6th/202) + 100 seasonal stacker (#3) = 288.33


Seasonal stacker:





South Park: The Fractured But Whole


100 + (4xG, 12xS, 19xB) = 167 - 22.82 + 50 speed run (1,703rd/43,085) + 125 seasonal stacker (#4) = 319.18


Seasonal stacker:




Edited by SWWDevereux
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Completions #51 & #52


Two brilliant indie RPGs themed around love/romance. I would highly recommend both!






100 + (6xG, 7xS, 17xB) = 167 - 21.05 + 50 speed run (62nd/693) + 50 seasonal stacker (#1) = 245.95


Seasonal stacker:









100 + (7xG, 5xS, 13xB) = 165 - 18.04 + 50 speed run (19th/34) + 50 new game (physical release 11th Nov) + 75 seasonal stacker (#2) =  321.96


Seasonal stacker:




Set in a post-apocalyptic world, side quests include going out scavenging for essential.... and sometimes non-essential items.


Many are surprise gifts for your friends.


It's important to keep eachother's spirits up when the world has ended!


And sometimes you just want to get yourself a game console...


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