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I just started Assassin's Creed 3 last night. Played until landing in Boston.....Seems ok so far. Anybody have any good/bad things to say about that? Looks like it's a 60 hour plat so hopefully it's good fun. 4 freaking DLC packs though :(

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I just started Assassin's Creed 3 last night. Played until landing in Boston.....Seems ok so far. Anybody have any good/bad things to say about that? Looks like it's a 60 hour plat so hopefully it's good fun. 4 freaking DLC packs though :(

At the time 3 was my favorite until black flag released. I loved the tree parkour and the naval battles. I honestly dont see why this game gets so much hate. the DLC's are pretty good because 3 of them are story DLC. I meant to pick those up in the AC sale but i missed it. The MP trophies dont take long either.  :)

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Yes, it is like 100 years old could you please play something :

1. Modern

2. Fun

3. Not Frozen

OK Mr Trivia pursuit and Golf guy


I think you're just upset because you haven't heard my lovely voice in a couple days since I've moved over to the PS3. It's ok. If you want to talk, just ask :)

Edited by Couch
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I won't even get my game this week because of the bad weather we have here. On the bright side though we are ice skating on the public roads :D


I heard that on the radio! That's awfully close to me .... on the other hand ... more time to game ...  :lol:

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Well its Januray 10 meaning you all get to find out what your games will be for next month! Going to make it less complicated this time around and get straight to the point :P


1: Saltyie and X

2: Nogg and Gibbo

3: HcG and Cj

4: Couch and AnRoDr


1: The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (Cj's list)

2: Broken Age (AnRoDr's list)

3: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Gibbo's list)

4: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier (Nogg's list)

There they are! Your February games :)

Looks like Saltyie has the easiest game for February with a Platinum rarity of 35.56%! The time to beat to make it into the top 50 for you Saltyie will be 2 days and 3 hours. Think you can pull it off?

Group 2, Gibbo and I. Broken Age. Haven't heard too much about this but it seems quite interesting. Platinum rarity is 6.63% making it a very rare Platinum. Time for us to beat Gibbo is 1 day and 29 mins to make it into the 50.

Group 3, Enslaved Odyssey to the West. Haven't heard about this game so don't really have an idea of what its about but what I do know is that the Platinum rarity is 13.61% making it a rare Platinum. Time for you guys to beat is 2 days 20 hours to make it to the top 50.

Finally the Group with the game that can ruin Trophy hunters lives. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future soldier. All I can say to you guys is be glad you didn't get Driver San Fransisco (you know what I'm talking about Cj). On the plus side this game does have a co-op feature meaning you guys can get those extra points in ;) Platinum rarity is 0.61%!!! But I guess if you do achieve the Plat thats more extra points for the ultra rare. Time to beat is 2 months and 3 weeks! R.I.P guys ...

So far 8 games have been eliminated and looking at some of the lists, the next few months are going to include rage quits, disc smashing (Cj with Driver :giggle:) and Gibbo's perfect profile being messed up. Let me know what you think down below :)

Edited by EpicNogg4
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Looks good Epic.

I figure Saltyie will either enjoy Book of unwritten tales or hate it, no middle ground on this one. I enjoyed the first ten minutes, so let me know if it is good and will go back to it :) Hopefully X doesn't let you down

Broken Age is great, really enjoyed the story, not that difficult but need guide help to catch all the missable things as you go.

Never heard of Enslaved but sounds like a fun platformer style, and not to long which is perfect.

And rounding off with Tom Clancy, excellent choice Couch will be coming off Resident evil grind and with this combined with his other grindy ultra rare platinum games for C2 he is going to be in such a good mood, perhaps it might be a good idea to "accidentally " break the headset next month.

Look forward to the next few months as Epic knows I don't mind a good disc smashing and it has been awhile .....

Good luck all, now to start this months game :)

EDIT : I just read the phrase " nearly impossible to do 6 times " in the trophy guide for Tom Clancy........... Lol

Edited by cjshaitan
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Is my game the PS3 or PS4 version, does it matter?

Nice set of games. Think I've played Ghost Recon before, but the title's subtitles are all so bland they all just blur into one. If I'm correct, it was a pretty fun game when I played it on Xbox, didn't even try to get all the achievements though so Couch and AnRoDr are in for a ride :-) Enslaved is great apart from the silly out of nowhere ending, and Broken Age seems pretty decent from the first chapter I played.

Never even heard of my game, I watched a quick gameplay vid and it seems good enough, we'll have to see. I'll order it after me and HcG finish Star Trek!

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Is my game the PS3 or PS4 version, does it matter?

Nice set of games. Think I've played Ghost Recon before, but the title's subtitles are all so bland they all just blur into one. If I'm correct, it was a pretty fun game when I played it on Xbox, didn't even try to get all the achievements though so Couch and AnRoDr are in for a ride :-) Enslaved is great apart from the silly out of nowhere ending, and Broken Age seems pretty decent from the first chapter I played.

Never even heard of my game, I watched a quick gameplay vid and it seems good enough, we'll have to see. I'll order it after me and HcG finish Star Trek!

Any version you like is fine :)

Now we know who the troll of this competition is :lol:


Did we all get chosen a game without the partner playing it on the first tries.

hmmmm i dunno about broken age. Point and click :S

Hahahaha , not sure what your asking exactly? Are you asking how assigned everyone their game? If so I put everyone into partners randomly, group 1 would get their game first. Everyones names would go into a random generator whoever's popped out that list of games would be used to find out Group 1's game. Finally I would put that persons list of games into the generator and whatever game would pop out that group would play. If someone in the group had played it I'd just click the random generator button thing again for a new game. Hope that makes sense :)

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Hahahaha , not sure what your asking exactly? Are you asking how assigned everyone their game? If so I put everyone into partners randomly, group 1 would get their game first. Everyones names would go into a random generator whoever's popped out that list of games would be used to find out Group 1's game. Finally I would put that persons list of games into the generator and whatever game would pop out that group would play. If someone in the group had played it I'd just click the random generator button thing again for a new game. Hope that makes sense :)

Oh yeah i knew how you did it. Just wondering if we all got the game on the first generate  without having to find a new game. Because last time you showed all the failed attempts which was good to see.  So with that being said was broken age the first game picked for us  :)

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Wish i had book of unwritten tales or broken age, i litteraly just bought the game and i still got Broken Age to play from PS+ a few months back. Well at least Enslaved is only 10 euro's which includes the DLC. Never heard of the game btw.

If you like platforming your in for a treat. Feels like Assassins Creed at times. I think the best way to describe the gameplay is 3rd person button masher with some shooting implemented.


Also the story is great. The main protagonists give a similar vibe to Joel and Ellie. As Salt said weird ending though. There is also Chapter select so you dont have to worry about missable trophies.  

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Oh hot damn....what a crappy game lol. I'm not a fan of tactical/squadron shooters only because I'm not good at them. However, I will hopefully dominate that game...with the help of an android of course :)

Since you require 8 people to start a match it can be difficult to coordinate boosting sessions

^^ Good luck finding 6 others  ;) . Actually I probably would have preferred this game to be honest

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