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Heavy Rain PS3 vs PS4 graphics comparison


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Does anyone know if they remastered the controls at all? It was released when Wii was in its hay day and all the jiggle controls really annoyed me. Would much prefer more traditional control system.

i don't understand what you mean by "jiggle" controls, if you are referring to the motion sensor controls I think they are going to keep it, and they work well on many scenes, there were games where they did seemed annoying or forced like when the first uncharted was released and you had to do that when trowing grenades or walking through logs, but i think that in this "cinematic type" game they worked well, but i respect everyone's opinion.


Though I somewhat agree with you, 4 out of the 6 games you mentioned haven't even been released yet. Some have only shown minor gameplay. Other than that, all those games could be total garbage for all you know, lol.


The greatness in the PS4 has yet to be proven, though I am pretty sure that it will do just fine.

 yeah but i think all of them showed some gameplay and to me they looked really fun and interesting, but you're right and we'll have to wait until they are released to really give a proper opinion.


The biggest reason for the lack of backwards compatibility is to keep the price down. They'd have to include the PS3 hardware into the PS4, which would've meant the console itself costing around $500 instead of $300. I prefer the remasters myself.

yeah that's also true, personally i share your opinion i prefer playing remasters rather than the original game, mainly with this PS2 games on PS4, if the PS4 had BC i wouldn't even care because without trophies or good resolution personally i wouldn't be having fun playing them again, but now that they include all of that and some other features i'm 100% enjoying them and hoping they release more in the future (and if you don't like their prices you can always wait for a sale, all of this people that criticize remasters and their prices seems to always forget that there's something called "sales" where you will get the game cheaper).

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I Wonder if this will make the Longevity of the 8th gen Consoles Last as Long as the 7th Gen as these 3 years have been heavy on ports,remasters and re-releases I highly recommend Both games as there fun stories to play and an easy platinum as always, whom ever picks this collection up should go ahead and play Beyond: Two Souls before Heavy Rain, gotta save the best for last almost forgot make sure to play the DLC in Heavy Rain before the Full Game.

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I Wonder if this will make the Longevity of the 8th gen Consoles Last as Long as the 7th Gen as these 3 years have been heavy on ports,remasters and re-releases I highly recommend Both games as there fun stories to play and an easy platinum as always, whom ever picks this collection up should go ahead and play Beyond: Two Souls before Heavy Rain, gotta save the best for last almost forgot make sure to play the DLC in Heavy Rain before the Full Game.


well there have also been plenty of good exclusive AAA games released and the upcoming ones that will be released this year, but it seems that sometimes people only like to focus on the "half empty" side of things.


also personally i don't recommend playing beyond or the DLC before heavy rain, since heavy rain is older they should play it first because otherwise they will be dissappointed by the graphics, animations, mo-cap, etc that was greatly improved in beyond, and the DLC is about madison trying to discover if some strange guy is the origami killer, so it doesn't make sense to play it before the main game since it takes a little while for the main game to mention there's a killer on the loose. 

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I Wonder if this will make the Longevity of the 8th gen Consoles Last as Long as the 7th Gen as these 3 years have been heavy on ports,remasters and re-releases.


This current generation of consoles is significantly weaker than the last generation, respective to their time period. When the Xbox 360/PS3 came out they were outdated, yes, but not THAT far behind considering it was 2005. The PS4/Xbox One are very far behind on current tech, so I don't know how long they'll be able to keep up before they simply start to hold back progression.

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This current generation of consoles is significantly weaker than the last generation, respective to their time period. When the Xbox 360/PS3 came out they were outdated, yes, but not THAT far behind considering it was 2005. The PS4/Xbox One are very far behind on current tech, so I don't know how long they'll be able to keep up before they simply start to hold back progression.

i don't know about that "very far behind" thing, weren't the order 1886 and until dawn regarded as one of the best looking exclusives from last year? at least in every single review their graphics were highly praised.

the ps4 might need more "60 fps" in more games, but most of them runs at 1080p, it isn't 4k but is still not an "obsolete" resolution, considering the xbox one have way more 900p-only games.

it might not be at the level of a 100% superpowerful (and unnecessary expensive) high cost pc but at least is the most powerful one from all the other consoles and handhelds of this generation.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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This current generation of consoles is significantly weaker than the last generation, respective to their time period. When the Xbox 360/PS3 came out they were outdated, yes, but not THAT far behind considering it was 2005. The PS4/Xbox One are very far behind on current tech, so I don't know how long they'll be able to keep up before they simply start to hold back progression.


Only if you're one of those people that believes graphics make a game. Many other people know graphics only have to be good enough to make an amazing game. 

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i don't understand what you mean by "jiggle" controls, if you are referring to the motion sensor controls I think they are going to keep it, and they work well on many scenes, there were games where they did seemed annoying or forced like when the first uncharted was released and you had to do that when trowing grenades or walking through logs, but i think that in this "cinematic type" game they worked well, but i respect everyone's opinion.


 yeah but i think all of them showed some gameplay and to me they looked really fun and interesting, but you're right and we'll have to wait until they are released to really give a proper opinion.


yeah that's also true, personally i share your opinion i prefer playing remasters rather than the original game, mainly with this PS2 games on PS4, if the PS4 had BC i wouldn't even care because without trophies or good resolution personally i wouldn't be having fun playing them again, but now that they include all of that and some other features i'm 100% enjoying them and hoping they release more in the future (and if you don't like their prices you can always wait for a sale, all of this people that criticize remasters and their prices seems to always forget that there's something called "sales" where you will get the game cheaper).

That's your opinion on the motion controls but after playing Heavy Rain again recently I found them annoying and awful.

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Until PS4 has backward compatibility the PS2 is still the winner.


I think the reason most people hate remasters is because it is an excuse not to include backwards compatibility. SONY: "sorry no backwards compatibility, but check out this remaster for double and sometimes triple the price". 


Actually I prefer remasters than backwards compatibility, booting up the Ps3 to play something feels like I lost a day from the slow loading ui... plus I would love to see some of my older favorite games that actually had amazing stories in full beautiful eye candy graphics. I think the most people that "actually" do hate remasters are trophy hunters.

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Actually I prefer remasters than backwards compatibility, booting up the Ps3 to play something feels like I lost a day from the slow loading ui... plus I would love to see some of my older favorite games that actually had amazing stories in full beautiful eye candy graphics. I think the most people that "actually" do hate remasters are trophy hunters.

isn't the other way around? actually trophy hunters are the ones that generally loves playing remasters, that way they can earn trophies and platinums again from their favorites games, with this PS2 emulation on PS4 i saw many people making comments about which old games they want to see with trophies, meanwhile non-trophy hunters focused on complaining about the price and BC.

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Didn't notice much difference. 

yeah well it's just a remaster so there isn't much you can do, but at least their faces were improved and they now seems more realistic looking and are more detailed, and also the lighting effects and color palette where improved, along with the resolution and fps.

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I hope the lifecycle is long, as I prefer to get the most out of my investment. Until it bogs down innovation, at which point I'll be ready for the next generation. The PS4 will do great with sales, I believe, but if Sony wants to get in on VR and all the latest tech stuff, they're going to have to wring the PS4 like a towel. During the PS3, I had to endure some serious bullshit because of the system's weaknesses. (Fallout games with DLC are almost unplayable after a while, horrible Skyrim launch, Dark Souls frame rate, etc.) I just don't want the PS4 to not be able to keep up with developer's visions, causing them to release inferior products.

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Actually I prefer remasters than backwards compatibility, booting up the Ps3 to play something feels like I lost a day from the slow loading ui... plus I would love to see some of my older favorite games that actually had amazing stories in full beautiful eye candy graphics. I think the most people that "actually" do hate remasters are trophy hunters.

The only way older games can have beautiful graphics is if they were remade. Remasters will always look bad im afraid.

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I hope the lifecycle is long, as I prefer to get the most out of my investment. Until it bogs down innovation, at which point I'll be ready for the next generation. The PS4 will do great with sales, I believe, but if Sony wants to get in on VR and all the latest tech stuff, they're going to have to wring the PS4 like a towel. During the PS3, I had to endure some serious bullshit because of the system's weaknesses. (Fallout games with DLC are almost unplayable after a while, horrible Skyrim launch, Dark Souls frame rate, etc.) I just don't want the PS4 to not be able to keep up with developer's visions, causing them to release inferior products.

yeah that's true, but i think that those 3 games you mentioned had been criticized a few times across more than 1 platform about their performance, at least i read some users negative critics about fallout 4 performance when it was released on pc, but i think bethesda games in general had always had bad performance issues, i remember playing call of cthulhu (i think that was its name) when i used to play on pc and even if i had more than the system requirements required i still had many fps drops and freezes with the game, same thing with the evil within which run terrible at times (and this one had problem on all 3 platforms regarding its issues). yeah let's hope the developers doesn't struggle that much with systems like this but as of now personally i'm really impressed from what i have seen from uncharted 4, the last guardian and detroit become human, i know we'll have to wait until we play it but at least the way they look is really great, i know that the story mode of uncharted 4 will be at 30 fps but well i know that i will enjoy it regardless.

The only way older games can have beautiful graphics is if they were remade. Remasters will always look bad im afraid.

i think he was talking about the resolution aspect of the games when they get remastered and how clear they look, dark cloud 2 looks really pretty as a ps2 game on ps4, remasters will obviously not have next gen graphics since (giving a weird example) they are like a dirty window that you clean to make it look prettier but they are still the same window.

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yeah that's true, but i think that those 3 games you mentioned had been criticized a few times across more than 1 platform about their performance, at least i read some users negative critics about fallout 4 performance when it was released on pc, but i think bethesda games in general had always had bad performance issues, i remember playing call of cthulhu (i think that was its name) when i used to play on pc and even if i had more than the system requirements required i still had many fps drops and freezes with the game, same thing with the evil within which run terrible at times (and this one had problem on all 3 platforms regarding its issues). yeah let's hope the developers doesn't struggle that much with systems like this but as of now personally i'm really impressed from what i have seen from uncharted 4, the last guardian and detroit become human, i know we'll have to wait until we play it but at least the way they look is really great, i know that the story mode of uncharted 4 will be at 30 fps but well i know that i will enjoy it regardless.

Some developers are just lazy and seem to never truly invest much in their engines. Like Telltale Games, who's engine doesn't work on ANY platform (PC is just as bad as consoles). Bethesda's engine is very old so it's showing its age very badly, but the problem always was how RAM intense it is, causing the PS3 versions of their games to be, well, crap. 


On to the original subject, however. Remasters look good enough for me. I don't expect a completely new graphics engine. I just want them to remove blurriness, improve textures, shorten load times, and improve gameplay through framerate and such. I think people make themselves disappointed when they expect a whole new game when they buy a remaster.

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Some developers are just lazy and seem to never truly invest much in their engines. Like Telltale Games, who's engine doesn't work on ANY platform (PC is just as bad as consoles). Bethesda's engine is very old so it's showing its age very badly, but the problem always was how RAM intense it is, causing the PS3 versions of their games to be, well, crap. 


On to the original subject, however. Remasters look good enough for me. I don't expect a completely new graphics engine. I just want them to remove blurriness, improve textures, shorten load times, and improve gameplay through framerate and such. I think people make themselves disappointed when they expect a whole new game when they buy a remaster.

completely agree on everything that you said!

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The biggest reason for the lack of backwards compatibility is to keep the price down. They'd have to include the PS3 hardware into the PS4


Which is not true of course. Just look at how MS handles things with X1/X360 "backwards compatibility". This is exemplary.


Sony should do the same with PS3/PS2/PS1 games, add trophy patches to all games that don't include trophy sets and have the user pay a small fee for the patch.

Truth is, theyre short-sighted, money-hungry gluttons.

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Which is not true of course. Just look at how MS handles things with X1/X360 "backwards compatibility". This is exemplary.


Sony should do the same with PS3/PS2/PS1 games, add trophy patches to all games that don't include trophy sets and have the user pay a small fee for the patch.

Truth is, theyre short-sighted, money-hungry gluttons.

and then you will get thousands of people complaining about that "small fee to pay" and that it isn't totally free, the same way i've seen on some achievements forums about xbox users complaining to microsoft as to why they don't do the same thing sony did with gta 3 and vice city (among other ps2 games) and release them with "achievements".


truth is you can't please everyone. i would call sony all the things that you call them if this ps2 games were just simple ports with nothing added and with the same price, but the thing is they include trophies/platinums, upgraded 1080p resolution, second screen capabilities, streaming, remote play, etc so there was actually an effort to improve them, and that effort cost money to do, even things like remote play needs to be implemented and tested manually before releasing them with the game, they don't start working perfectly automatically.

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I see the most difference in the clothing textures and the facial detail in the character models. The lighting looks improved as well!


This is great because I've always liked Heavy Rain, It was probably the 5th game I got for my PS3 back in 2011. Can't wait to purchase this version.

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Which is not true of course. Just look at how MS handles things with X1/X360 "backwards compatibility". This is exemplary.


Sony should do the same with PS3/PS2/PS1 games, add trophy patches to all games that don't include trophy sets and have the user pay a small fee for the patch.

Truth is, theyre short-sighted, money-hungry gluttons.

The architecture of the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One are both PC-based, so backwards compatibility can easily be software emulated. The PS3's cell architecture was anything but that, with the PS4 being very much like a PC again. This is why software emulation would have to be replaced with hardware emulation to make it remotely feasible, which is expensive.


I agree that the way Microsoft has been handling this generation is exemplary. Sony is getting over confident, which in the end will be their downfall just like it was on PS3. Backwards compatibility with PS2 games would definitely be possible through software, but they wouldn't have trophies or anything optimized simply due to the fact that emulation is just that; emulation. These re-releases are actually tinkered with to include all these new features, though the only ones that benefit seem to be trophy hunters. 90% of the PS4 users don't give a shit about trophies anyway, so I imagine they'd love to just use their old PS2 copies.

Edited by Paige-ID
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Sony is getting over confident, which in the end will be their downfall just like it was on PS3. 90% of the PS4 users don't give a shit about trophies anyway, so I imagine they'd love to just use their old PS2 copies.

i know that you probably didn't mean it that way, but the ps3 only had a rough start when it was released, after a little while (2/3 years i suppose) it begin to quickly earn a large fanbase again, and in the end the ps3 won with the most sales of the two, but only by a small difference (i think it was something like 85 millions xbox 360 sold and 86 millions ps3 sold).


even if sony might not be the best at servers, BC, and all the other negative stuff you can find on them at least they know how to create amazing and critical acclaimed exclusives and in the end that's what the majority of gamers wants in a console, i think because of the great and influential games the ps3 left behind last gen like uncharted (which was the game that influenced the tomb raider reboot and its sequel), the last of us (one of the most award winning game of all time, nearly 300 GOTYs earned, and a clearly influence for games like revelations 2, the evil within, the maggie movie with arnold, etc), heavy rain (the game that popularized the "choice based game" genre which was later adopted by telltale games, life is strange, until dawn, etc) that's why the ps4 started with a lot of popularity, even if the xbox one had a decent marketing at the start i truly believe the ps4 would still be ahead of sales, because people who plays on both consoles and pc knows that the majority of xbox's games eventually comes to pc while playstation first party exclusives always stays on playstation, and i think that's another selling point for it.


and this gen the ps4 also started with some well received exclusives like bloodborne (92+ on metacritic) and until dawn (who even made it to the youtube's top 10 list of most watched games from last year), and we have yet to receive uncharted 4, the last guardian, dreams, detroit become human, the ff7 remake which the ps4 gets first, shenmue 3 which will not be available for xbox at least for now, etc.


personally i think the best thing about sony was always the superiority of their exclusives compared to other consoles, and no i'm not saying that only playstation has good games, but they surely know how to make them.


and yes you are right the majority of gamers might not care about trophies, but at least it seems that the ps2 games available on ps4 are performing well at sales, so personally i hope they keep releasing more of them.

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i know that you probably didn't mean it that way, but the ps3 only had a rough start when it was released, after a little while (2/3 years i suppose) it begin to quickly earn a large fanbase again, and in the end the ps3 won with the most sales of the two, but only by a small difference (i think it was something like 85 millions xbox 360 sold and 86 millions ps3 sold).


even if sony might not be the best at servers, BC, and all the other negative stuff you can find on them at least they know how to create amazing and critical acclaimed exclusives and in the end that's what the majority of gamers wants in a console, i think because of the great and influential games the ps3 left behind last gen like uncharted (which was the game that influenced the tomb raider reboot and its sequel), the last of us (one of the most award winning game of all time, nearly 300 GOTYs earned, and a clearly influence for games like revelations 2, the evil within, the maggie movie with arnold, etc), heavy rain (the game that popularized the "choice based game" genre which was later adopted by telltale games, life is strange, until dawn, etc) that's why the ps4 started with a lot of popularity, even if the xbox one had a decent marketing at the start i truly believe the ps4 would still be ahead of sales, because people who plays on both consoles and pc knows that the majority of xbox's games eventually comes to pc while playstation first party exclusives always stays on playstation, and i think that's another selling point for it.


and this gen the ps4 also started with some well received exclusives like bloodborne (92+ on metacritic) and until dawn (who even made it to the youtube's top 10 list of most watched games from last year), and we have yet to receive uncharted 4, the last guardian, dreams, detroit become human, the ff7 remake which the ps4 gets first, shenmue 3 which will not be available for xbox at least for now, etc.


personally i think the best thing about sony was always the superiority of their exclusives compared to other consoles, and no i'm not saying that only playstation has good games, but they surely know how to make them.


and yes you are right the majority of gamers might not care about trophies, but at least it seems that the ps2 games available on ps4 are performing well at sales, so personally i hope they keep releasing more of them.

I meant the launch of the PS3, yes. It seems that whichever company does really well at first gets cocky and then takes their success for granted. The PS2 was great, so they got cocky with the PS3. Then they did everything they could to please customers and make them come back to Sony after Xbox took the lead, including the launch of the PS4. Now Microsoft is doing a Sony by doing whatever they can to make people switch back to Xbox. It's like a cycle.


Sony's products are great. They now have to keep the momentum going and not take their customers as fools.


By the way, I prefer the re-release versions of PS2 games over emulation. I have a PS2 that I can use if I want, and some games like Dark Cloud 2 can easily run you $50+ if you buy them today, while it's only $15 on PSN. (I think?) I do hope they release more because I haven't heard of new announcements for a while now.

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