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We Play Ys: Memories of Celceta

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About to reach checkpoint 9, just a quick question. After beating the game game once, what factors carry over to the next play-through? I.g. Levels? Quests? Chests?

Chests and quests do not carry over. All items, levels and map completion do.

Money and enemy entries carry over too. Also Sun Stones (needed to create ultimate weapons) are classed as Key Items and those don't carry over, so be sure to craft 3 Ultimate Weapons or else you'll have to do a third playthrough.

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Thanks guys. Sorry but just one more question. How strong is an ultimate weapon and dies it feature any kind of perks?

Ultimate weapons are the strongest weapons in the game. With that equipped, most normal enemies die from 1 Aura Fencer. Upgrading ultimate weapons and armour is very expensive, but there's a way to do it without spending too much money.

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Ultimate weapons are the strongest weapons in the game. With that equipped, most normal enemies die from 1 Aura Fencer. Upgrading ultimate weapons and armour is very expensive, but there's a way to do it without spending too much money.


I wasn't able to resist the call of power and have used up my shiny Golden Pedestal. Now I have an uber Ajax Sword+72... and lots of upgrading ahead.

I think I'll fully power up only my main four. Sorry, Calilica and Ozma!

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I wasn't able to resist the call of power and have used up my shiny Golden Pedestal. Now I have an uber Ajax Sword+72... and lots of upgrading ahead.

I think I'll fully power up only my main four. Sorry, Calilica and Ozma!

Be sure not to forget the Ultimate Armour too ;). Having health regen on Nightmare during some boss fights is really a life-saver.

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Your stats before entering Iris should be as follows to be on par for 100% of these things.

Map 100%, Harvest 100%, Monsters 83.8%, Chests 82.1%


After you finish the 3 trials going any further will be the point of no return (detailed in checkpoint info below), so you may want to wait till Dragon is on so he can tell me off if I missed anything important out, but to my knowledge there's no missables. I'm personally going to do the 3 trials and jsave there before I take on the final boss.


Checkpoint 10 - Complete the Game

Location of the final chest - Beat the 3 trials then use the central warp point to head for the "Central Area" to progress the story. Before going upward, check behind the warp point for the Berserker Armor +6.

Point of no return: After you progress the story heading north will take you to a warp monument, you can use it to heal but progressing past it will trigger the end of the game, so make sure you save before this. Also don't go past this unless you are confident you have missed nothing. Your Monster compendium should be 94.8% at this point. Harvest, Chest and Map completion should all be 100%.

Edited by Superbuu3
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Your stats before entering Iris should be as follows to be on par for 100% of these things.

Map 100%, Harvest 100%, Monsters 83.8%, Chests 82.1%


After you finish the 3 trials going any further will be the point of no return (detailed in checkpoint info below), so you may want to wait till Dragon is on so he can tell me off if I missed anything important out, but to my knowledge there's no missables. I'm personally going to do the 3 trials and jsave there before I take on the final boss.


Checkpoint 10 - Complete the Game

Location of the final chest - Beat the 3 trials then use the central warp point to head for the "Central Area" to progress the story. Before going upward, check behind the warp point for the Berserker Armor +6.

Point of no return: After you progress the story heading north will take you to a warp monument, you can use it to heal but progressing past it will trigger the end of the game, so make sure you save before this. Also don't go past this unless you are confident you have missed nothing. Your Monster compendium should be 94.8% at this point. Harvest, Chest and Map completion should all be 100%.

The third Sun Stone is in the Iris Gold Trial, do NOT forget to turn it into an Ultimate Weapon, because it's a key item and those don't transfer to NG+. Besides that side quests and animal befriended can be completed. The final story-related memory will unlock before the credits. Do note that you can save the game before going past the point of no return and save the Clear Data in a different slot. You need a Clear Data to transfer stuff to NG+. 


Also somewhere after the point of no return you'll be running on a mountain slope and the 2 enemies there inflict your favourite status ailment: Misfortune. 


Good luck with completing the first playthrough people.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Wow, already the end of the first playthrough. How far we have come.

I think I won't move past the point of no return for quite some time though, as I still need to max out everyone and uber the lucky trinity with the ultimate equipment. And there is also Foria. And the fact that I've procrastinated today again and didn't do the thorough map checkup to fill out the resource blanks (-------) and find two missing harvest points (I did hit that rock in the Forest of Dawn already, so it is very likely that I only need to check the dungeons and caves). *sigh* I really need to do this tomorrow.

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Will be same for me stuck at checkpoint 9 as now need to top up Map completion - 99.4% Harvest 95 % and chests 79.8 %

Just a question I don't seem to have any chest icons left on my map but I am obviously a chest behind. Are there any chests that are not marked on the map at all ?

Perhaps this missing culprit chest is in the evasive .6% of the map I can't find to unlock

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Wow, already the end of the first playthrough. How far we have come.

I think I won't move past the point of no return for quite some time though, as I still need to max out everyone and uber the lucky trinity with the ultimate equipment. And there is also Foria. And the fact that I've procrastinated today again and didn't do the thorough map checkup to fill out the resource blanks (-------) and find two missing harvest points (I did hit that rock in the Forest of Dawn already, so it is very likely that I only need to check the dungeons and caves). *sigh* I really need to do this tomorrow.

You don't need to fill all the blank resources for the trophy, just harvest at least 1 material from each resource point. You can check your world map with the pictures in the Complementary Guide to make sure you've got all the resource points on the world map.


Will be same for me stuck at checkpoint 9 as now need to top up Map completion - 99.4% Harvest 95 % and chests 79.8 %

Just a question I don't seem to have any chest icons left on my map but I am obviously a chest behind. Are there any chests that are not marked on the map at all ?

Perhaps this missing culprit chest is in the evasive .6% of the map I can't find to unlock

There are chests in Iris, chances are you're missing those. 

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Hi guys, I've reached checkpoint 10 as well. I've also beaten Foria-Daros and the Golden Foe; I hope that in doing so I haven't gone further than I was meant to.


I'm pleased to say that I unlocked: Stupendous Scavenger  :silver:, Monster Meister  :silver:, Material Boy  :silver:, Memories Unfogged  :gold:, Money for Something  :bronze:, Jack of All Trades  :bronze: and Treasure Hunter  :silver: without too much trouble. That said, I was stuck on 99.5% chest completion for a couple of hours which was a little bit frustrating. 


A little tip for anyone who is struggling to find an elusive final chest: even if you have 100% map completion, that doesn't mean that you have found all the chests in the Great Forest. I came across this problem when I assumed that, because I had uncovered 100% of the map, the chest I was missing must be in a dungeon somewhere. This was not the case however and I ended up finding my final chest next to the midway checkpoint at Table Mountain.


LMAO big spoilers for past the point of no return


The ending quest sounds awfully Lord of the Ringsish



I thought the exact same thing... :blink:


I must say, I've absolutely loved playing this game - it was definitely what I was looking for in a Vita game. I'm really tempted to maybe one day buy some of the older games in the series! In the meantime however, bring on Nightmare Mode!

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Shit. I just can't find those last two harvest points. Scouted all dungeons, compared maps... everything seems to be in order. The only explanation I can think about - I ran close enough for the harvest point to register but I didn't hit it. Now I have two courses of action left: either I explore the whole map all over again now or later on Nightmare.

As I really don't want to fall behind, I'm going to the Iris this instant and hope that I'll rack enough levels for everyone. After I'll try to at least uber Adol with the money I have left, spend the leftover money on Karna, and tackle Foria. 

Ugh, I really hate when my carefully constructed plans get foiled. Curse you, harvest points...

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Shit. I just can't find those last two harvest points. Scouted all dungeons, compared maps... everything seems to be in order. The only explanation I can think about - I ran close enough for the harvest point to register but I didn't hit it. Now I have two courses of action left: either I explore the whole map all over again now or later on Nightmare.

As I really don't want to fall behind, I'm going to the Iris this instant and hope that I'll rack enough levels for everyone. After I'll try to at least uber Adol with the money I have left, spend the leftover money on Karna, and tackle Foria. 

Ugh, I really hate when my carefully constructed plans get foiled. Curse you, harvest points...

I feel your pain Net, I'm on 96% Harvest points ........

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Just a heads up to everyone soon we will be starting up Nightmare difficulty. So the trophies you have left should be as follows, everything else you should have obtained on the first playthrough:

All the Things

Material Boy

Only the Best will do - Upgrade item to max (you may already have this)

Money For Something

Waking Dream


In addition 4 trophies are for boss rush and time attack, but those will likely be the last trophies you earn.


You may also be missing a couple of the played extensively trophies for certain characters, for those just prioritise using those characters on nightmare.


We'll be doing everything according to Dragon's earlier plan:

I recommend to get to lvl 60 (max lvl) before passing the point of no return on the first playthrough and get an ultimate weapon + armour for Adol, Karna, and Frieda. During the 2nd playthrough on Nightmare people will have a lot more knowledge and the only tricky parts are the bosses. Maxing out Adol's Aura Fencer and Stun something (forgot the name) will make boss fights a lot easier. So suggestions are:

  • checkpoint #11 finish Comodo + Selray
  • checkpoint #12 reach Highland
  • checkpoint #13 reach Forest of Spores
  • checkpoint #14 complete Mt. Vesuvio: Snowy Peak and Lake Tolmes Ruins
  • checkpoint #15 open the Temple of the Sun and beat the boss
  • checkpoint #16 reach the point of no return or just complete the game
  • checkpoint #17 beat Boss Rush and get the plat



In Mid October we should be starting Tales of Hearts R, if you are for or against this just comment in this thread here

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Damn, already? I need to hurry up!

We'd effectively have like 4 weeks to finish a nightmare run, I think that should be enough time as we won't need to be so thorough. The end of the game is actually super easy I'll have discussion up when more people have finished the game.


If people want to all pop the plat on a specific day or something feel free to try and hold off a trophy for a certain day. I think JeieeM suggested the max item upgrade trophy, which should be easy to hold off till the designated time although I guess the time attack trophies could work to.

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Shit. I just can't find those last two harvest points. Scouted all dungeons, compared maps... everything seems to be in order. The only explanation I can think about - I ran close enough for the harvest point to register but I didn't hit it. Now I have two courses of action left: either I explore the whole map all over again now or later on Nightmare.

As I really don't want to fall behind, I'm going to the Iris this instant and hope that I'll rack enough levels for everyone. After I'll try to at least uber Adol with the money I have left, spend the leftover money on Karna, and tackle Foria. 

Ugh, I really hate when my carefully constructed plans get foiled. Curse you, harvest points...

You can easily check if you didn't harvest a resource point on the world map. If it only shows "-----------" and no other items, you missed it. If it shows at least 1 item name, it means you've harvested it.


Just a heads up to everyone soon we will be starting up Nightmare difficulty. So the trophies you have left should be as follows, everything else you should have obtained on the first playthrough:

All the Things

Material Boy

Only the Best will do - Upgrade item to max (you may already have this)

Money For Something

Waking Dream


In addition 4 trophies are for boss rush and time attack, but those will likely be the last trophies you earn.


You may also be missing a couple of the played extensively trophies for certain characters, for those just prioritise using those characters on nightmare.


We'll be doing everything according to Dragon's earlier plan:


In Mid October we should be starting Tales of Hearts R, if you are for or against this just comment in this thread here

It's possible people skipped Jack of All Trades (upgrade every skill to the max) for later.


You should decide what to use for checkpoint #16, I listed 2 possibilities there.


Nice, I'm doing Tales of Hearts R now and planning on making it trophy #6,000. Almost done with the second playthrough and then I'll save the plat for when I have enough trophies. If you want I can help you again with the checkpoints and stuff.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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It's possible people skipped Jack of All Trades (upgrade every skill to the max) for later.


You should decide what to use for checkpoint #16, I listed 2 possibilities there.


Nice, I'm doing Tales of Hearts R now and planning on making it trophy #6,000. Almost done with the second playthrough and then I'll save the plat for when I have enough trophies. If you want I can help you again with the checkpoints and stuff.

I'll decide when we get there it'll probably just be complete the game though as there's no real need to hold back from the poit of no return unless people have missed something on the first run.


That would be amazing I think you made this run for Ys significantly easier and I see no need to break up the team :highfive:

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We'd effectively have like 4 weeks to finish a nightmare run, I think that should be enough time as we won't need to be so thorough. The end of the game is actually super easy I'll have discussion up when more people have finished the game.


If people want to all pop the plat on a specific day or something feel free to try and hold off a trophy for a certain day. I think JeieeM suggested the max item upgrade trophy, which should be easy to hold off till the designated time although I guess the time attack trophies could work to.


Actually, the sole reason I'm lagging behind right now is the fact that I want to absolutely make sure that I'm ready for the Nightmare run. That means "upgrade everything as far as I can", including getting the Lord of the Jungle and Jack of All Trades.


You can easily check if you didn't harvest a resource point on the world map. If it only shows "-----------" and no other items, you missed it. If it shows at least 1 item name, it means you've harvested it.


Oh, thanks, I'll go check them right away.

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Actually, the sole reason I'm lagging behind right now is the fact that I want to absolutely make sure that I'm ready for the Nightmare run. That means "upgrade everything as far as I can", including getting the Lord of the Jungle and Jack of All Trades.


I think it was in the final dungeon there's an item which heals you if you flash guard that might be of use to you.

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I'll decide when we get there it'll probably just be complete the game though as there's no real need to hold back from the poit of no return unless people have missed something on the first run.


That would be amazing I think you made this run for Ys significantly easier and I see no need to break up the team :highfive:

Ok, the only noteworthy things I can think of are choosing the other 3 weapons for the weapons testing quests and legendary weapon quest. That's the only thing that can screw up the plat. You know, besides the missable side quests :P, but those can easily be done by following a guide. Bosses can be fought over and over again in Time Attack to get the entries for the summoned monsters.


All right, looks like this Superbuu-Dragon teamwork is going to continue :dance:.


Actually, the sole reason I'm lagging behind right now is the fact that I want to absolutely make sure that I'm ready for the Nightmare run. That means "upgrade everything as far as I can", including getting the Lord of the Jungle and Jack of All Trades.


Oh, thanks, I'll go check them right away.

No problem. You're not upgrading ultimate weapons and armour by using items, right? Because that's ridiculously expensive.

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