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Complaining: When Do We Stop It and Just Enjoy What We Have?


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I enjoy my life.  I have a house, a wife and a daughter.  I have a sports car.


I am now in my 40s and I have started getting a sore neck just getting in to the sports car.  Can I complain? Yes I can.


I suppose I could buy a SUV instead of the sports car but the sports car promised me fun and by fuck I will have it. 


I think I will just go out in to the street and start yelling at it to go and be a higher roofed sports car.


Maybe with all wheel drive and a higher seating position too.  And heated seats.  And hurry the hell up with it!

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It's human nature to never be satisfied, that's what drove mankind to dominate the world and past that to explore the depths of the ocean and even beyond our own planet.  In day to day living, sure a lot of people could complain less and appreciate what they have but if everyone was always completely satisfied who would be pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration?

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It's human nature to never be satisfied, that's what drove mankind to dominate the world and past that to explore the depths of the ocean and even beyond our own planet.  In day to day living, sure a lot of people could complain less and appreciate what they have but if everyone was always completely satisfied who would be pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration?


The difference here is that some people aren't content with what they have and push the boundries of human knowledge and exploration to set out and discover things we couldn't possibly begin to imagine... and some people spend excessive amounts of time on their couches complaining that said other people aren't doing it fast enough, or well enough.  I'll let you guess which one we could probably do without.


True innovation comes from seeing where improvement can be made and pushing those boundries yourself, not just demanding someone else do it.

Edited by Dreakon13
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