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Season's Greetings and Happy Gaming!


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Merry Christmas eve everyone! My name is RaY and I'm from Eastern Pennsylvania. I'm 29 years old and married to the most wonderful woman in the world, about to have our first child together in less than a month. She has always supported my gaming habit and loves when I play anything with a great story to follow.

A little bit of background on me...I've been a gamer since I was 6 years old and my parents bought me an NES for my birthday. My first experience with the gaming world came along with Super Mario Bros with Duck Hunt nd Track and Field, Fester's Quest, and Skate or Die--not exactly the holy grail of gaming, but it was still a great time back in those days! My dad used to take me every Saturday to rent games and I tried to always experience something new each week, so my life was always filled with great stories and fun. I went from NES to the SNES, wanting a Sega Genesis the whole time and never owning one. I then graduated to the N64 and PSOne at the same time and it stayed that way ever since. I have always owned the newest Sony and Nintendo consoles and do right now as well. I game on the PS3, PS4 and sometimes the WiiU with my wife,

I joined this community in hopes that I will find other gamers who enjoy the same experiences that I do and make some new friends. Currently, the friends on my list don't play ANYof the games that I do--I met them all when I used to play Call of Duty, which I don't anymore but they still do. Currently, I'm playing Assassin's Creed Unity after finishing Assassin's Creed 4. I love the stories of these games and have played all of them since the first came out! My wife also seems to enjoy watching me play for the stories too.

I'm just rambling at this point, but I want to let everyone know to come on by and say hello or add me on PSN if you so choose, I'm open to anyone! My PSN ID is y2ray7697. I hope to game with some of you and become a daily part of this forum in the future!!

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all these Neptunia avatars O_O and welcome good sir 

I learned very early on the amount of Neppy's in this forum are bigger than in any other. :P


Also, welcome. I do wish you enjoy your stay here. Also rather funny you mention you got your first console at the age of six, as I had the same. Rather it was on the Genesis. I had started gaming on PC years prior, however.

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