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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Ive been playing in co-op (in TVHM) to get up to level 50. Borderlands is a very fun game to play in co-op although the PS3 version struggled a bit and can lag when a lot is happening on screen. I did meet one annoying player though. Every time we opened up a loot chest he would quickly pick up all the items.


If there is one thing i hate about Borderlands and everyone else would agree it is when you go to travel and it says "fast travel canceled Bob is saving".  :P

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Failed miserably at my game this month, but I did have a blast with Uncharted 4  :D Almost finished the story, so will be able to put it aside to play Zombie Army Trilogy .... I think 


No idea how I'm ever going to get that speedrun trophy, I keep gawking around at the beautiful scenery and little details 

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Enjoyable session of Rainbow Six Siege last night, and thanks to Epic for playing with me. Can't say I totally get how it all works yet but looking forward to playing over weekend. If anyone wants to jump in let me know, I think a mic would really help in this game, and I know Epic is just itching to try out his new one so will be fun when we get a party up.

Edited by cjshaitan
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Enjoyable session of Rainbow Six Siege last night, and thanks to Epic for playing with me. Can't say I totally get how it all works yet but looking forward to playing over weekend. If anyone wants to jump in let me know, I think a mic would really help in this game, and I know Epic is just itching to try out his new one so will be fun when we get a party up.


If you see me online and you want to play just send me a message.



I also saw that you got Battleborn, i just bought the game aswell since it's on sale so tell me if you want to play this game together sometime ^^

Edited by HcG Clawz
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Started Zombie Army Trilogy yesterday. Great atmosphere and sounds in the game! Love the way that the shambling hordes move slowly out of the mist, very cinematic! 

Tried the "elite sniper" difficulty, and already died about 6 times in the first level of chapter one .... I need to work on my headshot skills  :blink:

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Started Dust last night and wow! The animation on this game is just amazing! So far loving it, everything about it is just great, story, gameplay, soundtrack, animation. Expecting the plat this weekend. Decided I didn't want to rush through to make it into the top 50, want to enjoy the game :)

I hope everyone else is enjoying their games, was meant to put the points up on the first but was too busy playing Seige with Cj. Hoping for another sessions later tonight Cj ;)

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Started Dust last night and wow! The animation on this game is just amazing! So far loving it, everything about it is just great, story, gameplay, soundtrack, animation. Expecting the plat this weekend. Decided I didn't want to rush through to make it into the top 50, want to enjoy the game :)

I hope everyone else is enjoying their games, was meant to put the points up on the first but was too busy playing Seige with Cj. Hoping for another sessions later tonight Cj ;)

Yes just in chat with Simpgraus boosting some Tropico, will be down in 30 mins or so. Jump in chat whenever

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Just finished the story portion of dust. That last boss was a bitch, had to go back to collect some revival stones so I didn't keep dying. Only have two trophies left, complete all challenges (have a feeling thats gonna be a pain) and hang out with all 12 friends in the sanctuary (have 4 already, shouldn't take too long). I reckon I have about 2 hours to go so should have the plat tommorow :)

After I get the plat main focus will be to get the points up, how is everyone else going with their games?

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Wow, you went trough Dust pretty fast! Had to do the last boss several times too  :D


I tried to find all the friends without a guide, but that's quite difficult! Had to look up 2 because I couldn't find them. The challenges aren't too bad, you'll need to memorize some parts of the levels to keep your time low.


Been playing Z A T on the highest difficulty from the start and having a blast shooting up those zeds! Just made it past the first level and already died quite a few times 

Edited by AnRoDr
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If you see me online and you want to play just send me a message.



I also saw that you got Battleborn, i just bought the game aswell since it's on sale so tell me if you want to play this game together sometime ^^


You should play battleborn with us clawz. Boring solo.


Just finished the story portion of dust. That last boss was a bitch, had to go back to collect some revival stones so I didn't keep dying. Only have two trophies left, complete all challenges (have a feeling thats gonna be a pain) and hang out with all 12 friends in the sanctuary (have 4 already, shouldn't take too long). I reckon I have about 2 hours to go so should have the plat tommorow :)

After I get the plat main focus will be to get the points up, how is everyone else going with their games?

No game this month for me. Having a crappy last two weeks so hoping things start to turnaround.

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If you see me online and you want to play just send me a message.



I also saw that you got Battleborn, i just bought the game aswell since it's on sale so tell me if you want to play this game together sometime ^^

Will do, and definitely up for some Battleborn if we are on at same time. There is a bit of a group of us playing this so we can probably get up a party of 4/5 which might help with the missions on Hard difficulty. Although as Couch can attest I have been finding these missions quite easy, even knocking off the perfection no death requirements mid mission.

Not much progress to report on Rainbow Six, Internet has been down for last few days and haven't really put in a decent session yet. Seems like quite a steep learning curve in this game so really need to play the situation/tutorial missions so that I can move beyond blindly running around and button mashing (my preferred playing style for most games)

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Excellent looking list of games. Very interested to dive into Bloodborne, obviously it's going to be a highly challenge game requiring great skill. I totally understand if Clawz chooses to pass

EDIT : No Lego dimensions again ....... Hmmmmm ........ Interesting, very interesting

Edited by cjshaitan
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Group 2: Gibbo and X (Cj's List)

WRC 5 (Confirmed)

And my streak of good games ends. Dont like most racers.


BTW didnt you say that we wernt getting partnered up after the halfway point?


Excellent looking list of games. Very interested to dive into Bloodborne, obviously it's going to be a highly challenge game requiring great skill. I totally understand if Clawz chooses to pass

Its an RPG so it can be easy. If you get to a hard part just go out level up a bit more then come back.

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And my streak of good games ends. Dont like most racers.


BTW didnt you say that we wernt getting partnered up after the halfway point?


Its an RPG so it can be easy. If you get to a hard part just go out level up a bit more then come back.

Yeah but I think I'll just keep pairing until the year ends. If I make another installment for next year the rules will be more "upgraded". Not sure if I'll make a Nogg's Casino 2, if you guys are interested for another one I'll be happy to do this again :)

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Oh tropico 5. Got that free last month. Woot. Glad I didn't play it yet. I'm pretty sure gibbo is right on my tail or passed me at this point....we'll have to see when the points come up.

Haven't played wrc but blood borne is da shit haha. CJ won't be platting that. Probably won't be able to beat the first boss unless someone pulls him through and guess who won't be responding to his bell ringing? This guy haha

Trine 2....poor anro. Fine game but that hardcore crap gave me a bad taste in my mouth once it was all done.

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