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Trophy thoughts

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Looks very similar to DD Vanilla. Not difficult at all, just time consuming and a ton of missables. I absolutely adore the first game and have been hyped for this for over 10 years now. But I'll wait to play it till we get confirmation on the PS5 Pro. Playing this at 38~40 fps with massive fluctuations is gonna be an eyesore and will ruin the experience. At least Pro will stabilize it along with the resolution.


Also hoping we'll get more news later of a NG+ and difficulty options like we got in DDDA. Maybe even a Bitterblack Isle expansion but I won't hold my breath for that.


The Platinum tile looks absolutely magnificent 😩🤌🏻 worthy of a milestone.

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On 3/24/2024 at 8:00 AM, ElektrickRage said:

There isn’t a speedrun trophy is there? My heart can’t take that torture. I gave up on the first games platinum because I picked the wrong dialogue to the dragon st the end :(.

Theres a couple timed trophies tied to one of the endings paths

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I am curious as a newcomer who hasn't really played either game, but is the sequel still worth playing despite the controversy? Is it still just as fun as what I've heard about the first game or should I just stick with the first game?

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49 minutes ago, Potter13579 said:

I am curious as a newcomer who hasn't really played either game, but is the sequel still worth playing despite the controversy? Is it still just as fun as what I've heard about the first game or should I just stick with the first game?


Don't skip over the first game, it's amazing! one of my favorites.

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43 minutes ago, Potter13579 said:

I am curious as a newcomer who hasn't really played either game, but is the sequel still worth playing despite the controversy? Is it still just as fun as what I've heard about the first game or should I just stick with the first game?

Its one of the best games recently imo, so you should try It. Only major complain I have is the 30 FPS. It will feel really weird when you start the game but you get used to It easily. 

Dont pay attention to the controversies the game had with microtransactions and that stuff... Almost everything you can buy is accesible early in the game. 

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For the Master of the Maisters trophy, can you get the teachings without switching vocations? What I mean is, can you complete the quests for the teaching tomes/books/items while playing as say, a mage? (I know that in order to use the skills you have to be playing as that vocation obviously).

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14 minutes ago, sanjinb said:

For the Master of the Maisters trophy, can you get the teachings without switching vocations? What I mean is, can you complete the quests for the teaching tomes/books/items while playing as say, a mage? (I know that in order to use the skills you have to be playing as that vocation obviously).

Yes. I am playing as a standard archer and I have earned teachings from both Ser Lennart the fighter Maister and also the thief Maister within the Nameless Village.

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4 minutes ago, iAsh-HD said:

Yes. I am playing as a standard archer and I have earned teachings from both Ser Lennart the fighter Maister and also the thief Maister within the Nameless Village.

Nice! Thanks for confirming!

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On 3/21/2024 at 11:52 PM, Couga83 said:


Aside from the automatic story-related trophies, there is almost everything missable in this game, since you can't continue playing after beating the story. It's just over. You also can't load an earlier save because there is no such thing. This game has one save for the whole game, that is overwritten constantly.

Your only option than is to start NG+ and try again.


This game looked so cool and I really wanted to buy it, and even try out for the platinum, the one save file already sealed the deal for me (Because I like to play different characters of different races, classes, genders etc), but now I am hearing you can't even play anymore? You have to start a new game? The character you created, went through the game with, is gone forever?Most games put you back just before the last quest, but this one just deletes it?


Yeah, sadly that 100% it. Especially since what if I made a screwup with a trophy? I miss it and have to do a whole new run with it. What's the difficulty rate for this game?

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4 hours ago, Prince-Varuni said:

What's the difficulty rate for this game?


it's not difficult at all, only full of missables and, without a guide, probably super time consuming, as multiple playthroughs might be needed. Difficulty-wise probably a 3 or 4.

But the game not being "convenient" is basically it's whole shtick - you either love it or hate it. That's why Dragon's Dogma, even though it's one of the best RPGs ever, was never a mainstream hit. The sequel won't be a mainstream hit either even though it's even better.

Personally, I would recommend just playing the game without thinking about trophies and enjoying the experience. When you beat the game and you feel like you really wanna do the trophies then because you enjoyed all of what DD is, then you can still start a NG+ run and play with a guide to clean up what you are missing. This is one of those games where collecting trophies and having them on the back of your mind might actually ruin the game for you.


4 hours ago, Prince-Varuni said:


(Because I like to play different characters of different races, classes, genders etc)


you can always change all of this during your run. Especially the classes system (called vocations in the game) is nice because you can always freely switch between them. You don't need to create multiple characters to try out all the classes, you just do it with your one character. Some vocations need to be unlocked first though, either through quests or either or through experiences in the world (don't want to spoil anything)
Gender etc. can be changed in game at the "barber shop" using an item that you need to buy in-game. There is also DLC that gives you the item but it is not necessary. I think the only thing that cannot be changed during a run is the race - but I'm not 100% sure.

My advice would be: just play the game and forget the trophies. There is a bunch you will unlock organically and some of the missables you will unlock as well just by playing blindly. Dragon's Dogma is all about the unknown, being thrown into an unforgiving world with no guidance and the game puts a huge emphasis on exploration and finding out about the world, the game's systems etc. all by yourself. Playing with a guide basically ruins all this, trophy hunting also ruins this.

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9 hours ago, Sicho said:


it's not difficult at all, only full of missables and, without a guide, probably super time consuming, as multiple playthroughs might be needed. Difficulty-wise probably a 3 or 4.

But the game not being "convenient" is basically it's whole shtick - you either love it or hate it. That's why Dragon's Dogma, even though it's one of the best RPGs ever, was never a mainstream hit. The sequel won't be a mainstream hit either even though it's even better.

Personally, I would recommend just playing the game without thinking about trophies and enjoying the experience. When you beat the game and you feel like you really wanna do the trophies then because you enjoyed all of what DD is, then you can still start a NG+ run and play with a guide to clean up what you are missing. This is one of those games where collecting trophies and having them on the back of your mind might actually ruin the game for you.



you can always change all of this during your run. Especially the classes system (called vocations in the game) is nice because you can always freely switch between them. You don't need to create multiple characters to try out all the classes, you just do it with your one character. Some vocations need to be unlocked first though, either through quests or either or through experiences in the world (don't want to spoil anything)
Gender etc. can be changed in game at the "barber shop" using an item that you need to buy in-game. There is also DLC that gives you the item but it is not necessary. I think the only thing that cannot be changed during a run is the race - but I'm not 100% sure.

My advice would be: just play the game and forget the trophies. There is a bunch you will unlock organically and some of the missables you will unlock as well just by playing blindly. Dragon's Dogma is all about the unknown, being thrown into an unforgiving world with no guidance and the game puts a huge emphasis on exploration and finding out about the world, the game's systems etc. all by yourself. Playing with a guide basically ruins all this, trophy hunting also ruins this.


The first point is good advice, I do that with some games, just forget the trophies (I'll get the easy ones but that's about it) and get on about the game.


I'll be honest, I don't agree with the second part, changing the gender just means I lose the character I was playing, so that doesn't abode well with me. I really do prefer having mutiple saves and different characters. I'll wait and see if one day they do it, just so much stories I would want to tell with different characters.

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1 hour ago, Prince-Varuni said:

I'll be honest, I don't agree with the second part, changing the gender just means I lose the character I was playing, so that doesn't abode well with me. I really do prefer having mutiple saves and different characters. I'll wait and see if one day they do it, just so much stories I would want to tell with different characters.


they won't. It's a design philosophy and choice that's also part of many other aspects of the game. Just like Dark Souls will never have an easy mode, DD will never have multiple saveslots. They want every decision of the player - including mistakes - to be irreversible. Like in oldschool tabletop RPGs.


I looked at your profile and see that you play a lot of Final Fantasy. Games, where you cannot even make an own character and everything is predetermined. If that is no issue for you, why is it an issue that you can only create one character unless you start over? It's giving you still so much more liberty than any FF game.

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1 minute ago, Sicho said:


they won't. It's a design philosophy and choice that's also part of many other aspects of the game. Just like Dark Souls will never have an easy mode, DD will never have multiple saveslots. They want every decision of the player - including mistakes - to be irreversible. Like in oldschool tabletop RPGs.


I looked at your profile and see that you play a lot of Final Fantasy. Games, where you cannot even make an own character and everything is predetermined. If that is no issue for you, why is it an issue that you can only create one character unless you start over? It's giving you still so much more liberty than any FF game.

Ah, I might wait until it's on sale someday then, maybe a year or two, then give it a try, not going to pay full price yet. I know I will likely enjoy the game, but the day it's cheaper (Or on the PS Monthy games) then it will be worth it. Other then the saveslot, DD does look fun, graphics aren't really anything to call home about but I am quite happy with that, the character models look great from the screenshots I have seen. Like you said, I could do a blind playthrough (Which would likely net random trophies without me knowing about it) and a one with a trophy run to do the rest. Alternatively, I will get the PC verison, since there are likely to be mods or ways around having more then one save.


You really cannot compare Final Fantasy to Dragon's Dogma and well, that series I am just playing through and doing a platinum with while I am at it, I am quite enjoying the franchise (That I only took interest last year, and only really started playing two months ago, aleast for 1-8; 1 and 3 don't even count because you can choose the class), and once I am done, probably will be a long time that I return to it. If you actually looked at my profile, you noticed Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim (And it's previous titles), Fallout 4 (And 3 on the PC), Saints Row, The Sims 4, seeing a pattern? Also not seen: World of Warcraft and FFXIV.


All games you have the freedom of having mutiple characters of different races, genders, appeareances or styles (Weapon/Armor choice etc like Cyberpunk, melee or shooter) along with savefiles. You can see why when a game like DD has choices of race and vocations, the freedom to do what you wish, I am having trouble in deciding when to play it. I just don't like the design choice when it comes to that thing. FF doesn't have that choice so I don't need to save (Which, you can save mutiple times anyways).


The devs excuse of wanting the decisions to be irreverisible could just have made different slots for new characters, so that way you still have one slot for the character you play.

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15 hours ago, Prince-Varuni said:

The devs excuse of wanting the decisions to be irreverisible could just have made different slots for new characters, so that way you still have one slot for the character you play.


again, they probably don't see the need for this because your character can be "everything", so creating multiple characters to check out the classes is unnecessary. Also, the game is soooo huge but, at the same time, very slow paced - you don't want to be playing the starting area with a totally new character over and over again, trust me. If you want to play it again, you want to do it in NG+ with your levels and items etc. so that you can press forward. But, most importantly, they won't do this because a) it enables (easier) save scumming an b) you could flood their servers with pawns.

Every character you create also creates a pawn and that pawn get's saved on their servers so that's it's available for other players. Having multiple characters per players means multiple pawns per player, which means a) more server space etc. is needed and b) it enables easy cheating, as you could for example hire a whole party of high level pawns from just one friend (friends pawns are free, not matter the level, while other players pawns cost a currency unless they are the same level or lower as your character). Also, pawns can have quests that give rewards to a player, so you could basically "trade" your stuff with other friends through multiple pawns and so on. It also prevents the server being full of useless Level 1 pawns.

As I said before, the whole "one save" thing is part of multiple aspects of the game and it's mechanics and systems. And the game wants to force it's players to do things a certain way and the game wants to be inconvenient, because it is in its inconvenience, where it shines the most. This is hard to comprehend if you never played it and even if you did, it is still not something that's great for everyone. But it's, for a lack of better term, the DD formula or DD DNA and without this, it wouldn't simply be DD anymore but something else. I'm going a little bit off-topic here but read this to see what I mean: https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/dragons-dogma-2-can-be-hard-to-love-until-you-realize-one-important-thing-2612390/

There is a way to multiple saves btw: play it on multiple consoles :D If you have two PS5s, you could play two different characters, one on each PS5.

Edited by Sicho
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On 3/28/2024 at 12:11 PM, aserfgh said:

No if you solved all Riddles and dont kill her its over for this Run.

Aw Shit.

But i dont have to Solve the riddles again in ng+ i can Just straight kill her then for the key?






Someone found a second Copy of the First 2 books needed for the master skills? Shield and light one .

I forgot to duplicate them.

But i found the Last 3 already a second time so i think there must be another copys of the First 2 books too

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2 hours ago, M-3llo-W said:

Aw Shit.

But i dont have to Solve the riddles again in ng+ i can Just straight kill her then for the key?






Someone found a second Copy of the First 2 books needed for the master skills? Shield and light one .

I forgot to duplicate them.

But i found the Last 3 already a second time so i think there must be another copys of the First 2 books too

IDk about ng+ but if you have Ps+ you could make a save upload it and try to kill her. And i think there is only 1 Copy of the Shield and Light one in the Game but i am not 100% sure.. 


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17 hours ago, aserfgh said:

IDk about ng+ but if you have Ps+ you could make a save upload it and try to kill her. And i think there is only 1 Copy of the Shield and Light one in the Game but i am not 100% sure.. 


I solved it and got the master trophy. It is Not missable Like it is saying at all.... For the Fighter Skill i Just gifted the Person 2 Dragon Stones and i got the Skill as a Gift from him without doin the Quests... And that while in Main Quest 15 Point of No Return, the Guide says you have to do that at the begining of the Game - seems wrong


Same with the Mage and sorcerer...Its enough to give the sorcerer 4 books , and the Mage Girl only 3 books which you can find a second Copy of them! The second sorcerer Skill is a Gift from the Mage Girls mother so nothing Else needed Just her affection.

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