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Hey everyone, I'm Styx2319. I originally signed up here in Feb. 2014, but I never made my way onto the forums. I believe I originally signed up to get a trophy card, but slowly I find myself using the profile features more and more often. I like seeing my monthly activity in the statistics logs, and other various things like that. From there, I've moved on to looking at the occasional forum post, and now I've decided that I might actually want to jump in as an active forum member, rather than a lurker.


So, what is there to tell about myself? Well, obviously gaming is a good start so here we go!


I began gaming at a young age with the NES. I was 4 or 5 when I started playing Super Mario Bros. with my mom. At first I would get frustrated because I couldn't pass a level and try and make her beat it for me, but she refused. She told me that I needed to keep trying and eventually I would get past the level. So, instead of letting me give up and beating a level for me, she actually pushed me to be a better gamer.


Eventually, Mario wasn't enough for me, and I began to play anything I could get my hands on. That was easy enough seeing as my parents were fairly active gamers, and our NES game collection continued to grow faster than I could beat them. I played anything, but my favorite genre were the RPG's, which is still true to this day.


From there, my gaming selections became limited. We managed to get an SNES, but we never got more than 5 or 6 games for it before my house burned down, taking all our games with it. Suddenly, my gaming collection was gone, and aside from a GameBoy and a couple of games, I didn't get another console until the N64 came out. Unfortunately, by this point, my parents had given up on gaming, and the games came slowly. Once again, I didn't get more than a handful of games for this system. In fact, my next console would have been a GameCube, as I was a devout Nintendo fan, but my parents decided they weren't going to buy me one. So my friend gave me his PlayStation once he got a PS2.


Again, few games ever made it my way, but I did manage to get my hands on a PS2 soon enough. Again, the games were few and far between. (Seeing a pattern here?) I was now in high school, so my main source of games was trading them with my friends. The PS2 was really the system that changed me from a Nintendo fan to a more open-minded gamer.


In March of 2011, I finally got my hands on a PS3. I chose the PS3 because more of my friends had PS3 than XBox 360, even though I had originally thought about going with the 360. Because I've always been very competitive with my friends, and they had a PS3 longer than me, I set my mind on trying to surpass them somehow, and trophies seemed to be the way to go. With the largest gap being a 500 trophy lead on me, I decided that I would not only catch up, but pass my friends in trophy count. At first, I just tried to get as many trophies as quickly as possible, so I would play any and every game possible. If I found myself struggling to get trophies, I pushed that game aside and moved to the next. This led to very low completions, but eventually I surpassed my friends and am still the leader in that competition. Soon, being in the lead was not enough, and I needed more competition, and that was when I decided to try and get a platinum trophy. After getting my first platinum (CoD: MW2), I changed from trying to get as many trophies quickly, to trying to get the highest completion on the games I played. That was how I not only became a trophy hunter, but turned my friends into hunters as well.


Now, I own a PS3, PS4, and a Vita, and for the first time since my NES days, I find myself with a massive backlog of games. (Thank you PS+) Because I will play just about anything, and generally strive to get the highest completion that I possibly can, this backlog continues to grow!


Some of my proudest trophy accomplishments:

1) Modern Warfare 2 Platinum - As my first platinum, this was where it started!

2) Battlefield Bad Company 2 Platinum - This trophy just happened to be my 1000th trophy, so I've always remembered it fondly! This happened again with trophy 3000 being the Assassin's Creed Liberation Platinum, but BF:BC2 is the one I remember most fondly.

3) Devil May Cry 3 HD Platinum - This is easily one of the hardest platinums I've gotten so far.

4) Final Fantasy X HD Platinum - As one of my favorite games of all time, the chance to replay this with trophies was amazing!

5) Lightning Returns Platinum - Another game in the FF series, which has always been one of my favorites. This one just happened to be my 50th platinum!


A few goals I have for the future:

1) Attain above average completion for all games: Recently I started using this site to see the average completion for each game on my trophy list, and am currently trying to go back through some of my old games and at least reach this mark. It's a slow process, but I'm getting there! I know this goal is impossible to achieve at this point, due to me not having access to some of the games anymore, and server shutdowns, but I'm going to get as close as possible!

2) Plat more games: Obviously.

3) Attain a 75% or higher overall completion rating: I am currently at a 55.4%, and I think 75% is a fairly decent goal, considering all the unattainable trophies and DLC trophies that make it impossible to hold a 100% completion rating at this point.


Well, that's basically it for my gaming. A few other things about me. I'm a student studying Radiologic Technology. For those who are unfamiliar with that, it's a fancy way to say I'm going to take X-Rays for a living. I'm a bassist, though I currently do not play in a band, and honestly it's been so long since I've really had time to practice like I should. I'm probably not that great anymore. Other interests I have include anime. I'm a big DBZ fan, and I currently write on a text based forum DBZ RPG. I'm a big Magic: the Gathering fan as well. Other than that, I can't think of anything else to add.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I hope to see you all on the forums on a regular basis!!

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hello and welcome panda-emoticon-46.gif?1292863515


I am really not a fan of wall of text but I enjoyed reading your intro... your mom sounds really great for motivating you to be a better gamer... feel sorry for the SNES family... wish I could have a friend that would also give me his old console... and that dilemma with trophy hunting, the hunger for moar trophy never ends... 


Anyway... hope to see you more in threads/forums... panda-emoticon-39.gif?1292863513

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