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Hello gamers!

I've just been browsing the internet looking for boosting sessions & I came across this site. What a great idea this site is for gamers who like collecting trophies, and assisting others. I will certainly be setting up a few sessions of my own. Ok, a brief rundown of my gaming experience... I used to be a big gamer from Sega Megadrive, all the way up to PS2, but I kinda lost my way during the PS3 gen.. Then towards the end of 2012, I got back into it. I was using my brothers PS3 for a year or so, pretty much, just to play my games which I'd bought. Then when I left the family home, I bought my own PS3 in March 2013. And since then, My game wishlist has gone from 62, down to 12 & I've been highly addicted to hearing that trophy plink. I'm now up to 8 Platinums & counting.


I'd have to say my proudest Platinum is Bioshock Infinite purely because of how I got it ; Collected all other trophies before doing my Scavenger Hunt/1999 mode run so I only had those to concentrate on. Had some tough moments like 'Lady Comstock', but it was on the final battle where I got the most frustration. I'd saved up over 2000 coins to cover the death cost & I was getting slaughtered. Everytime I got close to completing, I died. After about 4-5 attempts at this level, and failing, I left my sofa, stood up to turn off my PS3, and would try again when I'd calmed down. It was at this point Elizabeth revived me. I immediately saw 2 mechanised patriots attacking the core, so proceeded to attack them, not even looking at the health bar of the core, (Still standing up waiting to turn off my system), I destroyed them & would you believe it, I hit the checkpoint needed to progress.. I was ecstatic as you can imagine. And the satisfaction I got from seeing the Platinum pop was enough to get me hooked. Since that day, I just can't stop. Having said that, I do only wish to platinum the games in my collection and won't buy a game I don't like just for trophies.


Ok, Ladies & Gentlemen.. My Name Is Age, & I look forward to some good gaming with some of you in the near future.


Feel free to add me on PSN.

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Welcome to PSNProfiles. You are now part of the PSNProfiles Master Race! 


Thanks! Quick question if I may. If I want to add trophy card to posts, as above, do I just C+P the code?




Yeah just copy and paste the middle one. I also got the platinum trophy for BioShock Infinite and although it was no cake walk, I wasn't as hard as I found it to be. I used the vigor Charge w/ Charge Aid w/ the gears Burning Halo and Brittle Skinned against the siren and killed her within a few seconds. As for the final battle, I used Return to Sender on the core so it wouldn't take much damage. 

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I really just went mad with Possession/shock jockey on the patriots & undertow was a good send for the dudes with the rockets. The rest were easily dealt with using carbine rifle.


And thanks everyone! It's nice to be here!


Loved Possession. It's like having a brother from another mother until he dies. While my favorite weapon was the carbine, the ammo for the gun was somewhat uncommon. 

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Yeah, my 2 favourite guns had the least ammo available to them ; Carbine & Hand cannon. The Hand cannon worked a treat with the Handymen, even on 1999 mode. Those aggressive bastards don't give you any breathing space, so aside from the first one, I used the sky-rail trick on my 1999 mode run.

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