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PS4 Was #1 in US Console Sales for December & All of 2015


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Okay, now that all that has been established, Sony, let PS4 run on auto-pilot. There are plenty of reasons for developers to pick your console. You don't need any more press conferences. Slip an official three sentence announcement to the AP monthly and don't waste any more time.


NOW focus back on the VITA and PS TV! You know, the other consoles you are selling? Get some more first party support out there for these things so you can move some more units. The things are amazing and everyone ignores them because YOU ignore them!


Sony, PS4 will continue to be the best selling console of this generation until next generation. We already know that! Stop wasting our time with these inane announcements and support the rest of your products!!



>First-party publishers



Come on, you can't really mean it =D

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Okay, now that all that has been established, Sony, let PS4 run on auto-pilot. There are plenty of reasons for developers to pick your console. You don't need any more press conferences. Slip an official three sentence announcement to the AP monthly and don't waste any more time.


NOW focus back on the VITA and PS TV! You know, the other consoles you are selling? Get some more first party support out there for these things so you can move some more units. The things are amazing and everyone ignores them because YOU ignore them!


Sony, PS4 will continue to be the best selling console of this generation until next generation. We already know that! Stop wasting our time with these inane announcements and support the rest of your products!!


It really is true, it's only "dying" because they're neglecting it. The amount of amazing 3rd party games prove that.

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Nothing was wrong with PS2, but they let it's success get to their head. At the PS3 reveal, they were so full of themselves that they were saying we would get 2 jobs just to afford a PS3. They made a lot of stupid decisions back then and it cost them. They spent most of last gen playing catch up, which is good for us consumers because it meant they had to win us back. If they don't need to try against their competition to win anymore, then they won't.


Not to mention the Cell processor, which was so unique that devs had to employ alchemists to figure out how to code for the damn thing. Again, they thought that their console would sell so well that cell processing would become the "norm", and that everyone would develop for them first, other systems later. 

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Given Sony consoles have outsold Microsoft consoles each generation they've been in competition it's funny this seems to be so newsworthy every month. Maybe people should start announcing that water is wet as well  :rolleyes:

Microsoft are in a better position, but I can't help the feeling that they are always gonna be 2nd best. I mean they've already said in interviews that they don't think they're gonna come close to the PS4 in terms of sales. Then there's the whole thing about them putting a bigger focus on PC gaming, leaving hardly anything that's actually exclusive for Xbone, and it doesn't show a lot of confidence in their own product.

It's bad times if they gain a monopoly on the market, similar to what they had with PS2. All you have to do is look at the PS3 reveal to see how far they were up their own arses. :P

They're focused on connectivity among devices, something Sony seemed to be interested in at one point too (before Microsoft did Windows 10) but have since apparently given up on (Vita/PS TV). Some games do come out for both PC and console but I think the vast majority of games are, and will still be, exclusive to one or the other. I'm sure a fair amount of games will end up on both such as their first party games, or ones they help finance such as the newest Tomb Raider, but it's still going to be up to the devs whether or not they'll be on both. I really don't think making a game for both PC and console has anything to do with lack of confidence in their product, it's just smart business because some people prefer PC, some people prefer console and some people do both. Besides, with the way people buy games purely for achievements and trophies (just look at Sound Shapes  :facepalm:  ) there will probably be a fair amount that would get it for both just to boost their gamerscore/trophy count.

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They're focused on connectivity among devices, something Sony seemed to be interested in at one point too (before Microsoft did Windows 10) but have since apparently given up on (Vita/PS TV). 


Well, in that sense, Vita and PS TV do in fact remote play PS4 titles, so they kinda nailed that part of connectivity among devices. I have a Win phone (hold your jokes), but thought Xbox was supposed to have the same type of interaction with Win phones as Vitas do with PS4's. I guess I'm curious on how MS is focused on connectivity among devices. 

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Well, in that sense, Vita and PS TV do in fact remote play PS4 titles, so they kinda nailed that part of connectivity among devices. I have a Win phone (hold your jokes), but thought Xbox was supposed to have the same type of interaction with Win phones as Vitas do with PS4's. I guess I'm curious on how MS is focused on connectivity among devices. 


lol I also have a Windows phone actually (and rather prefer it over my current S4 too). This is all just my interpretation of course with what I've seen them do but they've made it to where you can stream Xbox One games to PCs and tablets with Windows 10 (though I haven't tried it so I can't say how well it works), plus with the Smartglass they were doing, which probably didn't take off quite like they hoped. You can also buy/rent a movie through the Windows 10 store and watch it on your Xbox, probably do it with music too though I haven't tried that either, and browse their Xbox video store, or whatever they're calling it now, through the Microsoft store website. They've also switched the Xbox OS to Windows 10 so it'll be easier for developers, if they're developing for one Microsoft platform then they're pretty much already developing for the other. The Windows 10 Xbox app is a huge improvement over what they used to have, though it does have a few kinks to work out still but pretty nice overall and makes interacting with friends on Xbox much easier than it used to be, largely because of being able to just use your computer's keyboard without having to get an extra one or chatpad device for the Xbox system.


i know a lot of these are probably just little things but, to me, they all indicate a growing attempt at interconnectivity among their various products, making it easier to transition between devices and giving people easier access to their media content regardless of what device they're using or purchased/rented it on. Some people won't care about any of this I'm sure but being a huge Star Trek fan all of this has a certain appeal to me lol.


I was rather hoping they would have put more into their Windows phone game development as well, or maybe even just come out with a device closer to the Vita than what a phone can do. Even though you can stream games to a Windows 10 tablet I just don't see most games working that well on a device like that.

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I used to love Nintendo games, but I gave up on them when they announced the Wii and it's gimmicky controllers. 


Is it bad that, if I'm being honest, I'm sort of hoping that Nintendo is forced to become a third party publisher? I'd love to see some of their franchises come to my console of choice, and I can't see that happening as long as they keep making their own consoles. 

Keep waiting nintendo is the richest out of all 3 and the most resourceful wiiu failed make some amiibos. 

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Now, if they keep the momentum going, perhaps they'll start spending some of that cash improving their system, and investing in more first party studios and games. If they do this, I can see them dominating for quite some time. All 3 of the big companies have fumbled at some point, and while monopolies aren't very good a majority of the time, perhaps the dominance will kick Microsoft in the ball bag enough to get their shit together, and maybe Nintendo will get a push as well... Thus bringing the competition back in play. Only time will tell. 

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I used to love Nintendo games, but I gave up on them when they announced the Wii and it's gimmicky controllers. 


Is it bad that, if I'm being honest, I'm sort of hoping that Nintendo is forced to become a third party publisher? I'd love to see some of their franchises come to my console of choice, and I can't see that happening as long as they keep making their own consoles. 

I would love if that happens, but everyone knows that Sega does what Nintendon't :P

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Even wealthy companies have shareholders. They will only tolerate the company making uncompetitive products for so long.


Nintendo's products are plenty competitive. At best, you can cite the WiiU, but even in that case, while they don't have the raw console sales that Sony has, they are able to sell so much software and peripheral stuff that it doesn't matter. Nintendo rarely takes year-long losses as well. 

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The only question here is do sales affect your enjoyment of you're chosen system? There should only be one answer.

please don't start another pointless argument about this, some negative users already did this in another similar thread and all of their replies got deleted by the admin of this site.

the OP was only sharing some PS4's sales numbers which is called news, nothing else, so just don't.

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Its good to see this YES! But come on need to have Microsoft to come alive … THe console industrie does not look good if its only PS4 winning all the time! Then it will die out for sure!! 

i don't think so, i mean the ps1 and ps2 pretty much had a monopoly when they were released, the ps2 even sold more than 180 millions consoles worldwide while other consoles of its time didn't even reach more than 50 millions consoles sold, and the ps2 still became one of the best consoles of all time.

even if the PS4 isn't perfect (no platform is perfect) it still have plenty of good titles like bloodborne, until dawn, uncharted, infamous, tlou, etc and this year we'll see many more like uncharted 4, the last guardian, horizon, wild, dreams, ni no kuni 2, and in some place in the future we'll be seeing hideo kojima's new game for the PS4 and the awesome detroit become human from quantic dream.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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Vita-tan is :awesome:

vita senpai, san, man, lan, pan, lakalaka is a very good handheld with an impressive hardware, unfortunately sony didn't supported it as much on the western countries so right now only the asian market is getting good games out of it (and when i say good i mean for their taste, personally i don't like any of those games because their are "too much japanese" or niche or i don't know how you call it).

but well i suppose there are many people from this side of the world who enjoy them, like you, and that's good.

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i don't think so, i mean the ps1 and ps2 pretty much had a monopoly when they were released, the ps2 even sold more than 180 millions consoles worldwide while other consoles of its time didn't even reach more than 50 millions consoles sold, and the ps2 still became one of the best consoles of all time.

even if the PS4 isn't perfect (no platform is perfect) it still have plenty of good titles like bloodborne, until dawn, uncharted, infamous, tlou, etc and this year we'll see many more like uncharted 4, the last guardian, horizon, wild, dreams, ni no kuni 2, and in some place in the future we'll be seeing hideo kojima's new game for the PS4 and the awesome detroit become human from quantic dream.

The industry at the Ps1-2 era was much more better than today, hence why some are anxious of what might happen if this continues and ends up turning into a monopoly.

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The industry at the Ps1-2 era was much more better than today, hence why some are anxious of what might happen if this continues and ends up turning into a monopoly.

i remember people still complaining about prices and all that stuff even in those era's, still if the PS4 continues to be a monopoly and wins this generation (which i'm pretty sure it will by this point) people will still be buying consoles, there are millions of people out there who might not like playing on pc or they find consoles much more better to play with, even the PS4 sold even faster than the PS2 when it was released, so i don't think they will be dying any time soon for now.

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Not too surprising. I've always said that the only reason the 360 was able to do so well last gen, was because the Sony did a pretty terrible job with the PS3. They made it way too expensive and hard to develop for. They fixed those problems with the PS4, and now they're on top again. Just like they've always been.

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Not too surprising. I've always said that the only reason the 360 was able to do so well last gen, was because the Sony did a pretty terrible job with the PS3. They made it way too expensive and hard to develop for. They fixed those problems with the PS4, and now they're on top again. Just like they've always been.


I don't know, a lot of people are saying that PS4 is the better choice out of the three for primary gaming reasons not because it's a Sony console. Look at the PS4 top 10 from Sony themselves for EU and US, Blood-borne only ranked 10 on the US list.


We will only know if what you say is true by ninth gen. 

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I don't know, a lot of people are saying that PS4 is the better choice out of the three for primary gaming reasons not because it's a Sony console. Look at the PS4 top 10 from Sony themselves for EU and US, Blood-borne only ranked 10 on the US list.


We will only know if what you say is true by ninth gen. 

i don't know, the ps3 wasn't so popular when it launched because it costed too much and the x360 was released 1 year before i think and it costed less, even so the ps3 had more sales on europe and japan even though the x360 was more popular in america because that was his "native" home, and by the end of their cycle the ps3 had the more sales worldwide, even if i was by just a small difference.


many european countries and japan always prefered the playstation brand more than the xbox brand (and the ps was also created in japan) even in the non-monopoly ps3 era, needless to say and like many of us saw on the other thread the ps4 hit 2 millions consoles sold in germany and i think it hit more than 1 million in france, while the xbox one didn't even hit 1 million on neither of those countries, and i know from experience that other countries like spain were always on the playstation side, even in the ps3 era.


i think i read on some site that many users also prefer the ps4 because it has the higher resolution and it's one of the most powerful from all of the three, but the brand also took a big part on its sales.

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