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57 minutes ago, StewartBros said:

You do need to be connected to the Konami servers to develop your nuke, and also to dispose of it before another player can steal it from you.  This is what happened to me - someone stole it from my FOB (Forward Operating Base) before I got the chance to dispose of it, so now I have to build another one and hopefully be able to dispose of that one in time.


Also, you need to invade another player's FOB to get the Intruder trophy.  This is a very simple trophy, as you get it upon spawning into their base, so once it pops, you can abort the mission if you don't feel like completing it.

Invading FOBs is, however, a good way to steal resources and soldiers from other players, and the points you accumulate from doing so can be exchanged for high-ranking soldiers.

Thanks for the heads up.


I have bad internet in my neck of the woods, so any online regarding precision or extreme coordination is a big no no. Metal Gear Solid V has relatively tame online requirements.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 13/07/2022 at 11:37 PM, AJ_Radio said:

It's a long game, takes 150 hours or more for most people. Rushing the game would completely kill any excitement I had for it, another reason why I think trophy speedruns are utterly pointless.


Oh, I'm definitely not rushing it.  I passed the 200-hour mark a while back. ?


Speedruns, though, can actually be quite enjoyable at times.  If there's a speedrun in a game, I tend to leave it until pretty much the end of the game, so that I can play the game once or twice in a normal fashion, enjoy it, and then finish up with the speed run, so that by that point, I'll know the game well enough to run through it without getting lost (hopefully).


Most speedruns are actually quite generous with their time allowances, so you don't always need to storm through the game or level as fast as possible.  You usually have a bit of wiggle room.

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The Phantom Pain is FINALLY ready to plat.  All that's left to do is to pick a plant in one of the missions, to complete the :silver:Executed trophy and pop the platinum.


Since I'm saving the plat for my 10,000th trophy, I have another 50 or so trophies to earn in the meantime, and I decided that, after the slog that was MGS V, it was time to kick back and relax with a couple of short, easy games.  First up, we have:





Art Deco


Unlock all trophies.

Rarity: Common


Glass Masquerade has been in my backlog for a little while now.  I bought it and its sequel in a sale, to bolster the little pile of short, easy games that I use to break up the longer, harder ones.  A very relaxing experience, with calming music and no time constraints, although the clock hands on the face of each puzzle would seem to imply otherwise.  The glass artworks looked quite nice, and as something of an artist myself, it was a refreshing change to play something that focused on art itself.


I had intended to play it throughout the remainder of this week, but I was enjoying it and not having any real difficulties, so I just decided to push on with it and ended up finishing the whole game in one sitting.


I think I might start up TMNT: Shredder's Revenge next, to knock out the MP trophies and play in co-op with a mate.  Turtle Power! :D



On 20/07/2022 at 6:24 AM, AJ_Radio said:

I’m going to start Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Wish me luck. 

You’re very close to finishing The Phantom Pain.


You should be fine with GZ.  There isn't anything especially troublesome in it.  Some of the S-Rank runs might take a few tries, but there's nothing that isn't achievable with a bit of practice.  Feel free to message me if you want any tips.



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5 hours ago, StewartBros said:

You should be fine with GZ.  There isn't anything especially troublesome in it.  Some of the S-Rank runs might take a few tries, but there's nothing that isn't achievable with a bit of practice.  Feel free to message me if you want any tips.


Appreciate the helpful advice man. Phantom Pain looks rather daunting for me, may possibly be my longest platinum surpassing both The Witcher 3 and Yakuza 0 which took me around 130 hours or so to finish. Will save that game for a later date down the road.

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Platinum #186

Trophy #10,000





Obtain all trophies.

5.04% - Very Rare






No, Snake.... I'm the one who kept you waiting this time.  7 long years since Phantom Pain's release, to be exact.  To be fair, though, I didn't own a PS4 7 years ago, and had only platted MGS4 5.5 years ago.  But, I digress. ?


It's finally finished.  A journey that began on 19th May this year, and has involved 228 hours, 5946 enemies being marked, 1689 headshots, 4199 enemy neutralizations, 2593 non-lethal weapon uses, 815 kills, 1706 people extracted via Fulton, and 128,811,040 GMP earned, has finally reached its end.... at least in terms of trophies.  I still intend to play for a while yet, to develop additional items and weapons, to play FOB missions, and to further level up Mother Base.


Metal Gear Solid has been one of my favourite PlayStation franchises ever since the PS1 days.  When the first game came out, way back in 1998, I admittedly wasn't immediately taken with it.  I was looking for an action game to play, where I could get into big shootouts with enemies and just generally wreck the place.  MGS, with its emphasis on stealth and having Snake start off with a tiny health bar and no weapons, was having none of that, though.  Eventually, I came back to it and decided to give it another shot, and found one of my favourite games on that console.  MGS 2 and 3, when they were released on PS2, were instant buys, although it took me a couple of years to buy my first PS3, so MGS4 had to wait.  I later bought the MGS HD Collection on PS3, which was my first experience with Peace Walker, and I would also play Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (the Raiden spinoff game set several years after the end of MGS4).  So, yes, I've followed the series closely over the last 24 years, barring the likes of Metal Gear Ac!d and Ghost Babel, and that Survive..... thing.... which shall not be mentioned again.


So.  Let's start with how TPP looks.  This game looks goddamn gorgeous, although this is a hallmark of the MGS series. 




Given that this game came out in 2015, it can still more than hold its own against even the most recent AAA titles.  Everything about it looks stunning - the sunlight reflecting off surfaces, blades of grass parting as you move through them, sweat trickling down characters' faces, the rain..... EVERYTHING.  Little touches like dust clouds blowing across the terrain are commonplace in games today, but rarely do they look as good as they do here.  The sheer amount of detail and texture that is packed into rocks on the ground, trees, vehicles and so on is staggering - one thing the MGS series could never be accused of is skimping on the graphics.


The game is incredibly fun to play.  The sheer amount of tactical options at Snake's disposal mean that there are many possible ways to approach each mission.  Do you take the classic MGS approach and sneak your way into the enemy base, knock out enemies rather than kill them, and get out again without being spotted?  No problem - you have a tranq pistol and plenty of non-lethal diversionary tools with which to distract guards.  Want to go in all, guns blazing, Rambo style?  Just equip a good assault rifle or shotgun, and some grenades or a rocket launcher, and just get medieval on their asses.

The latter method, of course, is not the "correct" way to play a Metal Gear game.  In this game (and in Peace Walker), taking the non-lethal approach means that you can use your Fulton extraction system to transport any soldiers you KO back to Mother Base, where they will eventually be convinced to work for you and contribute their skills to your mission.  These skills might include language translation (so you can interrogate non-English speaking soldiers), or enabling the development of anti-materiel rounds for your sniper rifles, or increasing Mother Base's various departments (R&D, Intel, Support, etc), which in turn allows you to develop higher-grade equipment or receive detailed reports on your surroundings when you're in the field.


While you're in the field, there are several "buddies" you can deploy to assist you.  The first is D-Horse, who is available to you from the second mission onwards, and he is ideal for getting from A to B quickly, although he is not armed in any way.  You can leave him in the middle of a road and use him to stop an approaching vehicle, so that you can Fulton it out of the area if you wish (provided you have the relevant Fulton upgrades).  The second buddy is D-Dog, who is a wolf club that you have to physically find in the game.  He eventually grows into an adult wolf, and is very useful during missions - he can place markers above any enemy he detects, he can locate medicinal plants and landmines and mark them on the map, he can bark to distract enemies, and can even be trained to stun or kill them.  Third, we have the sniper Quiet, whom you have to defeat in battle before recruiting her (or, alternately, killing her....... but you really don't want to do that).  Quiet can recon an enemy outpost and mark every enemy within it.  She will then provide sniper support - she will shoot at any enemy you are looking at through your binoculars if you tell her to, she can be ordered to engage enemies at will, and if Snake is spotted by a soldier and Reflex mode is triggered, she will kill the soldier before he can sound an alarm.

Next up, there's D-Walker, which is a mini Metal Gear mech you can operate, equipped with various weapons, and which can prove extremely effective against certain enemies.  Finally, you can call in your helicopter for support fire if needed.  You can even switch between buddies on the fly; you might take D-Horse into a mission, ride him to the enemy base, then dismiss him and call in Quiet instead for backup.


You can extensively customize a number of weapons, to attach suppressors, flashlights, camo patterns and so on, and can even play as certain soldiers that you extract back to Mother Base!  Completing missions with these troops can level them up and, by extension, level up your Combat Unit (the only group of soldiers you can play as - you can't play as a Medical staff member, for example).  There are only a handful of female staff that you can play as, but if you want to spend some time playing as GI Jane, then you can. 


Hopefully, Will Smith won't slap me for that remark! ?




So, I've established that the game is fun to play.  But, what about its story, which is usually the highlight of a Metal Gear game?  Well............


Compared to previous games in the series, The Phantom Pain's story............ just isn't very good.  More than that, in fact - there's hardly any story at all!

It does start off quite promisingly, with the opening Prologue chapter showing a very dark and gruesome introduction to the story, and it does seem to set the scene for what's to come..... but it doesn't take too long for things to go off in a completely different direction.  Which may not have been a problem in and of itself, but the thing is that it doesn't really seem to know what story it actually wants to tell.  Being comprised of 50 individual missions, rather than a single ongoing mission, means that half the time, you're doing things that seem to have little to no real significance to the story.  Certain missions are actually repeated later in the story, with no reason given as to why you're having to do the exact same things again that you already did 20 missions previously.  The repeated missions do carry certain conditions that make them harder than their original versions - Total Stealth (get spotted and it's game over), Subsistence (start with no equipment whatsoever and procure everything on-site) and Extreme Difficulty, which is self-explanatory - but again, it makes no sense story-wise to have to redo these missions, and they simply feel like they're there to pad out the game in place of its bare-bones story.


Metal Gear Solid is famous for its labyrinthine plots, told through a vast array of cutscenes that give the games a truly cinematic style.  The Phantom Pain, however, does away with most of that.  The cutscenes that it does have are rarely more than a few minutes long, and some of these scenes barely seem to advance the plot in any meaningful way.  Snake doesn't even speak in a good number of them - I really didn't get why Kojima was so obsessed with casting a big actor like Kiefer Sutherland as Snake, and then barely giving Sutherland any dialogue to work with.  Most of the game's backstory is told through the use of cassette tapes that Snake can listen to on his iDroid device or in his Aerial Command Centre (ACC).


Of course, it's a well-known fact that The Phantom Pain is an unfinished game.  Konami pushed Hideo Kojima to release it before he could finalise the ending of the game, and it shows in the final product.  This led to Kojima leaving Konami following TPP's release, and setting up his own studio, meaning that TPP will forever remain an incomplete article.






So, in conclusion, I did really enjoy my time playing through Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.  As mentioned previously, it is great fun to play, and the myriad weapons and tools at your disposal mean that that there are many ways to approach each mission.  Extracting high-ranking soldiers in order to level up Mother Base was fun, and acquiring the various resources needed to expand the base, develop a nuclear weapon, and even just commence missions meant that I was always looking in every corner of a base or outpost.  The 157 or so Side Ops sounded daunting at first, but the majority of them only took a few minutes to complete.  When I wanted a break from stealing soldiers and resources, I'd look for the various animals in the game, many of which are never actually seen in-game; you have to place down capture cages and then exfiltrate the area in order to acquire them.


The story, however, is where this game is let down.  It simply isn't as memorable or as epic as its predecessors  -perhaps if Kojima had actually been allowed to finish the game, we'd have gotten a "true" ending.  Still, I'm proud to have this platinum at last, and to have it be my 10,000th trophy overall is the icing on the cake.  This marks the 3rd time a Metal Gear game has been a milestone of mine - the MGS3 plat was my 2,000th trophy, and MGS4 was my 100th platinum.


Now, though.... it's time to relax with a few short and easy games, after spending 228 hours on this behemoth!




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7 hours ago, StewartBros said:

Platinum #186

Trophy #10,000




Nice ?.


I agree. The Phantom Pain is a good videogame (fun to play, gives a lot of freedom, looks great), but doesn't do the best job at being the "missing link" in the Metal Gear story. It was the last chance to flesh out Big Boss as the bad guy, but instead we got wolbachia ?.

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Word Wheel by POWGI


The Wheel McCoy

Collect all the trophies.



Had this one in my backlog for a while, and decided to relax with it after finishing MGS V.


I've now started playing Street Fighter V, but I am definitely not going for the platinum on this one.  I'll just be playing it for fun.  Street Fighter games require a crazy amount of skill and lightning-fast reflexes that I simply do not have, so I'll just be playing this periodically and getting whichever trophies I can.



On 26/07/2022 at 0:58 PM, Slava said:


Nice 1f44d.png.


I agree. The Phantom Pain is a good videogame (fun to play, gives a lot of freedom, looks great), but doesn't do the best job at being the "missing link" in the Metal Gear story. It was the last chance to flesh out Big Boss as the bad guy, but instead we got wolbachia 1f601.png.


Yep, I was pretty disappointed by the story, or lack thereof, in this game.  I actually wouldn't mind seeing an ongoing MGS comic series that could expand upon each game's story, and fill in the blanks between games.  They could show us the period between MGS1 and MGS2, where Snake and Otacon are working for Philanthropy, or the period leading up to Ground Zeroes where Paz and Chico are captured and wind up as prisoners of Skull Face, and so on.

Edited by StewartBros
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  • 3 weeks later...

Over the last few days, I've been playing TMNT: Shredder's Revenge with a buddy, and have now knocked out all but 3 of the trophies within just 3 or 4 days.  This game is so much fun, and is a superb callback to the Turtles cartoon series of the late 80s.  This may well end up being my next platinum. :)



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  • 1 month later...

:platinum: # 188




Honorable Sensei

Unlock all the Trophies.


Oh man, this was so much fun to play.  I'm old enough to have been a young lad when the Turtles first debuted in the late 80s, and had some of the action figures and would watch the cartoon show on TV.  Here in the UK, they were known back then as the Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles, because the word 'ninja' was associated with violence and therefore not deemed to be appropriate for a kids' cartoon series or some such nonsense.  This from the decade that gave us cartoon shows based upon violent movies such as Robocop, Rambo and the Toxic Avenger.  Go figure.


The 80s was the best decade for boy's toys.  We had the Turtles, He-Man, Thundercats, Transformers, Ghostbusters, Visionaries, and so many more.  Aah, memories.


But, I digress.  Turtles.  Right.


Being a Turtles fan from back in the day, and also a fan of pixel art (and an amateur pixel artist myself), this game was on my radar from the moment I became aware of it.  I bought it a couple of days after release, and was eager to be reunited with the world's most fearsome fighting team.  The fact that the original voice actors - Cam Clarke (Leonardo, Rocksteady), Townsend Coleman (Michelangelo, Rat King, Rahzar), Rob Paulsen (Raphael, Slash) and Barry Gordon (Donatello, Bebop) - were all back on board for this game truly gave it an authentic, true-to-the-cartoon feel.  Visually, it looks great - pixel art is not to everyone's tastes, but for a game like this, it works perfectly.  The backgrounds are full of tiny little details that can be easily missed in the chaos of fighting, but the stages are lifted straight out of the cartoon show.  The sprite motions are fluid and the individual animations look great, like when Donatello pulls out a Game Boy during his taunt animation, or when he twirls his bo staff during moments of idleness.


Some of the boss characters were new to me - I don't remember everyone from the cartoon show, so guys like General Traag or Groundchuck and Dirtbag were not familiar faces - but this didn't detract in any way from the overall experience.  It does get a little repetitive eventually, as you need to get all 7 characters up to level 10, which pretty much equates to defeating 2,000 enemies with EACH character.  The majority of levels can be completed in 5-6 minutes, so it's not a huge grind by any means - level 1 takes around 4 minutes and nets you approx 100 KOs - but it can feel a tad repetitive, as I said.  Playing in co-op is definitely more fun than doing it solo, but the kills are obviously shared between you and your partner(s), so levelling up will take longer than if you were to do it solo.


So, to sum up, TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is a great little title to play, and is even more enjoyable if, like me, you were around when the Turtles were first introduced.  Don't let its art style put you off; grab a couple of buddies and "party, dudes!", as Mikey would say. :D


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  • 1 month later...

Okay, 2 more plats to add to the list:





The Final Illusion

Unlock all trophies

59.64% - Common


Earned: 15th Oct 2022


As with the first game, I picked this up pretty cheap during a sale some time ago.  The puzzles are pretty easy on Normal difficulty, but when you switch over to Hard, they definitely become considerably tougher, as one would expect.  A few of the puzzles took me over an hour to complete, as I had elected to do them all without following a video, since I didn't need or want a 1-day platinum.


A number of the completed artworks looked lovely, and although you certainly need to engage the old grey matter for them, they weren't nearly as frustrating as IrishAndrew seemed to think they were, judging by all his posts in the game's forum subsection.  Just place as many of the "border" pieces as you can, and then you'll have a framework to work within, and from there it's just a matter of trial and error.  You'll finish each puzzle in time, and doing them this way is infinitely more satisfying than simply copying what someone else does on a video.





Platinum Trophy

Acquire all trophies

70.53% - Common


Earned: 24th Oct 2022


The Complex is the 3rd FMV game I've played, after Late Shift and Erica, and it was a pretty decent story.  Gameplay-wise, well.... there's no gameplay - your actions are limited simply to choosing dialogue/action options, such as deciding whether or not to respond to a character's question, or choosing whether to pass an obstacle carefully or recklessly.  You're confined to an underground laboratory for much of the time, which conveys somewhat of a sense of isolation, although there are other characters in there with you and you're in contact with the outside world, so you're not truly isolated.

The game is pretty short, which is a blessing when you consider that you have to finish it 8 times to see all the possible endings, excluding the secret ending which can be reached very early on.  However, unlike Erica, this time you can skip any scenes that you have previously seen and quickly advance to the next point in the game where you need to make a decision that will influence the next ending.  On my first run, I just played it "blind", without paying attention to any trophy requirements, and started mopping up subsequent playthroughs later on.  Given its short length, there's no harm in doing a blind run to begin with.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, time to start catching up on the last batch of platinums that I've earned.






The Hero of Heroes

Collect every trophy in Ratchet & Clank

Earned - 14th Nov 2022



Perhaps surprisingly for someone like myself, who has been a PlayStation gamer almost from the very beginning... this is the first Ratchet & Clank game I've ever played.


This was played as part of the Trophies To Fight Cancer 2022 event, and I had fun with it.  I had heard the stories about it missing some levels that were in the original game, and the two main characters hardly talking to each other, but this didn't bother me too much, since (as with the Spyro remake) I had never played the original, so had nothing to compare it to.  I still found it to be a fairly enjoyable romp, and it's made me want to play the PS5 game once I eventually get said console.


I didn't expect to have to do so much grinding to max out each weapon, but luckily there are several areas where enemies will spawn almost infinitely, so it was easy enough to just rinse and repeat the grinding.  The various time-limit trophies took a few attempts, but that's all, and playing the game again in Challenge Mode was definitely the best way to earn enough Bolts to level up the weapons.  I don't even want to imagine how long it might have taken otherwise...






Fear Perfect

You earned all trophies

Earned - 20th Nov 2022



Again, as with Spyro and Ratchet & Clank... Fear Effect was another franchise that I'd never played before.  This was also for the Trophies To Fight Cancer 2022 event, and........ yeah, it wasn't very good.  At all.


Movement and combat seemed clunky, the graphics were sub-PS2 standard, the voice acting was awful (especially for Deke), the story was nothing special, Deke's boss battle against his doppelganger was utter bullshit..... this game really didn't have any redeeming features at all.  The Tactical Pause feature did, admittedly, offer some assorted ways to plan out your attacks, but I hardly used it outside of its trophy requirement.


From a trophy perspective, it is at least a short platinum, but i wouldn't recommend buying it unless it's heavily discounted, and even then, you may feel like you were robbed. :P


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  • 1 month later...

Time for a few more additions, if anyone is still reading this thread :P





Don't Ruin The Moment

Collect all the Trophies.

Earned - 28th Dec 2022


I had originally planned to play this not too long after finishing Uncharted 4, so that the events of that game would be fresh in my mind, even if they ended up not having much of a bearing on this game.  It ended up taking me some 32 months to get to this one, though..... ?


I had a lot of fun with it, as I have done with all the other Uncharted games.  Lost Legacy definitely shows that the Uncharted franchise can continue on without involving Nate, and Chloe has undeniable potential as a protagonist, though hopefully Naughty Dog won't oversaturate the IP by giving us too many new entries.  Graphically, it looks simply stunning - I spent ages in the Western Ghats area just wandering around and marvelling at the vistas.  The puzzles were fairly simple, with a couple of them being very similar to puzzles found in Uncharted 4.  I hadn't known that a certain character who shows up later in the game was actually in it, so it was nice to see a bit more of them, and thankfully the boss fight this time around wasn't just an extended QTE sequence, as it has been in a few of the previous games.


When I eventually get around to buying a PS5, and assuming that I pick up the Uncharted Legacy Collection, I think I'll play both games again from scratch without importing my PS4 saves, so I can experience them all over again.





Platinum Remastered
Win all other trophies to take your place as the world's greatest sniper

Earned - 30th Jan 2023


I do enjoy a good sniping game, and have been growing fond of the Sniper Elite series, so I decided to get this one knocked out due to its being an older game with a handful of onlne trophies that could become unobtainable somewhere down the line.  The Overwatch co-op missions are fun to do with a competent partner, though it seems a shame that the campaign mode doesn't permit co-op play.  You could get the 5 online trophies done in a few hours if you were to knuckle down to it.


The story mode had a few relatively tough sections on Sniper Elite difficulty, but nothing that couldn't be accomplished with a bit of trial and error, and bearing in mind that you don't need to engage every enemy in combat; if you don't HAVE to fight an enemy, then don't - it's usually possible to sneak past them and save your ammo for the fights that you can't avoid.  And yes, I was aware of the glitch that can be used on Sniper Elite mode to make it much easier, but I chose not to use it, and beat the difficulty legit.


The X-Ray kill animations were pretty gruesome, as they always are in these games, though they were better in Sniper Elite III, since this game preceded that one.  I wonder how much bloodier they'll be in Sniper Elite 5.... ?





Full Exploration
Finish All Worlds

Earned - 17th Feb 2023


I picked this up during a cheap sale, and decided to try it out after finishing a few action-oriented games, for a change of pace.  The first couple of levels were fine, and I thought that if the rest of them were like that, then it would indeed be a calm, peaceful experience, as its name implies.


But..... it wasn't.


Subsequent levels were so bright that it became extremely difficult to navigate and find what you were suppsoed to be looking for.  You need to find a certain amount of collectibles in order to clear each level.  Said collectibles are largely white, and when you're looking for white collectibles in a level that is so goddamn bright that it may as well simply be pure white, and the bird you are playing as ends up blending into the whiteness, and your on-screen collectible tracker is ALSO white.... it doesn't make for a calm experience at all.  The movemenmt ends up becoming extremely janky during these times, which only adds to the frustration.


I know there are a multitude of other Aery titles, but...



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