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Hey everyone,

I created my account about a week ago, but just noticed this thread and thought I'd introduce myself.


I've always been interested in trophies/achievements, but felt awkward/out of place since none of my friends felt the same way about them. Not to mention all the internet trolls mocking trophy hunters. It was nice to finally find a place where others share my attitude toward trophies (at least, from what I could tell).  :)  


Feel free to add me, but please add "PSNP" to the request to clarify things.

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Hey everyone,

I created my account about a week ago, but just noticed this thread and thought I'd introduce myself.


I've always been interested in trophies/achievements, but felt awkward/out of place since none of my friends felt the same way about them. Not to mention all the internet trolls mocking trophy hunters. It was nice to finally find a place where others share my attitude toward trophies (at least, from what I could tell).  :)  


Feel free to add me, but please add "PSNP" to the request to clarify things.

Welcome to the forum and hope you like it here, people shouldn't make fun of you about yoru trophies here. If you ever want people to just ask nicely and people will make it feel like other places :P

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