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I merely exist here..


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Hi everybody... I am not stalking or anything. I just don't understand gaming or it's sub cultures. I might be too old or too stüpid. I am not sure do I have to write here something or not in my introduction. Ouch. But I merely exist. :facepalm:


I am trying to stay almost hidden in DCUO with my profile Blooming Magnolia. Maybe just because PS Home died. I am not looking for anyone in my life or anything like that, I am just gaming DCUO, sometimes with my friend Autumnal (when she is online). I am just... weird Finnish woman. -_-

Edited by orfana
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Hitting women... I think I will understand that double-meaning some day.




Oh, right.


I tend to exist to the fullest with my pains and everything. So I guess we do, Sir Young Man. -_-

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Orfana, may I warmly welcome you to the the place on the internet that supports weird in it's true meaning ? :P


Just kidding xD But we're all kind of socially awkward so no need to be shy.


Anyway, as I said, a warm welcome to PSNp ! I hope you'll enjoy it here :)

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exist and let exist, not so


im sure there might be something you could stalk here xD


there must be a game you like, check out its culture or start / makeup your own ^^


else just do you and what ya wanna do

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Thank you so much for you all. <3 <3   <3       <3              <3                                                      <3

I am sorry but I might not watch this very often. Perhaps never until I delete my profile (I predict it will be inevitable like all other visits of mine into internet). I hate internet, DCUO, my social awkward and that I am such drrrama.

(I just want PS Home back. I bought PS4 just for Neotopia and they cancelled it. Boohoo. Luckily there is at least live feeds in PS4 - it might get better than PS Home some day but at least not yet as interactive as PS Home was.)


Few extra words:


Yes, I am myself in my picture somewhere in it (fake would mean my credit card info were stolen too and that would not even cross in my mind to do).

And yes, it is bad pic so you cannot really say who I eventually am (I guess most of my... unstoppable and... ...nice... watchers... from my past internet life already know).

And no, I am not really orphan (a novel length story without enough of selling aspects of drama) and I hide my trophies because I started buying my kid's games with my profile accidentally and Sony doesn't want to alter that.

And I don't want to tap every time 'hide this' and 'hide that' when new game is played. :rolleyes::facepalm::(

I love Flower and Journey most in PS3.

Journey must be my all-time-favorite because I cry every time I finish it.

I am very fascinated in that Syberian world in Syberia 1 & 2 and I am eagerly waiting Syberia 3.

Also Papo & Yo and Brothers(?) made me cry very much as stories.


Please, play safe, remember to keep your feet warm and your neck too. See you, byeee. :P

(Plus I am painfully shy because of my conscious what just happens pretty wild without asking me first.)

How can I stop writing? Help! :blink:

Edited by orfana
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Welcome, the community's pretty nice here so no need to be afraid, of course there's a few odd fellows such as myself that can be pretty opinionated on the VGs they love and hate, but I still like to think I'm pretty nice, and of course there's assholes as well, and just ignore them altogether, and you wont have that bad of a time here

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Don't we all just exist. Drifting through this meaningless void we call life. Every day the shadow extends engulfing all hope and depriving us of light. One day the blackness will swallow us whole and we will enter into the nether. Only then will existence and death be one and the same.


Now if you will excuse me I must go Let's Play Gone Home, while watching the Crow and listening to My Chemical Romance. Maybe I will upload my charcoal drawings of Jack Skellington to Deviant Art...you can like them if you want...but that too is meaningless :|

Edited by Dr_Mayus
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