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Can I "train my brain" to avoid motion sickness ?

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I don't really know how to phrase this, but I was wondering if it's possible to train your brain to gradually reduce motion sickness. I'd really like to enjoy games like Farpoint, Sairento, or The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners, but I can't play these games for more than 15 minutes without feeling the effects of motion sickness.

So I was wondering if those who are used to it have found methods to lessen the effects, or if certain games can help me get used to it without feeling the effects?

For exemple I noticed I had no problem playing a lot of Gun Club VR.


Any recommendation or advice is welcome.

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I'll try some of the advices you gave and I added to my wishlist Job Simulator and Dino Frontier.


If anyone else got other advices and/or games to get used to the PSVR.


Also, I don't know if this information could help but I'm wearing glasses.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 11:50 AM, Medoragent said:

I don't really know how to phrase this, but I was wondering if it's possible to train your brain to gradually reduce motion sickness. I'd really like to enjoy games like Farpoint, Sairento, or The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners, but I can't play these games for more than 15 minutes without feeling the effects of motion sickness.

So I was wondering if those who are used to it have found methods to lessen the effects, or if certain games can help me get used to it without feeling the effects?

For exemple I noticed I had no problem playing a lot of Gun Club VR.


Any recommendation or advice is welcome.

Yes. My 1st VR experience at home was playing Doom VFR and that made me so sick I had to run to puke/through up in the toilet.

Now I am in the top 20 on the global VR leaderboard here on Psnprofiles with 150 100%-ed VR games.

Just keep playing, 15 minute sessions, every few days. Like twice a week ir something.

Try and mostly play games with no movement such as Job Simulator in which the games moves around you.

Do research about games and buy games based on how much movement it has.

USE TELEPORTATION if the game requires movement.



And I mean, don't give up after the 1st slightly uncomfortable experience, it really does get better.

Motion Sickness is caused when your brain sees movement,but doesn't feel it.


Your brain thinks you were poisoned and is trying to get rid of the poison.

Once your brain figures out that it's a game you will be able to play anything just fine.

Edited by Prometheous101
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I've never gotten motion sickness in real life with anything, however playing certain VR games was the first time I experienced motion sickness. Mainly with games where the movement doesn't match up with what I'm doing in real life such as walking forward in Horizon Call of the Mountain when in reality I'm running in place. There's also Gran Turismo 7 which I surprisingly get motion sick at sometimes because I guess the car is moving in-game while in reality I'm not. When I originally started playing those games I could only play them for a short time before I just felt odd and had to take a break, but now I could handle it for longer, though I'm not completely immune to it still.


For games that match your movement 100% such as Beat Saber, Job Simulator, and Moss Book I & II, I can play them for hours with 0 issues. Even games where you move by "teleporting" such as Vacation Simulator and Walkabout Mini Golf I have no issues with either. Walkabout Mini Golf is kind of interesting though because there's an (entirely optional) feature in game where you could point towards the sky and start flying and that instantly messes me up more than any other game lol


So yeah I think it can be learned, but in my opinion most of the best VR games are ones that match your movement 100% as they usually utilize the technology in a more creative way rather than just aimlessly wandering around

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Posted (edited)

Some games really messed me up and made me ‘motion sick’, i almost threw up a couple times adjusting to it

Its probably why i stopped using my VR2

plus im too tired to wanna game and stand up most days

sure you can sit and play

but youre just gonna whack your chair or something

just  play in short spurts and turn it off

thats what i started to do if i felt sick

20 hours ago, BlindMango said:

I've never gotten motion sickness in real life with anything, however playing certain VR games was the first time I experienced motion sickness. Mainly with games where the movement doesn't match up with what I'm doing in real life such as walking forward in Horizon Call of the Mountain when in reality I'm running in place. There's also Gran Turismo 7 which I surprisingly get motion sick at sometimes because I guess the car is moving in-game while in reality I'm not. When I originally started playing those games I could only play them for a short time before I just felt odd and had to take a break, but now I could handle it for longer, though I'm not completely immune to it still.


For games that match your movement 100% such as Beat Saber, Job Simulator, and Moss Book I & II, I can play them for hours with 0 issues. Even games where you move by "teleporting" such as Vacation Simulator and Walkabout Mini Golf I have no issues with either. Walkabout Mini Golf is kind of interesting though because there's an (entirely optional) feature in game where you could point towards the sky and start flying and that instantly messes me up more than any other game lol


So yeah I think it can be learned, but in my opinion most of the best VR games are ones that match your movement 100% as they usually utilize the technology in a more creative way rather than just aimlessly wandering around

Teleporting around in Walkabout Mini Golf disoriented me so many times, i almost fell over standing on my own two feet because teleporting to a cliffs edge told my brain ‘watch out youre going to fall off’

its amazing what the brain processes and what you know to be real

Edited by Property_Damage
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Same with me. My first Vr game experience was Robinson Journey. And played it for over and hour. That alone made rest of my day a total nightmare with worst headache I got in my entire life. But next session ive try to play 10-15 minutes, 20-30 and soon after I could sit in Driveclub Vr for up to 2 hours without any side effects.

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I almost feel sick every day anyway VR or not so I don’t make a difference lol and I don’t. care anymore. There was only one game where I really need a break from VR because of sickness and my stomach started to hurt. Scavengers Odysee from PlayStation VR Worlds and maybe gran turismo 7 but that was my own fault I drove to a wall and my car started to turn like 10times in 3 seconds.  

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