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PS4 Was #1 in US Console Sales for December & All of 2015


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i don't know, the ps3 wasn't so popular when it launched because it costed too much and the x360 was released 1 year before i think and it costed less, even so the ps3 had more sales on europe and japan even though the x360 was more popular in america because that was his "native" home, and by the end of their cycle the ps3 had the more sales worldwide, even if i was by just a small difference.


many european countries and japan always prefered the playstation brand more than the xbox brand (and the ps was also created in japan) even in the non-monopoly ps3 era, needless to say and like many of us saw on the other thread the ps4 hit 2 millions consoles sold in germany and i think it hit more than 1 million in france, while the xbox one didn't even hit 1 million on neither of those countries, and i know from experience that other countries like spain were always on the playstation side, even in the ps3 era.


i think i read on some site that many users also prefer the ps4 because it has the higher resolution and it's one of the most powerful from all of the three, but the brand also took a big part on its sales.


As I said, I think if we wait until ninth gen we will know if the Sony brand exist. Data has shown that Xbox will never be popular in Japan (and that's okay, the country isn't exactly making hitters like it did before). Europe is pretty different, many countries like Poland, Russia and maybe Spain will never adopt the Xbox brand but we don't know yet. Germany, France and Nordic countries are on the fence at the moment. 


Like I said, people chose the PS4 because it's the best out of the three choices, there's no indication that people would have come back to Sony if the X1 was on par or above the PS4. 


If in the ninth generation, the PS5 is weaker than the XB2 or XB4, I doubt a lot will stay, especially if MS go back to options instead of one choice. 

Edited by FlareXV
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As I said, I think if we wait until ninth gen we will know if the Sony brand exist. Data has shown that Xbox will never be popular in Japan (and that's okay, the country isn't exactly making hitters like it did before). Europe is pretty different, many countries like Poland, Russia and maybe Spain will never adopt the Xbox brand but we don't know yet. Germany, France and Nordic countries are on the fence at the moment. 


Like I said, people chose the PS4 because it's the best out of the three choices, there's no indication that people would have come back to Sony if the X1 was on par or above the PS4. 


If in ninth generation, the PS5 is weaker than the XB2 or XB4, I doubt a lot will stay. Especially if MS go back to options instead of one choice. 

it's funny because even in the ps2 era that console was the weaker of them all and it still outsold all of them by a great difference, i think it was the only one to hit more than 180 millions units sold while the others only hit 80-50 millions.


the problem with xbox is that many of its "exclusives" comes out on pc eventually, so to many users it's pointless to own one, meanwhile they know that the only way to enjoy titles like bloodborne, tlou, infamous, uncharted, heavy rain, beyond, until dawn, etc is to own a playstation console.


maybe if microsoft changed this policy it would benefit the xbox brand but sadly they aren't doing that.


and they also are too much focused on action fps games, while sony also gives priorities to other genres like rpg with bloodborne and interactive dramas like heavy rain, beyond and until dawn, which they also have a huge fanbase, not to mention the anime games that the xbox also lacks in the most part.

personally i like playstation more for that reason, the only "exclusive" (that later came to pc) from xbox that i wish the PS had was alan wake, but i honestly don't care at all about their other titles, too much fps action and racing games which i most never play because i don't like those genres too much.


i honestly think because of the great success of the ps1 and ps2 eras the ps3 was able to succeed as well, even if xbox had the advantage at the beginning the ps3 still managed to beat it on sales at the end of its cycle, that goes to show you that at least the brand had something to do with it, and now that xbox had problems when they announced their new console it was the perfect opportunity to sony to get back on track on this monopoly thing.

so if so many european countries and asian countries continues to support the ps brand more than the xbox brand like they are doing now i don't think the xbox will ever win against playstation, even in my (third world) country where i live there are just so many people that doesn't even know what an xbox is, they only know the ps brand because that's the brand which had more success over the years here.

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it's funny because even in the ps2 era that console was the weaker of them all and it still outsold all of them by a great difference, i think it was the only one to hit more than 180 millions units sold while the others only hit 80-50 millions.


the problem with xbox is that many of its "exclusives" comes out on pc eventually, so to many users it's pointless to own one, meanwhile they know that the only way to enjoy titles like bloodborne, tlou, infamous, uncharted, heavy rain, beyond, until dawn, etc is to own a playstation console.


maybe if microsoft changed this policy it would benefit the xbox brand but sadly they aren't doing that.


and they also are too much focused on action fps games, while sony also gives priorities to other genres like rpg with bloodborne and interactive dramas like heavy rain, beyond and until dawn, which they also have a huge fanbase, not to mention the anime games that the xbox also lacks in the most part.

personally i like playstation more for that reason, the only "exclusive" (that later came to pc) from xbox that i wish the PS had was alan wake, but i honestly don't care at all about their other titles, too much fps action and racing games which i most never play because i don't like those genres too much.


i honestly think because of the great success of the ps1 and ps2 eras the ps3 was able to succeed as well, even if xbox had the advantage at the beginning the ps3 still managed to beat it on sales at the end of its cycle, that goes to show you that at least the brand had something to do with it, and now that xbox had problems when they announced their new console it was the perfect opportunity to sony to get back on track on this monopoly thing.


I totally agree with you about the "coming to PC " thing. Xbox only got 3 exclusives for itself and the other 8 is going to be shared with Xbox PC, that kinda sucks lol. 


It's well documented that MS started lacking and PS3 took over but I do agree, it probably edges out the 360's sales by a million or two. 


I wouldn't say the monopoly thing was good, a lot of companies that were PS2 only died at the beginning of the PS3 saga. Also the monopoly probably won't happen due to steam, gog and Xbox PC. That's why you don't see a lot of Indies exclusive to PS4 only, they know that would be suicide for them, just like being Xbox only. Look at Lab Zero and Skull Girls 2nd Encore for example and the lack of news for sales.


I do agree that Sony must have some kinda of brand loyalty.


I must say, it's nice speaking to you. 

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I totally agree with you about the "coming to PC " thing. Xbox only got 3 exclusives for itself and the other 8 is going to be shared with Xbox PC, that kinda sucks lol. 


It's well documented that MS started lacking and PS3 took over but I do agree, it probably edges out the 360's sales by a million or two. 


I wouldn't say the monopoly thing was good, a lot of companies that were PS2 only died at the beginning of the PS3 saga. Also the monopoly probably won't happen due to steam, gog and Xbox PC. That's why you don't see a lot of Indies exclusive to PS4 only, they know that would be suicide for them, just like being Xbox only. Look at Lab Zero and Skull Girls 2nd Encore for example and the lack of news for sales.


I do agree that Sony must have some kinda of brand loyalty.


I must say, it's nice speaking to you. 

yeah but when i said monopoly i was most talking about consoles, i know that there are many users playing on steam and also many users playing on mobile for example.

even though, and i swear to god im not lying or anything, im not a fanboy, but other indies like the vanishing of ethan carter (at least i think this was an indie) proved to sell very well on the ps4, the own developer said on twitter that they made profit from ps4's sales just less than a week after the game was released, i know that the game was released before on pc but even so its impressive that they also made profit so fast with the ps4 (so maybe that goes to show that there are many people who don't necessary buy a next gen console to play AAA exclusive next gen titles only), same thing happened to everybody's gone to the rapture, which even if sony paid the developer to make it exclusive (although they said they weren't able to earn much money to make a pc version from kickstarter, and they almost cancelled the game) it still sold really well on the store too.


even so im happy we are getting many indie games from steam, like among the sleep, layers of fear, grow home, gone home, and well there's too many, and the amnesia developers said that they want to port some of their older games to ps4.


but yeah is best for them to release them on all platforms as long as they aren't getting paid to make them exclusive because of some company.

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yeah but when i said monopoly i was most talking about consoles, i know that there are many users playing on steam and also many users playing on mobile for example.

even though, and i swear to god im not lying or anything, im not a fanboy, but other indies like the vanishing of ethan carter (at least i think this was an indie) proved to sell very well on the ps4, the own developer said on twitter that they made profit from ps4's sales just less than a week after the game was released, i know that the game was released before on pc but even so its impressive that they also made profit so fast with the ps4 (so maybe that goes to show that there are many people who don't necessary buy a next gen console to play AAA exclusive next gen titles only), same thing happened to everybody's gone to the rapture, which even if sony paid the developer to make it exclusive (although they said they weren't able to earn much money to make a pc version from kickstarter, and they almost cancelled the game) it still sold really well on the store too.


even so im happy we are getting many indie games from steam, like among the sleep, layers of fear, grow home, gone home, and well there's too many, and the amnesia developers said that they want to port some of their older games to ps4.


but yeah is best for them to release them on all platforms as long as they aren't getting paid to make them exclusive because of some company.


Totally agree with you. I think this gen is already decided but if ninth gen, MS and Nintendo got it's head out of the sand, I think Sony will have a problem on their hands.

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Totally agree with you. I think this gen is already decided but if ninth gen, MS and Nintendo got it's head out of the sand, I think Sony will have a problem on their hands.

yeah and this is only my opinion and again im not trying to be a fanboy, i totally respect your opinion about that aspect, but personally seeing as how much some countries are so dedicated to the PS brand rather than the xbox and nintendo brands, i still think it will be a little hard for them to properly win against playstation but maybe they will make some competition happen.

but i dont know anymore, seeing as how the wii sold more units in the ps3 era than the ps3 from what i recall so even if the wii u isn't winning at all this generation maybe nintendo will have some more chance with their future consoles.


well again i dont know, we can try to predict what will happen but nobody knows for sure, so in the meantime let's just enjoy the good things about this generation and let's just have a good time playing the games that we love.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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I don't know, a lot of people are saying that PS4 is the better choice out of the three for primary gaming reasons not because it's a Sony console. Look at the PS4 top 10 from Sony themselves for EU and US, Blood-borne only ranked 10 on the US list.


We will only know if what you say is true by ninth gen. 

I don't mean that it has anything to do with Sony themselves, just that as a console maker they've always done things right, and always had the best console. The PS1 was overall vastly superior to the 64 and the Saturn and the PS2 was overall superior to the Dreamcast, Gamecube, and Xbox. Sony just messed up with the PS3. While the system itself was way better than the 360, they just made the mistake of alienating the developers and fans by making the system hard to develop for and making it too expensive. They fixed mistakes they made with the PS3 when making the PS4, and once again just have the best product. Like they always had. And it's painfully obvious at this point that the PS4 is the better console. There is no uncertainty at this point, 2 years into the console generation.

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I don't mean that it has anything to do with Sony themselves, just that as a console maker they've always done things right, and always had the best console. The PS1 was overall vastly superior to the 64 and the Saturn and the PS2 was overall superior to the Dreamcast, Gamecube, and Xbox. Sony just messed up with the PS3. While the system itself was way better than the 360, they just made the mistake of alienating the developers and fans by making the system hard to develop for and making it too expensive. They fixed mistakes they made with the PS3 when making the PS4, and once again just have the best product. Like they always had. And it's painfully obvious at this point that the PS4 is the better console. There is no uncertainty at this point, 2 years into the console generation.


I would say that is your opinion on things because the PS3 lack things that the 360 had on the get go. Even PS2 lacked decent online play compared to Xbox original. Sony is a great console maker but it's clear that they still have a long way to go before being superior in both hardware and software. 

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I would say that is your opinion on things because the PS3 lack things that the 360 had on the get go. Even PS2 lacked decent online play compared to Xbox original. Sony is a great console maker but it's clear that they still have a long way to go before being superior in both hardware and software. 

None of this is a matter of opinion. The proprietary hardware they used made it difficult for developers to make games for a long time, which led to fewer overall releases. That and the high price point when it was released were mistakes. Both of which they recitifed with the PS4. As for the PS1 and PS2, both consoles outsold their competition by a very significant margin. The PS2 is still the best selling console on the planet.

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please don't start another pointless argument about this, some negative users already did this in another similar thread and all of their replies got deleted by the admin of this site.

the OP was only sharing some PS4's sales numbers which is called news, nothing else, so just don't


Apologies, new around here so didn't realise this was a common thing. Carry on good sir:) Anyway, Well done Sony again:) I actually would like to see MS catch up since usually that puts a bit of fire into Sony, competition is good for everyone.

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Apologies, new around here so didn't realise this was a common thing. Carry on good sir:) Anyway, Well done Sony again:) I actually would like to see MS catch up since usually that puts a bit of fire into Sony, competition is good for everyone.

oh sorry didn't realized you were new! welcome to the site! :D have a good trophy hunting  <3

Edited by smellslikejavier
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