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PS4 Was #1 in US Console Sales for December & All of 2015


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Making it back-to-back first place finishes, and ending 2015 on a high note, the PlayStation 4 was the #1 selling system in the United States for both December 2015 and all of 2015, according to NPD data, Sony announced today.
In their statement about the results, Sony also mentioned that it had the strongest third-party software sales in the US during 2015:

As we reflect on an amazing year, we want to thank fans and partners for making PlayStation 4 the top selling console in December and in 2015. PS4 also had the strongest third-party software sales in 2015 in the U.S., according to NPD.
The momentum and enthusiasm for the platform continued throughout the year, resulting in cumulative sales of more than35.9 million since the launch of PS4. During the holiday season alone, more than 5.7 million PS4s and 35 million PS4 games were sold through to consumers worldwide. We look forward to another great year and bringing an extensive portfolio of games from our publisher partners and SCE Worldwide Studios to fans in 2016.

Looking at 2015 as a whole, the PS4 was #1 in 10 of 12 months, losing to the Xbox One only in October and April.



Edited by Finozzi1696
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They may have won this year, but next year is looking very dicey with the Nintendo's NX just around the cor-- pffft, who am I kidding!? Even Nintendo can't stop the PS4's reign of terror now.  :P

Call me Patrick but I must've been living under a rock for the past year. This is my first time hearing about Nintendo's NX lol. 

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Please, just please, don't let this become a monopoly for years to come.

Maybe we'll see them get knocked down a peg with PSVR. I just don't see it becoming successful, at least not right out of the gate. And with their history of abandoning their products, it could be a big failure. We'll see...

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Maybe we'll see them get knocked down a peg with PSVR. I just don't see it becoming successful, at least not right out of the gate. And with their history of abandoning their products, it could be a big failure. We'll see...


Microsoft and Nintendo need to make extra efforts in order to bring competition back. Otherwise Sony is going to keep taking small little things (or huge ones like the PsPlus move they pulled off long ago) slowly and in a subtle manner with the sole intent of spending less.


Gotta hate when video games become so mixed with business logic.

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Microsoft and Nintendo need to make extra efforts in order to bring competition back. Otherwise Sony is going to keep taking small little things (or huge ones like the PsPlus move they pulled off long ago) slowly and in a subtle manner with the sole intent of spending less.


Gotta hate when video games become so mixed with business logic.

I agree, but unfortunately I don't think Microsoft or Nintendo are up to the task anymore tbh. I mean Nintendo's gotta fight just to stay relevant these days. If NX goes the way of the Wii U, they're done for in the home console market. Microsoft are in a better position, but I can't help the feeling that they are always gonna be 2nd best. I mean they've already said in interviews that they don't think they're gonna come close to the PS4 in terms of sales. Then there's the whole thing about them putting a bigger focus on PC gaming, leaving hardly anything that's actually exclusive for Xbone, and it doesn't show a lot of confidence in their own product.

It's bad times if they gain a monopoly on the market, similar to what they had with PS2. All you have to do is look at the PS3 reveal to see how far they were up their own arses. :P

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I agree, but unfortunately I don't think Microsoft or Nintendo are up to the task anymore tbh. I mean Nintendo's gotta fight just to stay relevant these days. If NX goes the way of the Wii U, they're done for in the home console market. Microsoft are in a better position, but I can't help the feeling that they are always gonna be 2nd best. I mean they've already said in interviews that they don't think they're gonna come close to the PS4 in terms of sales. Then there's the whole thing about them putting a bigger focus on PC gaming, leaving hardly anything that's actually exclusive for Xbone, and it doesn't show a lot of confidence in their own product.

It's bad times if they gain a monopoly on the market, similar to what they had with PS2. All you have to do is look at the PS3 reveal to see how far they were up their own arses. :P


Agreed, and I think it might be much worse than past times. Nintendo has tons of money and they could pull off a decent comeback with the NX. As for Microsoft, they should do the same and expand their horizons with exclusives and more perks for the Xone.


But eh, as you can see, I merely use "could", "should", etc.


Mere wishes that competition should be brought back and make Sony try harder.

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It's bad times if they gain a monopoly on the market, similar to what they had with PS2. All you have to do is look at the PS3 reveal to see how far they were up their own arses. :P

what was wrong with the ps2? from what i recall they had a monopoly since the beginning and it still became one of the best consoles of all time, with the best games. 

Edited by smellslikejavier
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I used to love Nintendo games, but I gave up on them when they announced the Wii and it's gimmicky controllers. 


Is it bad that, if I'm being honest, I'm sort of hoping that Nintendo is forced to become a third party publisher? I'd love to see some of their franchises come to my console of choice, and I can't see that happening as long as they keep making their own consoles. 

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I used to love Nintendo games, but I gave up on them when they announced the Wii and it's gimmicky controllers. 


Is it bad that, if I'm being honest, I'm sort of hoping that Nintendo is forced to become a third party publisher? I'd love to see some of their franchises come to my console of choice, and I can't see that happening as long as they keep making their own consoles. 


You deserve way more than just one like.


And no, it's not bad at at all. Nintendo always made great games, but ever since the Wii, their hardware-making decisions have been terrible (and they've been questionable ever since the N64). I think they're holding on too tightly to the past, when they were hardware-selling giants, and can't see that the only thing they've been doing right for a long time now is their games.


They can stay on the handheld side of things, they clearly know how to handle that market (even though I'd much rather play their games on Sony's handhelds, not only are they much more powerful, I also enjoy their design a whole lot more). But on the home console front, clearly the time has come for Nintendo to go the Sega way and just focus on software.

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Looking at 2015 as a whole, the PS4 was #1 in 10 of 12 months, losing to the Xbox One only in October and April.


Okay, now that all that has been established, Sony, let PS4 run on auto-pilot. There are plenty of reasons for developers to pick your console. You don't need any more press conferences. Slip an official three sentence announcement to the AP monthly and don't waste any more time.


NOW focus back on the VITA and PS TV! You know, the other consoles you are selling? Get some more first party support out there for these things so you can move some more units. The things are amazing and everyone ignores them because YOU ignore them!


Sony, PS4 will continue to be the best selling console of this generation until next generation. We already know that! Stop wasting our time with these inane announcements and support the rest of your products!!

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what was wrong with the ps2? from what i recall they had a monopoly since the beginning and it still became one of the best consoles of all time, with the best games.

Nothing was wrong with PS2, but they let it's success get to their head. At the PS3 reveal, they were so full of themselves that they were saying we would get 2 jobs just to afford a PS3. They made a lot of stupid decisions back then and it cost them. They spent most of last gen playing catch up, which is good for us consumers because it meant they had to win us back. If they don't need to try against their competition to win anymore, then they won't.

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