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Platinum Difficulty


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I have a question as a soulslike newbye.
Reading the guides I see that the difficulty is above 7/10 everywhere, everyone considers this game difficult, yet looking at the percentage of platinum above 22% (practically the games with 3 or 4 out of 10) makes me think the opposite. Can someone explain this discrepancy to me? Is there an easy mode or a trick to make it simple for everyone?

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From my own experience if you never play in souls game the most difficulty is the first one, no matter if it's Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne etc the first one is brutal and pain and 7/10 is that. The more you play the better you are and difficulty drop down. Demon's Souls is not that hard at all and if you want even easier go in magic then it's like 4/10.

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Get all the platinum trophies for demon souls and stacks I would say that it's easy. The bosses are kind compared to the later games. Your first playthrough is going to be rough but once you get the feel of the game then it should become easier. 

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I would say demons souls is the hardest of the series unless your looking to the remake even then your having to deal with the world karma and so on. I would say elden ring is a better choice or even dark souls 2 as they are far easier to plat and get done. also the plat grind for ds2 is annoying but i think all ds1 and 3 and demons is far worse.

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5 hours ago, Lord_for_96 said:

I have a question as a soulslike newbye.
Reading the guides I see that the difficulty is above 7/10 everywhere, everyone considers this game difficult, yet looking at the percentage of platinum above 22% (practically the games with 3 or 4 out of 10) makes me think the opposite. Can someone explain this discrepancy to me? Is there an easy mode or a trick to make it simple for everyone?

If you own the game on disc, there's a method for the 1.00 version where if you use a coin in a certain way you will max out your luck. Your luck will be in the millions and there's a weapon in the game which scales to luck which means a single hit will give bosses millions of damage which far exceeds their HP bars. To get the weapon you have to fight the first few bosses normally in a specific order to get the weapon as early as possible.

Edited by Sendai-Horatio
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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm playng it now and the biggest difficulty I'm finding is getting invaded by someone with the redeye stone to reach the white tendency to avoid making 3 complete runs.....Great game but must be single player. I'm stuck before switching to pure black

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To add further reason why the percentage seems high is that you can play online coop together (not anymore in the ps3 version).


Also In the ps3 there's a glitch that you can use very early which allows for item duplication which makes everything easier.


I've played it myself and the first playthrough was extremely difficult but from my 2nd playthrough on to my 4th it became easier as i knew the enemy position and attack pattern.


It's a good game and has a brilliant Remake.

Edited by Evil_Joker88
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