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MrWright95s Platinums, Tier List and Backlog Showcase

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I'll tell you what Mr. Clarke told me when I started my checklist:



Also 21 completions so far this year?? Daaaamn!


Off to a great start man, formatting looks great. I'll be keepin an eye out!

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Update #1 and likely the last update for this week. 


The tier list is complete! I will be honest it was extremely hard for me to rank the games within the top tier. I could mount a case for all of them being first in that category but have settled on the ranking lists for now. 


I will possibly rearrange slightly when I go back through and review every game for my completed game section, but I am happy with how it looks so far!

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I can see clearly how much weight you give to each game's trophy lists. You're making me want to play Days Gone and Hades even more!


It's also the first thumbs down that I've seen for Unpacking which is interesting.


We enjoy a lot of similar games!


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55 minutes ago, Platinum_Vice said:

I can see clearly how much weight you give to each game's trophy lists. You're making me want to play Days Gone and Hades even more!


It's also the first thumbs down that I've seen for Unpacking which is interesting.


We enjoy a lot of similar games!


Its a bit of a mixed bag for me, I'd say the weight on the trophy list would be best put like this.


Ranking 1 is without a doubt: how much did I enjoy the game, for instance Dead Island (#1) can be buggy, the trophy list is a bit of a grind and the game itself is flawed in many ways, but it is without a doubt my favourite game if not top 2 or 3 I have ever played for a number of reasons, so despite the trophy list / online trophies etc, it goes to #1. 


Games that I have to watch a video guide for collectables (whilst playing through the main story) etc will almost never rank as highly as games I can experience blindy. So a lot of games with missable trophies etc do take a hit, but this is not a steadfast rule. For instance TLOU P1 is still a fantastic game even with having to use a guide whilst playing. It would be in the top tier if I could clean up collectables post game more conveniently. 


I think my ranking of each game will make a lot more sense once I have finished the completed game section so my thoughts on each could be a bit more clear, but the trophy list is always second to the fun / enjoyment I had on a game. With that being said if a game has trophies that bug etc or forces me to do things that I then start to not find fun, it will fall marginally in rank. 


No games trophy list (from what I can see) has dropped it more than 1 rank in the tiers.


Unpacking just wasn't for me. I think I lacked the patience with it or I just wasn't in the mood for that sort of game. I also thought for some reason it was Co-Op and my partner and I could play together, but when we realised it wasn't it started off on a bad note to begin with 😅

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7 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

Also 21 completions so far this year?? Daaaamn!

Off to a great start man, formatting looks great. I'll be keepin an eye out!

Ditto this, really like the way you're breaking it down.  Might "steal" some ideas for my own journal! 😜

Also dang 21 games so far, I thought I had a lot with 12!  Dang Baldur's Gate for taking up so much of my Feb-Mar! Lol

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Posted (edited)


Platinum 183


Despite being a free game on PS+ with a very short time to complete according to various guides, this game started off by pleasantly surprising me. Having never played Hello Neighbour 1 I felt this game built suspense really well and whilst a guide was more or less essential, I still got some enjoyment out of the game.


Unfortunately bugs ran rampant for me with this game with so many crashes + my save corrupting forcing me to restart and do an entire playthrough in one sitting. (which still crashed) 


Based on that and the fact that the suspense and "fear" effect of this game does wear off fairly fast (and the ending was a bit all over the place) I have placed this in the "Not My Cup of Tea" tier. I contemplated it for Regret Playing, but ultimately only 1 restart due to bugs saved it from the bottom tier, had that happened again it would be towards the bottom. Without any bugs this game would likely have been at the bottom of: Not Bad, Could be Better.



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Thread has been updated with Reviews for Platinums 170 -> Current. 

Figured it made sense to do these reviews in reverse order so that the games I have played most recently will be more front of mind.


Backlog has also been updated with PS+ games and the completed games have been marked off. 


Hopefully a few new Plats in the next day or so with a couple games sitting very close to done!


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Platinum 188


Untitled Goose Game


This game started out pretty fun, but the last speedrun level drove both myself and my partner crazy. It was so much more frustrating than we both expected and it really soured our experience. Rather than feeling satisfaction when beating it we simply felt relief. 


Overall this was a decent experience to that point and I always appreciate a game that has local co-op, but because of the sheer frustration it caused us, I have this game ranked in the "Not my Cup of Tea" tier.

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Platinum 189


The Artful Escape 


This is a prime example of why you should always give a game a chance, even if you think it might not be for you. Whilst looking at gameplay footage / what I had heard of this game, I did not think it would be anything fancy. I decided to tackle it before it left PS+ Extra and I am very glad I did. 

This game is visually stunning and the story of self discovery, was pretty good. The gameplay was fairly minor, but it was a nice experience in amongst some of the longer / harder games I have been chipping away at. 


The story did drag a tiny bit towards the end, but I think that comes down to pacing more than anything else. I also appreciated that I did not need to follow a guide for the whole playthrough like many of these shorter story driven games with missable trophies.


With all that in mind, I would recommend playing this one, especially if you have PS+ Extra. Based on this I have this game ranked in the "Solid & Fun" Games tier, and fairly high in that tier.

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Platinum 191 


Last Stop


Another game leaving PS+ Extra that I thought I would give a go and pleasantly surprised me. This game follows the episodic story telling similar to what the Telltale games used to do back in the day. Back then this became a bit of a dull / repetitive formula and whichever game I last played following that style really showed me that I was experiencing a bit of burnout from that style of game. Fast forward all these years later and I really enjoyed playing through it again.

This game feels more like you are watching an interconnected TV series rather than a game (can be true of all episodic games) but the story was intriguing and mysterious. I will say that I felt captivated to go onto the next episode every time I finished one which means this game absolutely nailed the story... until the ending. 

I wont spoil it, but the hardest part of these games is to land the plane and this games ending felt off pacing wise and also felt like a big leap. The game gives you 18 episodes to build towards the climax, but it felt like the story completely changes pace within the last few episodes.

All of this is to say that I did really enjoy the game, I felt like my decisions in the ending did matter somewhat and overall it was a pleasure playing this style of game again. The ending did dock it slightly and so as such I have this game once again ranked in my middle tier, "Solid and Fun" games

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Posted (edited)

Platinum 192


Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered


This game was excellent. In my oppinion this is the best Need for Speed game since the Original NFS Most wanted. The game does away with the story, so much so that I am pretty sure this game does not have a story at all. No Cutscenes, Just racing. This could be viewed as a pro or a con depending on the lens you choose to look at it with, but for me, this was a big plus. 


Need for Speed games as of late have felt extremely cliché in terms of their story, which I feel is in part because there is only so much creativity you can have surrounding a racing game. This game however removes all the filler and gives you 160+ events you must GOLD (Beat within a certain time or finish first) which makes the game both repayable and challenging. 


The driving mechanics are also the best I have felt in a NFS game, possibly ever. The controls feel sharp, drifting feels surgical and they strike the perfect balance of easy to learn, difficult to master. Mastery is however needed for some races as the times needed for some Golds did prove a bit challenging requiring a little bit of practice. 


Overall this was an excellent experience. Easy to pick up, do a few races and leave. No need to worry about immersion or story or cutscenes. No need to worry about police busting you before you return to your garage (very annoying in modern NFS games) 


I will say that the online trophies do detract from the platinum experience and the game is fairly dead so I had to boost these with myself, however this is probably my only knock on this game. 


Based on all of this, this game is ranked firmly in the "Fantastic Games" tier and might be the best NFS game with trophy support. 

Edited by Mr_Wright95
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Fell a bit behind in updating the thread so enjoy a 3 in one update.


Platinum 194


The Knight Witch


My first introduction to a bullet hell game, let alone one that is a metroidvania. Regardless this game took a long time to hook me, but when it did I really enjoyed it. The game has no difficulty settings so was actually quite difficult at stages despite its relatively high completion %. Overall I am glad I returned to this game after randomly putting it down for a few months. Pretty solid and one I would play again, as such I have it ranked in the "Solid and Fun" games tier



Platinum 195


I Am Dead


A pretty interesting story although a predictable ending. This was a bit of a somber experience, but I think that is what the game is going for. I played this largely because it was leaving the PS Extra service and I enjoyed my time with it. The collectibles in this game are done in a fairly unique way which I appreciated and overall the story is worth experiencing. This game is ranked in the "Pretty good Could be Better" Games tier as whilst the story is pretty good, this genre rarely achieves higher for me.


Platinum 196


Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

(Gap: 9 Years, 8 Months)


Returning to this game nearly a decade later, I decided to tidy this one up and grind out the last few grindy trophies. It is hard for me to rank this game / talk about my experience with it, as with that much time having passed, I in truth have had two separate experiences with the game. With that being said this game really captured me when I first played it and I sunk a lot of hours into it going through my first story playthrough. Returning to the game a decade later I enjoyed it just as much as I did all those years ago. The game truly has an ability to just hook you and make you want to keep playing. 


The grind for the platinum, even with all the seasonal buffs and changes now, is a huge grind. Nothing crazy like it once was when the game came out, but still a grind nonetheless. 

Despite this I think it is only fair to rank this game in my top tier of gaming experiences. I was hooked when I came back and I was hooked when I first played it. The platinum experience probably does mean this game does deserve to be docked slightly on my tier list, but the fun I had playing overrides that deterrence and so I have placed it in "The Best of the Best" tier


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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting a bit slack at updating this consistently so 4 games ticked off since last update:


Platinum 197


Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure


Stumbled onto this game when looking for couch coop games for my Fiancé and I to play together. Had not played a brick breaker since the old Blackberry phone. Felt pretty good and a nice little game, but most of the trophies that provide some difficulty are mostly rng based as you need to get the right powerup to be able to A / S a level.


The levels that saw my partner and I each controlling 2 bumpers proved difficult for her and soured the experience a bit, but we got through it. I would say this was probably the worst local co-op / least memorable game we have played together, but I always appreciate local coop games.


With all that in mind I have placed this game in the "Not My Cup of Tea" Tier



Platinum 198




I had heard so many good things about this game and had wanted to play it for such a long time, so when it came onto PS+ Extra I downloaded it right away. This game did not disappoint. 


I was hooked (pun intended) pretty much right away, loved the art style, loved the day / night cycle and even the grindy bits of the game felt rewarding. It has been so long since I played a fishing game and it was a game I didn't realise I missed. 


The trophy list for the game also adds to the experience making this a pleasure to work through. 


The top of my tier list is reserved for truly the pinnacle of my gaming experiences and whilst this doesn't quite reach those heights, it is firmly in the "Fantastic Games" tier and one I cant wait to tackle again on the PS4 stack one day.



Platinum 199


Until Dawn


Whilst my trophy gap for this game shows 4 days 20H, the reality is I played through nearly the whole game way back when this first came out, but as is the nature of Until Dawn, I pinged no trophies.


Normally having to follow a guide the whole way through the game would sour my experience, however this actually served as a good tension release given this game can have a few big jump moments. 


The last chapter of the game felt like a massive tone shift and really ramped up the feeling and stress to new heights. 


I really do enjoy what this game is going for, how your actions shape the story, so going back and doing an all death run after an all live run, doesnt feel as much of a burden as second (albeit partial) playthroughs often do. I will also say that the slight changes in dialogue and backstory given due to collecting collectibles makes getting them seem worth it compared to a lot of games. 


Because of all this I have this game also in my "Fantastic Games" tier and I am so pleasantly surprised as I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did, especially nearly 10 years later.



Platinum 200


Dead Island 2


Despite the trophy image looking like an homage to Eminems first rap group, this game went through as much development hell as I think any game could possibly go through, so before I start my review I want to just say that I am so glad this game released.


Dead Island 1 has a special place in my heart and I hold such nostalgia for this franchise. The first game is one of the few games I have played through 4-5 times and that is largely due to not having a ton of money or games as a kid when it came out. 


With that being said, Dead Island 2, amazingly, really feels like Dead Island 1, even down to the bugs.


The setting not actually being an Island I found humorous and the return of Sam B was a nice surprise, but overall the game picks up more or less after Dead Island 1 / Riptide.


The game plays well, and I really really enjoyed it. 


I got a few chuckles out of the side quests and the Hollywood / influencer themes and the story ended in a much more positive way than that of the previous games. 

Going into this game all I really wanted was for it to feel like I was playing Dead Island 1 and this game delivered that with polish. 


This game is ranked toward the bottom tier of the "Fantastic Games" tier, as it is definitely better than Riptide which tops the tier below. I think this game would struggle to rank any higher on my tier list though as the weight of expectation and hope was so high and whilst I felt it met those expectations, it certainly did not exceed them.

A fitting 200th Milestone.



Edited by Mr_Wright95
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