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Dragon Age 2 ?


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It's really up to you. DA2 is a good game, but I heard the only things from DA2 that matter in DA:I are:

  • the main character of DA2 (barely) 
  • the ending of DA2(barely)
  • 1 of the DLCs(Super important)

You should watch a few videos of gameplay to see of you want to put at least 50 hours into that game.

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DA2 was good in terms of refined combat and levelling mechanics and a better character art style, and still had all the DA relationship building and interesting side quests to go on. But the level design was lazy - a lot of dungeons are re-used (you might enter through a different door and fight different enemies, but it's exactly the same dungeon) - and all the main story action takes place in one city which you will be going through a LOT. Also, you can only be a human, and there is only one back-story. So if you were into "I wonder how people will treat my female dwarf slave rogue differently to my elvish warrior?" from DA:O, you will be disappointed.


Over-all, I liked it, and would recommend it for the prices you can probably find it at now.

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A lot of people bitch about it but I thought it was good. As others have already stated the Legacy DLC in DA2 is pretty important and a few characters from the base game are main characters in Inquisition so you'd probably enjoy Inquisition more if you knew them better.

Edited by BhekifaZ
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  • 2 weeks later...

i have origins and 2 so this is what i know what can be helpful to know: 


i think it is really worth it to get da2 (if you like the game of course) and i have platinum with it so i know. i must say i liked origins a bit more because the story of origins is better but they are both good games that's why i advise you this.

if you want to know about the trophies: they are both fairly hard to platinum but origins is harder (i don't have the platinum of origins yet but played much with origins too).


the last thing i want to say is: i don't have inquisition yet but i want to buy it later so my advise is if you liked it much it is really worth it to buy both and if you liked it a bit then only buy inquisition. succes.

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I'n my opinion is bad game under every possible aspect.

Bad graphics.

Recycled area.

Whiny companions (the only good one is Varric).

Companion armors non can't be customized.

Non existent plot.

Ridiculous combat.

Lazy UI.

Laziest side quest I've ever seen.

The only thing 'useful' that you get from it is knowing how the feud between templars and mages exacerbate to the extension that brings forth the new political situation we have in Inquisition.

And there is a bit of lore in the Legacy DLC that can be super important if you are interested in the lore of Dragon Age as a whole.

Other than that you might be wanting to play it if you are a completionist and want to complete the whole saga.

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