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Unlimited likes !

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Do that many people really click like on that many things every day that this thread keeps popping up all the time? I mean like, I like like 2 or 3 things a day and leave. That's it. Hell, I'm about to leave now and haven't liked anyone's anything. 


Y'all are just "like" whores ;)


I had to put like in quotes, to indicate I'm not saying you're like whores, but that I'm saying you're like whores in the sense that you give your likes to everyone. The internet is hard to convey tone on sometimes :/


You have the phrase "Resident Flagged Asshole" above your avatar and you *don't* give out likes all the time?!




Maybe an experiment should be undertaken. Double everyone's number of Likes they can give out and see if things change. (More posting, more sense of community, whatever). If it's too many and everyone starts posting things catering to getting Likes, cut it back to what it is now. 

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You have the phrase "Resident Flagged Asshole" above your avatar and you *don't* give out likes all the time?!




Maybe an experiment should be undertaken. Double everyone's number of Likes they can give out and see if things change. (More posting, more sense of community, whatever). If it's too many and everyone starts posting things catering to getting Likes, cut it back to what it is now. 

I mostly just like things when I don't have a reply to them. Like, say I'm 10 comments deep in a Facebook post or something, and the person I'm talking to replies, and they cover everything and I have nothing to add, then I'll like their thing, mostly to say that I've seen it, and then I'll sod off back to my cave. 


Speaking of Facebook and likes though, how useless is that new thing they've done where you hold it and can pick a few other emoticon things? Why even bother, all you need, all the people want, is a down vote button in addition to the upvote. Works fine for YouTube, has for years, people have been asking for it for years, but no, let's give people an angry face and a sad face and some other equally stupid shit that usually only sends a mixed signal anyway, just like the problem they were trying to diffuse by adding more options than just a like button.


That turned into a rant a lot quicker than I thought it would.

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Maybe an experiment should be undertaken. Double everyone's number of Likes they can give out and see if things change. (More posting, more sense of community, whatever). If it's too many and everyone starts posting things catering to getting Likes, cut it back to what it is now. 

Imo, something like partnership could work.

You pick someone who is willing to give you day's worth of likes and you will have the possibility every day =D

That way, even those who do not give out likes, could feel useful :awesome:

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