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Gaming Sessions improvment suggestions

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Hyia, I've contributed to some stuff on the past for the forums and one or two of them got really applied to the website, so why not adding more suggestions here and making the website better?

Nowadays, the only section of the site that I use is the GS, so it is toward them that my suggestions goes. The first one is kinda obvious and people have mentioned it on the update thread, when the feature was added. It is about how long your sessions show up after they are finished. This was something that really bothered for a long time because I didn't see any use for it until the last Killzone 2 session that I joined and kept using to add people for ribbons, even after the session was done. Okay, that was useful that time, but some stuff that might be added to make it even better:


1- being able to change that session lifespan, don't really care to see it anymore after 1 or 2 days. Let me change it manually to 1 day (useful if I'm just a joiner) if I want or keep the whole week for them (useful if I am the GS creator, so I can got after people that didn't show up).

2- being able to leave a session after it has been finished. If this could be implemented, the above could be desnecessary, but some might say "oh, but how to keep track of the non-show-ups of the session? They could simply unnasign and pretend they never said to commit and the update was made to avoid that" and then comes...

3- a better timeline into the game sessions. I REALLY would like to have more stuff on the session updating section (commentary zone, if you want to call it). Things I think should be worth adding there:

  • Time of people requesting to join a session
  • Time of people cancelling a request to join a session
  • Time people left the session they were already in
  • Time the session started (in capslock or bold, some extra attention would be useful)
  • Update about sessions being moved forward or backwards (once i joined a session for 2 weeks, looked it again after 2 days and it was going to happen in the following day, a day I couldn't commit to, because of job. took me a while to realize that the session was moved 10 days backwards without a warning, instead of me signing up stupidly to something I would not be able to join for)

There might be more to the list above, but I can't remember it now. I will be editing it if something else comes up on my mind.


4- being able to select the games I want to boost or not, at anytime. Being a completist trophy hunter, I want to platinum all the games I play before moving on to something new and that makes a huge chunk of my GS list of "Games I Own" useless, since they are games I am either done with or won't bother doing dlc for 100%. I could mention Uncharted 2 and 3, plus AC Brotherhood to mention a few. It might be too nitpicking, but I really would love to see a list of games I am REALLY interested in boosting and I wouldn't mind taking my time to select/deselect those games from my whole list manually.

EXTRA: from that list, it could be set a boosting priority divided into 3 sections:

  • Low: game doesn't show up on Advanced Gaming Sessions tab, change to Default Gaming Sessions tab and it will be there as usually.
  • Normal: game shows up on Advanced Gaming Sessions tab with same color as Default Gaming Sessions tab.
  • High: games show up on Advanced Gaming Sessions tab with orange color, giving high enfasis and you get a PSNP forums notification and an e-mail by default. This notification option can't be changed at all, the website will consider that boosting this game is a hurry for you.

5- a separate tab for ''Ignore time and date'' sessions, thanks to Saltyie for suggesting this. If not another tab, those sessions could be written at the top and expire after 3 days, unless the host request to expand them for 3 more days. Take per example fishier's GTA4 session that was going on since last year always being delayed having over 100 players. I could be just a Placeholder session in this new tab because it is exactly what it is, a session to people find people and work with whoever pleases them at their own pace, with no time limits.


If anyone has anything else that might be useful adding here, I could either add the addition to one of the numbers above and give the credits or create a whole number if it is a completely new idea, anything that would save people to read the whole thread for other useful stuff.

Edited by TheYuriG
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While I don't have an opinion on your first 3 suggestions, number 4 is one which would be useful. If an editable check-list is something which is tricky to implement then an alternative suggestion would be an option to "Exclude Games With 100% (S rank)". That would at least tidy the list up a bit.

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I agree with bulletpoint #5, it'd be good to be notified when sessions get changed. 


I'd like to add to this and suggest a separate tab for ''Ignore time and date'' sessions. It's an inconvenience to have to sift through them, because in my experience, if you don't have a time set in stone, people are more likely to forget. 

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I agree with bulletpoint #5, it'd be good to be notified when sessions get changed. 


I'd like to add to this and suggest a separate tab for ''Ignore time and date'' sessions. It's an inconvenience to have to sift through them, because in my experience, if you don't have a time set in stone, people are more likely to forget. 




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While I don't have an opinion on your first 3 suggestions, number 4 is one which would be useful. If an editable check-list is something which is tricky to implement then an alternative suggestion would be an option to "Exclude Games With 100% (S rank)". That would at least tidy the list up a bit.

Or to hide the completed games at all! 100% PSN, games with just platinum and games with platinum and 100%. That would lessen the "useless" GS for people, you see?
But the point in a customized list instead of an automatic one is that some people (including myself) play some completed games every now and then just to help people out (I can name bf3 [bullseye & ninjas], ibb obb [full zen] and payday: the heist [don't lose face and pretty much all the rest]) every now and then. Although if an automated list was implemented, people like me could use the "Select Game" list to see those few games sessions or just scroll through them among all others like it is right now.

I agree with bulletpoint #5, it'd be good to be notified when sessions get changed. 


I'd like to add to this and suggest a separate tab for ''Ignore time and date'' sessions. It's an inconvenience to have to sift through them, because in my experience, if you don't have a time set in stone, people are more likely to forget. 

I believe that is the most important point that should be added for me, since ALL my sessions are merely placeholders. I have an extreme hard time to remember about sessions, so all the ones I host are placeholders and we get them done as soon as I have enough people online. Being a GS host, I'm always adding every booster to my list and adding them to a chat, to make it organized. As soon as we have enough, we start, no matter which time or day.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will add it and credit to you.


Point is, some people can't check their e-mails all the time to see that stuff and it's not even necessary to login PSNP to check a GS, so any computer would suffice to see changing times on the session, if they were pointed on the timeline of the session. Also, it's impossible for anyone else to know who left a session, unless you are the host, thanks to the "banned" part of the GS. Being able to see what time people leave the session would be helpful imo.


Had more ideas and added them to the first post, which I also updated with Saltyie suggestion.

Edited by TheYuriG
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Is there any possibility of adding an option of "Notify me when someone joins a gaming session I'm in"? Sometimes people join a session and don't leave a message therefore there is no way of knowing if new people have joined unless you are the session creator, other than continuously checking the session itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just scouting around with the intention of suggesting something and I find this thread - perfect!!!


I love the 'my games only' tab on the gaming session page as it filters out the rubbish I haven't got so this has been a great addition to the site!


I think that could be taken a step further and include the capability to remove all the games that you have already done either plat/100% as Stevieboy mentioned!!

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Just dropping in to say I too think we should have the ability to toggle which specific games we want to show up in Gaming Sessions. Perhaps add a "Watched Games" option? When you select a game, whether you own it or not, you could click a "Watch this game" button on the right side where the Gaming Sessions would be. This way when you choose the "Watched Games" option in the Gaming Sesssions section of the site, you could see both just the games you have played and still need to boost, but also games you own but haven't played yet.

Edited by tmlfan73
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  • 4 weeks later...

I like the fact that sessions stay on the boosting page after the date, but maybe an option to edit that session to another date or an option leave sessions after they are over would help.

my boosting page tends to get a bit full with games I've boosted over the last wk.


maybe getting rid of the option of only joining games sessions for 'games I own' as I normally own some of the games that have sessions I just haven't started them.

Edited by L33N3WB3
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