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finishin sith master without cheatin is very possible...

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im not braggin here or anythin but i really cant believe how difficult gamers are sayin the game is on sith master difficulty... i breezed through the game, it really doesnt need any cheats to get you through it and in all honesty it sounds like way too much of an effort to keep doin the cheats constantly especially when there are so many exploits to the games mechanics that allow you to get through it without any hassles... i actually found my first playthrough really challengin, i did it on sith apprentice?... it was agonisin but once i knew how the game played i was better prepared for sith master... all i did throughout was to stay well back behind cover the began grabbin objects/enemies and slingin them at other enemies or i was grabbin them then slammin them to the ground/into force fields/off the edges of the map... i defeated pratas in two tries and hes meant to be a gruellin challenge so im gonna list my tips on this for anyone that wants to play through the game without cheatin... my strategies are very much hide/grab/throw so abit cowardly for a jedi or sith but fuck it, its far better than runnin in then gettin killed or usin the cheats over and over...


if one bit of a level is too difficult just make a break for it to the next check point, most enemies are optional to kill so you can just simply run past them and get to the next checkpoint...


all enemies except shielded stormtroopers and imperial stormtroopers can be grabbed and thrown off the map... red guards and shadow guards are grabbable but your best to just battle them lightsabre to lightsabre as they can block you grab...


make sure to get as many holocrons as possible cause  they unlock lightsabres which give damage bonuses, also they give you upgrades...


only get the upgrades which are useful to you...


> force lightenin... get this first, u will be able to have it at rank 2 by the time you face twattus paratus...

> force push rank 3
> force grip but only rank 1
> i dont think you need force repulse as i never used it on my first playthrough except to get the 500 kills but could be useful...
> lightenin shield rank 3


> get resilience first
> force affinity
> force focus
> vitality
> fortitude


> any combos that give the lightsabre attacks better damage, also combos land an attack which juggles enemies into the air which is especially handy for the bosses like proxy/darth maul... 


all bosses can be defeated by force pushin to throw them off their feet then overwhelmin them with light sabre attacks, most of their attacks are blockable leavin them vulnerable to constant lightsabre attacks... also if you just keep spammin attack on them more often than not they will stand blockin and their health will get depleated little by little...


> at-st's and at-kt's... find somewhere to hide behind and use force lightenin or go face to face by usin mid air attacks and force lightenin...


> rancor... just like all enemies throughout the game, the rancors are an optional fight... you can just simply run past them but if you want a battle with any of them then find either somewhere to hide behind or a ledge above the rancor and it will just walk around next to you in circles so use force lightenin or if you wanna go face to face use force lightenin from a distance then run away until its replenished and rinse then repeat...


> bull ranchor... dodge in either direction when he charges and also its great it you can make sure brood is between you when he does charge as he will take her out for a few secs and ruin her attempts at stealth attackin you... when you do dodge him turn around, jump and air lightsabre attack him the throw your lightsabre as it stuns him for a split second allowin you to dash away, you can use force lightenin on him too as a follow up... you can even dodge between his legs to his tail and attack his underbelly but always keep movin else he will swipe you or stomp on you...


> junk titans... stand from a distance and they should always do an attack where they smash the ground which then causes an explosion beneath you, its avoidable by just doin a simplebdouble jump on the spot... when they do this attack use force lightenin when you are jumpin on the spot, if they go to throw an object at you just use force lightenin and it will stop the attack, if they walk towards you just get the distance between you again and they will revert to their ground explosion attack on you...


> kota... use force push on him to juggle him then attack, when he force grabs the objects just stay to the right underneath him as he will be on the upper ledge and his objects will hit the ledge
instead of you...


> pratas... target him and go towards the background where the junk is flyin over in a line then just keep double jumpin over him and usin force lightenin mid air on him, he is helpless as all he will try to do walk towards you and try to force push on you... once he is down on health he will call the titan which is simple enough to defeat plus once you do defeat him you get a checkpoint which is very handy... when you defeat the titan, pratas will throw objects at you which are avoidable... all you do is stand behind the large structure next to him so the the structure is between you both, all his objects will fly into that... then the battle resumes so you can just rinse and repeat, remember that it auto saves after you defeat each titan so if you've got only abit of health allow pratas to kill you and you will then restart with full health whereas the little bastard will only have abit... just make him follow you to the background where the junk is flyin and keep double jumpin him whilst usin force lightenin... he really isnt that difficult, all i found difficult was that the buttons become very unresponsive against him so you may find yourself pressin the buttons over and over, also make sure to target him and keep r1 held so you dont waste force lightenin on the objects surroundin the level...


> shaak ti... keep force pushin her to juggle her then attack, when she is gettin ready to lightsabre attack you in return just block and it leaves her open to a counter attack... in the 2nd phase go to the far right either behind the explosive bubbles or in the middle of them so your surrounded then keep force lightenin her, she will also walk into the explosive bubbles killin herself bit by bit for you... when she calls for back up just force push them over the edge/force grab/force throw them over the edge or wait for the plant thing to whack them...


> maris brood... use constant lightsabre attacks to overwhelm her and use force push to juggle her then keep attackin...


> proxy as various forms... the same strategy, use constant lightsabre attasks to overwhelm him and force push to juggle him over in his various forms then keep attackin him... theres a useful combo that allows you to force push him into the air where you can just keep attackin him... when you are force pushin him it will topple him over so just keep attackin him with lightsabre attacks...


> death star hangar... note that all you have to do is kill everythin except for the first at-st walker as killin him will spawn countless waves of enemies so from your startin point go to the containers behind you and jump up to the walkways, take out the laser snipers and then go to where the holocrons are... stay there and wait for the two jetpack stormtroopers to fly up to you, take them out then jump down to the hangar and hide behind the large containers you used to get up to the walkway... kill the stormtroopers on the guns by simply throwin objects at them, there are plenty of explosives right next to the contaainers your hidin behind... kill the remainin stormtroopers by comin out from behind the container a little bit then wait for the imperial stormtroopers to walk up to you, just come out from the containers little by little again and use force lightenin on them, it takes 6 to 8 uses of force lightenin to kill them... all thats remainin is the at-st walker which will be walkin around somewhere tryin to grab objects to throw at you, simply dont kill him as the next wave of enemies will spwan, instead force grab all the objects next to him away from so he just stands there clueless... now pull open one bit of the hangar bay and jump down to the next check point, simple...


> darth vader 1st phase... do the exact same as you have every boss so far which is to overwhelm him with your lightsabre and use the force push to keep jugglin him then just keep attackin him with your lightsabre


> darth vader 2nd phase... vader gives you a clue on how to defeat him quickly here so copy him by immedietly grabbin  the objects that are surroundin you and auto throw them at him  by usin the L3 stick and pointin the stick in his direction, dont use R3 as it wont auto fly towards him... once hes hit he will be open to attack but just work your way around the room grabbin the objects and continously throwin them at him, he should be down to 50 percent fairly quickly and if your quick enough he wont get a single attack in on you...


> darth vader 3rd phase... he will jump to the back of the room but is very open to the usual overwhelmin lightsabre attacks and force push juggle combo... also you can lightsabre throw at him and even grab the objects either side of him to throw... he is extremely quick to defeat...


> darth vader final battle/sith endin... use the same attacks as previos boss battles by overwhelmin him with your lightsabre and jugglin him with the force push then carry on attackin him with the lightsabre, he really doesnt put up a bit fight but like all the bosses he can take you out quickly so dont panic, just keep battlin away and he will be a quick battle...


i admit i didnt face  the emporer on sith master as he sounds way too difficult so fuck him... i defeated him on apprentice lol...


there you go, sith master without usin cheats... piece of cake

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I agree that the game is not as difficult as some say it is but people will use the cheats anyway because it shortens your Sith Master playthrough. This is a forum dedicated to collecting trophies so if some see a easier way to obtain a gold trophy, they'll do it. I appreciate the effort you went into by typing all that out though.

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i apologise to all the grammar ocd enthusiasts out there but other than me not properly spacin out paragraphs, usin commas, the g's missin at the end of words endin in 'ing' and proper punctuation theres nothin actually wrong with my grammar or spellin... i was a grade a student in english at uni but this is my type style so if you have trouble processin it then it could possibly be you that has learnin/readin difficulties- not me... ;)

im puttin up useful info for gamers who are findin this game a challenge but what do i get for my troubles?... adults actin like children over grammar, it really is pathetic... almost like ive written the topic in another language, do all of you who have had a dig about it go through life beratin anyone who types anythin that is not typed to your likin?... you must be nightmares to put up with honestly, get a grip from behind your microsoft spell checkers...


peeps hoo  type lyk dis n wiv numbas 4 words mst dryve yu pendantic ocd prats cwazi... am i allowed to type 'lol' or does it have to be correctly put as laughing out loud from now on?!...

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  • 1 month later...



Don't get bent out of shape dude. You made a slight dig against people who say the game on Sith Master difficulty is hard, they made a dig against your spelling. Turnabout is fair play, eh? Let's all remember to relax and have fun.


IMHO, the game isn't hard gameplay wise, it's just the glitches and janky gameplay that make it frustrating. I've been playing this game off and on since 2010 and now I'm finally going to plat' it so I can move on.

Edited by The_Blackout_Kid
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I used the max powers and shit cheat/s when I went for it. Know why?


Same reason I use the cortosis and vergence cheats on the PSP version whenever I replay it, because it's a shit load more fun to be a super bad ass Jedi with all the powers than it is to slowly learn them. 


On your first go, sure, play through it normally and learn your powers as you go, but breezing through the whole game as Superman is pretty sweet.

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