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Hey guys. It's been a good 10 years since I decided to take part in a forum and now this is starting to sound like an AA meeting. So basically I have no idea what I'm doing but decided this is one of few forums I think is worth participating in. It seems friendly enough and all that. So if there's any advice to give to a newbie I'm more than willing to take it.


I do have one question though, How the devil do you guys get your snazzy trophy cards to show up in your sigs? You fancy people you. Cheers friends ^.^

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Hello, welcome to the forums, I'm fairly new here as well, and you are right about the friendly and supportive people.

To get your trophy card in your signature you should:

1) Log in to your PSNPROFILE

2) Go to your profile and in the top right corner there should be should be a drop down arrow, click it and select trophy cards

3) Cope and paste the BBcode into the signature section of your forums profile, and you're done!

Hope you have lots of fun here :)

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Welcome to the forums of this divine site!


Australian, eh? only one way to deal with you...  :spank:  kidding, of course! 


And as for that advice, I'd recommend you to participate in the Forum Games as they're a lot of fun and you can get to know other users better xD

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Yay!  :yay:  :yay:  :yay: Haha! Been here barely an hour and already having a laugh, and look! I got my trophy card in my sig now! Behold the power of my fanciness!

Hahahah, yes you have achieved true fanciness, one day people will bow before you ;)

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Greetings! Welcome to PSNP! We're the fanciest community around. I mean, I have a top hat and cane, as you can see.  xD


Hope you enjoy the site!

oh... my... god! You sir, are indeed fancy. The top hat and cane is mighty impressive but the monocle, dear god the monocle! Resplendant!


Welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy your stay here with your fancy spatula!

Indeed! I'm glad you see its importance to the fancy culture. Most people just see a spatula but you have an eye for this thing don't you?  ;)

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Welcome!!! You'll love it here! It's not like the other forums :)

Nothing beats this place, nice people, trophies, art, games, music, voting competitions for signatures and music, etc! PSNProfiles has it all! :D

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Welcome to PSNP Jackie! :wave:


You might find this thread useful ;)https://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/8202-new-forum-members-please-read/


Happy Gaming! :dance:

Yes thanks, that link cleared a few things for me. Quite helpful. Thanks and thanks  :highfive:


Welcome to the PS family.

And thanks to you too friend! Still getting used to this but I'm acclimatising well enough... I think... I hope. Last time I participated online chat rooms were still a thing. Damn you modern world! :shakefist:


Welcome to hell, and I'll be hosting the festivities tonight :devil:

:o I hope there will at least be cheese...


Welcome!!! You'll love it here! It's not like the other forums :)

Nothing beats this place, nice people, trophies, art, games, music, voting competitions for signatures and music, etc! PSNProfiles has it all! :D

Indeed. I've looked around at a few other forums but I like this one the most so I thought why not? Then I thought why but why not is more convincing no?

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